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Rock Band 4 announced for PS4 and Xbox One


It could be true but it just seems bizarre that they would license music videos and somehow not license master recordings of the songs.

Two probable reasons:

1. $$$. Cheaper to get a lossless fully mixed track than to get stems and mix them yourself to fit the game audio (and possibly sync w/ the video).
2. No master tracks available for the song (or music video audio) in question.


It may be because I don't have an Xbox One, but I can buy 360 content just fine using prepaid cards. I just bought a batch of DLC yesterday via that method.
Interesting. Just to clarify, you are able to buy XBox 360 content on the xbox.com marketplace just fine with money in your Microsoft wallet? Because I can buy XBox 360 content on the XBox 360 console just fine, it's just xbox.com marketplace where I can only use my credit card. There are just times (like right now, when I'm at work) that I'm away from my XBox 360 but find a few Rock Band songs I want to get but I can't because I only want to use my Microsoft wallet money.


Really hope we get some news on the RB3 export soon. So many songs I love trapped on that disc at the moment. Would also love it if licensing issues will now allow the 5 lost disc songs to return as DLC some day - Heir Kommt Alex, Rock N Roll Star, Battery, Let There Be Rock and Any Way You Want It. Love to play all 5 of those but don't want to pull out RB1/2 just to do it
Unfortuately, the most definitive news I have seen either way about the Rock Band 3 export is Nick Chester posting in this very thread saying a RB3 export is "currently not in their plans" whereas their FAQ kept saying more vague things like "check back for more news on this at some point". I am totally with you though. There are at least 10-15 songs I would HATE to lose from that on-disc set-list even without keys/pro-keys/pro-guitar/pro-bass. I just hope we in the community are making enough noise about it to get Harmonix to realize it would be worth their time to at least look into it.
Interesting. Just to clarify, you are able to buy XBox 360 content on the xbox.com marketplace just fine with money in your Microsoft wallet? Because I can buy XBox 360 content on the XBox 360 console just fine, it's just xbox.com marketplace where I can only use my credit card. There are just times (like right now, when I'm at work) that I'm away from my XBox 360 but find a few Rock Band songs I want to get but I can't because I only want to use my Microsoft wallet money.

I don't think I've ever bought DLC through the website.
Somebody really wants HMX and RB to succeed

Game Informer said:
Filings with the SEC have revealed that Harmonix has recently received a $15 million investment. Those responsible for the influx of equity funding have chosen not to disclose their identities, though.

The filing lists that a group of 14 investors has made possible the funding, which comes just a month before the release of Rock Band 4. Harmonix is headed into a battle of the bands, as Activision is also bringing back its console music series with Guitar Hero Live.


Any word on where/when one could pick up the Legacy Adapter? This is from Mad Catz site:

Question: Can I buy the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the Rock Band 4 software?

Answer: We currently do not have plans to sell the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the game software, but this may change in the future.
- See more at: http://madcatz.com/rock-band-4-faqs/#sthash.kyrftmlR.dpuf

I'm planning a party and need this information soon.
More money to bait Zep and Floyd with.
What if
Zep and Floyd made the donation?

Any word on where/when one could pick up the Legacy Adapter? This is from Mad Catz site:

Question: Can I buy the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the Rock Band 4 software?

Answer: We currently do not have plans to sell the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the game software, but this may change in the future.
- See more at: http://madcatz.com/rock-band-4-faqs/#sthash.kyrftmlR.dpuf

I'm planning a party and need this information soon.

As of right now, this is your only option


Have they said anything about when we can expect DLC to come over? I've never been huge on the default tracklists in these games, and the only thing that'll get me to pick up 4 is being able to play the songs I bought.

Also, does the new solo system work with older instruments too? I assume so, but you never know. I use a RB2(?) start if it matters
Have they said anything about when we can expect DLC to come over? I've never been huge on the default tracklists in these games, and the only thing that'll get me to pick up 4 is being able to play the songs I bought.

Also, does the new solo system work with older instruments too? I assume so, but you never know. I use a RB2(?) start if it matters

They said a while back that they trying to get as much old DLC ready for launch as possible. They haven't given any sort of timeline yet, though.


