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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Raid mode is ok, but it could be so much better. IMO it has two big problems:

-First, it is way too grindy. Next time I see this mode in a future RE I expect the grind to be more reasonable, or better yet, not there at all (make it purely skill based, no progression systems involved at all)

-And second and most important, the gameplay mechanics are not that great. If Raid mode had RE6 gameplay mechanics it could be amazing, but right now it is being limited by Revelations 2 gameplay, which unfortunately is worse than all three of the mainline action RE games (thankfully it is better than Revelations 1)

I think revelations 2 controls are the best in the series... they are true modern controls with strafe movement and a good camera. The main issue is a lack of combat options and severely limited melee. They need to expand on Rev2 and add more combat options, but I really hope they keep this control style as a base.

I'm a HUGE RE6 fan, but I prefer Rev2 base controls to RE6. I like the strafe controls on the left stick. RE6 feels a little janky the way the characters move/turn and lack the strafe.


I think revelations 2 controls are the best in the series... they are true modern controls with strafe movement and a good camera. The main issue is a lack of combat options and severely limited melee. They need to expand on Rev2 and add more combat options, but I really hope they keep this control style as a base.

I'm a HUGE RE6 fan, but I prefer Rev2 base controls to RE6. I like the strafe controls on the left stick. RE6 feels a little janky the way the characters move/turn and lack the strafe.
Oh sure, I agree the controls feel great (60fps helps a lot) but as I said, the actual gameplay mechanics are not that great (way too limited and lacking variety, like you said) I could understand the limited gameplay mechanics in Rev1, as it was originally a 3DS game, but there's no excuse for this game to have such a limited gameplay.

So yeah, no matter how smooth the controls feel, I would definetly rank Rev2 below RE4,5 and 6, and only above Rev1.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You know it was a real asshole move what they did with parts/weapons in raid and how they make you destroy one or the other.

Such a fucking chore dealing with that.


I honestly enjoyed Rev1 Raid more. There was much less hang around an area and wait for things to spawn in front/behind you, most of the characters had unique melee moves/voice clips when finishing the level, and it just somehow had a greater sense of progression. Destroying weapons to get parts sucks, and the medallion progression system means you see a lot of the same areas again when doing gauntlets as opposed to finishing all of the normal gauntlet before moving over to hard.

On the other hand Rev2 Raid just has more everything. Weapon parts, active and passive skills that can be leveled up and inherited. I haven't finished it yet, so I may be wrong in a few parts, but it's still enjoyable and I can't wait until online opens up.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I honestly enjoyed Rev1 Raid more. There was much less hang around an area and wait for things to spawn in front/behind you, most of the characters had unique melee moves/voice clips when finishing the level, and it just somehow had a greater sense of progression. Destroying weapons to get parts sucks, and the medallion progression system means you see a lot of the same areas again when doing gauntlets as opposed to finishing all of the normal gauntlet before moving over to hard.

On the other hand Rev2 Raid just has more everything. Weapon parts, active and passive skills that can be leveled up and inherited. I haven't finished it yet, so I may be wrong in a few parts, but it's still enjoyable and I can't wait until online opens up.

It will definitely be more fun with friends, but I'm a little worried it'll be too easy. I'm to the point now where the only way the games gives me any trouble is if it gets really ridiculous with stacking status effects on boss enemies. And even then, only sometimes. And I'm really not that good of a player! lol.

Although, I will always for the rest of my life hate hunters. Worst enemies ever.
I think revelations 2 controls are the best in the series... they are true modern controls with strafe movement and a good camera. The main issue is a lack of combat options and severely limited melee. They need to expand on Rev2 and add more combat options, but I really hope they keep this control style as a base.

I'm a HUGE RE6 fan, but I prefer Rev2 base controls to RE6. I like the strafe controls on the left stick. RE6 feels a little janky the way the characters move/turn and lack the strafe.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot strafe isn't on the left stick in RE6...
It will definitely be more fun with friends, but I'm a little worried it'll be too easy. I'm to the point now where the only way the games gives me any trouble is if it gets really ridiculous with stacking status effects on boss enemies. And even then, only sometimes. And I'm really not that good of a player! lol.

Although, I will always for the rest of my life hate hunters. Worst enemies ever.

i havent been scared of a hunter since the directors cut..having huge ass hunters follow and the jump in front of you....i hate it lol.


