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Sony Interactive Entertainment has included “Windows PC” in a game listing on their website.


It's not a Sony game

True, but lots of PS4 exclusives this gen were from third parties developers and were considered to be amongst it's greatest games: Persona 5, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, Death Stranding etc. Many of those have already been ported to other systems (including previously console exclusives such as Nier Automata going to Xbox), and the rest likely will get ported in good time. I doubt we will be seeing as many such games being exclusive on the PS5.

Also, Phil and others in Xbox who advocated porting exclusives to PC (assuming that Phil did support it), must be feeling pretty vindicated right now, what with Halo's stellar sales and Sony (seemingly) following suit. Like any big decision, there must have been plenty of naysayers in MS at the time. It'll be interesting to see how the new approach to "exclusives" affects next gen console sales (not a huge amount, I will guess).


congrats on buying a brand new PC. The difficult is usually in playing on an older system get back to us in 5-10 years when your drivers are busted and you need the next Windows but can’t upgrade to it until you upgrade your hardware.
Can you explain what this means?

I have to upgrade my PC in 10 years to play the newest games? Uh, ok? You need to buy a new console to play the newest games as well.
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Now the pressure is on Nintendo for first party, also third party atlus. They are the last two that still refuse to release games on PC. These moves should boost sale for super high end graphics card because now gamers would be more content on just getting PC. Didn’t that guy durante start a PC port studio? He’s gonna earning loads of money for Pc ports, what a huge timing for him.


Actually, what #Phonepunk# #Phonepunk# said isn't accurate.

There are in fact PC modders who are crazy enough to help create patches to run newer games on outdated PC.

Like take Doom 3, which came out in 2004 but has been patched to run on a 1999 Voodoo 2 graphics card.

Of course it's not optimal, but that is one advantage of PC vs Console. There doesn't have to be an expiration date if you're that dedicated.


And then it was removed:



It’s inevitable. Too much money lost not putting titles on PC.
It's a good move. They will sell just as much on ps5 as they would without pc version.
Many/most people still don't have expensive pc and will prefer to play on ps5. But those who want, will have an option. As long as they buy a game, it does not matter where they do it.
As long as we get Bloodborne 4k60, I am all it
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I think there's a really warped perspective here on user bases because this is a forum filled with hardcore gamers. I switched to going full pc in 2007 and there's no going back for me, however I also work on the PC and communicate on it , I don't even have a tv. For me it just made sense, I never have to worry about clutter or swapping in games, with steam and emus, i have the history of games at the press of a button.


I am not most people. the people on this forum are not most people who buy games and most people are not going to go buy, set up, build or have space or knowledge of PCs in general. Sony and Microsoft. Will sell just as many consoles as they have in the past and they will benefit from extra sales from people like me or any other few hardcore people who move to PC to reap the rewards of an open base.


Playstation is Sony second biggest money maker (after the insurance division), only if they were really stupid they would release every game on pc making ps5 irrelevant. Expect some, not all, and years later (except for MP only small games).


Godfall isn’t even published by Sony, and the devs said it was coming to PS5/PC, so why are we making a mountain out of a molehill? Heck, even the other games OP mentioned haven’t even been confirmed by anyone other than “a source” that told Kotaku.

If they make the announcements, at least then there’s something to talk about.


I dont see any data on AAA games selling even good as Xbox on full price. Sure some outliers like Dark Souls selling well but dont think that counts much in grand scheme. Thats why most online games are dead on PC

online games on pc are dead. looks i wake up in a different universe.
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Although this is great news, I’m still skeptical about it. I will only believe it when I see it.

