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Red Dead Redemption 2 is, quite simply, the greatest achievement in gaming, and possibly the best game ever made

Blood Borne

i am playing it right now for the first time, i am simply in - fucking - awe
the characters, the graphics, the VA, the open world, the story (so far) how the fuck did they manage to craft this for current gen consoles i'll never wrap my head around it
this could change the more i play, but right now, this is already in my top 5 games of all time, might even go for the platinum trophy for this one
This is bait.


I wouldn’t go quite that far in my praise, but I really did love it and rate it as one of my all time favorites for sure.

Just meshes with the way my gaming tastes have evolved as I’ve gotten older. I more often just want to veg out, relax and far lost in a virtual world and soak up the atmosphere, enjoy the story, lore and characters etc. I still mix in some pure gameplay focused stuff, but I rarely want to play things that are very difficult or have a lot of complex systems etc.

RDR2 was great for just getting lost in the Wild West and I loved the characters and story.


Loved it, finished it twice on Xbox and then on PC.

really absolutely hated the input lag and the annoyance of picking up items...


Superb game, but I have to disagree. They should have cut probably 30% of the game and I would be closer to agreeing. It overstated its welcome.


What time is it?
I fell off after a few hours. It's just not fun. The control scheme reminds of the wonk we saw in the PS2 era before standardization set in for FPS and TPS.


It has one of the most beautifully crafted open worlds ever and the story has some very memorable and moving moments . But its also quite tedious and monotonous at times and the controls are extremely clunky,


It is in the TOP3. It could have been even better if Rockstar allowed players more freedom and agency in their main missions, but it is still brilliant regardless.


Technically it's a very accomplished game, there's no denying that. Impressive graphics, animations, etc.

When it comes to the other departments, though, I found it terrible. It's just so... BORING. Boring gameplay, boring dialogues, boring pacing, boring side missions, boring automated shooting. It tries so hard to be a Western Simulator instead of just trying to be a GAME first and foremost. You have to constantly be monitoring and maintaining everything: your provisions, your crib, your health and stamina, your horse's health and stamina, your weapons, your ammo, your hair, your beard, your outfit, your higiene, your nutrition, your reputation, your interpersonal relations, etc. Fucking hell, I already have enough of that shit in real life, why would I want to also deal with it in my fucking games? Where's the fun factor in that? Am I supposed to be in awe of how "realistic" it is?

It's pretentious to the point of no return.


um, nope.

Plays like a a rockstar game from years ago holding your hand in how it does missions. Also on console at least the delay with lag on controls is a big turn off. The density of the world is what is super impressive.


Technically it's a very accomplished game, there's no denying that. Impressive graphics, animations, etc.

When it comes to the other departments, though, I found it terrible. It's just so... BORING. Boring gameplay, boring dialogues, boring pacing, boring side missions, boring automated shooting. It tries so hard to be a Western Simulator instead of just trying to be a GAME first and foremost. You have to constantly be monitoring and maintaining everything: your provisions, your crib, your health and stamina, your horse's health and stamina, your weapons, your ammo, your hair, your beard, your outfit, your higiene, your nutrition, your reputation, your interpersonal relations, etc. Fucking hell, I already have enough of that shit in real life, why would I want to also deal with it in my fucking games? Where's the fun factor in that? Am I supposed to be in awe of how "realistic" it is?

It's pretentious to the point of no return.
Yeah i agree with most of that.
I dont think they were trying to be pretentious as such though. They just got this idea to make a super realistic, super indepth, wild west simulator, when all people wanted was the next Rockstar game.


Technically I agree, is the best archivement of this gen. Gameplay wise I found it really boring after some hours, but lot of people enjoyed it so I guess is just personal taste as always.


Gold Member
It surely is the biggest technical miracle for the current console generation by a long shot, it shows how much you can achieve with a crapload of well spended money\time\manpower\talent.

People can hate the controls, the shooting (the aim\cover mostly, because hit reaction, ragdoll etc. are top prime tier), the hyper-realism, the shitty mission design and how slow it is at times, but it remains an incredible game with the more believable living breathing open world ever made even with his silly logic flaws sometimes.

General plot is soso but arthur morgan and his story\performance are probably the best we had during this gen in any triple A games.

Eagles in the sky actually hunts rabbits and other small animals on the ground like you see in some documentaries and when you rob someone and they toss you a coin you can actually intercept that single coin with a well placed and timed throwing knife, this is the stupidly insane level of microdetails this game has, and these examples are stuff that 99,99% of players are never gonna notice.
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Gold Member
Lol fuck outta here. Controls like a PS3 game, piss poor gameplay and mission design, story is woeful in places (GUARMA!), launched unbalanced with a broken in-game economy wherein you could have enough money by the end of chapter two to get you through the whole game, game is too easy and doesn't pose a challenge. Not even a top 10 game this gen.
Im with you on every single word you said and i still love the game:ROFLMAO:
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It was my biggest personal gaming disappointment of 2019. Went all out and bought the super duper deluxe edition and literally had to force myself to beat it.


