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What if? The rumors were true and PS5 was weaker and more expensive?


Dusk said ps5 games would be 1440p (3.6 million pixels) vs native 4k on xsx (8 million pixels). That would make Xbox twice as powerful and ps5 half as powerful. I don't think dusk understands how ludicrous this sounds.

I love how meta this thread has become. We are now shooting the messenger of the messenger. I'm not saying this lol

Sorry, I was just responding to the poll title, and it wasn't my intention to take a shot at you.
TBH, I wasn't even thinking about that Dusk guy - and although I don't think he is lying or anything, but it sounds like it's more of engine optimization issue, or maybe RE engine wasn't really made with variable clock speed in mind? Even if what he's saying for RE8 is true - it's one game and one developer using one specific multiplatform engine - so I disagree to really call PS5 being half the power of XSX solely based on official info available, right now.

Like he said on his tweets, I think they'll improve by the time game gets released... although personally, I would definitely buy the game on better performing machine, most likely Series X... and it's not even a launch game too, so it's got some ways to go.
I seriously doubt the ps5 is going to be more expensive.

The xsx is not only more powerful but also over engineered.

I don't know why no one is talking about the fact that the thing has a split Mobo

The ps5 has a way simpler design. The Xbox series x looks like way more complicated in every single way, the only thing "better" on the ps5 is 1 component, the faster ssd, and people talk like the xsx doesn't have an SSD, it not only has one but also has a user friendly ssd port. I guess that alone will make the machine way more expensive.
I could absolutely see the PS5 being more expensive. The SSD solution is unique. R&D costs money, as do proprietary systems. I can also see MS being more willing to take a loss on their console with the focus being on gamepass.

Beyond that .. this group doesn't see very keen on the ole' hypotheticals huh? Lots of defensive posts towards an OP that seems to be asking more about brand loyalty than actual console spec... In regards his/her question.. for me the answer is eventually. Consoles are rarely worth buying at launch but I enjoy Sony exclusives enough to warrant the purchase after a library of exclusives got established.
Why would MS be more willing to take a loss?

that makes zero sense. MS has a cheaper Lockhart to sell. They don’t believe as strongly in generations.

If anything, GamePass makes it less likely, not more, that they are willing to take a loss on hardware.

doubly so since they are taking a loss on GamePass, and Phil has said that hardware isn’t really as central to their strategy
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Why would MS be more willing to take a loss?

that makes zero sense. MS has a cheaper Lockhart to sell. They don’t believe as strongly in generations.

If anything, GamePass makes it less likely, not more, that they are willing to take a loss on hardware.

doubly so since they are taking a loss on GamePass, and Phil has said that hardware isn’t really as central to their strategy
Easy. History. They sold both the one and the one-x at a loss. MS made tons off of Live for years. Gamepass is an investment according to MS, part of a longer term strategy.


It seems to be weaker but not that point!
If it was half , I would be greatly disappointed.
He wanted the PS5 to lose in the poll, it's obvious... "how can I make sure that the poll results will show that people would be dissapointed with a less powerful PS5 / more expensive?... I know... I'll word it as 50% less powerful!!!" (he could've also added that in this theoretical case it would also be $200 more expensive).
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Gold Member
I think the deciding factor will still be the launch lineup. I think that consumers are willing to pay a bit more for a "weaker" console if the launch games are awesome and so far.... they aren't. Maybe Sony still have more games to announce for launch? Luckily for Sony, Microsoft's launch lineup is similarly bleak. Both companies fucked up in that regard.


Power is not deciding factor and it wasn’t in any console gen so it will not matter to most. Lots of pro Sony fans arguments are silly but it is definitely true that Sony first party studios will deliver high quality games regardless of power. Looking at what they have done with PS4, which is approx. 5x weaker than ps5, we can safely assume the ps5 games will look and play great. Anyone who buys ps5 should be happy with their purchase.


No, because we buy phones every few years with little upgrade and they are getting more and more expensive. The switch also has the same issue. So if that happened to the ps5, I would buy it when it gets cheaper since they are no longer trying to hype me for the console, but it still gonna be worth it due to the exclusives.

Yes I would have less respect towards Cerny and sony but it's not gonna change much in terms sales.. nintindo is an evidence of that.


Gold Member
Could you post some screenshots of the simpler PS5 motherboard? I haven't seen them yet.
Maybe you should be playing with this box

You can tell by how the box looks, you can tell its a traditional setup, unlike the xbox series x. with sx we have confirmed information. Do you really believe that knowing the shape of the ps5, its internals will not be like those found in the ps4, the pro, series x, ps3, xbox one...etc ??


