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Straight up... The combat in The Last of Us Part II is completely and entirely unmatched.

This thread is nonsense, it's just the lowest form of "impressive" stuff, namely shiny graphics and cool animations, none of it is an actual barometer for "combat".
Or are you really going to put this up against a character action game like, DMC or the ridiculously satisfying combat in MHW?
How about fighting games? Does this stack up against the animations of DOA, the feel of bbtag or the crushing impacts in SF5?
No, none of that; even Painkiller has better "combat", it just doesn't look as good.

I could explain why this is so satisfying:

Or this:

Or many more, but it's pointless if your barometer for being "unmatched combat" is just gritty and edgy "realism".


Gold Member
The shotgun blasts to the legs and arms are impressive! I hope they incorporate that to the multiplayer as a game mechanic.
Mmm, usually multyplayer games disable gore during the gunfights, sometime it's only active when you kill someone.

It would look silly if you can crawl without a leg and when someone save you the leg magically grow up...
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The way the animations blend in with enemies reacting to wounds is second to none. The gore, AI, is all top notch. I always bitch about new games and the lack of progression in these aspects but this game feels like were we should be.

John Bilbo

Mmm, usually multyplayer games disable gore during the gunfights, sometime it's only active when you kill someone.
Yeah that's true. I remember Soldier of Fortune disabled most of the gore during multiplayer.
It would look silly if you can crawl without a leg and when someone save you the leg magically grow up...
It would be better implemented as a permanent damage to your character at least for that round / spawn. I think Die By the Sword had this type of permanent damage even in multiplayer. At least Bushido Blade did. Oh yeah, and Operation Flashpoint!

Such impairment could be a nice variation in comparison to different multiplayers, if it was not too easily exploited.


I can't wait until factions comes out, I'm going to wreck all of you with my bow. I'm going to make you purchase the armor, shotgun, and everything new and better. & still, i will wreck you.


Gold Member
Threads like this remind me that I'm getting old. The best combat in games can be found in Ninja Gaiden Black, Bayonetta, Monster Hunter, etc. For me, a statement like:

The combat in The Last of Us Part II is completely and entirely unmatched.

doesn't even compute. It's on the same level as someone walking up and telling me that Bad Grampa is the best movie of all time.


always chasing the next thrill
TLOU 2 has set a new industry standard for story telling and animation.

Nothing compares to it.. it makes all other video games look years behind.

Halo infinite facial animation made me laugh.
It’s not even fair


Ignore him he loves fortnite

Ok yea I'll ignore him he's acting like his opinions are facts. I'm not a fan of that.

But those that are saying DMC or Ninja Gaiden are better in combat have to understand they're completely different style. For TLOUS for 3rd person realistic style of games.. it's on the higher end of gameplay design... Compared to DMC it's completely different and not really comparable


This thread is nonsense, it's just the lowest form of "impressive" stuff, namely shiny graphics and cool animations, none of it is an actual barometer for "combat".
Or are you really going to put this up against a character action game like, DMC or the ridiculously satisfying combat in MHW?
How about fighting games? Does this stack up against the animations of DOA, the feel of bbtag or the crushing impacts in SF5?
No, none of that; even Painkiller has better "combat", it just doesn't look as good.

I could explain why this is so satisfying:

Or this:

Or many more, but it's pointless if your barometer for being "unmatched combat" is just gritty and edgy "realism".
Spot on. Any of these games do combat better, and MGS/Splinter Cell/Dishonored all do stealth better.

TLoU2 is a good marriage of the two styles, but it's hardly groundbreaking. That said, I love ANY game with the balls to go full survival horror in this day and age, so still I still feel happy having played it.


Gold Member
Fantastic gameplay. Very engaging and when you pull off certain situations, they are so gratifying.

