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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
If politically motivated this would seem like cries of years of the GOP dismantling the social safety net and finally coming to pass with the recent healthcare shenanigans.

It’s a huge if and I’m in no way condoning violence, but just look at history? You can’t fuck with people long enough before they start getting violent.

Again, not condoning violence and I hope everyone recovers, but we really need to start thinking macro perspective politically and the party in power today does not.
exactly. My wife is a psychologist and she said this after Trump was elected and all the talk about removing Obama care. People with no jobs or severely under paying jobs and no Healthcare become very desperate.




For once, Trump did not immediately put his foot in his mouth with his statement, at least.


CBS now reporting 5 people were hit. 50+ shots fired.


From NYT: Member of Congress Reportedly Shot at Baseball Field in Virginia
Joseph Miscavige, who was at the Y.M.C.A. at the time of the shooting, said he saw victims being taken away by ambulances. He said the shooting happened around 7:20 a.m. and that the gunman opened fire on the field, where a baseball team was practicing.

About 50 shots were fired, congressional sources said.

Active shooter situation during this mornings trip to the Y. Terrifying. Am ok. Sheltered in place & under lockdown.

— Joseph Miscavige‏ (@JoeMiscavige) June 14, 2017



I really want to know how the GOP will respond to this shooting especially if it is confirmed not to be targeted.

Do you talk about gun laws? I'm willing to bet they will say the "radical Left" orchestrated this attack.

Eh... I have a hard time believing it wasn't targeted. The guy just happened to be there?

I do hope the police officers make a recovery.
Horrible and I hope everyone recovers smoothly...

...but for God's sake, read the room people. At a time when Congress is widely considered to be apathetic and impotent at best, and wholly corrupt at worst, spending time on recreation in plain public view is a stupid idea.

Will be interesting to see how the GOP responds to this politically, but in any event I hope everybody injured is able to recover.


It was a charity game of politicians and aides that was manned by the captiol police.

It's more that I'm curious how that was promoted such that someone could wander up and ask that question - how the person in question knew it was a political charity game but not to the extent of knowing which party is participating.


.@RandPaul, a witness of shooting, tells @MSNBC "everyone would have died" if Scalese, leadership member w extra security, hadn't been there


That is fucking scary to think about.
Hey Rand, it seems to be a politically motivated attack hence why the shooter was asking what party people were affiliated with. Let's not start beating the "let's give everyone a gun" drum so soon. You don't even know if there would have been an attack if politicians weren't there.
For once, Trump did not immediately put his foot in his mouth with his statement, at least.

Well its likely written by a staffer so that helps.

I really don't have much to say as to the shooting itself right now, not until we have more information. I hope that no one dies.


Hope everyone is ok, will no doubt raise more questions about gun control but now isn't the time for all that noise.


This is terrible. I hope the aide that got hit pulls through and has a swift recovery.

My thoughts and prayers go out for Scalise.
ill echo the "the fuck you think is going to happen?" line to these people. you take away everything from people and they literally have nothing to lose. look back at any time in history and the response to a government bordering on literally killing its citizens is never ever a peaceful one.

i don't condone it one bit, but logically speaking it's an unfortunate but very predictable outcome for where things are headed. especially people in Congress acting and behaving like they live in an ivory tower immune to the plebs of society. they are not immortal or inaccessible and too bad it takes tragedies like this for some to remember that


I can tell you with great surety that this statement does not actually come from Trump

Oh, I know. But his lack of action also is an avoidance of him putting his foot in his mouth. I fully expect there to be a speech about how there needs to be guns everywhere to prevent this and that the democrats are terrorists.


It's more that I'm curious how that was promoted such that someone could wander up and ask that question - how the person in question knew it was a political charity game but not to the extent of knowing which party is participating.

It sounds like it was after the game and people were getting ready to leave. It was a Dem v GOP game. I've heard of them before and I'm not in the area so I assume it's pretty publicized, especially locally


Beat EviLore at pool.
Hey Rand, it seems to be a politically motivated attack hence why the shooter was asking what party people were affiliated with. Let's not start beating the "let's give everyone a gun" drum so soon. You don't even know if there would have been an attack if politicians weren't there.

He was just saying with the majority whip was not there no cops would be there in the first place. He would have been dead and others.

It sounds like it was after the game and people were getting ready to leave. It was a Dem v GOP game. I've heard of them before and I'm not in the area so I assume it's pretty publicized, especially locally

It was pratice.


You might want to open a history book sometime. The resolution to a large number of issues either came because someone was shot or through shooting people.

I wouldn't say the resolution to many situations, but violence (war, assassinations, revolutions) has often been an answer/kindling that eventually results in diplomacy and resolution to an event.


Damn, this sucks. If this was a targeted attack on the GOP though, then it's not really surprising. You can only fuck with the rights and livelihood of the general populace for so long before people snap. I'm absolutely 100% not condoning this attack though. Just saying that it really super isn't surprising.


Are people cheering this unaware that they're the same as the GOP Rep cheering a suicide bombing because it happened against Iran?


people thinking this could lead to more gun control are delusional

this will only lead to more monitoring of civilians


They/Them A-10 Warthog
50 shots and nobody dead tells me 2 things; Either this shooter had no idea how to shoot, or they didn't want to actually kill anyone.

An AR15 is an extremely accurate hunting rifle that fires a .233/5.56 bullet. 50 shots would be a mag dump + 20 shots (possibly a drum mag?).

Even an average shooter (like myself) with an ar15 can put one in the chest at 100-200 yards.

What I am saying is thankfully this person was inexperienced, or unwilling to kill, because 50 rounds could have lead to multiple fatalities. Hope those injured pull through ok.
Sucks they got shot.
Sucks they dont listen to their constituents and are heading towards murdering thousands with the healthcare law.



Well, this certainly is going to make political discourse worse, even if it's not politically motivated. Hope no one is seriously injured.
It's more that I'm curious how that was promoted such that someone could wander up and ask that question - how the person in question knew it was a political charity game but not to the extent of knowing which party is participating.

If he'd been planning the attack for some time, he may have seen this as a golden opportunity, and walked over to confirm that he was hitting the "right" people before presumably grabbing the gun from his car or a nearby hiding place.

Hey Rand, it seems to be a politically motivated attack hence why the shooter was asking what party people were affiliated with. Let's not start beating the "let's give everyone a gun" drum so soon. You don't even know if there would have been an attack if politicians weren't there.

I don't think it's an absurd statement to suggest that it would have been an open slaughter without security and capital police already on sight. That's not the same thing as saying "maybe if all the players were armed this wouldn't have happened."

If there were no political fatalities the security detail did an amazing job. The cops put their lives on the line and should definitely be commended and mourned.
Our country is so divided among partisan lines that this couldn't be simply a shooting at a baseball practice, but they specifically HOP one.

Are people cheering this unaware that they're the same as the GOP Rep cheering a suicide bombing because it happened against Iran?

I only recall one poster "cheering" while other posters expressing their lack of sympathy. I think it is important not to conflate people cheering or justifying an attack with people not feeling sympathetic for a victim of an attack.

Also I purposefully said, "a victim" because there are multiple victims from the reported stories. No one is expressing lack of sympathy towards others that were harmed.
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