I honestly enjoyed Rev1 Raid more. There was much less hang around an area and wait for things to spawn in front/behind you, most of the characters had unique melee moves/voice clips when finishing the level, and it just somehow had a greater sense of progression. Destroying weapons to get parts sucks, and the medallion progression system means you see a lot of the same areas again when doing gauntlets as opposed to finishing all of the normal gauntlet before moving over to hard.

On the other hand Rev2 Raid just has more everything. Weapon parts, active and passive skills that can be leveled up and inherited. I haven't finished it yet, so I may be wrong in a few parts, but it's still enjoyable and I can't wait until online opens up.

me too. a lot more actually. its really not quite the same. i wish they didn't change things up as much as they did. i also wish online co-op was in from day 1.

maybe ill get back into it if they add some achievements for the mode, but i haven't put 1/4 of the time into it that i did with Rev 1. disappointing.
Warning Raid Rant...

I think tomorrow's patch and the additional content (stages, modes, events, daily missions, etc) will decide how much I will play this from now on after I get the platinum.

But I can already say I'm not playing and enjoying the Raid Mode in 2 as much as in 1. It's just waaaay too easy and I fear that co-op will just make this even easier. You could very well play it on solo in RER1 but that was challenging and even with a partner it proved to be super challenging specially if you went for all the bonuses. In RER2 a partner is not needed at all. There hasn't been any stage where I've thought "Geez, I would like some help" or "OMG! I can't do this alone at all" but then again I havent played all of code red but it doesnt look like it would be any different.

In Revelations 1 I literally did and got EVERYTHING possible in raid mode and I continued for a while after as well. Ghost Ship added ALOT of replay value and I've played the shit out of that stage and I don't get tired of it at all and I can't believe RER2 doesn't have any level like this or even GS ported. If each character had to be leveled up in RER1 I would've probably done that too (or at least most of them) as each character felt original and they each had their own set of melee and skills that werent interchangable. If you wanted machine gun master or shadow dancer you only had a few characters to choose from. Now when you can give your character all skills possible it can basically become unstoppable and coming across these types of people online will probably be sooooo boring.

If I would want ANYTHING added to this game by now it wouldn't be more costumes, characters, single player , content or original melee for the characters or even Jill's old face and voice... it would be a new difficulty mode that required you to play it tactial and smart... that would somehow strip you away off those OP skills (cloak, rocket, armor, gesticulating, evade cancel etc) and just let you have basic stuff like bombs and parts added to your weapons and just give you more enemies to fight, more types of enemies (from other games since RER2 has like... 6 types of enemies only) and not just make EVERYTHING elemental etc... that's my experience from Code Red it's that 90% of the enemies have 3 type of skills or whatever + an elemental skill. And give me a big ass long level a la Ghost Ship where you test my fucking patience like it originally did.

I just expected way more with Raid in RER2 as it has soooo much potential and unfortunately they didn't deliver.
Not to mention the blue life crystals (and red life crystals if someone actually buys them) kinda makes having herbs pointless. There have times where I died during a mission, but it's been like maybe 3 or 4 times. Have a few close calls other times (including one with the no respawn rule in effect) but never once have I used a herb.

I do find Raid sorta addicting (if only for getting the medallions) but I'm still deciding whether to bother leveling the other characters. And I still haven't equipped any weapon parts. So in a way, Rev 1 Raid is better so far

Do have one nitpick: I'm tired of seeing the RE.Net is unavailable message every time I'm doing Raid. IT'S ALWAYS UNAVAILABLE! Fix that Capcom


PSN is down and I can't load the game....is this an online game only or is there some work around to get this to work offline? All attempts to load says I can't connect to PSN which makes no sense as the game hasn't even loaded the title screen for like 5 mins

Edit: nvm, it can load offline with disabling internet connectivity, but if left on, it'll endlessly try to connect online even if PSN is down.

Why is there no restart button for Raid Mode? They had it on the 3DS on RER1 but removed it on the HD console versions. WHY?

I wanna try to do no damage runs but it's kinda annoying to have to quit and go back to the Raid room and restart mission from there.


Hello. Question about Raid mode.... Can someone please tell me what the criteria is for leveling up your passive and active skills? I'm level 25 with Wesker but all my skills have remained at level 1.

Also how do I unlock Rank 2 in the parts tool box?
Hello. Question about Raid mode.... Can someone please tell me what the criteria is for leveling up your passive and active skills? I'm level 25 with Wesker but all my skills have remained at level 1.

Also how do I unlock Rank 2 in the parts tool box?
Use skill points to level skills. You get them when you level up. To unlock the next level of the toolbox, I believe you need to finish a certain amount of gauntlets.


