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Redfall Developer Says They Were Mocked By Other Developers


What did they expect everyone to go round giving high fives and shouting about what a great job they did, thats prob why the game is what it is, sub par development team with managment praising everything they did and then they get in that bubble of there game is amazing


Gold Member
Laughing Out Loud Lol GIF by Minions


Gold Member
i wouldn't be surprised if the dip in quality is due to remote work.

5 year development for this seems measly.

as for the more personal critics like "they deserved it" probably has to do with the game appearing to be woke. but here's the thing if Hogwarts Legacy turned out bad the other camp would be gloating the same, they were ready to do so before that game's release.


‘Now their resumes are tainted lol’ ‘what fucking idiots’
No dev would say that publicly and risk being ostracized by their peers in this industry, especially in the US. So she is definitely lying about these comments being made by devs, unless she is willing to show receipts. Seems to me she tries to get pity points for having worked on a shit game by deflecting stuff to random Twitter users' comments.


voted poster of the decade by bots
This is on Phil for not giving the devs more time.

Gotta rush that game for gamepass.

Right? Because if Gamepass didn't exist, Xbox wouldn't have needed another game due to lack of games lately.........oh wait..........
What an ignorant post.


Hard to Kill
As forum goers for a long time … you guys should know bait when you see it.

That post was made purely for the feedback it is getting so she can play victim.
Then I'd say she will fit perfectly within MS, look at some of their warriors here victimisation seems to be most common trait.


Gold Member
Devs get mocked for making great games, so it’s not exactly surprising is it?

The Office Thank You GIF

And this isn't exclusive to videogames either. Has anyone seen what gets said on sports related social media? It's just people getting trolled/mocked/taken the piss out of all over the place. People make excellent products and get abuse. Successful people get abuse (sometimes more so in particular cases).

I'll roll this out again:


Step one - get the fuck off social media

(If step one is impossible - grow thicker skin, a lot of it)

Step two - live your life

Crying about this after the product that her and her colleagues have just produced is just tone deaf. What did she expect from the modern Internet, a pat on the back and congratulations? Get real.
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They released a game in pre-alpha state, and then they complain that everybody, from gamers to other devs are unhappy with it?
If MS forced them to release it by refusing to delay it, then say it (even if anonymously) and I'm sure everybody will shift most of their criticism towards MS.


Gold Member
They released a game in pre-alpha state, and then they complain that everybody, from gamers to other devs are unhappy with it?
If MS forced them to release it by refusing to delay it, then say it (even if anonymously) and I'm sure everybody will shift most of their criticism towards MS.
Redfall isn't in pre-alpha state. That implies it's still early in the development process. This is the game they built after 5 years of development. Aside from a few technical issues and some bugs this is what they intended to make.


People can be or are shitty. You lose respect from people you looked up to and/or supported more often than you'd think, and twitter (social media in general really) accelerated this process. Especially people you've never actually interacted with but rather kept to a high standard.

Of course this being a part of life in no way excuses the crappy behavior. But yeah, she'll toughen up and learn to avoid certain types.

Fools idol

When studios like Larian, From Software, Naughtydog etc put out consistantly not-fucking-broken products at launch which are being charged full price for and not completly broken, there is little sympathy

It isn't nice to read, but hopefuly this forces studios to push back on unrealsitc timelines and tell publishers to fuck themselves until the game is finished properly. I like many others here I'm sure, am sick to death of paying £70 for games that literally don't work on release day. There is no excuse any more.
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You are working with high performing French developers and you come from a US or Canadian upbringing? Oh well… that will be hard :D.

Anyways, it does suck seeing negativity, a lot of these people could not have done anything about it (like this env artist). Then again in highly successful game everyone shares in the praise… so succeed as a team and fail as a team. I tend not to write developers off because of a single misfire, look at what Avalanche (not the Max Max folks) delivered with Hogwarts: Legacy on so many platforms and how many people just looking at their background would not have given them the time of day?
Oh, so she's the one to blame for the chimneys with rooftop under the hole? Or the same looking trucks all with the same oil puddle under? Or the vehicles that explode after 1 shot through the window?

