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Until Dawn |OT| I know what you'll play this summer


Ending spoilers
Yep, that's his ending. There's no way to actually prevent him from being turned into a Wendigo.

Ending spoilers
It depends on where your first character death occurred. If the first one occurred in Chapter 10, then i'd just start there. But earlier than that means that if any of them die at any time you have to start over from the chapter where you first character death occurred in your original playthrough since that's the one the game remembers. Given how hard the final "Hold Still" sequences can be, it means that you could get frustrated if you're having to go through multiple chapters every time to get there.

thats crazy. never knew. i thought
i could save him some how. Those visions that he was having in the mine... i wish the game had some more moments like that and explored his psychological breakdown.


Ok, I wasn't expecting this but the game is amazing. I think I am near the end of the game since I got all the clues for the
but yeah I don't want the game to finish. Hopefully Supermassive get the chance to make another one, not a sequel perse but another game in this style.

Going to replay it for sure, I made a couple of mistakes during my playthrough.


About your second spoiler tag.
You save Josh by finding two things. You need to find at least one picture of Hannah with a butterfly tattoo. And in Chapter 10 when you jump into the water with Sam you need to take the left path at the watermill instead of following Mike to the right. There you'll find Hannah's journal. If you already have a butterfly picture you can just select Chapter 10 and get the full ending by picking up the journal.

Thank you for this. I'm sure I found the picture with the butterfly tattoo playing as Emily. The part about taking the left path with Sam makes sense as I remember doing an action and not being able to go back to the area. I'll make sure to go to get the journal the next time.


Alright, just finished it !

So the spoiler free (ish) stuff part first !

Overall, I really am not a fan of the cinematic experience type games (I despise most of David Cage's game, with Heavy Rain making me disinterested at best probably) or a big half of "walking sims" (with the exception of Stanley Parable or Ethan Carter which I really did like).

However, this games makes it work like..super well. The premise, the homage to the cheesy slasher movie genre, the execution and the believieability of each actor makes all for something that works super hard to make this more than just a chore (which I was a bit afraid of in the beginning chapters as it starts pretty slow). Some choices for the characters are sometimes more fluff than anything, but they did put the effort in actually showing all of these subtle changes between relations and details.
There's definitively a shitton of work put into the writing, screenplay for each line, and just a general ton of polish and it shows ( even though it kinda chugs 2/3 in before picking back up.).

The scenario itself is kinda by-the-books if you compare it straight to the movies it's inspired by but it does work well still (taking obvious inspiration from stuff like The Descent, Cabin in the woods, various slasher flicks).Spoiler:
The fact that they even have the "grizzly old loner who warns you about -LOCAL URBAN MYTH-" with the grizzly voice and everything was delighttful and hilarious.
And well it's kinda the point to relive the adventures of your average movie-american teen stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. It relishes in it even. Plus the fact that it's a game means it can have more fun with it's pacing and effects

Graphically, it's a looker, although it does chug sometimes. It's mildly annoying, although it being not an action game, i can overlook that for this one. And the modelling for the characters and the general look of the world IS stunning in contrast so yeah. They did quite a nice job from getting this from the original ps3 to ps4. I'd be actually curious to see old prototype screenshots of how it would've been on the old console, seeing at how it can drop a few frames already on the ps4 (and never goes over 30).

I would say, as a horror fan, that the actual scary elements were the weaker part tho. Once the original ambiance has done it's trick and you start getting into the meat of things, I kinda stopped being scared (and sometimes even annoyed to the very obvious haunted mansion style pop scares). Not really asking for silent hill 2 of course, but it still kinda was a shame that, for a horror game, the scary elements started feeling weak halfway into it to the point where at the end, i was mostly there for the story and didn't feel any sense of dread anymore.

The weakest part was probably the "Ghost" part which felt super cheap. With very obvious and loud jumpscares, for a payoff that wasn't super satisfying. The psycho part too started losing it's strength quickly. The wendigo overall felt probably the most consistent due to their sheer menace, but they only come into the story pretty late

Not that there isn't any tension tho, which is still how the game manages to catch up a bit. Since it makes a really good job of making you actually care for the protags, there's still this horrible feeling of not letting them down and kiilling them with a wrong choice. So even if the scariness wears off, the tension stays pretty high throughout as you want to have the best possible outcome.

I'd say overall...like a super solid 8/10 ? I would rate it higher if the horror elements were more solid and if the writing didn't take that little dip 2/3rds in. But overall yeah, damn entertaining, even with that. Super fun also with friends, would definitively recommend for a halloween party for example. There's also a little bit of replayability which is nice and uncommon for this genre, although the inability to skip already done cutscenes is a bit annoying.