But man, one of the most depressing games I ever played story wise (which they accomplished what they set out to do). Not sure I will ever NG+ for the easy time to plat with the trophies I have left, due to that.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
This thread is nonsense, it's just the lowest form of "impressive" stuff, namely shiny graphics and cool animations, none of it is an actual barometer for "combat".
Or are you really going to put this up against a character action game like, DMC or the ridiculously satisfying combat in MHW?
How about fighting games? Does this stack up against the animations of DOA, the feel of bbtag or the crushing impacts in SF5?
No, none of that; even Painkiller has better "combat", it just doesn't look as good.

I could explain why this is so satisfying:

Or this:

Or many more, but it's pointless if your barometer for being "unmatched combat" is just gritty and edgy "realism".
This is some basic run of the mill video gamey shit ive seen in literally thousands of games. Theres nothing unique or special about it. It lacks impact. It lacks spectacle. It lacks the feel. That dragon just stands there and gets destroyed. Whats so special about that? Theres nothing like TLOU 2 combat out there. And yes, spectacle, feel, intensity, realism matter.
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This is some basic run of the mill video gamey shit
Ahh, Danjin44 Danjin44 was right, you don't care about videogames, you want to insert yourself in an interactive gritty movie.
it lacks impact. It lacks spectacle. It lacks the feel.
Are you talking about the video you posted?
That dragon just stands there and gets destroyed.
man, I would love to be so strong a giant dragon flinches every time my tiny fists touch it, because that's realistic.
Theres nothing like TLOU 2 combat out there.
Well, I would hope not, devs should be striving for better things, not mediocrity.
This thread is nonsense, it's just the lowest form of "impressive" stuff, namely shiny graphics and cool animations, none of it is an actual barometer for "combat".
Or are you really going to put this up against a character action game like, DMC or the ridiculously satisfying combat in MHW?
How about fighting games? Does this stack up against the animations of DOA, the feel of bbtag or the crushing impacts in SF5?
No, none of that; even Painkiller has better "combat", it just doesn't look as good.

I could explain why this is so satisfying:

Or this:

Or many more, but it's pointless if your barometer for being "unmatched combat" is just gritty and edgy "realism".
I love these games, but they're patently absurd. You're beating the everliving shit out of an enemy that feels like it's going through an animation cycle. These games lack a sense of weight and impact that TLoU2 specializes in. It's very hard to do. Just look at the reviewer reactions to Red Dead 2's combat. It's just as pretty, but it feels primitive in comparison.

We can be equally impressed by what Bayonetta, Doom, Kingdom Hearts, and Tales (etc.) do, gameplay wise. They all play with spacing and timing in fun ways, while having excellent fluidity. I think TLoU2 is near or at the top of the TPS genre. Sometimes it's fun to target an enemy limbs and strategically incapacitate them ala RE4 or TLoU, and sometimes it's fun to relentlessly beat on an enemy until they die like DMC.

Ninja Gaiden Black still has the best action game combat, by the way. Fight me.
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Yeah TLOU 2 has unmatched systems in the tps category. Started playing the other day, bored to death with the story honestly but that 60 fps goodness coupled to the combat on ps5 more than makes up for it

Only thing that I find weird is that compared to the first game, game feels like "plastic". First one was ironically enough grittier / more believable. Even UC 4 / LL
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I guess all some people want is ultra violence even if all you do is mash the square button. You mentioned daycare but games like the last of us are daycare mode in the way that matters.
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Gold Member
I had more fun in combat in other games. So, I dunno. Just too simplistic for me to be fully engaged with it.

Looks cool though.
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What!? In MH you fight big ass monsters that actually react to your attack and breaking their body parts and you are saying has no sense of impact? What fuck am I reading here!!?
I think it's a difference in definition.
Weight for them probably means "heavy" looking animations (this just makes movement sluggish so it's a detriment to gameplay)
And impact being how the enemies "emote" if you will.

Because there's no way you can sit there and say there's no impact and weight here:


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Ahh, Danjin44 Danjin44 was right, you don't care about videogames, you want to insert yourself in an interactive gritty movie.