Maybe the negativity is warranted sometimes :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
Oh, so she's the one to blame for the chimneys with rooftop under the hole? Or the same looking trucks all with the same oil puddle under? Or the vehicles that explode after 1 shot through the window?

Maybe the negativity is warranted sometimes :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I don't think artists are the ones who make things explode when shot.


This always struck me as a game nobody wanted in the first place, so the fact that it arrived in such a sloppy state only compounds the developer's failure imo.

H . R . 2

except it was not a difficult "launch". it was never anything more than an utterly bland and soulless "game" to begin with
that said, that sort of behaviour towards others should not be encouraged if not condoned

The Alien

The narrative surrounding this game is far worse than the actual game.

I've played it with friends. It's fine to pass the time (while.i wait for Remnanr 2!). Its def not great - but I've played far worse games that haven't gotten this much heat.


"did not anticipate my own peers, friends, or colleagues openly mocking and being gleeful of a difficult launch."

Let this be a lesson to EVERYONE in the workforce, no one, and I mean NO ONE, is your friend. 99.99999% of the time they're keeping it cordial and likely talking shit about you to everyone else. All this "be a team" shit is nonsense, short of the military where you're forced into it to not fucking die the moment anything happens you'll see who really cares, and that's not many if at all.

When my husband was hospitalized the amount of people at work who I warned him opening up too, letting borrow or SUV, into our house for dinner, meeting up for drinks were just there because his caring attitude and always being crutch to lean on aren't to be trusted because only a single fucking person showed up for him.

Seriously, keep it cordial and you'll never be surprised at betrayal in the work force.


If the truth is Microsoft rushed this game out the door early because they wanted a big tentpole release - while Arkane was asking for more time - she’ll have my sympathy.

It’s got to suck being shit on by colleague’s, given how terrible AAA is. I’m sure the ones mocking her live in glass houses. It’s not like any of these modern AAA developers are capable of releasing a problem free game.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Oh, so she's the one to blame for the chimneys with rooftop under the hole?

Maybe the negativity is warranted sometimes :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I certainly think "chimney status" ought to be part of the review criteria for games going forward.

I look forward to Digital Foundry headlining their videos with

"Xbox: Clear Flue. PlayStation: Clear Flue. But what's going on with Chimneys on the Switch? 🤷💀💀💀"

"One of the things that I really hope we see on Nintendo's next hardware is a bit more consistency in describing how heating systems will work. Obviously in the Breath of the Wild we saw Link enjoying campfires and some buildings had what appeared to be fully functional chimneys with smoke passing through them, wonderful to see. "

"That's right John, which is why it's all the more disappointing to see multi format games releasing on Switch without the same care and attention"

"I have seen some Nintendo fans say that the chimneys are irrelevant to gameplay, and requires the player to climb areas not intended to be accessed to look at the chimneys and so it's unimportant, but that's not really the point."

"Well, the question is, should we have chimneys at all? It's 2025 now, we all ought to be asking, where are the solar panels, where are the heat pumps?"

"Absolutely, Nintendo completely stuck in the doldrums, non functioning heating systems based on centuries old designs and all rendered at 900p to boot if you choose the 60fps mode."

Mr Moose

I’ve not really seen anyone blame Arkane, most people have pointed as MS being the main reason for it releasing in the state it did. The closest I’ve seen to someone blaming Arkane themselves would be Phil Spencer more or less saying another delay wouldn’t help because the core problem was the game being creatively bankrupt.
I think they are both to blame, it's them that made a shit game. There's only so much delaying you can do.
Love it when gaf defends turds "but...but..shes just a 2D artist..."

Redfall art:





Previous Arkane art:




Good job keyboard warriors, keep up the good work protecting her work of "art". In a non clown world, she would've been fired for whatever the fuck of an abomination artstyle Redfall has. Truly embarrassing. It's not just the team behing the gameplay, everyone who worked on Redfall needs to do better or find other things to do with their life. If this is the kind of quality you forgive then enjoy getting less and less in the future.

The 2D art doesn't even load.


