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What do 1up editors think of the two MS SKUS? a new(?) video tells..


I watched it. You could learn more by reading the GAf forums.

The title was interesting:

1UP Editor Roundtable: Is the Xbox 360 a Ripoff?


1UP Editor Roundtable: Is the Xbox 360 a Good Value?

Sensationalism +1


Junior Member
what the hell are people gonna say when the PS3 price is revealed? PS3 will cost at least as much as the xbox360 probably even more, and the HDD is being sold seperately


works for Gamestop (lol)
tegdf said:
what the hell are people gonna say when the PS3 price is revealed? PS3 will cost at least as much as the xbox360 probably even more, and the HDD is being sold seperately

Damage control by saying the blu-ray drive makes it worth the high price. Plus backwards compatability

Musashi Wins!

tegdf said:
what the hell are people gonna say when the PS3 price is revealed? PS3 will cost at least as much as the xbox360 probably even more, and the HDD is being sold seperately

I think what's troubling people about the price, or at least me, is that the perception is that the games are not impressive and the vision of the system packages as offered seems confused. It doesn't seem a good launch day value and it's being contrasted against a competitor who is cooly implying (maybe through artifice, maybe not) that you will pay the same or more for a much more powerful piece of tech when they launch shortly after.
They really need to do more of that video roundtable action in the future. Collectively, that comes across pretty positively for X360. I think all of the bitching and whining going on since the announcement will subside into acceptance. It's really not as bad as it seems, IMO.

Master Z

Wario64 said:
Damage control by saying the blu-ray drive makes it worth the high price. Plus backwards compatability

Add in Wi-Fi and wireless controler standard and it'll be well worth it.
Master Z said:
Add in Wi-Fi and wireless controler standard and it'll be well worth it.

not to the casuals when ms THEN drops the price to $299-$349 for the premium pack and the games look no better on the ps3 even with its $399+ price point...


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
You bitches, I was trying my hardest to defend Microsoft.

But no amount of damage control can get me to think that paying 100 bucks for a 20 gig HDD (or wi-fi adapter) is a good value. That's basically 500 bucks for your "complete" package.

Then there are the games...
chespace said:
You bitches, I was trying my hardest to defend Microsoft.

But no amount of damage control can get me to think that paying 100 bucks for a 20 gig HDD (or wi-fi adapter) is a good value.

No, the prices for those items are insane...but what choice do we have? I'd rather buy the $399 SKU just so I don't have to buy a memory unit or two down the line...I love the bottomless save space the HDD affords in the first 'BOX.


Gas Guzzler
Lunar Aura said:
not to the casuals when ms THEN drops the price to $299-$349 for the premium pack and the games look no better on the ps3 even with its $399+ price point...

There's some big assumptions here.

Assumption 1: That MS will drop the price for the premium pack. More likely, they'll just emphasis the retard pack. It won't do for MS to suddenly cut the price of the 400 dollar premium pack some 8 months after launch. It will undercut the perceived value of the hardware and also piss off earlier adopters.

Assumption 2: That X360 software will be comparable to PS3 software. PS3 has at least a minor hardware advantage and is likely to be the lead platform for developers at least in Japan. DC had a larger, generally higher quality library than PS2 and it didn't dent the PS2 launch one bit. The best PS2 launch stuff (Tekken Tag) did noticeably improve on the best in the DC library too (Soul Calibur) from a technical perspective.

Neither of these things is a certainty to happen and in fact I think are not likely to happen.


Where was the outrage when MS released this for 110 bucks.

I dont see how the price for the wifi adapter is even an issue. It shouldent be since you can go out and buy one on your own for 40 bucks. Or just use one of the adapters you allready have.


You cannot go out and buy a wireless bridge for $40, and support for 3rd party USB adapters is unconfirmed (and not likely given MS's stance on peripherals now).


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
TheDuce22 said:
Where was the outrage when MS released this for 110 bucks.

I dont see how the price for the wifi adapter is even an issue. It shouldent be since you can go out and buy one on your own for 40 bucks. Or just use one of the adapters you allready have.

No outrage at the time because I didn't buy it. :) And also, I don't actually own a wi-fi adapter that isn't USB, so I'll probably have to bite the bullet and pick one up when 360 comes out. Hopefully, there aren't any compatibility issues with non-MS wi-fi adapters.


TheDuce22 said:
Where was the outrage when MS released this for 110 bucks.

I dont see how the price for the wifi adapter is even an issue. It shouldent be since you can go out and buy one on your own for 40 bucks. Or just use one of the adapters you allready have.

