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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]

Have you read this? It's a disgusting tweet from Roger Stone about Senator McCain who disagrees with Trump pardoning Arpaio...


Karma about to get you, @SenJohnMcCain and you will burn in hell for all eternity

It is a reaction from Stone about this tweet from McCain by the way:

.@POTUS's pardon of Joe Arpaio, who illegally profiled Latinos, undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law (link: https://www.mccain.senate.gov/publi...eases?ID=3B0E692D-FFEB-4F6C-ADF9-C3F598E94D2A) mccain.senate.gov/public/index.c…


As Joseph Arpaio’s federal case headed toward trial this past spring, President Trump wanted to act to help the former Arizona county sheriff who had become a campaign-trail companion and a partner in their crusade against illegal immigration.

The president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate, according to three people with knowledge of the conversation.

After talking with Sessions, Trump decided to let the case go to trial, and if Arpaio was convicted, he could grant clemency.

The law and order president, everyone.
So can someone who was pardoned then be sued in a civil case?

Since a pardon is also an admission of guilt?

Or does the pardon absolve him of all prosecution?


So can someone who was pardoned then be sued in a civil case?

Since a pardon is also an admission of guilt?

Or does the pardon absolve him of all prosecution?

He can, but any fines he'd have to pay will be low compared to the amount he'll make though donations.
Honestly the conflict of interest in the administration is fucking mind blowing.
The fact that he broke the law so blatantly and all he had to do was suck up to Trump to get pardoned is fucking enraging.
The fact that Trump doesn't understand that pardoning is not a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" tool makes me even more concerned.
Fucking hell man.



Full quote for those without a WSJ sub:


And the tortoise:



I'd personally like a mandate on government officials (senators, House members, governors, mayors) being required to do a weekly press conference.


Shit like this should be immediate grounds for impeachment.

I'm also realizing that all those years I fooled myself in my youth into thinking that the president didn't have that much power to abuse due to all the checks and balances supposedly in place. Man what a fool I was.

If Paul Ryan's spine sees it's shadow, it means six more weeks of both-sidesism.

That would require him to have a spine.


Can I ask about something I don't understand as a non-American: With all of the many crimes Arpaio committed, including abuse of office, fundamental breaking of civil rights, negligence and dereliction, inhumane treatment, false arrest, misuse of funds, political corruption etc., how has he only got away with a conviction of criminal contempt of court? Shouldn't there have been dozens of charges? Can there still be? Is it simply a case of police can do no wrong and you have to be comprehensively and cartoonishly villainous to get even the minimal amount of accountability he faced?


Can I ask about something I don't understand as a non-American: With all of the many crimes Arpaio committed, including abuse of office, fundamental breaking of civil rights, negligence and dereliction, inhumane treatment, false arrest, misuse of funds, political corruption etc., how has he only got away with a conviction of criminal contempt of court? Shouldn't there have been dozens of charges? Can there still be? Is it simply a case of police can do no wrong and you have to be comprehensively and cartoonishly villainous to get even the minimal amount of accountability he faced?

It's not uncommon to go with the charge you know you can make stick (or have the best chance) since you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt for a conviction. Any charge that gives jurors or judges wiggle room you'd want to avoid.

Contempt of court is probably a lot easier to prove than the other charges and it looks bad to go through the process on it and just have him walk so you do what's gonna stick, or has the best chance. It's pretty common.


Shit like this should be immediate grounds for impeachment.

I'm also realizing that all those years I fooled myself in my youth into thinking that the president didn't have that much power to abuse due to all the checks and balances supposedly in place. Man what a fool I was.

This is actually indefensible. He's a straight up evil person who used his position of power to enact cruelty on other human beings. Trump pardoning Arpaio lacks any political finesse whatsoever, he's just continuing to push the envelope of what he can get away with.
Shit like this should be immediate grounds for impeachment.

I'm also realizing that all those years I fooled myself in my youth into thinking that the president didn't have that much power to abuse due to all the checks and balances supposedly in place. Man what a fool I was.
This last year has really shown how the notion of ironclad checks and balances, as we're taught and feel so confident in, is a really shitty net of norms and assumed civilities. Only the judicial branch has proven itself


This last year has really shown how the notion of ironclad checks and balances, as we're taught and feel so confident in, is a really shitty net of norms and assumed civilities. Only the judicial branch has proven itself

It had good intentions but was a flawed system that did not take into account political parties. I don't think they expected that the branches would just collude via an extra-governmental system of formality. Republicans are still afraid to call Trump out, let alone do anything about him because the loss of face to the party would be tremendous.