Raid mode is ok, but it could be so much better. IMO it has two big problems:

-First, it is way too grindy. Next time I see this mode in a future RE I expect the grind to be more reasonable, or better yet, not there at all (make it purely skill based, no progression systems involved at all)

-And second and most important, the gameplay mechanics are not that great. If Raid mode had RE6 gameplay mechanics it could be amazing, but right now it is being limited by Revelations 2 gameplay, which unfortunately is worse than all three mainline action RE games (thankfully it is better than Revelations 1)

I agree with both of your points.

At first I liked Raid, but right now I can say that it's definitely too grindy, especially if you don't want to limit yourself to a single character. You then end up replaying the same levels over and over again with different characters. The problem is those characters don't feel that different from each other. Skills, especially on low level characters (I'm at lvl 14 with few characters now), don't influence the gameplay that much (well, aside from Moira's powerful melee and Wesker's evade cancel), all characters have the same melee (at least from what I saw: Moira and Claire have the same kick, Barry and Neil have the same punch etc.) and you usually equip characters with your best weapons that you are used to - meaning all characters have the same weapons.

Mercenaries in RE4, 5 and 6 at least force you to use certain equipment so you have to change your strategy from time to time (it's different if you have a character with a gun and shotgun, and different when you have one with assault riffle and a sniper). Also every character have a different moveset that also affects the gameplay.

It's still fun to play, but can quickly get tiring.


I was watching the credits in this game yesterday and I saw that the engine used is MT FRAMEWORK.

Remember when Capcom said they were abandoning that engine? I guess it should have been obvious when the Lost Planet taunts were shown but it's nice to see they haven't totally abandoned such an godlike game engine.

Capcom should either license out MT framework like Source or Unreal. Using MT for budget/digital games is just perfect.


I was watching the credits in this game yesterday and I saw that the engine used is MT FRAMEWORK.

Remember when Capcom said they were abandoning that engine? I guess it should have been obvious when the Lost Planet taunts were shown but it's nice to see they haven't totally abandoned such an godlike game engine.

Capcom should either license out MT framework like Source or Unreal. Using MT for budget/digital games is just perfect.

It was known early on that it was MT framework. I guess to go in hand with the budget since no one has any clue what's going on with their new engine. I won't even be surprised if RE7 uses MT framework as well. Though it makes me question the performance we saw in REV2.

Astral Dog

I was watching the credits in this game yesterday and I saw that the engine used is MT FRAMEWORK.

Remember when Capcom said they were abandoning that engine? I guess it should have been obvious when the Lost Planet taunts were shown but it's nice to see they haven't totally abandoned such an godlike game engine.

Capcom should either license out MT framework like Source or Unreal. Using MT for budget/digital games is just perfect.
Capcom didn't exactly said they would drop MT Framework, just that their new Phanta Rei would be used as the "next gen" exclusive engine, with DMC 4 SE, RE1 being upgraded ports, and REV 2 cross gen, it makes sense they would use their already functional game engine

Astral Dog

I finally finished episode 4 yesterday
somewhat mixed on the ending, on one hand Alex design is good, Claire got back, and the last sequence was cool as hell, on the other hand that kind of cheese was already on the whole game, so it wasn't so impactful, and i was expecting more from the ending (and by some comments), also hated the first fight, im not sure how to kill her properly but i never used Natalia so that might had been my fault. also the music was a dissapointment as always, Alex theme should have been better.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I have mixed thoughts on Raid Mode in Revelations 2 compared to one. There are things about it I much prefer, but things I think the first game did much better. Outside of things that others have brought up, I think the single thing I miss the most is something almost no one brings up; the more open levels with different paths and optional areas you could partake in and explore. Most of the stages now feel very linear, probably as most are from RE6. And of course, the game missing an over-arching fun goal, like Ghost Ship, is deeply felt.

But, on the flipside, I do think the character skills is a nice addition (and can be expanded in the future), I actually like the new hub area, I like the bigger variety in enemy buffs and enjoy most of the new enemy buffs, and things like the taunt system, the combat improvements to Revelations 1, and the music, I find to be improvements.
Finally got Chris up to level 99! That took a long flipping time.

Working on leveling up
now. Why has nobody mentioned how hot she is? Because wow prettiest woman in the Resident Evil series for me
sorry Jessica and Rachael, I still love you!

