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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


Are people cheering this unaware that they're the same as the GOP Rep cheering a suicide bombing because it happened against Iran?

Can you quote/point the people cheering this? Listen man, there is a difference between understanding cause of extreme actions like this and full on being for it. I am not for something like this, but I find it hard to sympathize since I would of likely been one to be kicked off health insurance if GOP got their way.

Once they sympathize with 20 million people they were willing to let lose health insurance, I will sympathize when some angry person decides to kill them for it.


In case you are wondering who to blame, check Twitter. Apparently, "the media" caused this to happen.

Yeah. Expect this to be the line going forward. As mentioned before, I hope it doesn't cause some type of bill to try to pass that cracks down on media criticizing Trump & the Republican administration.


Neo Member
This has to be politically motivated...to much of a coincidence otherwise.

Wait till some of the Draconian measures (like healthcare) the GOP plans to implement start taking effect. In a country where its easier to get a gun then to vote the GOP will have millions of desperate people armed to the teeth to worry about.

NH Apache

50 bullets really isn't that many if you're a gun aficionado with that kind of weapon. I think it was targeted, but that's less ammunition than you think.

It's a miracle that more people weren't hurt. 50 bullets is really significant and it is extremely poor shooting/luck that only three people were hit.

Edit: 50 in a rifle is a lot.


Our country is so divided among partisan lines that this couldn't be simply a shooting at a baseball practice, but they specifically HOP one.


Oh how it is insane how fucked up this whole thing is

That events like this are so common in the States that terms like 'regular mass shooting' appear at all.


It is America so it could just be a run of the mill public shooting.

No. It was politically motivated. One of the people leaving said the person identified as the shooter asked if it were Democrats or Republicans on the field. Now it's possible he the shooter would've opened fire either way but I think that's unlikely.
This has to be politically motivated...to much of a coincidence otherwise.

Wait till some of the Draconian measures (like healthcare) the GOP plans to implement start taking effect. In a country where its easier to get a gun then to vote the GOP will have millions of desperate people armed to the teeth to worry about.
I mean if I had to wildly speculate, and if what Mo Brooks said is true—that the shooter asked whether the players were Republicans or Democrats before opening fire—my guess would be the shooter is someone badly affected by the AHCA.

Is this the Reichstag fire event the left has been foreshadowing since the election?


May I have a cookie?
50 shots and nobody dead tells me 2 things; Either this shooter had no idea how to shoot, or they didn't want to actually kill anyone.

An AR15 is an extremely accurate hunting rifle that fires a .233/5.56 bullet. 50 shots would be a mag dump + 20 shots (possibly a drum mag?).

Even an average shooter (like myself) with an ar15 can put one in the chest at 100-200 yards.

What I am saying is thankfully this person was inexperienced, or unwilling to kill, because 50 rounds could have lead to multiple fatalities. Hope those injured pull through ok.

We need to know a bit more before coming to such conclusions. How far was the shooter? What kind of sights was he using? What were the conditions around him during the shooting?

50 rounds fired doesn't mean 50 carefully placed shots on unsuspecting targets. That number could be closer to 5 in a realistic scenario.


50 shots and nobody dead tells me 2 things; Either this shooter had no idea how to shoot, or they didn't want to actually kill anyone.

An AR15 is an extremely accurate hunting rifle that fires a .233/5.56 bullet. 50 shots would be a mag dump + 20 shots (possibly a drum mag?).

Even an average shooter (like myself) with an ar15 can put one in the chest at 100-200 yards.

What I am saying is thankfully this person was inexperienced, or unwilling to kill, because 50 rounds could have lead to multiple fatalities. Hope those injured pull through ok.

I am going to assume he was really only after that congressman until details say otherwise and was unwilling to kill others. I could be completely wrong of course, but that is what I am assuming since as you pointed out, he could have killed/injured many more people if it wasn't targeted.


This doesn't surprise me. In fact, I see more tragedies like this occurring as the GOP continue to fuck with people's health care. But again, this isn't the way to solve anything. Vote these monsters out of office.
I'm gonna echo the people who said this was tragic, but inevitable. The GOP are slowly day by day pushing the common people into a really tight corner with their horrible laws and as the saying goes, put someone in a corner, they'll come out swinging.