*bangs head against desk*


Look up the prices for USB Wireless Adapters before commenting.


Junior Member
TheDuce22 said:
Where was the outrage when MS released this for 110 bucks.

I dont see how the price for the wifi adapter is even an issue. It shouldent be since you can go out and buy one on your own for 40 bucks. Or just use one of the adapters you allready have.

The outrage here is that the Revolution and PS3 will have the wireless built-in. For the 360, you need to pay a pretty penny if you want wireless. It wasn't an issue for the regular Xbox because things weren't expected to be wireless back then.

There's also the fact that since you can get your own for $40, then why couldn't the official Xbox adapter be closer to $40, rather than closer to $100? That doesn't make much sense unless you want to make $50 profit on an accessory.


Roundtable was pretty good. I was surprised that they used like 2-3 cameras. There is one weird fade-cut around 7:00....did Che just spit out a string of expletives or something? ;)

Musashi Wins!

border said:
Roundtable was pretty good. I was surprised that they used like 2-3 cameras. There is one weird fade-cut around 7:00....did Che just spit a string of expletives or something? ;)

I saw that too. I thought maybe he goosed the girl to his left.


chespace said:
You bitches, I was trying my hardest to defend Microsoft.

But no amount of damage control can get me to think that paying 100 bucks for a 20 gig HDD (or wi-fi adapter) is a good value. That's basically 500 bucks for your "complete" package.

Then there are the games...
:lol You played the "choices" angle. ><


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Rorschach said:
:lol You played the "choices" angle. ><

That's really the only angle to having two SKUs. ;)

$60 games as a standard blows my balls though.


You guys also forgot to mention the actual price of the mem cards for live and such :X

The mem card price is insane...I guess they're just saying "just buy the damn HD, idiot!"


not an idiot
chespace said:
You bitches, I was trying my hardest to defend Microsoft.

But no amount of damage control can get me to think that paying 100 bucks for a 20 gig HDD (or wi-fi adapter) is a good value. That's basically 500 bucks for your "complete" package.

Then there are the games...
I'm with you. I am, err, was, a pretty ardent supporter of MSFT and the Xbox. Not because of any loyalties, but because I seen it as a fantastic system, with great games and support and features. I stood up for it when the blatant fanboys were being, well, blatent, closed minded fanboys. Eventually most everyone came around (goes to show how slow people are to change).

But I am off the X360 bandwagon. Splitting the market with 2 SKU's (the bottom one terrible) and overpricing accesories (to a rediculous level) along with rushed games and a rushed system (came out after PS2, coming out before PS3). I just can't back that.

What they should have done is have a base system with HDD and one wired controller for $299. And then sold the wireless controllers, component cables, remotes, wireless network adapter, xbox live, memory cards, wireless headset and all the other shit as accessories (for a fair price). This would have EASILY covered them on any loses. Hell, you know how many wireless controllers they would sell alone? Nobody would have paid for anything they didn't want this way and the HDD would have been standard and everyone happy.

I am completely off the X360 bandwagon and doubt I'll ever get on. PS3 or bust.
Why is the Wi-Fi adapter thing so important? im running a cord to my xbox now, and im sure everyone with live allready is as well, so why not just use that cord on the 360?

i mean i hate how they are charging 100 bucks for it, but i dont think its gonna make much of a differance.


Wifi is important because most people don't want to run cords through their house. Affordable wireless is key to getting more people online....but they've screwed that up now.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
you can buy a 3rd party adapter and plug it into your 360's ethernet port. A wireless B will suit you fine if you are short on cash. I can't imagine anyone needing the wireless G shit unless they are going to have the media extender for Hi Def vids

I have XBMC on my Xbox and I stream, with a Linksys Wireless B game adapter, it's wireless and it works fine
tegdf said:
what the hell are people gonna say when the PS3 price is revealed? PS3 will cost at least as much as the xbox360 probably even more, and the HDD is being sold seperately
laugh at all the people who boought the retard pack or the $100 too expensive pak when the PS3's $299 MSRP is announced


chespace said:
That's really the only angle to having two SKUs. ;)

$60 games as a standard blows my balls though.

Wait, what? This is true? I thought first party games were going to be $49.99.

Ah well MS has done it. I can't believe it. I'm teetering on not buying this system at launch and waiting for PLAYSTATION 3.