Any word on where/when one could pick up the Legacy Adapter? This is from Mad Catz site:

Question: Can I buy the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the Rock Band 4 software?

Answer: We currently do not have plans to sell the Legacy Game Controller Adapter separately from the game software, but this may change in the future.
- See more at: http://madcatz.com/rock-band-4-faqs/#sthash.kyrftmlR.dpuf

I'm planning a party and need this information soon.

Harmonix is saying it should be available at launch (just not from the Mad Catz site apparently based on that FAQ) and more info "soon".


just scanned through the wiki for RB songs and bought 20 tracks for $30. Also had forgotten I already had the Billy Joel pack so that's a bonus. And confirmed I had the RB1 export key and I think I've exported RB2. So just waiting to see what they do with RB3.
just scanned through the wiki for RB songs and bought 20 tracks for $30. Also had forgotten I already had the Billy Joel pack so that's a bonus. And confirmed I had the RB1 export key and I think I've exported RB2. So just waiting to see what they do with RB3.
Where can I see which songs are available for purchase on the psn website? I searched for "rock band" and only got 24 results.


Welp, my discounted madcatz preorder was cancelled. The dream is dead.

Same. Not surprised.

Back to waiting for legacy adapter info.

They did give a 30% off code for anything in-stock (excluding fightsticks), so pretty much useless to me. Whatever though.


Unfortuately, the most definitive news I have seen either way about the Rock Band 3 export is Nick Chester posting in this very thread saying a RB3 export is "currently not in their plans" whereas their FAQ kept saying more vague things like "check back for more news on this at some point". I am totally with you though. There are at least 10-15 songs I would HATE to lose from that on-disc set-list even without keys/pro-keys/pro-guitar/pro-bass. I just hope we in the community are making enough noise about it to get Harmonix to realize it would be worth their time to at least look into it.

Just got this response to a tweet from a few hours ago:


If you want the Rock Band 3 export then everyone should let them know. The more interest and pressure from fans, the more likely they are to make this happen (I hope)!


Same. Not surprised.

Back to waiting for legacy adapter info.

They did give a 30% off code for anything in-stock (excluding fightsticks), so pretty much useless to me. Whatever though.
When does that code expire? Would it not be worth saving until Rock Band 4 band bundle IS in stock/released?


my mad catz order cancelled as well. 30% off is nice, but they have absolutely nothing else I would want to spend money on. what a shame.
$15 million seems paltry when I can remember the day just Harmonix's CEOs got a bonus of $150 million*, but I guess the times have changed. Hopefully it helps

*which they then distributed amongst the staff cause they're nice guys


my mad catz order cancelled as well. 30% off is nice, but they have absolutely nothing else I would want to spend money on. what a shame.

I'm not even bothered one bit. I would have cancelled those as well if I were them. It was a goof, and they probably can't afford that kind of hit. They didn't need to give anything, really. I kinda felt guilty about the order, but figured they'd be aware and would cancel unless they were adamant on keeping them.
Based on hints given in the trailer, I feel confident about Imagine Dragons, Gin Blossoms, and Strays Cats/Brian Setzer.

There's also a good chance that Everybody Talks and/or The One I Love will be in that last batch.


A+, bought.

Rock This Town should be doable. The masters showed up in BandFuse, and the song's appeared in both BandFuse and Rocksmith, so it's not like Setzer's opposed to licensing it.

I don't think Bandfuse uses stemmed masters, though. Rocksmith definitely doesn't. So the stems might not be available.

IIRC Africa might not have usable stems either.


So, anyone got predictions for the last dozen or so songs left to announce? I have a sneaking suspicion we may see an on-disk Coheed song! Been 3 games since the band had an on-disk track. My money would be on "Domino The Destitute".

Also kind of hoping "Blinded By The Light" & "Africa" are in there somewhere too! Oh and "Wonderboy"!

I've been wanting Wonderboy available in RB for a long time. It's a far more interesting and better song to play than Tribute, but since tribute is the bigger song we get to have that one fourteen times :\


Playing Lego RB for some of the trophies I'm missing as an excuse to try out some of the songs I just bought while they're still cheap. The expert guitar chart for Come As You Are (Live) was so fun to play. Kicking myself for not grabbing it earlier!