Are you talking about the video you posted?

man, I would love to be so strong a giant dragon flinches every time my tiny fists touch it, because that's realistic.

Well, I would hope not, devs should be striving for better things, not mediocrity.
What you are talking about here is not the actual combat but its graphics.

R Reizo Ryuu apparently games being "gamey" has become bad thing around here.

Game needs to feel like Hollywood or MCU to be good video games...../s

Theres literally no weight or impact to the combat. Enemies just stand there and get hit, they don't react in any special way to getting hit. You two find games in which you press more buttons to be better "combat".

Feel, spectacle, weight, impact, AI, dialouge, etc all go into making combat feel and play great. Its not just about how many combos your character can pull off.

You guys are stuck in the 90s.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
Just a further refinement of the combat from the original uncharted.
Still not a fan of the animations, still the same as uncharted in how jerky it looks.
Theres literally no weight or impact to the combat.
Sure there is
Enemies just stand there and get hit, they don't react in any special way to getting hit.
Oh I see, I was right the first and second time, you think "weight and impact" in combat (a gameplay aspect), means shiny graphics and cool animations, so you really just mean emotes.
You two find games in which you press more buttons to be better "combat".
Well no, since it's all about timing and you only need "attack" and "dodge", you probably press less buttons in MHW combat than you do in TLOU. 🤷‍♂️
this means nothing
also entirely non-descriptive
weight, impact
already established using these incorrectly
...the AI that goes "what was that noise?!" when you try to distact them like it's still MGS1?
the dialogue?...uhm ok, guess combat now is all about sick burns or how sad they make you feel.
?? lol.
The animation and details are unmatched, sure, but the combat is standard third person shooter with optional stealth. It’s a much needed advancement from the first game, but it’s nothing new. The Evil Within 2 had better combat in my opinion.


I'll never understand people who think TloU has "GOAT gameplay" or whatever nonsense is being parroted in this kind of thread. It's bog standard console TPS gameplay with extremely shallow melee, terrible aiming mechanics (it's bad on purpose bro, realims!) , press X to Jason cinematic takedowns and zero creative idea whatsoever. Is it competently put together? Sure, animations are especially good but that's the core of the problem I think, people confuse something looking good with great gameplay. It just looks spectacular, nothing more.

When it comes to console TPS it really doesn't do anything special compared to MGS5 wealth of emergent gameplay options, Vanquish intensity and risk/reward mobility system or Splatoon's aiming and unique way to unite shooting, movement and area control. If I wanted to be a bit of a troll I'd even say something like Resident Evil 6 has much more interesting gameplay mechanics, especially with the way shooting and melee synergize with eachother. Keep in mind I'm not saying Resi6 is a better overall game, but it definitely has better combat.

If we go beyond console TPS and are now talking about combat systems in general then it's even less of a contest. It just doesn't compare to the depth, skill ceiling and complexity of stuff like Team Ninja games, Gunz the Duel, Shinobi etc.
What!? In MH you fight big ass monsters that actually react to your attack and breaking their body parts and you are saying has no sense of impact? What fuck am I reading here!!?
You do enough limb damage and the monster does its tripping animation so you can pound on it some more while it's staggered. It's a different type of mechanic entirely, somewhere between an MMO and a character action game. Feels good, isn't realistic at all.

We lost the thread here comparing Monster Hunter to The Last of Us.


The nicest person on this forum
Feels good, isn't realistic at all.
I dont understand why anyone go to Monster Hunter for "realism"? Also not being "realistic" doesn't make combat less impactful so I dont get that argument.

