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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Why did this happen?

The remain side was pathetic. The leader of the campaign was david cameron.

Alot of people in the UK believe suddenly that our problems with the NHS and infrastructure is the fault of the EU and immigration, when in fact it is the current governments plan of austerity which is causing the issues.

So whenever asked about these issues david couldn't swallow his pride and decided to avoid the questions and tried to scaremonger leading to two things. First of all the older generation didn't believe anything he said, leading to them voting leave against him and the current goverment. While the younger generation still don't care about anyone, save maybe jeremy corbyn, in politics and so decided not to vote at all.


The UK shouldn't be punished as a goal, but that's still the outcome. The overall point is that every nation does what it can to secure the best for itself.

It's kind of ironic a point like this has to be made to Leave supporters.

That was the raison d'être for their campaign.
I'd like to use your crystal ball because you must own one, how else can you be so certain with your doom scenario. Downward spirals. No leverage. Bad deals. More losses. Mired european economy. Decades.

If you are confident in all this there are a whole bunch of ETFs you can buy that will make you very (obscenely) wealthy then you can use those profits and donate them to the people in need. But actually I suspect you don't have that confidence in your doom scenario it is just nice to let the words pour out of the keyboard.

I feel pretty confident and I am perfectly happy with the ETFs I have now. My point isn't to try to perfectly predict the future, only to say that your position that everything is fine is not sensible. If the UK gets out of this, it will be through, luck, hard work, and sacrifice it's sure as hell not going to happen if they stick their heads in the sand. They intentionally stacked the deck against themselves.
Petition hit 500k.

Averaging 500 signings per 3-5 mins. For 2am in the UK, it's fast growing.

Also, before anyone says - you have to sign, put your details in and then confirm by accessing email and clicking on a link. It's not just 'click and go'.

I don't think this is enough man, there should be large protests. Younger people will have to live with this for many decades, they can't just stay quiet.


So people that were in a shit situation voted to be in an even shittier situation but it's all good because "we got our country back".

Yup, pretty much.

Now they've been duped to high heaven. False claims about our contributions to the EU, false claims on labour movement and immigration, false claims on the 'immediacy' of negotiations.

Y'all got duped big time and now it's time to live with the consequences and wait for more u-turns to take place.

Rebel Leader

Petition hit 500k.

Averaging 500 signings per 3-5 mins. For 2am in the UK, it's fast growing.

Also, before anyone says - you have to sign, put your details in and then confirm by accessing email and clicking on a link. It's not just 'click and go'.

what petition?


I don't think this is enough man, there should be large protests. Younger people will have to live with this for many decades, they can't just stay quiet.

Maybe it's not, but anything is worth a shot right now.

Even if it's a flop, which it more than likely shall be, at least the government is aware more than they were yesterday.


I don't think this is enough man, there should be large protests. Younger people will have to live with this for many decades, they can't just stay quiet.

They'll just accept it and stay quiet. Too busy on snapchat or watching "Love Island" or some other reality show.
Look at cost of housing in London for example, young people are getting fucked over yet they continue to stay quiet.


Which was obviously misleading as Obama will soon be gone, yet the people who won't are bending over backwards to acknowledge that what Obama said will not be the case.

Do you have links to these statements?

The next president after Obama will be Obama's previous secretary of state, so I don't think I would expect a dramatic break in continuity.

Technologies such as Jet Engine propulsion and nuclear fusion, where the UK sent all of their scientists and all of their data to help the US develop those technologies. Infrastructure such as the "Five Eyes" data collection infrastructure for Europe.

There is an expectation that when you share such technology and infrastructure that you will be supported in other ways (such as a free trade deal between allies).

I mean, okay. It would be good to point to some technologies the UK helped develop in, like, this millenium.

If your assertion is that the US will fall over itself to rekindle a special trade agreement with the UK because of the time you helped us build the H-bomb, you know what, good luck.
It's kind of ironic a point like this has to be made to Leave supporters.

That was the raison d'être for their campaign.

The entirety of the Leave campaign's argument for the end result of this has been "every other group or nation on the planet is going to act in our interest because reasons."

I wish I was that trusting of people.


I still can't believe this went through.

Nobody is going to win from this decision. Not the UK, not the EU.

All that fear from inmigration... it's like they don't even realize that the bigger sources of inmigrants in the UK have nothing to do with the EU. They're not going to disappear but now the whole country is poorer than yesterday.

And yeah I'm mad because this is what my country really needed 2 days before the election... worst drop in our whole history, and next monday will probably be a shit show again

Steady on mate

tbh the doom sayers need to steady on. Running back and forth predicting disaster at this point is (and always has been in these situations) unhelpful. How about people "steady on" and actually let facts - that will take months to reveal themselves - frame the debate, instead of preaching panic and gloom.