I wouldn't say it sold me on the genre tho. They obviously had to put a shitton of hard work to make this work, not only with the writing and screenplay but the art and casting and acting as well, and I don't know how many teams who work with the same genre would be as capable as super massive. But one thing is for sure is that i'll be checking out their future endeavours, cuz they have sure shown they can make this work at least for themselves
Welp Im done with this game. Im only missing the keep everyone alive/ all girls trophy cause I messed up at the end there. And Im tired of restarting from chapter 4, Ive been through it four times now from that point on to current, three times in just three days. Maybe Ill return to it in a few weeks or months.

Ending spoiler
when Sam dies, why doesnt anyone acknowledge it in the ending interviews, it was odd


Just finished this over 3 nights together with my daughter.
We saved them all first try. Holy Moly... what a fun.
My daughter paid real good attention to the totem clues and personalities. next time we want to kill everyone.


I also considered
saving myself option
, but somehow just didn't seem like right thing to do

I'm just starting chapter 9 and so far
I've only lost Matt for sure, but I'm not quite sure about the fate of Jessica. It didn't look good for sure, but I'm hoping she's still somewhere alive.

I have feeling that the last two chapters will be tough on my survivor count.

How about you? Lose anyone else than Matt so far?

Same here! Really nervous about losing anyone else when I'm so close to the end.

I'm at Chapter 10 right now so I'm pretty sure I'm nearing the end of the game. I've only lost Matt so far. I may have lost Josh too. Not sure about that one yet.


The local media (Philippines) just posted a positive article on this game.

It's getting some good word of mouth I guess, and I'm hoping it translates to sales. This game deserves it!
Just finished this yesterday and loved it overall. Definitely among my favorite games of the year so far. Scary, tense and unique experience with some great graphics and sound design. I did slightly prefer the first half of the game with the build up and mystery to the bit more more action oriented second half. Still as a whole it was such a fun game full of creepy locations, exciting choices and great jump scares. The characters really grew up on me and cared for almost all of them by the end. Chapter 10
had some great moments and really liked those creepy visions by Josh. His character was really interesting and complex one and in one moment you felt sympathy for him and other you wondered whether he would have been capable of killing some of his friends during his psychotic moments. He was really torn and haunted by his sisters deaths.Also thought it was nice twist that Hannah was one the Wendigos stalking them and the one who took Jessica.

On my first run
only Mike, Chris and Emily survived. I was really bummed to lose Sam on the final moments on that last "don't move" section. Also really hated to lose Ashley and Jessica in the end too and the same second I made the fatal choices I knew I made a mistake. Damn. My wife finished her game also and funnily enough we ended up making almost all the same choices. On her game only Sam and Chris survived.

Really can't wait to start my second run and correct my mistakes and find all the missing totems and clues.


Welp Im done with this game. Im only missing the keep everyone alive/ all girls trophy cause I messed up at the end there. And Im tired of restarting from chapter 4, Ive been through it four times now from that point on to current, three times in just three days. Maybe Ill return to it in a few weeks or months.

Ending spoiler
when Sam dies, why doesnt anyone acknowledge it in the ending interviews, it was odd

If that's the only part you're messing up on at the end, you can just redo the last episode and still get those trophies without going all the way back to episode 4
Just finished. Made some stupid decisions in the end that resulted in fatalities which I was disappointed in.

Overall a very good game. Not really any issues with it but could see it having lots more potential and indeed wanting a Resident Evil game back like the old skool type. I did care for most of the characters and the story was quite good, especially with the twist. It was tense and atmospheric and took inspiration from lots of horror movies. The start felt off to me though just putting you in the story part way in without giving you much back story and knowing who any were or why and I think character building initially should have been better (again going back to having a better opening).

But yeah very good and unlike most anything out there. If I wanted to put it up to QDs games however I'd still rate Heavy Rain better but much better than Beyond.


On my second playthrough.
Great, great fun.

don't move
sequences towards the end were murder!
I swear
I sat still and held my breath
and still failed!


Just finished the game for the first time, only Sam, Emily and Matt survived.

Absolutely loved every minute of it and for me it's the best game in it's genre.

Also, as a horrorfan I have to say that the dialogue, characters, story and scares were all a lot of fun. I remember someone saying that the game was like playing Cabin in the Woods instead of just watching it and that is how I feel too.

Until Dawn might just be my GOTY this year but we'll see that in 2016 I guess!
You guys do realize that hold still doesn't mean don't move the controller right? The center drifts and you have to move the controller to keep it steady. I'm sure it's been mentioned before but I keep seeing comments where people are having trouble.