Please bring Bloodborne and Persona 5 to PC 😞


Gold Member
It’s inevitable. Too much money lost not putting titles on PC.
Yep, 100% a business decision. Considering that, for example, Horizon Zero Dawn goes on sale on the PS Store all the time for like $10, it has already made tons of money, and there is not much money left to tap there. So port it to PC, sell it for $40, profit.
Sorry, too busy waiting for my drivers to update so I can't even buy games amirite.
For me it's the Windows updates that prevent gaming.
congrats on buying a brand new PC. The difficult is usually in playing on an older system get back to us in 5-10 years when your drivers are busted and you need the next Windows but can’t upgrade to it until you upgrade your hardware.
Windows run pretty well on PCs from 10 years ago (if they were beefy back then)... I mean, upgrade an early Core i5 / i7 to 16GB of RAM, put an SSD in and change the video card to a Radeon 570 or Geforce 1060 and you have a decent entry level gaming system.
Also I think this is a lot of counting chickens before they hatch. If u think ur gonna play Bloodborne on PC soon well u might end up waiting a few years or indefinitely. Bringing some games over is obviously not bringing all gAmes over
I would not bet on Bloodborne coming over, not because of some magical aura around it, but because it's a bit old by now and I think it did not sell that much compared to other Sony exclusives.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I built a new PC back in October 2019. The minute I screwed on the protective glass, I've never once went back inside again. Zero, I mean zero times. I booted the first time to install Windows 10, and everything worked right after.

The only update I did was download new drivers.

Compared to my PS4 or even older consoles like Gamecube, the maintenance is the same.

In terms of simplicity, if I want to play a game it takes only 5 seconds to just click and launch. Hell, having everything on an SSD, I technically load games faster than my PS4 ever did.

So driver updates, windows updates, browser updates, downloading patches and mods to get the most out of PC releases, don't count as additional complexities now?

Hell, even shopping on PC is way more complicated becuase you have a range of storefronts and distribution back-ends to choose from.

Like I said, its a question whether you prefer the streamlined, minimal options of a console or access to the full smorgasbord of options on PC. Personally, I like both, but why spend the additional money on a PC if you aren't going to use it to its fullest capability?


So driver updates, windows updates, browser updates, downloading patches and mods to get the most out of PC releases, don't count as additional complexities now?

Hell, even shopping on PC is way more complicated becuase you have a range of storefronts and distribution back-ends to choose from.

Like I said, its a question whether you prefer the streamlined, minimal options of a console or access to the full smorgasbord of options on PC. Personally, I like both, but why spend the additional money on a PC if you aren't going to use it to its fullest capability?
Dude, that is completely false.

There are several builds ready to buy. Most parts can come from the same store. In this builds, 99% of the parts come straight from Amazon and only one part is from Newegg.

What do browser updates gotta do with video games? I don't need Firefox or Chrome open to play Solitaire or heck, just Steam.

And what's wrong with Windows updates? They're done automatically, without even interrupting your daily activity. I remember everytime my PS4 updated, you always had to restart your console before you could even play.

Like I said, its a question whether you prefer the streamlined, minimal options of a console or access to the full smorgasbord of options on PC. Personally, I like both, but why spend the additional money on a PC if you aren't going to use it to its fullest capability?

Same could be said about console. Is it a waste if you refuse to watch blu ray movies on it?
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I built a new PC back in October 2019. The minute I screwed on the protective glass, I've never once went back inside again. Zero, I mean zero times. I booted the first time to install Windows 10, and everything worked right after.

The only update I did was download new drivers.

Compared to my PS4 or even older consoles like Gamecube, the maintenance is the same.

In terms of simplicity, if I want to play a game it takes only 5 seconds to just click and launch. Hell, having everything on an SSD, I technically load games faster than my PS4 ever did.

Yep. Anyone who doesn't know how to use a pc shouldn't be allowed near one anyway.

"Oooh, but you need the latest drivers, the game needs a patch, etc, etc..."

Well click the button and download them then you fucking mong.


I suppose many of us have hundreds of games coming forward to next generation, I have many films bought on PSN too and many friends there... so I guess it would be difficult to leave the ecosystem.

That said, they cannot coast on just that. if exclusives go to other platforms they diminish people's incentive to buy PlayStation and growth opportunities dry up.