I have mixed thoughts on Raid Mode in Revelations 2 compared to one. There are things about it I much prefer, but things I think the first game did much better. Outside of things that others have brought up, I think the single thing I miss the most is something almost no one brings up; the more open levels with different paths and optional areas you could partake in and explore. Most of the stages now feel very linear, probably as most are from RE6. And of course, the game missing an over-arching fun goal, like Ghost Ship, is deeply felt.

But, on the flipside, I do think the character skills is a nice addition (and can be expanded in the future), I actually like the new hub area, I like the bigger variety in enemy buffs and enjoy most of the new enemy buffs, and things like the taunt system, the combat improvements to Revelations 1, and the music, I find to be improvements.

Yeah, I agree with everything except the music! I absolutely hate the music in this, is there only like 6 tracks for the entire mode?! In RER1 there was at least different music in each stage, even if some were a bit dull (there may have been a couple of stages that shared the same thing, I can't remember, but for the most part it was very varied).


Yeah my books came in!


News Bot

Got my hands on the Japanese file text. The translators dropped the ball a few times.

Neil's personality is warped in the localization. In English he's a zealot follower of Morgan Lansdale and cares only about succeeding for him.

In Japanese, he mentions that he'll kill Alex once he obtains Uroboros from her, and that he feels guilty about betraying his friends but it is necessary to achieve a new world order. He also doesn't mention "the latest incident" (two years before the game) in BIO5. He also mentions that Lansdale was his mentor, which isn't mentioned in English, their relationship is left completely vague.

It really just looks like the translators/English writers thought they should just exaggerate every single character in some way to make them appeal to English audiences, losing most of their personality in the process.

Alex thinks highly of Uroboros in English, but in Japanese she calls it detestable. The files generally look like the translator just took one glance. Alex doesn't call Albert "a fellow Wesker", she is much more personal at all times with him. Her researchers also respect him. Stuart is completely dicked character-wise in the localization, he comes off as an archetypal butler but Alex's researchers put him on equal footing with Alex herself.


Got my hands on the Japanese file text. The translators dropped the ball a few times.

Neil's personality is warped in the localization. In English he's a zealot follower of Morgan Lansdale and cares only about succeeding for him.

In Japanese, he mentions that he'll kill Alex once he obtains Uroboros from her, and that he feels guilty about betraying his friends but it is necessary to achieve a new world order. He also doesn't mention "the latest incident" (two years before the game) in BIO5. He also mentions that Lansdale was his mentor, which isn't mentioned in English, their relationship is left completely vague.

It really just looks like the translators/English writers thought they should just exaggerate every single character in some way to make them appeal to English audiences, losing most of their personality in the process.

Alex thinks highly of Uroboros in English, but in Japanese she calls it detestable. The files generally look like the translator just took one glance. Alex doesn't call Albert "a fellow Wesker", she is much more personal at all times with him. Her researchers also respect him. Stuart is completely dicked character-wise in the localization, he comes off as an archetypal butler but Alex's researchers put him on equal footing with Alex herself.

Wow these seem like pretty big omissions that were shouldn't have been ignored.
Hell they would have helped things out especially with neil.


Is the patch supposed to be coming out at midnight?

I'm hoping it addresses some more performance issues on the PC version because I'd rather not play online while being hampered by tons of stuttering.

Astral Dog

Got my hands on the Japanese file text. The translators dropped the ball a few times.

Neil's personality is warped in the localization. In English he's a zealot follower of Morgan Lansdale and cares only about succeeding for him.

In Japanese, he mentions that he'll kill Alex once he obtains Uroboros from her, and that he feels guilty about betraying his friends but it is necessary to achieve a new world order. He also doesn't mention "the latest incident" (two years before the game) in BIO5. He also mentions that Lansdale was his mentor, which isn't mentioned in English, their relationship is left completely vague.

It really just looks like the translators/English writers thought they should just exaggerate every single character in some way to make them appeal to English audiences, losing most of their personality in the process.

Alex thinks highly of Uroboros in English, but in Japanese she calls it detestable. The files generally look like the translator just took one glance. Alex doesn't call Albert "a fellow Wesker", she is much more personal at all times with him. Her researchers also respect him. Stuart is completely dicked character-wise in the localization, he comes off as an archetypal butler but Alex's researchers put him on equal footing with Alex herself.
Alex does call Uroboros an abomination on the file about Natalia, so thats not completely incorrect, its really interesting (and a bit dissapointing) how many exaggeration and changes there are in the english version, thanks for pointing that out.


I think revelations 2 controls are the best in the series...

I think RE4: Wii edition is still the best simply due to IR aiming. The game felt like it had been designed for the remote all along.