You guys do realize that hold still doesn't mean don't move the controller right? The center drifts and you have to move the controller to keep it steady. I'm sure it's been mentioned before but I keep seeing comments where people are having trouble.

Haha that explains it.


You guys do realize that hold still doesn't mean don't move the controller right? The center drifts and you have to move the controller to keep it steady. I'm sure it's been mentioned before but I keep seeing comments where people are having trouble.

Pretty sure it was designed that way so you can't just turn off vibrate and out the controller down. And since people can't cheese those segments they complain and say it's bugged.
You guys do realize that hold still doesn't mean don't move the controller right? The center drifts and you have to move the controller to keep it steady. I'm sure it's been mentioned before but I keep seeing comments where people are having trouble.
That honestly just seems like bad calibration. A lot of the time it stays perfectly in the center and putting it on the table works just fine.


The vibration effect of the heartbeat during "Hold Still" can be enough to fail some of the latter ones. On a hard flat surface, it's a sure fail. or something softer like your leg, or carpet, you can set it down safely and pass even the final few.
Well im trough it.

Im a bit disappointed but still highly surprised about the game. The story,characters atmosphere were top notch but the choices were lackluster again. But would still say its not worth 60 bucks.

In a game where everyone can get killed i would expect a few more deaths and not just 1-2 for some characters while others get like 10 deaths scenes that are literally the same animation just with different camera perspectives. And in the end nothing really matters. They are dead or not and the Wendigos are dead even if all of survivors are dead. And that sucks. Its another game where its praised that choices matters but on the long run they dont. And they probably worked more than 4 years on it.
Thought so. Damn it.

It's kind of dumb that you are locked out of collectables if you shoot the squirrel and Jessica dies and you have no way of knowing that. Both are things I had done in my initial playthrough.

Jess dying doesn't lock you out as long as Matt is still alive. They're both together in that section so it can work either way, such as if Matt died but Jess is still alive. But you're completely locked out if you shoot the squirrel.
Can you start from a chapter where you got someone killed and save them, then go on to finish the game?

Are you talking about doing a
no death run? If so then that will work. But I don't know if i'd recommend going that route if they died early in the game. That's because if anyone dies at any point then you have to start over from the chapter where that original character died because that's the playthrough the game remembers. And the final Hold Still sequences can be really nerve wrecking when you're trying to save everyone. So it may just be best to do a fresh run if someone died early in the game.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I am in love with Sam, she is great.

I didn't really like the Josh turns out to be the psycho and the Mandingo. Would have liked the Beth/Hannah ghost stuff and actually using your wit/decision making to keep the group alive from a real killer and not the Mandingo. More interaction (the group as a whole, they barely where together) between them and just a longer story really. It was just great, just didn't work for me with the twist and all. Still a great game tho.


Are you talking about doing a
no death run? If so then that will work. But I don't know if i'd recommend going that route if they died early in the game. That's because if anyone dies at any point then you have to start over from the chapter where that original character died because that's the playthrough the game remembers. And the final Hold Still sequences can be really nerve wrecking when you're trying to save everyone. So it may just be best to do a fresh run if someone died early in the game.

Will do, thanks!


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
First run and I lost 1 character
Easily one of the best games I've played this year.
This MGSV, Witchery 3 and Bloodborne are my top games this year and I hope more like this and even a sequel is very very welcome.


Have you guys tried remote playing Until Dawn on the Vita? It's wild. I used the PS4's accessibility feature to flip R2 onto R1 so I could use the shoulder button for interaction. The control scheme for the game isn't very demanding so it works decently. I was chilling in my bedroom with all the lights off getting Emily through the tower sequence.


Have you guys tried remote playing Until Dawn on the Vita? It's wild. I used the PS4's accessibility feature to flip R2 onto R1 so I could use the shoulder button for interaction. The control scheme for the game isn't very demanding so it works decently. I was chilling in my bedroom with all the lights off getting Emily through the tower sequence.

I played half of it in remote play actually since the ones i share the place with hate any kind of horror or gore games. It was really comfy, although wished my wifi was better
It's the moment of truth.

The moment when you find out if you are the type who stick it through thick and thin or are you the type to just go "Screw you guys, I'm going home~" when push comes to shove and panic controls your survival instinct.

I wish they had made it clearer but admit it, your first instinct was to
reach that switch pronto

Yup, that was me. Up until then I only lost one person, so
Sam single-handedly killed 3 people. Whoops!


Controlling characters who don't act like humans is pretty infuriating. It's very hard to suspend my disbelief so often.