So driver updates, windows updates, browser updates, downloading patches and mods to get the most out of PC releases, don't count as additional complexities now?
Driver/Windows updates are automated nowadays. Though, i prefer to manually clean and install the latest drivers for my graphics card. Otherwise it's not different than how consoles also get updates for their firmware/OS.

Browser updates have nothing to do with games.

As for game patches... i find your post ironic. It's far easier to patch a PC game than a console one. On STEAM at least it only needs to download and apply the patch itself. Most of the times it's a very small file and the whole process takes like 1 or 2 minutes. On consoles you need to download the whole game again plus the install that takes ages.
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"But but, PC's gotta be updated!"

And so does your console.


"But but, you gotta update your apps"

Also with your console.


I'm not even being biased. I've owned and played consoles since the original NES. Today's consoles are just PC lite. That's not something to be ashamed of, it's just the truth of where technology has been headed.


Another advantage of these games turning up on pc is that it eliminates the doubt of backward compatibilty you get with consoles. Granted, MS has done a fine job in that regard but once they are are on a beige box they'll stay on it. 20 years down the line we'll still be able to play Zero Dawn through Windows, its rather unlikely we'll be able to do the same on a PS7.
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I built a new PC back in October 2019. The minute I screwed on the protective glass, I've never once went back inside again. Zero, I mean zero times. I booted the first time to install Windows 10, and everything worked right after.

The only update I did was download new drivers.

Compared to my PS4 or even older consoles like Gamecube, the maintenance is the same.

In terms of simplicity, if I want to play a game it takes only 5 seconds to just click and launch. Hell, having everything on an SSD, I technically load games faster than my PS4 ever did.
I don't have a gaming PC,low specs,but after i press ON need lot of time to boot Windows and i have to wait a lot before i can click the steam icon becouse even if i press i have to wait before Is open (plus everytime i open steam there's an update progress bar,and you can't play off line,you can,but if you shutdown the PC Need to be online again to open steam)
The difficult is usually in playing on an older system get back to us in 5-10 years when your drivers are busted and you need the next Windows but can’t upgrade to it until you upgrade your hardware.
First up drivers do not "bust" themselves, once they're all installed (which Windows 10 can handle perfectly fine on its own) you can leave well alone, with the exception of GPU drivers which you need to update every so often...but that's as easy as running the installer...or just clicking yes when prompted in GFE / ReLive. Secondly Windows 10 runs on 15 year old hardware and seeing as how you probably want to think about a complete platform upgrade every 5-7 years you should literally never run into that scenario.

I've been gaming on PC for years now and I have literally never run into most of the problems people like to spout off about. I built my current build over 3 years ago and it's still going strong. I occasionally open it up to dust it out but that's about it (and really, if warranty was no object, you'd really want to be doing that with your consoles too, fans are fans and whether they're in a console or a PC they get clogged with dust over time).


Slightly off topic but it really annoys me when clueless people go on about lower online numbers on PC compared to console on certain games. You have to remember that its not like on console where there are a handfull of games that make up most on the online community at any one time, on PC there are literally hundreds of games that have multiple thousands playing at any one time. Thats the side effect of having no generations on PC, and pretty much having every game from the last 30 years available to you.
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I can see Sony using PC as a way to lure pc gamers to buy PS5s.
TLOU2 MP is releasing after the SP, so it might be a stand-alone free to owners of the SP. Make it available cheap on pc as a way to promote the console/sp and let players link their EGS account to PSN account to get a discount on the SP on psn store and its an easy sale.


A third party game that Sony is neither developing nor publishing and that was announced to be coming to PC in the same trailer as the Ps5 version....is listed as coming to PC?


True, but lots of PS4 exclusives this gen were from third parties developers and were considered to be amongst it's greatest games: Persona 5, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, Death Stranding etc. Many of those have already been ported to other systems (including previously console exclusives such as Nier Automata going to Xbox), and the rest likely will get ported in good time. I doubt we will be seeing as many such games being exclusive on the PS5.