This last year has really shown how the notion of ironclad checks and balances, as we're taught and feel so confident in, is a really shitty net of norms and assumed civilities. Only the judicial branch has proven itself

That's really not true at all.

How many shit bills would have become law were it not for the Senate (and in the ACA repeal bill, Republicans in the Senate) blocking them?

I do think we need to re-evaluate presidential pardon powers, however.
i don't think those parallels are as ironclad as you think they are

I mean, there's kind of a reason that the big pop culture stand-in for Space Nazi turned from a middle aged, stoic, and mechanical warrior to a an insecure and emotional young adult.


Believe you me, I think ever since Charlottesville, Trump has been on the razor's edge and the GOP is just trying to hold it together.

Topical because Kylo Ren is a neo-nazi stand-in.

Episode 9 is gonna be interesting as fuck.

Who knew Star Wars would be this socially relevant?

That's true. Though I was just thinking which gif expressed my anger best.


I hope that Arpaio dies of a heart attack any day now. He's done with life.

Or he at least gets bodied in civil lawsuits.


The bigger problem here is that he seems willing to pardon *anyone* for contempt, so the people that may squeal to bring him down now have an out for refusing to testify.

This was calculated. If you can't shut down the investigation, do your best to weaken it however you can. The man is desperate.


The bigger problem here is that he seems willing to pardon *anyone* for contempt, so the people that may squeal to bring him down now have an out for refusing to testify.

This was calculated. If you can't shut down the investigation, do your best to weaken it however you can. The man is desperate.
This seems like a very good point. If anyone wants to build points with Trump and/or the party, they could simply refuse to testify and rely on a pardon I assume, since Trump has pointedly demonstrated that it can go around the DOJ?


time to take my meds
Trump pardoned a known racist with 88 in his twitter handle?

What world am i living in? Can we impeach already?
That's really not true at all.

How many shit bills would have become law were it not for the Senate (and in the ACA repeal bill, Republicans in the Senate) blocking them?

I do think we need to re-evaluate presidential pardon powers, however.

Like, you can only *just* use the plurals here when referring to the Senate votes.

The health care votes have been as partisan as possible, and we've fallen over ourselves thanking, what, 3 R senators for having a spine on this one issue?

Trump's presidency has lasted this long because he's politically convenient for a Congress that wants to pass conservative laws. That convenience has outweighed any moral compulsion they could/should have over Trump's various enormities. The only place they've universally drawn the line has been on Russian sanctions, which in and of itself was a tacit admission that the president cannot be trusted.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump pardoned a known racist with 88 in his twitter handle?

What world am i living in? Can we impeach already?
The 88 twitter handle was about an unrelated twitterer commenting on arpio. He wanted to "not rush to call someone racist" mixed with a healthy dose of "just asking questions"


hopefully this is the presidency that does in the electoral college. it had one sole chance to prove why it supposedly exists and blew it.


I hope that Arpaio dies of a heart attack any day now. He's done with life.

Or he at least gets bodied in civil lawsuits.
I've thought about taking up religion again this year, just so I can enjoy the belief that these guys are burning in hell after they die.

Fox Mulder

Honestly the conflict of interest in the administration is fucking mind blowing.
The fact that he broke the law so blatantly and all he had to do was suck up to Trump to get pardoned is fucking enraging.
The fact that Trump doesn't understand that pardoning is not a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" tool makes me even more concerned.
Fucking hell man.

Seems like a president could have always abused pardons but didn't because they gave a fuck about how it would look. So much of our system is just based on traditions instead of actual laws apparently.


Seems like a president could have always abused pardons but didn't because they gave a fuck about how it would look. So much of our system is just based on traditions instead of actual laws apparently.
This has been one of the most nauseating realizations for me this year - that much of what we've come to expect from a president was not based in law, but was based on the assumption that a president would not be a vile, disgusting piece of garbage. The integrity of the position of POTUS has largely been based on the honor system. It's horrifying.


Kills Photobucket
hopefully this is the presidency that does in the electoral college. it had one sole chance to prove why it supposedly exists and blew it.

Never going to happen. The GOP has only won a presidential popular vote ONCE since the 90s, and that was with an incumbent. It's their only path to the White House.


Sucks at poetry
hopefully this is the presidency that does in the electoral college. it had one sole chance to prove why it supposedly exists and blew it.

It won't be. It'll be a hundred years from now when and if the electoral college goes away. And it won't be because it's faulty, but because it's irrelevant. We don't like to fix problems.
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