I imagine a lot of people are puzzled as to how it will effect their lives, and they deserve explanations that are not full of hyperbole, and are actually based on real evidence. In this case, economic evidence which takes time to unfold. Market moves are of vital interest to day traders but lets see where everything is at the end of the month, quarter, and so on.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I still can't believe this went through.

Nobody is going to win from this decision. Not the UK, not the EU.

All that fear from inmigration... it's like they don't even realize that the bigger sources of inmigrants in the UK have nothing to do with the EU. They're not going to disappear but now the whole country is poorer than yesterday.

And yeah I'm mad because this is what my country really needed 2 days before the election... worst drop in our whole history, and next monday will probably be a shit show again


I feel you, brothers : (

D i Z

So I guess this means that James Bond films will quietly go away while England rides on China's coattails for a while?


Where is the lie? No seriously, I get that people hate the evil racist but their market information is accurate the FTSE open the week at 6021 and ended it at 6162. The pound did bottom out at 1.32 but then rally to 1.39 and then call down at 1.36, which is similar levels at February and not just that but the market has been on a week long rally fulled by pro remain investments, which basically cash out as soon as leave was certain. And the part of best weekly performance, they are kinda right though I haven't done the math I do remember the past 2 weeks the FTSE closing the week with marginal gains or even loses.

Economically they aren't lying, though they are being optimistic but then again anyone that has an eye on the markets can tell that the reason for the "crash" was more of how certain the markets were for remain to win rather than a reaction towards how the UK economy will play out as an individual state outside of the EU.

She's lying about Obama backtracking on his threats about the U.K. not being sent to the back of the queue.The White House confirmed that Obama meant what he said earlier in the year. The UK will now be second to the European Union in priorities, although they hope they can reach agreements with both at the same time. But doubtful.

She's also lying about the pound. It is even lower than it was in February and didn't gain what it lost overnight.

She's also lying about this being the end of whatever consequences there will be because of this vote. It's just beginning.

There's a real possibility that article 50 will never actually be called on and will just sit there as a tool for anti-EU politicians to threaten their opponents with.


Do you have links to these statements?

The next president after Obama will be Obama's previous secretary of state, so I don't think I would expect a dramatic break in continuity.

I mean, okay. It would be good to point to some technologies the UK helped develop in, like, this millenium.

If your assertion is that the US will fall over itself to rekindle a special trade agreement with the UK because of the time you helped us build the H-bomb, you know what, good luck.

I'll get those links, but no I'm not asking for the US to fall over itself, just not to threaten the UK people that they will be "at the back of the queue" if they vote on a matter of sovereignty which doesn't precisely allign with US foreign policy.

Anyway, my original point was simply that Obama's statement was probably counter-productive.
tbh the doom sayers need to steady on. Running back and forth predicting disaster at this point is (and always has been in these situations) unhelpful. How about people "steady on" and actually let facts - that will take months to reveal themselves - frame the debate, instead of preaching panic and gloom.

I imagine a lot of people are puzzled as to how it will effect their lives, and they deserve explanations that are not full of hyperbole, and are actually based on real evidence. In this case, economic evidence which takes time to unfold. Market moves are of vital interest to day traders but lets see where everything is at the end of the month, quarter, and so on.

If you can envision a scenario in which this turns into a net positive I'd love to hear it. Will there be better trade deals? More available funding? More investment and job creation? I don't see it. At best, the country comes out of this net neutral but then it was still a waste of time.
I'll get those links, but no I'm not asking for the US to fall over itself, just not to threaten the UK people that they will be "at the back of the queue" if they vote on a matter of sovereignty which doesn't precisely allign with US foreign policy.

Anyway, my original point was simply that Obama's statement was probably counter-productive.

That's the root of the problem.

This entire vote was reactionary, and emotional.

When the leader of your biggest ally in the world feels its important enough to travel over and say "Hey pals, this is not going to be a good thing if you do this" ... you should probably think it over logically instead of just doing the opposite because reasons.


This will be my last post in the topic, because honestly - I'm not happy with the result and there's little I can do other than read more posts and become less happy about it.

I do think the markets shouldn't be sensationalised. I work in the exact kind of area hardest hit in the share drops today. Sure enough, shares tumbled 20 points or so, by the end of the day they'd risen to approx -10 points. If you look at the graph for the whole month, that's actually where the price was 2 weeks ago before all the speculative buying kicked off a sharp rise.