There's a difference between Bloodborne/Death Stranding and Persona 5/Yakuza 0.
All are made by third party devs but the first 2 were published and fully funded by Sony (and in the case of Bloodborne they also own the IP, not sure about DS).
Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 are completely third party. From development to funding Sony had nothing to do with them and so they have no say over what happens with those games. Yakuza 0 just seems a case of Sega finally realizing the franchise might have an audience outside Sony systems, and who knows what will happen with Persona, Atlus is weird in how and where they release their stuff
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It's funny to see the driver, browser updates, antivirus FUD still being spewed around by dummies who got the argument from pc's back in the dial up, AOL era. It's 2020 now, not late 90's smh. I just turn on my pc, which boots faster from a cold start than it takes a console to turn on and launch a game. No drivers to update, and if there are, it's done in the background automatically. Anti virus? For what? Don't click on random shit. Just click on the game, steam in the background, edit videos to upload on YouTube, browse the web, update resume. There are so many things a pc can do, that console can't, and do things better that are available on console.
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You all are jumping to conclusions so high that soon there will be theories that Sony is going to cancel PS5 and sell PCs instead. Calm the fuck down until something is confirmed at least.

Sony acknowledged on their website that PC exists? OMG let's make a thread and then 500 comments saying the same things over and over.


A third party game that Sony is neither developing nor publishing and that was announced to be coming to PC in the same trailer as the Ps5 version....is listed as coming to PC?


There's a difference between Bloodbonre/Death Stranding and Persona 5/Yakuza 0.
All are made by third party devs but the first 2 were published and fully funded by Sony (and in the case of Bloodborne they also own the IP, not sure about DS).
Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 are completely third party. From development to funding Sony had nothing to do with them and so they have no say over what happens with those games. Yakuza 0 just seems a case of Sega finally realizing the franchise might have an audience outside Sony systems, and who knows what will happen with Persona, Atlus is weird in how and where they release their stuff
Same with cuphead and ori on switch but "Xbox Is doomed"


Gold Member
Consoles are just moving to storefronts in order to reach the most people. It makes me happy, but there are also still dedicated boxes for those who prefer that. It's all good.


Does that mean there's a chance we will see Bloodborne and Shadow of Colossus Remake on PCs?
Possible, especially when those games have already been out for a while. But not even Horizon is confirmed yet.
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I suppose many of us have hundreds of games coming forward to next generation, I have many films bought on PSN too and many friends there... so I guess it would be difficult to leave the ecosystem.

That said, they cannot coast on just that. if exclusives go to other platforms they diminish people's incentive to buy PlayStation and growth opportunities dry up.

Profit margins are far bigger on software than they are on hardware once R&D is taken into consideration.


"But but, PC's gotta be updated!"

And so does your console.


"But but, you gotta update your apps"

Also with your console.


I'm not even being biased. I've owned and played consoles since the original NES. Today's consoles are just PC lite. That's not something to be ashamed of, it's just the truth of where technology has been headed.
Stop slaying so much Jordan.


updating graphics cards and controller drivers is the number one reason to not game on PC

ive had so many games just stop working. Dark Souls 2 stopped working for 6 months. on a console, this would be unheard of. a game you bought and played for dozens of hours just stops working.

controller issues are another thing. ever play a game where you boot it up and the buttons are all swapped? including analog axis? then you try and force the correct setup through a third party program? then it doesn't work anyways, so you just don't play that game anymore? ever do that? it's not fun!

with console it is plug and play. vastly easier. no controller has ever failed on me, going all the way back to Atari 2600.

if you are gaming keyboard mouse only then maybe PC is the best choice. but otherwise, nah.
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"But but, PC's gotta be updated!"

And so does your console.


"But but, you gotta update your apps"

Also with your console.


I'm not even being biased. I've owned and played consoles since the original NES. Today's consoles are just PC lite. That's not something to be ashamed of, it's just the truth of where technology has been headed.

And my all time favourite:

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