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The rumored God of War Ragnarök DLC will be revealed before the end of the year


Gold Member
good for you, you were ahead of the game in being a hater. You hated God of War before it was cool
I'm sorry but I get that award:

I'm not sure where they go with this post-Ragnarok's story; provided they're staying within Norse mythology.

However, if it's a setup for the next mythological pantheon... count me the fuck in, bitches!
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Would be interesting if its kratos centric and he slid back to his old self without Artreus and killing some minor pantheon. Then third sequel is Artreus bringing back some humanity to Kratos or finally killing him.


Playing as Atreus ruined the game for me. It didn't help that you had to play about a third of the game with him, the combat was too basic for me. God of war should be about playing with Kratos primarily, I don't mind one or two missions with side characters but a third of the game was too much. Every time his missions came I just wanted to put the controller down and forget about the game. It was a slog getting through his missions, but I did eventually platinum the game.


Gold Member
I really had to force myself to finish this game, with the best part being The Plains in Vanaheim. Will play the DLC to continue the story but if it's more of the same it'll definitely be on the back burner.


Hate it or love it....Sony's aiming for the jugular with this. 25 million PS5 sales for this year is definitely locked in!


The problem with a "Miles Morales/Lost Legacy" style DLC for Ragnarok is that unlike Uncharted 4 (which at lest looked next gen and felt new) and Spider Man ps4 (which was the first game in the franchise), Ragnarok already felt like an unambitious very "more of the same" type of game, so I wouldn't really be hyped for an even less ambitious half sequel full of recycled content.

Still, I did like Ragnarok and I'd be willing to buy some DLC IF it feels fresh and IF it doesn't focus on Atreus.

Has the fucking Sweet Baby Inc thing seriously shifted GAF's opinion on Ragnarok that quick?? The glazing of this game back in late 2022 couldn't be understated and now people are so over it, it's like Stray all over again

Opinions about Ragnarok have been pretty mixed around here for a while, way before the Sweet Baby Inc story.
It's actually a pretty common cycle, specially with big hyped exclusives once the "honeymoon" phase is over:
- When it comes out and people are starting to play it: "Holy shit best game ever, Jesus Christ this will be my personal GOTY for the next 5 years"
- A month later once more people have finished it: "It was great but towards the end I did start having some issues with it"
- 2 or 3 months later once more people have played it, the honeymoon phase is over, hype has shifted towards the big next tittle and people start looking back at it in a more calm and objective way: "I don't think it's that great, in fact I was a bit disappointed by it"

Look at the average opinions about FFXVI around here right when it launched vs now
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Leaked Details:

Game is called: God of War: Lyria


New Character:

Lyria, originally known as Lyrus, was born as a demi-god in one of the lesser-known realms of the God of War universe. She's the daughter of a lesser god of wisdom and a mortal seeress. From her childhood, Lyrus always felt trapped in a body that didn't resonate with her spirit. The internal struggle of identity was exacerbated by the expectations of a godly realm that strictly adhered to ancient norms and traditions.

Lyria, post-transition, is a tall and athletically built woman with short purple hair, a symbol of her divine lineage. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of purple, reflecting her seeress heritage. She adorns herself with armor made of celestial alloys, engraved with runes that tell her story of transformation and rebirth. A prominent scar runs across her chest, a remnant from her transition ceremony, symbolizing her rebirth and acceptance of her true self.

Weapons and Abilities:
Starforge Blade: A sword gifted to her post-transition by her mother, the seeress. It has the power to absorb the starlight, and upon command, release it in a blinding and destructive burst.

Seer's Sight: Due to her lineage, she possesses the ability to glimpse into possible futures, allowing her to predict enemy movements in battles.

Voice of Resonance: A power she harnessed during her transition, she can emit a powerful sonic wave from her voice that can disorient enemies.

Personal Quest:
Lyria's quest is a journey of acceptance and empowerment. After her transition, she is banished from her realm because of the conservative beliefs of the other gods. Her DLC revolves around her journey through different realms, seeking a place she can call home. Throughout her journey, she confronts and overcomes manifestations of her past traumas and societal prejudices.

She encounters various characters from the God of War universe, some of whom challenge her identity, while others become staunch allies. Kratos and Atreus make an appearance, teaching her the importance of self-acceptance and inner strength. By the end of her quest, Lyria not only finds a new realm to call home but also reconciles with her original realm, challenging and changing their outdated beliefs.
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Leaked Details:

Game is called: God of War: Lyria


New Character:

Lyria, originally known as Lyrus, was born as a demi-god in one of the lesser-known realms of the God of War universe. She's the daughter of a lesser god of wisdom and a mortal seeress. From her childhood, Lyrus always felt trapped in a body that didn't resonate with her spirit. The internal struggle of identity was exacerbated by the expectations of a godly realm that strictly adhered to ancient norms and traditions.