More worried about the long term currency rate effects, we'll have to see what that does.

And whatever clusterfuck is left in terms of a government (Cameron resigning was understandable but doesn't help) need to straight away resolve the issue of EU workers who live and work in the UK, and they need to say that they will all have the right to remain indefinitely.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
That petition is interesting but absolutely futile, im sure the people who sign it have the best intentions but you cant petition for a debate that you lost fairly and with a decent mandate, the turnout was high and there was more than a million votes in it.

I imagine most who sign it know this.


That petition is interesting but absolutely futile, im sure the people who sign it have the best intentions but you cant petition for a debate that you lost fairly and with a decent mandate, the turnout was high and there was more than a million votes in it.

I imagine most who sign it know this.

I and the people I know who have signed this knows this. Despite that, signing it takes a couple of minutes and now since it's waaaaaay past 100k, this should be taking to the HoC for a debate.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Also, talking about the FTSE 100 is disingenous. the largest chunks of that are multinationals who don't care what happens.
FTSE 250 is largely UK companies, and it's down 10-12%.


I'll get those links, but no I'm not asking for the US to fall over itself, just not to threaten the UK people that they will be "at the back of the queue" if they vote on a matter of sovereignty which doesn't precisely allign with US foreign policy.

Anyway, my original point was simply that Obama's statement was probably counter-productive.

I really don't get why telling people from the UK that they don't get to cut in line is a threat. It is simply a fact.

I mean, trade deals are incredibly complex and take an enormous of mount of time and effort. The trade agreements that the US is currently working on will obviously take priority over a British trade deal, especially since the British - US trade isnt comparatively massive. It will happen, but you don't get cutsees just because you are the UK

Though going by the stupidity displayed in this vote I guess we shouldnt be surprised that some people thought that statement was a threat


Do you have links to these statements?

The next president after Obama will be Obama's previous secretary of state, so I don't think I would expect a dramatic break in continuity.

Obama's butted heads with Hillary with his relatively restrained approach with foreign policy. While I'd expect Hillary to also geneally speak softly, I think she'd be less hesitant to wave that big stick.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I and the people I know who have signed this knows this. Despite that, signing it takes a couple of minutes and now since it's waaaaaay past 100k, this should be taking to the HoC for a debate.

"Considered for a debate" which means it gets brought up as a potential topic but, given this was a clear and concise referredum it will be summarily dismissed before it reaches any debate.

Im genuinely sorry for people who voted remain and feel bad but the best course from now is to work towards a better future within the confines of what is happening, there is no going back on this.


My girlfriend is not accepting me funding her masters in Iceland if she gets that far. Dammit, why'd I have to fall for someone considerate?

Also, talking about the FTSE 100 is disingenous. the largest chunks of that are multinationals who don't care what happens.
FTSE 250 is largely UK companies, and it's down 10-12%.

And that's before factoring in the currency dip too...
Just had the unfortunate pleasure of watching a fox news take on the situation.

Utter garbage, solely focused on the one side (leave), over emphasised immigration statistics using total rather than net, and not one comment on the main purpose of it being a trade zone.

Then they showed clips of Nigel Farage alongside clips of Trump.

I thought Megyn Kelly was supposed to be alright.

Regardless, the whole thing wouldn't bide here.

The Adder

That petition is interesting but absolutely futile, im sure the people who sign it have the best intentions but you cant petition for a debate that you lost fairly and with a decent mandate, the turnout was high and there was more than a million votes in it.

I imagine most who sign it know this.

Turnout was high, but 2 of the countries that make up the UK disagreed with the decision entirely, and the ultimate results weren't even a 55-45 split. That's not really a decent mandate.


Also if anyone feels patriotic about our Universities, especially Oxbridge Their reputation I about to slowly decline as academia in the UK experiences massive brain drain. :(


Damn that petition is on fire, it's like watching the Shenmue kickstarter page.

It's almost 3am here! wtf are people doing this late? no doubt regretting their voting decisions.

Rebel Leader

Damn that petition is on fire, it's like watching the Shenmue kickstarter page.

It's almost 3am here! wtf are people doing this late? no doubt regretting their voting decisions.

Can they even sleep? I mean their stress must be high

He's been saying this for years. UKIP is a super right wing party. Anybody surprised by this really hasn't been paying attention.

He also wants to introduce handguns into the UK. Shocker!

I'm flabbergasted


Of course, if you understood the technology, and infrastructure that the UK has supplied to the US since the second world war, then yes, we expect special treatment. That's why it's called a "special relationship".
Tony Blair got fuck all for being Bush's attack poodle. I don't think you understand how American foreign policy works.
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