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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


gun control is the most pointless political argument you can have post-trump. SCOTUS will be majority conservative for the next 30 years at least, so forget about anything reasonable getting past the courts.

Yep. Dems should just abandon it all together, complete non-starter.

On topic, I hope everyone is okay... It's a sad day when these become regular occurrences, but here we are.


if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.



literally 10 minutes after that ezra klein tweet:


that man is such a fucking idiot[/QUOTE]

There's a difference between concepts of violence in abstract like a bill leading to health care losses, and the kind of violence of politicians being killed in the streets. I think America should be greatful that people in office aren't being regularly targeted for assassination like in some places.
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers

Does that even mean anything anymore? It's like saying bless you now.

"Shooting spree in Dallas"
"Thoughts and prayers"


if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.

This Comment!

The spineless hugging of even the most despicable of people for the sake of political correctness these days is just plain wrong..


What? I don't even...
Not sure what's hard to understand. Legislation that leads to millions suffering or dying is pretty bad. Just because the GOP doesn't go door to door with guns shooting people doesn't mean their actions won't cause people to die. They are just using a legal way to murder people.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
New witness on Fox News who "Knows Guns" said the suspect was using an AK47 type of weapon (curved magazine, definitely a Kalashnikov) and not a AR15. He claims he did not know if it was fully automatic or not. He was in the YMCA. Shooter was between 55-65 years of age.


There's a difference between concepts of violence in abstract like a bill leading to health care losses, and the kind of violence of politicians being killed in the streets. I think America should be greatful that people in office aren't being regularly targeted for assassination like in some places.

there's only a difference because propagating that perception benefits those in power

practically speaking scalise and his GOP caucus are a bunch of murderers
This was expected really. Did anyone think that in this political climate that congressman wouldn't be targeted at some point? I thought it would happen sooner.

This is what I came in here to say. We've been trending in this direction for a while. And I expect it to get worse if our polarized political environment doesn't change for the better soon.

The Supreme Court doing something about political gerrymandering has to happen. They have to act against the egregious abuse of political power if we want to avoid the dark future that looms before us.


There's a difference between concepts of violence in abstract like a bill leading to health care losses, and the kind of violence of politicians being killed in the streets. I think America should be greatful that people in office aren't being regularly targeted for assassination like in some places.

people have literally said they will die if they take away Obamacare, but okay
if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.
I agree with this.
if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.

Pretty much.
All I can say is that I hope this doesn't kick off a cycle of politically motivated violence, emphasis on cycle. This violence doesn't cut one way and if it feels validating in a partisan way, a response will feel equally validating to the other side.


There's a difference between concepts of violence in abstract like a bill leading to health care losses, and the kind of violence of politicians being killed in the streets. I think America should be greatful that people in office aren't being regularly targeted for assassination like in some places.
The main difference is that you're not killing specific people, just people that fit a set of criteria. It's not personal, not in that direction at least. That doesn't really make it better though, just a different flavour of fucked up.


Can we not talk about common sense gun control now? When will be the time? How much more of this do we have to take? Enough.

I hope everyone recovers.


I'm going to avoid any discussion regarding this incident, is bound to get very ugly, hope everyone is safe and well.


New witness on Fox News who "Knows Guns" said the suspect was using an AK47 type of weapon (curved magazine, definitely a Kalashnikov) and not a AR15. He claims he did not know if it was fully automatic or not. He was in the YMCA. Shooter was between 55-65 years of age.

55-65? Aren't people that usually commit mass shootings younger? Seems kinda old to be doing this, going to be really interesting finding out his motive.


Wish them all well. Hope this is a wake up call for them how blatantly evil they are and how despicable it is to rip healthcare from other dying people.
Can we not talk about common sense gun control now? When will be the time? How much more of this do we have to take? Enough.

I hope everyone recovers.

Well we had kids get blown away multiple times in the last two decades.

Now some congressmen were targeted.

Maybe if the kids had parents in congress something might have happened.
Are we really there yet?

Nope. But within 10 years time, this won't be the only area where we are "there". If Americans think Europe is the only place terrorist attacks on basic society will happen, they've got another thing coming. And the poor and the rich will be at war as well, just as the current crazies in government want it.


Can we not talk about common sense control now? When will be the time? How much more of this do we have to take? Enough.

I hope everyone recovers.

We won't have common sense controls. Ever. The right will find their way to wiggle out of everything because people by and large don't understand statistical mitigation or have basic information literacy. We see it right in this thread. Someone dismisses any gun control because this may have been an M4 and that's illegal already.
What do you think she's paid to do?

This isn't a bad point. At some point, the question becomes "When does violence actually become the answer?" Because there is always a point that it does, counter to what some believe.

