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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


gun control is the most pointless political argument you can have post-trump. SCOTUS will be majority conservative for the next 30 years at least, so forget about anything reasonable getting past the courts.
gun control is the most pointless political argument you can have post-trump. SCOTUS will be majority conservative for the next 30 years at least, so forget about anything reasonable getting past the courts.

The court as of current is basically 4-4-1 in terms of decisions.

Unless you have future visions and can see when the next justices die/retire.


1) I don't own any guns, I said I have experience with them.

2) Buying multiple handguns is far more expansive than buying current high-cap magazines. I don't understand what your point is with buying multiple handguns.

And yes, I understand that most gun deaths are from handguns and not mass-shootings. Which is why I mentioned banning all semi-auto weapons as a possibility, which include practically all handguns.

Ah, Sorry about that, mistook you for a gun owner against gun ban.

2. My point was buying multiple handguns could skirt any magazine restrictions, even if less efficient. It would be more expensive, but handguns aren't that cheap.

Okay, then upon reading this post I believe we agree on most of it.

It wasn't even a random stadium or baseball practice? Someone straight up aimed for the republicans. People are getting fed up and the crazies are going to start coming out of the woodwork.



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
gun control is the most pointless political argument you can have post-trump. SCOTUS will be majority conservative for the next 30 years at least, so forget about anything reasonable getting past the courts.

how is it pointless? We already have background checks for some guns. Making it for all guns should not get overturned by the supreme court.


Ironic that some of the same politicians who did nothing to improve American gun safety after Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot and 6 people were killed in 2011 were the victims of gun violence today.


God this thread is a bunch of garbage

"You take away everything from someone and this is how they react!"

We know nothing about the shooter yet, at all.

It reminds me of the things I've heard after the Quebec City mosque shooting: "This is what happen when the government and media are pushing multiculturalism and islam down our throat. People pushed to the brink will revolt".

This time, it's the other side saying the same dumb thing, even if we know nothing about the shooter and the victims.

Also, fuck Kelly Ann Conway and anyone trying to pin this on the opposite side.

It wasn't even a random stadium or baseball practice? Someone straight up aimed for the republicans. People are getting fed up and the crazies are going to start coming out of the woodwork.


No, the person who asked about the players' party affiliation is different from the actual shooter. Don't spread this stuff, even unwittingly.

I hope Scalise and everyone else shot will be okay. :(


Ironic that some of the same politicians who did nothing to improve American gun safety after Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot and 6 people were killed in 2011 were the victims of gun violence today.

If only there was something these Republican turds could've done.


Junior Member
Bullshit already being spread by the white house.

As @AlanMCole notes, Jeff Duncan says the man who asked him about party affiliation was in running clothes, Flake says shooter wore jeans.



She really shouldn't be spreading this bullshit.


Junior Member
Even if the shooter did ask about the political affiliation of the people on the field, he could be an angry Trumper who is lashing out about the Russia hearings. We don't know enough about the situation yet.
I'm going to wait and not try to guess on a motive. Last time this happened I was sure it was some Republican asshole that tried to kill Gabby Giffords. Turned out to just be a guy with extremely severe schizophrenia.
Fear, pain, and sadness are felt by all people regardless of their political views. I don't have to agree—or even like—someone's viewpoints to feel empathy for something terrible they have experienced.

I want a better country and I don't think some twisted form of schadenfreude is going to get us there.

There are some ugly responses in this thread. It makes me think about the words of Cory Booker: we need some "courageous empathy" in this country.


They can blame it on the dems if they want. You know how you stop those snowflakes? Stricter gun laws, nationwide. Snowflakes wont know what hit em.


Everyday that I read the news, the appeal of becoming a hermit increases, isolated and away from all the madness in the world.

Hopefully all those injured recover fully.


Signing away millions of lives with the stroke of a pen vs. taking out a few with a trigger. Both wrong, but I feel one causes more harm than the other.
No, the person who asked about the players' party affiliation is different from the actual shooter. Don't spread this stuff, even unwittingly.

I hope Scalise and everyone else shot will be okay. :(
I never read about that so I didn't assume the suspect was asking anything. Frankly, if I were going to target a GOP baseball practice I'd probably scope the place out, study faces and do what I had to do instead of running around asking for political affiliations like a super obvious weirdo. I figured the suspect did just that.
Per usual, I can't help myself from looking at comments from far right sites:
The only logical response is to close the (d) loophole, and require 100% (d) registration. We need a bill that requires any (d), or (d) leaning person to be registered with federal and local authorities, fingerprinted, psychologically evaluated, and have their home and property open at any and all times to search by any gruberment agency. Violent alt left fascist control is an idea whose time has more than come. As a civilized people we must act.

This is the level of partisanship we're dealing with in America.


Patrick is a historian that focuses on the fall of Roman society, he always has very poignant and historically based observations.



Per usual, I can't help myself from looking at comments from far right sites:

This is the level of partisanship we're dealing with in America.

And somehow, these dirtbag Republicans foment this shit and we're supposed to care about theirs getting fucking shot? Lol
Conway doing the dumb shit she is doing here about this situation on Twitter is infinitely more damaging than anything posters here are doing, btw.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Signing away millions of lives with the stroke of a pen vs. taking out a few with a trigger. Both wrong, but I feel one causes more harm than the other.
So this would be considered acceptable justification to you?? Why do people have to be so stupid?


This was expected really. Did anyone think that in this political climate that congressman wouldn't be targeted at some point? I thought it would happen sooner.
She really shouldn't be spreading this bullshit.

What do you think she's paid to do?

if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.

This isn't a bad point. At some point, the question becomes "When does violence actually become the answer?" Because there is always a point that it does, counter to what some believe.


if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.


Blah blah gun control, blah blah mental health. I come not to expect anything in the way of progress.

So personally, it's become diffcult to care when these things happen. To think this could have been prevented, but party before country politics, sucks but shrugs.


if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.

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