It would still outsell Series X by a wide margin. Sony is following up a very successful PS4 generation. I doubt Sony will drop the ball with PS5.
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We are all sick of this nonsense.

Should have stopped there, fuck all these threads and speculation from armchair hardwareexperts, graphicsdesigners, gameenginegreators. "i only code in straight up binary so i know what im talking about" and their mothers.


It would hurt the PS5 sales that's for sure, 99% games are the same hence most people opt for the cheapest console that allows them to play them, however - Europe=football=Playstation - no matter how much worse offer the PS5 would be, millions of people grew up with PES since the early PSX days and continue the journey till this very day, they just switched to Fifa but Playstation is here to stay, the football crowd alone will always guarantee a big userbase for the Playstation consoles no matter what.


It would still have the games everyone wants to play. And it still wins handily.
speak for yourself.

so far there are only 2 games announced for PS5 that i want to play vs 8 on Xbox. this is the first time i won't be buying a Playstation in 25 years.

can't wait for the XSX: games i want to play + more powerful hardware.
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Gold Member
Half as powerful? I thought we were talking about a difference of less than 20%. Let's not use isolated cases in early software development to overplay the difference.

Anyway, for me, if it offered more for less (with all other things being equal), I'd have no problem springing for the XSX, but there are always more factors to consider than just price and power.

That said, I don't think that either MS or Sony's first party output has been particularly must have this generation, so that won't be as big a factor as it has in past gens. Neither box looks particularly compelling for launch, TBH.


An oldie bit a goldie

People have brand loyalty, and a generation that has grown up with a PS in the corner are going to stick with it. This idea that there's some substantive floating demographic that will switch (just because of specs) is a reach. If Microsoft wanted to truly compete against Sony then they'd need to go against them with exclusive, must play titles only available on the Xbox (This isn't rocket science). But the fact that isn't the Microsoft strategy suggests that isn't really what interests them in the long term, versus shipping a competent machine and making game-pass ubiquitous.
Maybe you should be playing with this box

You can tell by how the box looks, you can tell its a traditional setup, unlike the xbox series x. with sx we have confirmed information. Do you really believe that knowing the shape of the ps5, its internals will not be like those found in the ps4, the pro, series x, ps3, xbox one...etc ??
So you have no idea and just making up stuff. Gotcha. Thanks man.
It's all about the games on offer and great games need great teams.

A turd running 60fps at true 4k is still a turd. Sure, I can tell people how awesomely powerful my machine is but... OK.... whatever.

I buy a console to play games and have fun not to have bragging rights in some power war.


Gold Member
With the monstrous size and cooling of PS5 there really is no way it’s much weaker. If it was, there would be no reason for that size. And it is absolutely humongous.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I do not get the point of this thread. The specs are well-known. The PS5 is way stronger than half as strong as Xbox Series X. It is weaker, but not nearly by that much. So how is the scenario of PS5 being only half as powerful as XSX relevant at all? Being a bit weaker, yet more expensive wouldn't be unheard of. Xbox One was weaker than PS5, but cost 100€ more.
If it were half as powerful and less capable than the PS4Pro, while more expensive, yes, obviously that would be disappointing, but it isn't that weak, and if it were, it wouldn't be more expensive, so it's a dumb hyperthetical.

The fact the deliberate attempts by a bunch of xbox fanboys to spread lies about PS5 is still causing these kind of discussions is ridiculous.

Hell, even if it were that week, I'd still buy a PS5 for the exclusives, and I'd still not buy an Xbox, because it hasn't got any at all thanks to everything being on PC.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
The ps fanbase doesn't care about power. They only care about what Sony focus on.

So it would still outsell any competitor.
The ps fanbase doesn't care about power. They only care about what Sony focus on.

So it would still outsell any competitor.
In fairness Playstation has had exactly half of one generation where it won the console power dick measuring contest.

Being the second best place to play multiplatform games, after high end PC's, has never really been the reason Playstation is so massively successful.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
In fairness Playstation has had exactly half of one generation where it won the console power dick measuring contest.

Being the second best place to play multiplatform games, after high end PC's, has never really been the reason Playstation is so massively successful.

Well, power mattered in the generation for the PS fanbase, up until Xbox One X, then it didn't matter anymore.

Which shows my statement isnt wrong.
Well, power mattered in the generation for the PS fanbase, up until Xbox One X, then it didn't matter anymore.