Edit: is there a reason there's no Springsteen in Rock Band, besides GH licensing a few songs years back? Would kill for some of his stuff. Still gutted they never did a live version of Thunder Road when we had keys in RB3


I don't think Bandfuse uses stemmed masters, though. Rocksmith definitely doesn't. So the stems might not be available.

IIRC Africa might not have usable stems either.

Also, Rocksmith didn't get the original Stay Cats version of Rock This Town. It was a rerecorded version from Brian Setzer.


Edit: is there a reason there's no Springsteen in Rock Band, besides GH licensing a few songs years back? Would kill for some of his stuff. Still gutted they never did a live version of Thunder Road when we had keys in RB3

It was because GH signed him as an exclusive. Although with Aerosmith and now Van Halen exclusivity obviously not re-upped (and they had entire games!), there's a good chance Springsteen would now be available. But you never know which ones got renewed until they appear in another game..


I don't think Bandfuse uses stemmed masters, though. Rocksmith definitely doesn't. So the stems might not be available.

IIRC Africa might not have usable stems either.

It does, it faded the guitar track away as you upped the difficulty. I also know their filesystem pretty well since I tried to reverse engineer it. Can guarantee it used masters.

It did use the same rerecord Rocksmith did, however.


Neo Member
i still cant wrap my head around the fact that i am totally boned as an Xbox One Gamer,,,

the Band in a box does not come with a legacy adapter, and nor do the wired instruments work ( drumkits and those drumrockers from ION)

so i like drumming for most part,, but i only have wireless guitars so i would need to buy the game and legacy controller which is 90 euros in the netherlands,, plus i need the band in a box kit, cuz i like drumming and singing to. and that one is priced 300 euros,

i am so destroyed by the fact i just cannot buy the band in a box and a adapter,,, cause they dont plan to release it separately ....

i just cant wrap my head around the fact that as a loyal costumer of 1500 songs i am left in the dark on the instrument side :*( sorry for the poor english,,, its late in here haha


I microwave steaks.

I always said that if I ever won the lottery, I'd donate a percentage to harmonix. Really cool that there are some hardcore fans out there with a lot of cash.

They said a while back that they trying to get as much old DLC ready for launch as possible. They haven't given any sort of timeline yet, though.

man, I have mountains of dlc. I'm going be downloading songs for hours.

I decided to upload my road crew application, it's pretty rough. If you guys need any inspiration just look at my video and say you can do better than that!

I always said that if I ever won the lottery, I'd donate a percentage to harmonix. Really cool that there are some hardcore fans out there with a lot of cash.
Lol I mean it would be cool if they were just fans but they are probably just investors who think RB has a chance of being a big success... Or HMX has something else in the works that someone really likes.
I know it's old news but I just found out that my wired instruments won't work with the adapter. I was excited to play Rockband again but I can't justify the costs to buy the new band bundle and definitely don't have the space to add more plastic instruments to the house.

the wurm

Neo Member
Prediction time.

Born Cages - Don't Look Back

This isn't a song that I desire to have in rock band but more of what I predict might be in the final setlist. It's a relatively new band from the east coast with a catchy yet somewhat unknown song which is right up HMX's alley in terms of song selections when it comes to modern music.

As for the song itself it's on the border of overly catchy for my taste but I think that it would translate to being super fun to play in terms of charting/gameplay.


So right now the only way to get the Xbox adapter is to get the game bundle? It really doesn't come with the $250 bundle? That's insane if true. Is the game bundle retail or digital? What about the $250 bundle? I'd highly prefer digital for this game for easy access, since it's a game I'd never need to sell.

I'm probably going to buy the big bundle since I only have RB1 drums which won't work with RB4 no matter what correct? Hopefully I can sell the guitar since it looks like it's the same as the previous models, and most likely not very good.


The only confirmed way to get the adapter as of today, September 9th, is in the adapter/game bundle.

They do intend to release it standalone, just like they intend to release standalone instruments, but there are no guarantees any of it will be at launch (likely the adapter is, in some capacity, to support digital downloads, while instruments will [probably?] be 2016).
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