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Reuters: US to change course on Climate Change (pulling out of Paris Agreement)

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Trump has solidified my view that the Boomers really are the worst generation, and Trump is their going away present. Not to say *all* boomers are bad, but it seems like the majority of them are hell bent on burning everything down on their way out.
Same problem in the UK, the masses of ignorant, selfish, gullible boomers made Brexit a reality.


Realistically, are there any sanctions that European countries can place on the US that could actually hurt the US?

Going against climate change is something that affects the whole world. Other developed countries can't just sit idly by while the US works against what they're trying to accomplish.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
America has a responsibilty to oust this man and his cronies. Their actions are affecting that rest of the world.


I feel like a lot of people this election didn't actually realize what a president was capable of. I still remember people saying the president is just some mouthpiece or some crap.

Ha, those were the days
My Father was like that (but Canadian). He's right leaning, but he kept saying that nothing would be different. The weird part is, I really didn't think Trump would have to rely so heavily on executive orders. I assumed the other branches would be more than helpful at exacting his plan. I guess they really are being supportive by not saying shit.


A president has a right to issue EOs
It's up to either the courts to deem them either illegal or unconstitutional in implementation and issue a stay in enforcement, or congress has to pass a bill, then override a likely veto, that contradicts the order, as the law supercedes an EO.
These things take a long time to reverse, which is why the OLC typically vets executive actions.

So the president can enact an EO immediately, that takes a long time to overturn. And there's apparently no limit to how many EOs the president can enact. That seems like a system ripe for abuse.
I guess it's still way too early to hear any public rumblings, but I hope leaders of other countries are quietly laying the groundwork to implement economic sanctions on the US.

And by leaders I mean the EU, China, India, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and whatever other countries in South America, Africa, and Asia that want to join in.

Funky Papa

Musk is basically saying that he wants to remain close to Trump's side because he reacts very adversely to rejection and he prefers to quietly steer him if he has the chance.

That said, his support towards Tillerson for SoS because he's such a great businessman is just mindblowing, if somewhat expected.



Literally this time.

This is the most prophetic meme of all time.
Haaahahha we're all going to die.

Blame the Democrats for running a candidate who ran around the world selling fracking. You know, that horribly toxic process which turns the water flammable! Whoo!

Nah, I think I'm going to blame the people who voted for this, and the people they voted in doing this, thanks. Getting so fucking tired of this shit displacing blame to those who aren't currently doing the thing in question.


The upside is that the rest of the world will keep moving forward with Paris, as are many cities and states in the U.S.

It's bizarre to me that Trump, whose whole platform is all about winning and being #1 in the world against everyone else, is perfectly fine with China taking the lead in a fast-growing segment of the energy industry. This is the argument that Democrats need to be putting forth from now on: why are Donald Trump and the Republican Party perfectly fine with buying Chinese-made solar panels, rather than building our own?

Haaahahha we're all going to die.

Blame the Democrats for running a candidate who ran around the world selling fracking. You know, that horribly toxic process which turns the water flammable! Whoo!

You can thank Obama for consolidating power within the Executive Branch. He created a turnkey tyranny and then tossed it to Trump before jumping on the plane to a private island retreat.

Call me crazy but I think the blame chiefly belongs to Trump and the people who supported him.


My Father was like that (but Canadian). He's right leaning, but he kept saying that nothing would be different. The weird part is, I really didn't think Trump would have to rely so heavily on executive orders. I assumed the other branches would be more than helpful at exacting his plan. I guess they really are being supportive by not saying shit.

Trump can rely on executive orders because we've normalized the process during the last 16 years. Now, each side just assumes the other will continue to promulgate EOs from their "side." The increasing size of the federal government, and Congress' increasing delegation of authority to executive agencies only exacerbates the issue.
"Don't worry, our environment getting fucked up will just motivate people and spur the left-wing revolution we've all been waiting for!"

"That's why I totally did the brave and most correct thing by attacking other liberals and refusing to vote. Yep."


Elon Musk is kissing Trump's ass right now. He can go fuck himself. Opportunistic piece of shit.

How is Elon Musk kissing his ass? He is in two of the Trump's councils, where he can influence Trump to make better decisions. Would you rather have that Trump's councils would be full of fossil fuel hacks instead of people like Musk? None of those councils would be better of if Musk was replaced with someone else.

probably disappointed as I am, I didn't know he supported Trump

Based on what?


keep your strippers out of my American football
No, the poster is right. Even though Clinton had more voters, a large percentage of eligible voters didn't vote when they had the chance. And they are just as responsible for this as Trump voters.

So much time is spent on placing blame. I don't care about blame right now, I care about what do we do now.