Also how single teenage girl can take out entire of army by herself in TLOUII is "realistic"?
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Gold Member
If I wanted to be a bit of a troll I'd even say something like Resident Evil 6 has much more interesting gameplay mechanics, especially with the way shooting and melee synergize with eachother. Keep in mind I'm not saying Resi6 is a better overall game, but it definitely has better combat.
Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I'll never understand people who think TloU has "GOAT gameplay" or whatever nonsense is being parroted in this kind of thread. It's bog standard console TPS gameplay with extremely shallow melee, terrible aiming mechanics (it's bad on purpose bro, realims!) , press X to Jason cinematic takedowns and zero creative idea whatsoever. Is it competently put together? Sure, animations are especially good but that's the core of the problem I think, people confuse something looking good with great gameplay. It just looks spectacular, nothing more.

When it comes to console TPS it really doesn't do anything special compared to MGS5 wealth of emergent gameplay options, Vanquish intensity and risk/reward mobility system or Splatoon's aiming and unique way to unite shooting, movement and area control. If I wanted to be a bit of a troll I'd even say something like Resident Evil 6 has much more interesting gameplay mechanics, especially with the way shooting and melee synergize with eachother. Keep in mind I'm not saying Resi6 is a better overall game, but it definitely has better combat.

If we go beyond console TPS and are now talking about combat systems in general then it's even less of a contest. It just doesn't compare to the depth, skill ceiling and complexity of stuff like Team Ninja games, Gunz the Duel, Shinobi etc.

Most TPS barely have melee mechanics at all.

The way you move around the environment in just about every single TPS today still feels robotic compared to TLOU. You still have to press a button just to cover behind an object while it happens automatically in TLOU when you're in a couch position.

But it's hard to take you seriously when you say Resident Evil 6 has better combat when it has some of the worst controls of any third-person action game within the past 11 years. The movement is god awful and that was one of the main problems people had with the game. lol


Yeah what you said it has best in class animation and good ai. It is a REALLY polished third person stealth shooter

but actually playing it is kind of, well, boring.

It lacks the inventiveness of metal gear and everything is really static except for the enemies. Compare what you can do in this game to MGS5 for example or even the sniper elite games

Every time I enter a stealth/combat area and you see all enemies i just think.. ”man .. more of this.. again?” And i just want to skip the combat to continue the story

Frankly, without the well told story I would not have played this game at all.


Gold Member
I thought the combat in TLOU2 was very well done and detailed, but kinda boring in it's design, or at least it was for me. Like yeah it's obvious the put a ton on effort on the visual level, and it shows, but not so much on the gameplay side.

To put modern examples, I enjoyed the melee in nu-GoW much more than this, and could name a thousand games with better shooting.

Only played that game for a little bit but yeah, the combat looked very very fun. Are there human enemies in the game? Would love to have some Condemned-like duels with that combat.

Btw, the combat in the first Condemned game is amazing too, beating hobos never was that fun.
Combat against human is kinda shitty.

But it looks like they improved in the sequel, i say play directly the improved sequel, the story was meh anyway.

Condemned 1 is straight up one of my favourite games ever, and my favourite first person melee combat system, i would kill for a remake with tlou2 level of brutality.

The atmosphere is just unmatched for me in that game.

Also the enemy ia was brilliant, they make feints, they bait you to do a counter, they even hide and ambush like in that famous fake tlou1 reveal.
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Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Hell Titanfall, Titanfall 2, Ninja Gaiden and its sequel.
I can think of a bunch of games that have Tier 1 combat.

But im guessing what you are asking is which game that is exactly like the last of us has combat as good as the last of us?
Because, you know there are so many the last of us clones out there for us to apples to apples compare it to.

P.S Did that chick jump down like 2 stories like it was nothing.

P.P.S Reminds me of aggressive Splinter Cell gameplay:

I need to play this again.
Instead of this we get endless mindless shooters and fetch quest creed……Its not fair man
That combat looks too real to me would feel uncomfortable playing it, don't want to feel guilt while playing a game. Didn't know Eliie is a mass murderer.
Thats like the point of the game, its story and its world. All interlinked.
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