Lyria, post-transition, is a tall and athletically built woman with flowing silver hair, a symbol of her divine lineage. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of purple, reflecting her seeress heritage. She adorns herself with armor made of celestial alloys, engraved with runes that tell her story of transformation and rebirth. A prominent scar runs across her chest, a remnant from her transition ceremony, symbolizing her rebirth and acceptance of her true self.

Weapons and Abilities:
Starforge Blade: A sword gifted to her post-transition by her mother, the seeress. It has the power to absorb the starlight, and upon command, release it in a blinding and destructive burst.

Seer's Sight: Due to her lineage, she possesses the ability to glimpse into possible futures, allowing her to predict enemy movements in battles.

Voice of Resonance: A power she harnessed during her transition, she can emit a powerful sonic wave from her voice that can disorient enemies.

Personal Quest:
Lyria's quest is a journey of acceptance and empowerment. After her transition, she is banished from her realm because of the conservative beliefs of the other gods. Her DLC revolves around her journey through different realms, seeking a place she can call home. Throughout her journey, she confronts and overcomes manifestations of her past traumas and societal prejudices.

She encounters various characters from the God of War universe, some of whom challenge her identity, while others become staunch allies. Kratos and Atreus make an appearance, teaching her the importance of self-acceptance and inner strength. By the end of her quest, Lyria not only finds a new realm to call home but also reconciles with her original realm, challenging and changing their outdated beliefs.

Why are yall like this?


Any DLC continuation for the game screams Atreus only, I have zero interest in playing as him if his gameplay continues to be Bow/range based only as in Ragnarok.


It's because it's a year later and they are JUST now "potentially" going to reveal it. That's too much distance from the game's release.
The year has also been exceedingly rammed with great and varied games. And whilst ragnorak was “decent” I was definitely not left wanting more when it ended, and at times it felt a bit of a chore, and more overly memorable.
I'm definitely looking forward to this. Ragnarok and Elden Ring 'DLC' announcements at Geoff's show, I'd guess. Unless Sony does another event this year,


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
I'm playing through it too, but in the locked 60fps performance mode. I tried the 40fps VRR unlocked mode, but didn't find much of an improvement. The locked 60fps mode appears to around 1800p and is better than the unlocked 60fps VRR mode.
I’m noticing quite a bit of improvement over the locked 40fps when panning the camera. The unlocked quality mode was broken at launch but it’s working now.

Oddly, after an early cutscene the frame rate seemed to revert back to 30fps and I could only fix it by writing the game.


Im very ok with this SO LONG as it answers unanswered questions and ends with a tease for the new mythology.


The nicest person on this forum
lol who asked for DLC for an already bloated 40-50 hour campaign?
Elden Ring is much bigger than Ragnarök but I’m super hyped for that game‘s DLC but with Ragnarök I just don’t liked base game enough to excited for its DLC.


Elden Ring is much bigger than Ragnarök but I’m super hyped for that game‘s DLC but with Ragnarök I just don’t liked base game enough to excited for its DLC.

I don't think those two are comparable. Elden Ring can be short if you just make the requirement to advance the game.

He is big because is an open world, not because chitchat or cutscenes.
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The nicest person on this forum
I don't think those two are comparable. Elden Ring can be short if you just make the requirement to advance the game.

He is big because is an open world, not because chitchat or cutscenes.
Not only that, the game waste our time with puzzles that doesn't let you solve it yourself, if you cant trust your players to solve the puzzles themselves then dont bother putting puzzles and wasting their time.
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DLCs so late after OG game drop are the worst. Gotta reload up the damn game, remember wtf I was doing and how to play all over.
Sony is going to have a rough 2024 if all they have is DLCs like this.
Yeah...God of War DLC, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Death Stranding 2 that was announced like 2 years ago, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade have a 2024 release window as well. Wolverine is a possibility even if i bet it's a 2025 title.

Can't wait for all these DLCs man...


Yeah...God of War DLC, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Death Stranding 2 that was announced like 2 years ago, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade have a 2024 release window as well. Wolverine is a possibility even if i bet it's a 2025 title.

Can't wait for all these DLCs man...
Release windows and announcements are meaningless.

I'll count a game when I actually see it land.
If it's about Kratos killing the little shit, count me the fuck in.

Yeah...God of War DLC, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Death Stranding 2 that was announced like 2 years ago, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade have a 2024 release window as well. Wolverine is a possibility even if i bet it's a 2025 title.

Can't wait for all these DLCs man...

How confident are we that DS2 is coming out next year?


Here's a quick spoiler from a time machine - Atreus gets his own DLC/standalone expansion, Kratos dies in the next big game and the little shit takes over.


Simps for Amouranth
I got about an HR into Ragnarok and just couldn't bring myself to slog through it, it's just to similar to the first one for my liking and whilst I enjoyed it and completed it, it's a bit too samey samey for me


I played it, platted it and I think that's enough.
I just wanted to be done with it while wrapping up the post game quests.
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