The main gripe I have though is that there seems to be 'maniac(s)', ghosts, supernatural occurrences, and monsters, so the intrigue comes from confusion rather than real twists. The fun of a mystery is trying to predict the outcome, but I'm just at a loss.

Just got to Chapter 7. Defenitely still curious to see it to the end, though.

Ok, so one maniac. Definitely monsters. And a old guy with a flame thrower.


Neo Member
The characters really grew up on me and cared for almost all of them by the end. Chapter 10
had some great moments and really liked those creepy visions by Josh. His character was really interesting and complex one and in one moment you felt sympathy for him and other you wondered whether he would have been capable of killing some of his friends during his psychotic moments. He was really torn and haunted by his sisters deaths.Also thought it was nice twist that Hannah was one the Wendigos stalking them and the one who took Jessica.

Due to the
lengths that Josh goes to, to ensure that his friends aren't physically irreparably harmed (or killed) by his pranks or SAW scenarios
, I don't think that he would have been capable.

Solid game though, agreed!

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Only on the second chapter but I am having a hard time getting into it right now because there are characters I just dislike (Matt and Emily).
Only on the second chapter but I am having a hard time getting into it right now because there are characters I just dislike (Matt and Emily).

You're still super early, give it time. I had similar reservations at first but they both grew on me by the end to the point where Emily was one of my favorite characters.


Emily is the asian girl, right? Nah, she doesn't grow on you at all. You just end up hating her even more by the end of the game. I hated Matt at first, but later on he was eh. Didn't hate him or liked his character.
Really not sure how I did it but I managed to save everyone! (ending spoiler)
I didn't save Josh, but I am not sure whether you can prevent him from becoming a Wendigo?

What a fantastic little game. It has certainly outdone any David Cage game I have ever played. Great atmosphere, beautiful graphics and a real palpable tension in trying not to have anyone die on you!

Went in with no expectations and I can confidently say it is one of my 10 favourite games of this year.

Well done Supermassive Games, always nice to see a UK dev do something innovative.


Finished Chapter 8 last night. This is a prime example of a game that gets better the more/longer you play. The beginning was slow, plodding, and kind of unfun to me, but it ratchets up real quick, and actually becomes interesting and exciting.

It's really too bad the sound mix is one of the worst I've ever heard in a game.


This has probably been answered already, but this thread is so large that it's difficult to go back to check for the answer...I have two questions.

1. What happens if you choose
Ashley instead of Josh during the saw blade part

2. Does
the Dog
always die?

I tried looking on youtube, but after watching three playthroughs everyone seemed to be making the same decisions in these particular parts.
This has probably been answered already, but this thread is so large that it's difficult to go back to check for the answer...I have two questions.

1. What happens if you choose
Ashley instead of Josh during the saw blade part

It'll always select Josh as it has to for story purposes since he's not actually out to hurt anyone. But if you press the lever it's makes the setup pretty clever on the games part. The bubble before the lever is where it specifically tells you to select who you want to save. But they don't tell you what it means to move that lever. So i've seen one playthrough where someone wanted to save Josh and moved the lever toward Ashley thinking it'd make it go toward her and it changed to Josh. And of course if you move it toward Josh then it just goes straight to him. So either way it's setup to be a trick assuming you're trying to save Josh.

2. Does
the Dog
always die?

As far as I know there's no way to save it since it always stays behind. I'm guessing that the Stranger never really took it down to that part so it was unfamiliar with it and didn't want to follow Mike.
This has probably been answered already, but this thread is so large that it's difficult to go back to check for the answer...I have two questions.

1. What happens if you choose
Ashley instead of Josh during the saw blade part

2. Does
the Dog
always die?

I tried looking on youtube, but after watching three playthroughs everyone seemed to be making the same decisions in these particular parts.

Not completely sure about the second one, but that's the impression I got and also remember reading somewhere.

1. You won't be able to choose Ashley, the blade goes to Josh always no matter what.

2. You should be able to save the dog in the sanitarium. Not sure how though, but I also think it says something along those lines in the butterfly section menu. But as I said I'm not sure about that one.
It'll always select Josh as it has to for story purposes since he's not actually out to hurt anyone.

Well he's kinda hurting people anyway. Punching them in the face in the dark (You might fall hit your head and die), drugging them with a syringe (possibility of an overdose) or gassing them and what have you. Not forgetting the possibility that anyone could have killed him during all this if the chance arose. He's playing a dangerous game that's for sure. Who knows how far he would have gone during some of his episodes, but in my opinion that's what makes his character interesting and unpredictable. His personality changes in a matter of moments.


Just watching a video that looks at the voice actors and how the developers measured the jump-scares within the game. Really funny stuff to see how in-depth they go!
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