Musk is basically saying that he wants to remain close to Trump's side because he reacts very adversely to rejection and he prefers to quietly steer him if he has the chance.

That said, his support towards Tillerson for SoS because he's such a great businessman is just mindblowing, if not very unexpected.

I think Musk and others corporate executives trying to "advise" Trump are wasting their time. Why would he listen? Trump's understanding of economics is clearly tenuous at best.
Even if Trump's actions somehow would boost the US economy for short term, it will be ruined in long term more likely.

That said, i'm not surprised. It is pretty clear most people with money stop seeing anything but money and even that only in short term.
Haaahahha we're all going to die.

Blame the Democrats for running a candidate who ran around the world selling fracking. You know, that horribly toxic process which turns the water flammable! Whoo!

Nah I'll blame the America voters and non-voters because Satan himself has a good chance of winning as long as he has a (R) next to his name.


Does the Paris Agreement completely fall apart without the US involved, then? Like, if we vote out this piece of shit in 4 years, can we join back in? Or does it just not exist then?


Realistically, are there any sanctions that European countries can place on the US that could actually hurt the US?

Going against climate change is something that affects the whole world. Other developed countries can't just sit idly by while the US works against what they're trying to accomplish.

Based on pulling out of this, not really. The Paris Agreement was kind of a Gentleman's Agreement.


I guess it's still way too early to hear any public rumblings, but I hope leaders of other countries are quietly laying the groundwork to implement economic sanctions on the US.
That's probably not going to happen, but could you even imagine the tension it would add if say the EU was negotiating with China in prep for just that.


probably disappointed as I am, I didn't know he supported Trump

He isn't a Trump supporter, he spoke out against Trump and in favor of Hillary during the campaign. But Trump also called on him to be one of his economic advisers, and as long as Musk has his ear, he's going to take advantage of it. The Times reported last week that at Trump's meeting with a bunch of CEOs, Musk broached the idea of a carbon tax with Trump and he didn't dismiss it.

Trump seems to be a fan of Musk, and as long as that rapport exists, Musk would be foolish not to use it if it means pulling Trump in the direction of solar, EVs, and a possible carbon tax.


probably disappointed as I am, I didn't know he supported Trump

Most execs are libertarians at heart, if not outright conservatives. So to them, Trump is not the worse option out there. They might mask it by justifying their presence as a way to work and advise but they don't have any major issues with him until it impacts their bottom line.


He isn't a Trump supporter, he spoke out against Trump and in favor of Hillary during the campaign. But Trump also called on him to be one of his economic advisers, and as long as Musk has his ear, he's going to take advantage of it. The Times reported last week that at Trump's meeting with a bunch of CEOs, Musk broached the idea of a carbon tax with Trump and he didn't dismiss it.

Trump seems to be a fan of Musk, and as long as that rapport exists, Musk would be foolish not to use it if it means pulling Trump in the direction of solar, EVs, and a possible carbon tax.

ok, but I don't think it is working though with the US pulling out of the Paris Agreement


Junior, please.
And all his friends will make even more money. Great.

Exactly. It really is all about making as much money as they can for themselves while they're still alive, and fuck everyone who wants / needs to live in the world once they're gone. They don't even think about what they're leaving behind for their children and their ancestors.

Our leaders should be stewards of the environment, but they all seem to be sociopaths. This should be a serious crime tantamount to mass murder.
Does the Paris Agreement completely fall apart without the US involved, then? Like, if we vote out this piece of shit in 4 years, can we join back in? Or does it just not exist then?

Either it collapses, or another major player (eg China) steps up and leads.
The problem with the US leaving is it's likely to cause other nations to exit in the name of competitive self-destruction.
America not helping changes the formula to the point where I wouldn't blame other nations for deeming it not worth it to pursue.
The upside is that the rest of the world will keep moving forward with Paris, as are many cities and states in the U.S.

It's bizarre to me that Trump, whose whole platform is all about winning and being #1 in the world against everyone else, is perfectly fine with China taking the lead in a fast-growing segment of the energy industry. This is the argument that Democrats need to be putting forth from now on: why are Donald Trump and the Republican Party perfectly fine with buying Chinese-made solar panels, rather than building our own?

Because that's not really his platform. It's always been about making as much money as possible for him and all his friends. He doesn't really care about America being #1. He cares about getting his.


Either it collapses, or another major player (eg China) steps up and leads.
The problem with the US leaving is it's likely to cause other nations to exit in the name of competitive self-destruction.

Maybe the silver lining will be Trump's mission to tank all of our foreign trading. Perhaps people will stop relying on the US to buy and sell.


I love how people are defending Musk with that bullshit "it's good he has Trump's ear" defense, in a thread about pulling out of the climate agreement, mind you.
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