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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I found this Twitter thread when reading through one of the Sheriffs latest tweets.

What the fuck? "I don't know anything about the sheriff but to say he is racist is wrong."

Fucking Trump supporters.

what is with their "ride or die mentality", why not just take the L and move on.
His approval is already so low this isn't likely to hurt him. It will energize his diehards. The people who are upset were already not supporting him. Don't expect more than a fraction of a percent change in his approval after this.

I know this.

I'm just saying that energizing his die-hards at this point doesn't exactly help him.


His approval is already so low this isn't likely to hurt him. It will energize his diehards. The people who are upset were already not supporting him. Don't expect more than a fraction of a percent change in his approval after this.

That is the dangerous thing. He is down to only his base who will always support him no matter what and he is still president so he can basically do whatever he wants at this point and still be president once he has his base of 34% supporting him.
I know this.

I'm just saying that energizing his die-hards at this point doesn't exactly help him.
In a way, it does. Not so much in a general election, but by keeping his base 30% or so pumped the fuck up he makes it very hard for republicans to come out against him lest they risk a primary challenge. And a lot of these seats are so heavily R that the risk of losing in a primary is greater than losing to a democrat.


I found this Twitter thread when reading through one of the Sheriffs latest tweets.

What the fuck? "I don't know anything about the sheriff but to say he is racist is wrong."

Fucking Trump supporters.

Either you're an evil asshole (white supremacists, KKK, etc.), a member corporation looking for a payday, or you're suffering from almost comical levels of cognitive dissonance. Essentially, alot of people in that third category are literally turning themselves into knots and making nonense statements and arguments about the actions of this administration in order to avoid coming to terms with the truth that they already know. Their choice for president was a horribly wrong choice. Thats why you keep hearing, "But Hillary..." Hillary wasn't the only person in the primaries or the presidential race you dumbfucks. If you were a republican, you had way more choices before the candidate was solidified than you probably had any buisness having, yet you voted for that guy. Own your shit already and vote him out already, It dosen't even have to be a D, just a person who at least respects the rule of law.


you think those are equal measure of abuse of power?

I'm trying to imagine a timeline where Obama pardoned Bill Cosby to try to imagine what the normal reaction should be right now. That is the level I think Trump is getting away with right now.

I never said it was equal. Its just the sort of rationale ive noticed from those who would defend it. Hell, considering Trump's trans ban it wouldn't surprise me if it was going through his mind at some point.
Holy shit I just read up about what horrible things this man did

Now sanctioned by the president.


My girlfriend asked me to recount the crimes he was being pardoned for.

I barely got through the first few entries on his Wikipedia page before she said "fuck this shit."

Seriously, fuck Trump and fuck this worst timeline.


I found this Twitter thread when reading through one of the Sheriffs latest tweets.

What the fuck? "I don't know anything about the sheriff but to say he is racist is wrong."

Fucking Trump supporters.

His Twitter name has "88" in it. That's all you need to know.


Arpaio's life and career [..]exemplify selfless public service

... I'm not sure the person who wrote that (or the one who dictated that) knows the definition of the word "selfless".

One thing this presidency has achieved to impress me with (in a bad way) is how consistently it blatantly lies to the face of the public, with next to no repercussion up till now. How Trump supporter live with this hypocrisy is beyond me.


Unconfirmed Member
His Twitter name has "88" in it. That's all you need to know.
Maybe he's just a millennial born in 1988 and not a nazi!

jk he's probably totally a nazi

Edit: also I love the cognitive dissonance of far right whackos. Screen name is literally "patriot rebel hail hitler"
like you can be an American patriot, a secessionist confederate traitor, AND a fucking nazi all at once with no mutual exclusivity.
With this pardon, the highest office of the land gives a formal endorsement to police brutality, prisoner abuse, racial profiling and systematic violations of Constitutional rights. This is right up there with the Russia collusion as Trump's most serious attack on America's institutions.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
With this pardon, the highest office of the land gives a formal endorsement to police brutality, prisoner abuse, racial profiling and systematic violations of Constitutional rights. This is right up there with the Russia collusion as Trump's most serious attack on America's institutions.
And Concentration Camps.