Which shows my statement isnt wrong.
Nor mine, since I said there's only been half of one generation where it was the case.

But if you are just talking about console warring fanboys, then yeah, I'll grant you they acted like that power advantage was a big deal, then Xbox fanboys did the same once the XOX hit, while it was in truth it's really of secondary importance at best.


Gold Member
Latest from shitter - no idea if this guy is credible. It makes sense for hardware price retention with valueadds in software though.

It wont matter at the end of the day. PS is in more countries. Sony has reached a point where they can release games that are flops and get a pass, they can do anti consumer things and the fan boys will praise it. They have reached apple status. If xbox did a lot of things sony did they would be taken though the ringer. Games will perform better on xbox and xbox has game pass and x cloud so I think they are going to do fine especially once those DF video comparisons drop. Phil needs to be more aggressive but he probably wont be so if ps5 is more expensive and weaker it will still sell more but I do believe that with x cloud by the end of next gen more people will actually be playing xbox.


What is the point of a more powerful console if it lack games? I even start to wonder whether to get Switch 2 or PS5 at this point as my next console.


With the monstrous size and cooling of PS5 there really is no way it’s much weaker. If it was, there would be no reason for that size. And it is absolutely humongous.

That is the question though.
On paper, on what has been disclosed, PS5 is clearer weaker, how much weaker? Not clear.

But why does PS5 look so big? Does the RTX2070 needed to be bigger than RTX2080S?
Why did Bloomberg report on increased cooling BOM? Why did Sony made the patents for the heatsink and now liquid metal? Why has Sony not report the PSU wattage?

Companies have made mistakes during project works, unavoidable at times.
I just feel something is amiss with PS5 project. So much silence, much delays. 🤷‍♀️


In the last three generations Sony and MS has given us similar consoles that plays almost identical looking games. I can't understand how experienced gamers and consumers are still falling for the "most powerful console"-rhetoric, it's like we're still in 1993 and Atari Jaguar sounds like a great idea. Just count the exclusive games this year, last year or the year before that and tell me who had the better line-up. You can twist it and flip it, count frames, teraflops and clouds but looking at it objectively there's no way around it, Sony has the better games. They have shown continuity over the years so it would be fair to except excellent titles on PS5 aswell. That's something to take into account when making your choice, be it $100 more or less.


SlimySnake, I like your posts man. PS is your favorite console, but you arnt wearing blue glasses. You still question what sony is doing (sony exclusives on PC, only 36CUs GPU) and you still consider every info in objective manner, and for that sometimes you are being attacked by angry and psycho PS fans.

When it comes to Dusk Golem info, I have no doubts his inside sources are legit, but based on what he wrote it looks to me like he is only quessing what fake 4K will really mean. 1440p is too low, I think it will be more like 1800p in the worst possible scenario.

BTW. I also dont think XSX will run many real 4K games as well. VRS is drastically reducing resolution on certain textures (I have examined individual frames from halo infinite and VRS was everywhere) and with such gimmicks I'm not going to consider XSX games a true 4K.


So evidence so far is

Valhalla 4k30 on both
Destiny 4k60 on both

Other announced game specs

Ps5 Miles Spiderman 4k60
Ps5 Quantum Error 4k60

Most of the Sony event for ps5 first party games will likely have graphics (Ray tracing) and performance modes.

Halo - er lol

XSX has 15 % more TF and more abstract apis and 20 % slower cache / pixel fill rate ....

And people are posting twice the power lol.
That is the question though.
On paper, on what has been disclosed, PS5 is clearer weaker, how much weaker? Not clear.

But why does PS5 look so big? Does the RTX2070 needed to be bigger than RTX2080S?
Why did Bloomberg report on increased cooling BOM? Why did Sony made the patents for the heatsink and now liquid metal? Why has Sony not report the PSU wattage?

Companies have made mistakes during project works, unavoidable at times.
I just feel something is amiss with PS5 project. So much silence, much delays. 🤷‍♀️
Literally nothing about what you're saying is any indication something has gone 'wrong' with the PS5 development. We never know every single detail of a system before release, and we know as little, if not less about the XSX, and basically zero about the XSS, which MS has so far not even acknowledged the existence of (yet I'm sure you wouldn't claim that's indicative of any problems with it's development, right?).

Don't get me wrong, the PS5 is definitely a big weird console with interesting choices in hardware, but nothing about what we've heard so far doesn't sound like it's all entirely intentional and going as planned.
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