Resident Evil 6 was actually very fluid once you got used to the mechanics, but it was totally inappropriate for a RE game. Revelations does a good job of scaling things back and limiting movement again, but not in a way that feels restrictive.

My favorite thing about this game is the dodge mechanic. It's much simpler than the dodge in RE6, and in some way even feels like a natural extension of the dodge in RE3. It gives you some of the agility from RE6 without clashing with the slower paced horror gameplay.
How do you co-op with a friend? All I see is Random match making...

Edit - Ahh,. it's the blue door to the side. The main red door guys you a quick match option, which put my level 45 Wesker with a level 100 partner three times in a row. lol. I possibly could have been one hit killed too, so thankfully I had a good partner.

Anyway, I'm up for some co-op if anyone else is. PSN - leechaolan

Not Spaceghost


My raid mode load out feels kind of hilarious.

level 95 muramasa with 28000 damage 0.86 fire rate and 12 rounds in the magazine, used as my go to 1-2 hit kill rifle.
two level 95 anti material rifles with 15 capacity and elite killer parts for quick murdering heavies
level 97 assault rifle with a ton of daze and extra pierce for crowd control

Rifle and AR mastery is great for never running out of ammo on my primary and secondary.
Catch me if you can to make evasion more snappy
Evade cancel for hilarity involving the muramasa, since you can cancel out the bolt animation completely with it as well as half the reload animation.
Shield and Health skills for easier time getting the no herb medals on code red.

2 AMR's is just funny to think about.
Oh level 100 is the max, awks. (Only 60 more levels left for the blonde bitchy bae.) Kinda weird how it's so much easier to get skill points at the really high levels. I mean, it's awesome now, but was a slog at the beginning tbh.

Skills are the best part of raid mode. I thinking the katana was kinda overrated until I boosted it with Leon's knife speed skill. Wow, nothing can touch that. Also, I think Neil's auto evade is way underrated, that bad boy has saved me so many times.
Played about 10 matches, online seems to be pretty good. Was wondering if you could even hear another character's ad-libs. Out of the 10 I played with, only one Barry ad-libed a few times.

Me, being Wesker, had to mouth-off quite a bit with "You imbecile!" and "Praise worthy." lol.
Thoughts/impressions on co-op

- Blue door for hosting/joining someone and accept/send invitations

- If you die you can choose to view your partner's point of view

- This update BROKE my skills. I have my evade extension at max but it's not working anymore. I have max Health Up as well but I was dying in only a few hits on recommended levels and couldn't take much damage anymore.

- If you join someone you can only do a mission at their max level even if the recommended level is higher so you can't really boost. My partner chose a level 90 stage but their Chris was at 85 only and I could only go up to level 85 with my level 100 Jill.

- Characters have an extra tone for their voices (it's something inbetween regular and screaming)

- Enemies seem to be at higher levels if you're two players. Not sure though, but we both were 85 at a rec 90 stage and enemies were level 105.

- Quick Match needs to be more balanced. It basically just matches you up with anyone random and doesn't adjust your level. I just played with my level 100 Jill with a level 45 Hunk. Hunk died in a few hits.

- There's no quick mute option. I played a Quick Match with someone that was on their mic blasing music.
A question, if you upgrade your lvl 100 weapon's firepower, does it just scale down to the original firepower if you're trying for a completion medal? Cuz if so I won't waste my gold.

- This update BROKE my skills. I have my evade extension at max but it's not working anymore. I have max Health Up as well but I was dying in only a few hits on recommended levels and couldn't take much damage anymore.

- Characters have an extra tone for their voices (it's something inbetween regular and screaming)

... Uh oh, hopefully that's just a glitch to be patched later and not a deliberate nerf :S

Extra tone? Like for gestures or something?
... Uh oh, hopefully that's just a glitch to be patched later and not a deliberate nerf :S

Extra tone? Like for gestures or something?

That would be stupid to include these skills but then totally deactivate them for co-op but not solo? It's just weird.

Like a tone for their voices. They either say their commands with a regular voice tone (when there are no enemies) or screaming (around enemies) but there's also like... something in between where they're kinda like just talking a bit louder or distressed but I don't know what activates it. I don't know how to explain it. You can hear the differences in campaign as well but I didn't think they would add that to Raid Mode.
Now that raid mode online has launched, if anyone on PS4 is looking for a low level companion, i'm currently just level 7 and am having fun taking the game pretty casually. Hit me up

PSN: jacob_armitage
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