Kills Photobucket


Oh god Arpaio is going to give a press conference next week defending himself and talking about the "abuse of the judicial system".

I feel like I'm living in crazy town.


Oh god Arpaio is going to give a press conference next week defending himself and talking about the "abuse of the judicial system".

I feel like I'm living in crazy town.

What abuse, the motherfucker never even had his contempt hearing did he? This is Trump pulling a Ford. Holy shit.


What abuse, the motherfucker never even had his contempt hearing did he? This is Trump pulling a Ford. Holy shit.

I just heard a voice recording from him on CNN, he said something about judicial abuse, he's going to defend himself and his actions, etc etc. Loves the president!1!!
Oh god Arpaio is going to give a press conference next week defending himself and talking about the "abuse of the judicial system".

I feel like I'm living in crazy town.
What was the point of Trump pardoning him before the hurricane when Arpaio's just going to come out and remind everyone that he did that?


That is the dangerous thing. He is down to only his base who will always support him no matter what and he is still president so he can basically do whatever he wants at this point and still be president once he has his base of 34% supporting him.

And only the Republicans can remove him.

And they won't. Which again makes wonder how this isn't the end of thier party.


Oh great. Guess I should be putting 1988 at the end up emails and usernames. Never knew that.

Ya, the Nazis kinda ruined that number for everyone. A local radio station, Indie 88, at 88.1 (the last remaining spot on the Toronto FM dial) had to tread lightly when they launched a few years back. They cluelessly put a lightning bolt in their logo, which was removed very quickly.


Why is the president given the power to pardon despite judicial ruling?

I'm not talking about specifics, I'm talking about the reasoning behind it.


Just seen this.....



Why is the president given the power to pardon despite judicial ruling?

I'm not talking about specifics, I'm talking about the reasoning behind it.

I don't know the history or reasoning behind this power, but I would assume this: the president is supposed to be someone of outstanding moral character and respect for the rule of law, and I'm sure the power to pardon was intended to be used sparingly in unique or special cases in which the president, having both more knowledge than the average citizen and a true understanding of the pulse of modern politics, could exercise the power responsibly and with the best interest of the country in mind.

So of course Trump would cheapen the both responsibility of this power and the position of president itself in his use of it because he's a large ball of rotten cheese.
Still using language like "the president can do this" and "it undermines".

He's still being softball as fuck.

Trump believes racism exists, just not his version of it.

Although, it is getting harder every day to say that.
What are you even talking about? It's a legal fact that president can so this. I dislike McCain more than the next guy but his statement in no way is saying it's ok or minimizing it. FFS


I know this.

I'm just saying that energizing his die-hards at this point doesn't exactly help him.
In some way it does. He wants to energize these people, so they remain enthusiastic about him. This doesn't help him expand his base. But it makes his base celebrate him more. I think that's what matters to him most, to feel celebrated, to bask in his celebrity. It helps his ego, and nothing matters to him more than that.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
What was the point of Trump pardoning him before the hurricane when Arpaio's just going to come out and remind everyone that he did that?

People saying Trump did this around the hurricane so people wouldn't notice...

My opinion is Trump did it so people would notice because the hurricane was stealing all his attention.


People saying Trump did this around the hurricane so people wouldn't notice...

My opinion is Trump did it so people would notice because the hurricane was stealing all his attention.

Nekketsu Kõha;247046234 said:

I mean, it has to be true. Transgender ban, Gorka gone, and the pardon all during the hurricane. How dare a natural disaster upstage Trump?!
Man, I really dislike having parents that think opinions cancel out facts. Just had a discussion about this in the car, where I was told "you can't say 'it's not up for debate' about whether Arpaio was rightfully convicted because a lot of people don't agree with us".

What are you even talking about? It's a legal fact that president can so this. I dislike McCain more than the next guy but his statement in no way is saying it's ok or minimizing it. FFS

McCain has from day one always padded his Trump speech.

People saying Trump did this around the hurricane so people wouldn't notice...

My opinion is Trump did it so people would notice because the hurricane was stealing all his attention.

Well, this is a guy that keeps saying he had the biggest crowds, and who has gone on record multiple times implying in multiple ways that he's more popular than 9/11.
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