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Senators on hot mic: Trump is ‘crazy,’ ‘I’m worried’



Senators on hot mic: Trump is ‘crazy,' ‘I'm worried'

At the end of a Senate subcommittee hearing on Tuesday morning, Chairman Susan Collins (R-Maine) didn't switch off her microphone. Apparently speaking to Sen. Jack Reed (R.I.), the ranking Democrat of the committee, Collins discussed the federal budget — and President Trump's lack of familiarity with the details of governing.

After Reed praises Collins's handling of the hearing, held by the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, she laments the administration's handling of spending.

”I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was ‘grant,' they just X it out," Collins says. ”With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It's just incredibly irresponsible."

Yes," Reed replies. ”I think — I think he's crazy," apparently referring to the president. ”I mean, I don't say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy."

”I'm worried," Collins replies.

”Oof," Reed continues. ”You know, this thing — if we don't get a budget deal, we're going to be paralyzed."

”I know," Collins replies.

”[Department of Defense] is going to be paralyzed, everybody is going to be paralyzed," Reed says.

”I don't think he knows there is a [Budget Control Act] or anything," Collins says, referring to a 2011 law that defines the budget process.

”He was down at the Ford commissioning," Reed says, referring to President Trump's weekend event launching a new aircraft carrier, ”saying, ‘I want them to pass my budget.' Okay, so we give him $54 billion and then we take it away across the board which would cause chaos."

”Right," Collins replies.

”It's just — and he hasn't — not one word about the budget. Not one word about the debt ceiling," Reed says.

”Good point," Collins replies.

”You've got [Budget Director Mick] Mulvaney saying we're going to put in all sorts of stuff like a border wall. Then you've got [Treasury Secretary Steve] Mnuchin saying it's got to be clean," Reed continues. ”We're going to be back in September, and, you know, you're going to have crazy people in the House."

In a more salacious part of what was recorded, Collins then addressed a radio interview in which Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) suggested that if Collins were a man, he'd have challenged her to a duel for opposing the Senate Republicans' Obamacare overhaul bill.

”Did you see the one who challenged me to a duel?" Collins asks.

”I know," Reed replies. ”Trust me. Do you know why he challenged you to a duel? ‘Cause you could beat the s— out of him."

”Well, he's huge," Collins replies. ”And he — I don't mean to be unkind, but he's so unattractive it's unbelievable."

”Did you see the picture of him in his pajamas next to this Playboy bunny?" she continues, referring to an infamous photo of Farenthold, below.

At that point, the mic went dead.

Audio of this at the link above

link to this story on The Hill if the Post locks you out:
Anyone still want to claim that this is all part of some grand strategy by Trump? Because I need a good laugh while our government goes to shit.


so, when the mics are hot like this, who hears it? Does it get recorded automatically, and then transcribed later? or did some rando happen to catch this and report on it?


”I know," Reed replies. ”Trust me. Do you know why he challenged you to a duel? ‘Cause you could beat the s— out of him."

”Well, he's huge," Collins replies. ”And he — I don't mean to be unkind, but he's so unattractive it's unbelievable."

”Did you see the picture of him in his pajamas next to this Playboy bunny?" she continues, referring to an infamous photo of Farenthold, below."

so basically a tldr on the neogaf thread


I mean damn she didn't really say anything scandalous. Still I bet Trump is going to lose his shit over this. Pissed off toddler tweet storm incomming
so, when the mics are hot like this, who hears it? Does it get recorded automatically, and then transcribed later? or did some rando happen to catch this and report on it?

Usually the sound guy has everything recording. Dunno the context, but if it was televised, etc. they record it to rebroadcast later.

And people say he is playing 4d chess. No he is just plain old stupid. Dude is playing 4d Hungry Hungry hippos.

Nope no way

Republicans dont get to distance themselves from this

They put this clown in power

Time to own it



And people say he is playing 4d chess. No he is just plain old stupid. Dude is playing 4d Hungry Hungry hippos.

At least we have confirmation that:

A) He doesn't read or understand a fucking thing.
B) People in his own party are actually questioning his sanity.

So, while their electorate is a fucking lost cause at least there are some people who realize what a doucher he is.
I don't know anything about these two before this conversation but god damn I love them already.

”Trust me. Do you know why he challenged you to a duel? ‘Cause you could beat the s— out of him."

At least we have confirmation that:
B) People in his own party are actually questioning his sanity.

Just a quick point here: the Democrat called him crazy. The lady R didn't seem to overtly disagree but she didn't agree either.


Maybe they should have spoken up during the election. It's been painfully obvious for years during the primaries and presidential campaign that Trump is crazy and clueless.
Trump gonna be mad.

Nah, given the way he treated Cristie, I don't think even being his personal lapdog will save this corpulent fuck from his scorn. He can't resist the urge to bully someone obviously weaker than himself to feel more important and accepted.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Collins is my favorites Republican. Before that it was the chick from Florida who retired recently. GOP women seem to be the only honest brokers.
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