It's stupid to say he "deserved" this because Republicans can mobilize crazy and armed people about a thousand times better now that there is a martyr and threat involved.


So, what I'm wondering is, if the argument is to be made that the guy would've killed everyone had there not been armed guards there... Why is he in custody without being injured?


Water is not wet!
No. It was politically motivated. One of the people leaving said the person identified as the shooter asked if it were Democrats or Republicans on the field. Now it's possible he the shooter would've opened fire either way but I think that's unlikely.

ive seen comments about how someone asked who was on the field but havent seen that the person asking was identified as the shooter.
lots of fucking weird justifications for human beings being shot and potentially killed here without

1. knowing motive
2. knowing anything
3. any semblance of human decency.

I hope a lot of you know you sound just like the people who said giffords deserved it. its pretty pathetic how partisan some of you are while claiming to not be.
It's stupid to say he "deserved" this because Republicans can mobilize crazy and armed people about a thousand times better now that there is a martyr and threat involved.
Maybe that was the point.

The GOP needs to be brought to task through the courts and elections, not by bullets. I'm glad that no one was killed, I hope that doesn't change and everyone injured makes a full recovery.


I believe the 'twist' being referenced is that of Scalise, a white supremacist, being saved from a white shooter by a black guy
I got that part, just I wouldn't be surprised if this was a civilian. White supremacy or not, the African American in a position to do something I'd hope they would do it.


I imagine this will join school shootings as a common occurrence in America, especially if the GOP wrecks the lives of millions.


This is going to end up being one of those graveyard threads isn't it?

Good on the police for getting him into custody before he could kill anyone.


I'm glad nobody was killed at least. It does make me worry if this is a harbinger of things to come though, or worse, the beginning of tit for tat violence once Fox News and Easy D begin selling their narrative.
It's stupid to say he "deserved" this because Republicans can mobilize crazy and armed people about a thousand times better now that there is a martyr and threat involved.

I agree with your thought, but I think you have an underlying implication that the shooter is/was not a Republican. I'm not quite sure that is true, and I would not be shocked if the shooter does lean Right. People still got shot but I don't think mobilizing a base of radicals is the absolute next step until more information is revealed.
Is this the Reichstag fire event the left has been foreshadowing since the election?

oh shit he's on to us!



Water is not wet!
I imagine this will join school shootings as a common occurrence in America, especially if the GOP wrecks the lives of millions.

i dont think this shooting in particular will spark anything off. id say once deranged people notice that social media provides endless soft target opportunities and we have a couple massacres things will change. Something like that is coming though.
The GOP needs to be brought to task through the courts and elections, not by bullets. I'm glad that no one was killed, I hope that doesn't change and everyone injured makes a full recovery.

Exactly. The best hope, strictly politically, is this is a guy with a Republican voting background.

Even then, you can guess what the narrative will be. I do think this might lead to less rights for the media, or at least the attempt. Because you know that is and will be the narrative from the far right, and guess who really controls the people in power right now?

Just to be absolutely clear: this sort of thing can't happen and I don't advocate for it.
No, it wasn't till after his presidency that he supported gun control, and it was mostly due to his wife.


21 years before his presidency ended, he said:

wiki said:
Governor Ronald Reagan was present when the protesters arrived and later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will." In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act "would work no hardship on the honest citizen."


I agree with your thought, but I think you have an underlying implication that the shooter is/was not a Republican. I'm not quite sure that is true, and I would not be shocked if the shooter does lean Right.

Similar occurances have happened before where right wing militants have been spun as left wing loons. In any case, it's not like it's hard to sell a narrative on some random lunatic.


I'm glad nobody was killed at least. It does make me worry if this is a harbinger of things to come though, or worse, the beginning of tit for tat violence once Fox News and Easy D begin selling their narrative.
Not that I expect more from Trump, but if he co-opts this to push partisan bullshit that will be geuinely dangerous and I hope it doesn't happen. I can't imagine the GOP, at least in Congress, Will leap to use this as a cudgel against anyone against them. Giffords set the example in how to handle this.
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