Exactly. When you start to run out of options on how to stop your country from being run into the ground by a party that cares nothing about or for you, what choice would you be left with at the end of the day when you live in a country that potentially could be one where it's more likely to get a handgun than a medical procedure to save your life?
Although I don't personally believe violence is the answer, I feel that Republican leadership is doing everything they can to remove all other answers from the equation.


Yeah, 2017 is now 1932 and rando maniac is now the Iron Front

If you aren't the one at risk of being harmed, exponentially, I mean this is an easy take to make.

Try being black, disabled, indigenous, gay, transgendered, muslim....

and if you are any of those things, I'm glad your privilege gives you such a safety blanket


Extreme partisanship leads to this sort of thing. Of course the right is too busy blaming liberal inspired violence and the left is too busy insinuating that the GOP deserves it. Of course those who claim to be in the middle are shit on by both sides. Never mind people were harmed today, it's more important to make political points. So everybody just doubles down on their extremism and things continue to erode.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
55-65? Aren't people that usually commit mass shootings younger? Seems kinda old to be doing this, going to be really interesting finding out his motive.

Multiple people have said he was between late 40-60 so I think that may be the case.
there's only a difference because propagating that perception benefits those in power

practically speaking scalise and his GOP caucus are a bunch of murderers

Would you extend this same line of thought to those in power who voted to authorize force in Iraq, including but not limited to a certain Senator from New York? Support for which policies, specifically, deserve physical violence visited upon the politicians? Would you say "meh, can't work up any sympathy" if Dem reps Collin Peterson, Stephen Lynch, Dan Lipinski, or any of the other Ds who voted against the ACA had their heads blown off? Do you think President Obama getting shot wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket compared to those who died directly due to his policies?
All I can say is that I hope this doesn't kick off a cycle of politically motivated violence, emphasis on cycle. This violence doesn't cut one way and if it feels validating in a partisan way, a response will feel equally validating to the other side.

Of course it doesn't cut one way, violence begets violence. My hope is that it will provide additional motivation for the Supreme Court to rule against partisan gerrymandering.
Can we not talk about common sense gun control now? When will be the time? How much more of this do we have to take? Enough.

I hope everyone recovers.

It's toxic. GOP are experts at messaging so if you even suggest some basic reforms, you're labeled as someone wanting to round up everyone with guns to take them away. Outside of deep blue areas, it basically is a political death sentence. That ends up dominating the conversation and the other person is stuck on the defensive.

GOP does not care about high school students getting shot down. They don't care about children getting blown away. They don't even care about a black man using a BLM protest as cover and shooting down police officers. They don't care about a fellow congresswoman and others being shot in the face. They will defend the 2nd Amendment to the death, but shit on the 1st, 4th, 5th, and others no problem. They like their toys. They like the fantasy idea that they will be in a situation where they'll have to shoot someone down as they're committing some hypothetical crime.

This is the GOP and all that they stand for.


Would you extend this same line of thought to those in power who voted to authorize force in Iraq, including but not limited to a certain Senator from New York? Support for which policies, specifically, deserve physical violence visited upon the politicians? Would you say "meh, can't work up any sympathy" if Dem reps Collin Peterson, Stephen Lynch, Dan Lipinski, or any of the other Ds who voted against the ACA had their heads blown off? Do you think President Obama getting shot wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket compared to those who died directly due to his policies?

check my post history if you think i'm trying to defend democrats here. the overwhelming majority of america's national political class has blood on their hands.


if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.

This. Except for the fact that I do advocate for violence against oppressors.
if you're a person affected by the white nationalist policy effected by these congressmen, at what point are you obligated to feel sorrow for their misfortune? If this was 1938 and it was Reinhard Heydrich, am I supposed to feel sorry?

And no, that's not advocating for violence, but I'm not gonna get browbeaten into feeling sorry for people who actively seek to harm millions of people on the basis of bigotry and prejudice.


Fuck these guys. Not only do I not feel sorry for them, but if we had any sense, Americans would storm the Capitol and drag most politicians out of there, line them up on Constitution Ave and make them available for people to whip them in public.

These are truly awful, greedy, wretched human beings. Their words and actions prove it. If you forget that because you're compelled by the lies about a united America and working together, even as they introduce laws to make millions of lives miserable, that's on you.
I think America should be greatful that people in office aren't being regularly targeted for assassination like in some places.
They... are, though? Like, almost every president since JFK was killed has been the target of a plotted or attempted assassination. Same is true for George Wallace and Ted Kennedy. Throw in Moscone/Milk, Vance, Roll/Giffords...

Like, just a couple of years back a state senator died in a politically motivated racist killing in Charleston.

America should not be grateful. It is an exceptionally violent and dangerous country among OECD nations.
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