If the truth is Microsoft rushed this game out the door early because they wanted a big tentpole release - while Arkane was asking for more time - she’ll have my sympathy.

It’s got to suck being shit on by colleague’s, given how terrible AAA is. I’m sure the ones mocking her live in glass houses. It’s not like any of these modern AAA developers are capable of releasing a problem free game.
Rushed? Six fucking years.... It that wouldn't be Microsoft or even if MS would be in different situation (they already have problems due to past cancelations) that game would be canceled and studio closed no matter how good their previous games were.

Oh, so she's the one to blame for the chimneys with rooftop under the hole? Or the same looking trucks all with the same oil puddle under? Or the vehicles that explode after 1 shot through the window?

Maybe the negativity is warranted sometimes :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Every chimney in gaming have rooftop under it. That's how objects in games are build. Do you really think that somoen will model inside of chimney and add it to every building in game? All chimneys I saw in Redfall were covered (like actual chimneys), so that screen could actually be bug in data streaming (i for example had bunch of invisible shelves in game)


I have absolutely no problem with devs being critical or even mean spirited in talking about redfall. Be happy another studio failed; I don't give a shit.

But don't make it personal. Saying things like I hope that ruins their rep is fucked up unless you have personal beef with an individual.


Gold Member
I have absolutely no problem with devs being critical or even mean spirited in talking about redfall. Be happy another studio failed; I don't give a shit.

But don't make it personal. Saying things like I hope that ruins their rep is fucked up unless you have personal beef with an individual.

This didn't happen. Just look at the quotes she posted. This is random Twitter shit, not a real post by actual (known) developers.


When you release a product to the public, they are going to give an option. Harsh and hurtful criticism sucks, but you can let it break you down, or build you up. Let the hate be fuel for your fire to do better.


Zenimax originally wanted the game, Microsoft didn,t want to change it, and Arkane are being made to make MP games when it's not what they are good at, it was highly unlikely to ever work, of course she can't exactly blame the higher ups, she'd get fired, let Arkane do what they are good at, and for other dev's to be happy about their failure, shows how much they envy them


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Oh, so she's the one to blame for the chimneys with rooftop under the hole? Or the same looking trucks all with the same oil puddle under? Or the vehicles that explode after 1 shot through the window?

Maybe the negativity is warranted sometimes :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I guess you either believe in building teams or not :D.
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Harvey Smith, the director of Redfall, was already talking about moving on to a different project after Redfall months before release. By all reports, Arkane Austin immediately moved on to their next game after launch, leaving another studio to fix Redfall.Redfall was obviously a passion less project from the top down.

Fuck people who are mocking anyone but leadership at Arkane Austin. But I'm guessing they are mocking the leadership at Arkane Austin and Bethesda for doing such a half assed job. In retrospect, I don't think Microsoft pushed this game to release anymore than Arkane Austin. Which just shows how terrible MS is at managing their own studios that they didn't see this car crash coming from a mile away and step in
This plea for sympathy theme coming from MS and Arkane is just pathetic.

Please tell me in what industry i can completely fuck up my work, act as if i did a great job then move on to the next task with no repercussion?

Ever heard of a plumber coming in after anothers cob job and say "well they tried and did thier best" ? Me either.

If it bothers them that thier work is being critiqued by thier peers maybe they should try harder....


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
This is on Phil for not giving the devs more time.

Gotta rush that game for gamepass.
Time isn't the issue with MS exclusive game development. It's poor leadership and lack of guidance. I am a teacher. You can give certain kids all the time in the world to complete a project and most of them won't put in any effort UNLESS they have proper oversight and are constantly being pushed. You also have those kids who are trying but do indeed need extra time to get it right.

I'm sorry but nothing in MS recent output has suggested that something simple like "giving the devs enough time" would have fixed this. Halo Infinite was delayed a whole year and it was still lukewarm. This is my fear with Starfield. I have long worried that it's a game that is overly ambitious and that it will end up being crushed under it's own weight. Gears and Forza are the exception since both of those of studios had strong figureheads running them. Rodd Fergusson (who is now leading Diablo 4) being the most obvious example.
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