Im with you on every single word you said and i still love the game:ROFLMAO:
With all that I said, I still don't hate it either. Arthur's arc was really phenomenal barring the Guarma section. Don't think I've ever had so much dislike for a character as I had for Micah. Graphics and little details in the game are beautiful too. There's a lot to like and a lot to dislike, sadly.


Gold Member
With all that I said, I still don't hate it either. Arthur's arc was really phenomenal barring the Guarma section. Don't think I've ever had so much dislike for a character as I had for Micah. Graphics and little details in the game are beautiful too. There's a lot to like and a lot to dislike, sadly.
I had far more hate for dutch, micah was too fucking cliche villain with the twirling mustaches rot to the core to be even mad at him, dutch is the real villain and piece of shit.
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Gold Member
Maybe, MAYBE, if it wasnt as clunky to control, and wasnt so overly complicated, and didnt have constant limits on what you can and cant do, forced walking, etc, etc. Yeah maybe then.
The graphics, story, missions, characters, voice acting, all awesome. The gameplay, not so much.
It could easily be my favourite game ever if they didn't botch the gameplay so bad

Boss Mog

A game that I gave up on because it was mostly boring and didn't respect my time. When they patch it with real fast travel maybe I'll revisit it. For me the Red Dead series isn't even close to the GTA series.


So... It's people like you gave Lion King remake it's box office...

What achievement? They more often then not make you fail your mission if u go 10m left or right from tight corridor they allow you to move.

It's scripted, insanely linear with restrictive, half baked gameplay.
And when you play outside story missions... surprise, surprise...open world is just there to find scripted sequences n to look good with no systemic gameplay at all... The only systemic thing in RDR2 is disappointment.

It looks amazing and first half of the story is decently written n that is all there is to this game.
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Jon Neu

OP speaks the truth, by far the biggest and most ambitious game ever created. The attention to detail it's just unparalleled. The story is amazing too and Arthur Morgan is one of the best videogame protagonists ever, if not the best.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I enjoyed it while playing high on weed. Chill game to horse around.

But nah, the game is very good but the gameplay and mission design could be better.


Gold Member
Took me three months to get through the slow introduction, I almost gave up because it was like wading through glue.. But after I finally got through that I found one of my best ever gaming experiences, especially when free roaming not caring about what to do next.

With that said, even if it didn't affect my general feeling about the game, I did kinda "notice" the tank-like controls.. I understand R*'s choice, but surely there could be some kind of optional way to "speed things up a bit"..
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It was my biggest personal gaming disappointment of 2019. Went all out and bought the super duper deluxe edition and literally had to force myself to beat it.
Granted I'm not disappointed, but I actually have the Official Domino's Set. It's nice as fuck, I just don't really know how to play..But my wife knew how much of a fan I was of the series so she got it for me as a gift. Have you tried playing RDR2 on your new GPU? I HATED the console version, but I straight up adore the PC version.
i don't know man. after 20 hours in, i was bored. but consider i had a good time in the first 20h. it still worths the price and hype.
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i am playing it right now for the first time, i am simply in - fucking - awe
the characters, the graphics, the VA, the open world, the story (so far) how the fuck did they manage to craft this for current gen consoles i'll never wrap my head around it
this could change the more i play, but right now, this is already in my top 5 games of all time, might even go for the platinum trophy for this one
I'm with you on this one, OP. Haters gonna say it's fake.
I completely agree. I've been playing games since 1985 so I've seen, played and experienced a lot, and RDR2 is the one I would put atop all others. Up until its release I would not have been able to confidently say that about any game. It wowed me in ways no game ever has, and I find myself thinking about it ever since I beat it. I only wish I could erase my memory of it so I could experience it fresh all over again.

My undisputed GOAT of all games, no doubt about it.


It took me several hours to get into it but when it made click I enjoyed it a lot. Even if somebody (a lot of people in fact) can not like it, it's a truly achievement and a masterpiece.
Play the game as you are controlling a person and not a character. I loved pretty much everything about the game. Literally kept the same horse from beginning to end. Zero horse res either.


Can’t Git Gud
I did finished it but did not liked it. Enjoyed some of the characters and some of graphics but none of the gameplay or story.
It was so extremely boring... And that comes from someone who loves Death Stranding to death and thinks it is not boring at all
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