My problem with X360 is it feels like I'm paying a premium for recycled technology. The system setup feels like Gamecube 2 and I don't think Gamecube 2 should cost 400 bucks. At least with PLAYSTATION 3 you get Blu Ray, wireless in the box *and* ethernet,, 6 usb ports so you can have 4 controllers or more charging at once, multiple memory solution options so I can use my 1 gig pro duo card with the system. MS is talking about choice but it seems like the PLAYSTATION 3 is more forward thinking system, and the base bundle is easily worth 100 bucks over what the retard pack offers.

OH, and it doesn't help either that no launch Xbox 360 games shown so far feel like a next gen game. Gears of War does but that isn't until next year. Perhaps you could say Oblivion looks next gen, but I can get that for my PC...awaiting Madden but I have a tough time dropping 500 bucks down on one game. A game I already own.
border said:
Wifi is important because most people don't want to run cords through their house. Affordable wireless is key to getting more people online....but they've screwed that up now.

i guess for people who dont own an xbox now, i can see what your saying. Its defenitly retarded to sell some little usb wifi thing for 1/3 or 1/4 of the whole freaking system.

...maybe this wifi adapter comes with a Hub as well? :p

i guess my point was, that i didnt think GAF people would care about the wifi thing, but i guess some of you are thinking about the big picture, which slipped my mind i guess :p


GAF's Bob Woodward
Nobiru said:
Why is the Wi-Fi adapter thing so important? im running a cord to my xbox now, and im sure everyone with live allready is as well, so why not just use that cord on the 360?

i mean i hate how they are charging 100 bucks for it, but i dont think its gonna make much of a differance.

Wires :(

Also, if it applies, it can help with the WAF too.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
Ah well MS has done it. I can't believe it. I'm teetering on not buying this system at launch and waiting for PLAYSTATION 3.

I think you know what the new hotness is. One console future for the win.


Well I'm on Live and I use and ethernet cable but would much prefer Wifi support. Everytime I want to play online I have to move my Xbox into my bedroom because that's where the cable modem is....then I have to play on a 17" monitor. Bleh.
The core is such a horrible value, compared to even the PS2. It also compromises Premium pack owners by splitting the market for devs.

The premium pack is an okay value, but the only thing it's really offering new is wireless controllers. All in all, the hard drive really could have made the 360 stand out, but now it looks a bit underpowered compared to a more powerful, fully featured console (PS3) and a cheaper, just as featured console with a new interface and downloadable Nintendo games across 3 generations and full backwards compatibility.
TheDuce22 said:
Where was the outrage when MS released this for 110 bucks.

I dont see how the price for the wifi adapter is even an issue. It shouldent be since you can go out and buy one on your own for 40 bucks. Or just use one of the adapters you allready have.
that's an ethernet bridge, not a (considerably cheaper) usb wifi adapter


It's "skew."

Oh, and I'm going to lend my voice to the 360 criticisms and then hush up.

I'd been keeping a cautious eye on the system all along, but MS has made misstep after misstep since that horrible MTV unveiling. Not only do most of the games look wholly underwhelming, but MS has now, with the introduction of two SKUs, diluted the power of the 360 platform, effectively removing any real technical advantage I expected it to have over PS3.

Now it's a lock that I won't be buying the system. I really enjoy my Xbox, but there will be no Xbox 360 in my home. Here's hoping Sony does next-gen right.


Anyone else slightly worried that Xbox 360 multi platform games will be a little scaled down as well due to the storage format? The problem which plagued the Gamecube this gen. Think about a next gen GTA...it doesn't have to come close to filling up a 45 gig blu ray disc but lets say it takes up 12 gigs of data. What can you store on a standard dvd, 7 gigs? There is gonna be a ton of compression going on in the Xbox 360 version which means more load times, or downsampled voices and textures. Or, worse, 2 DVDs. This the one thing which worries me most about Xbox 360, is limited storage format. It won't happen this year or next year. But what about 3 years from now? I'd hate to have to swap discs in a free roaming game like GTA. Revolution has an upgrade in storage because they aren't going for the same high resolution Xbox 360 is going for. X360 is the only format to not have a media upgrade this upcoming generation and it may come back to bite them.


sangreal said:
Was that a joke?

No, The Faceless Master asked how you pronounce SKU. I've worked in marketing for 12 years, not including three years in a retail store, and I've never heard SKU pronounced any other way than "skew."

Edit: :)


Good round table.

For those who still don't think MS made a 180 on their SKU decision going from one to two, just listen to the round table discussion.
Kolgar said:
No, The Faceless Master asked how you pronounce SKU. I've worked in marketing for 12 years, not including three years in a retail store, and I've never heard SKU pronounced any other way than "skew."

Edit: :)
i wasn't the one who asked!

i've heard people say 'skew' before in retail :)
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