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What if? The rumors were true and PS5 was weaker and more expensive?


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
If the Ps5 is weaker and more expensive then Xbox Series X?

means nothing.

Your are buying the PS5 for Sony’s games. If you only have a PS5 you will have the 1st party/exclusives games and lesser quality 3rd party games.

You could always get a PC or Xbox Series X if you want the better 3rd party experience and MS 1st party/exclusives or just live with the lesser ports while leaning on the Sony games.

Once a few big games hit I’ll get a PS5 for 1st party and most of my games on PC


There is no difference in resolution yet between ps5 and XSX.

Destiny both 4k60, Valhalla both 4k30

Miles moarels 4k60 , Gears 4k60

Are you expecting a resolution difference. LOL What makes you think that ?

17 % more TF for shaders, 20 % slower GPU for pixel fill rate and GPU work, Ps5 apis more direct

....So what gives ?

Please don't bring common sense into threads, you are fucking derailing stuff.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
But why would you entertain an idea that you have just said everyone is sick of?

Seems like a strange way to start a conversation. "We are all sick of this. Let's talk about it some more."
Sometimes you need to add qualifiers to show you are not creating the thread as console war bait. I agree that particular sentence doesn't make much sense but i genuinely wanted to discuss this what if scenario.


How is a machine that uses variable clocks , slower ram and weaker cpu more balanced that a machine that uses fixed clocks , faster ram and a faster cpu?

At face value I’ll give you the RAM, albeit that may be negated by other design decisions. But:

1. A tiny difference in clock speed doesn’t, in itself, imply a difference in strength of the CPU especially when other design decisions may mean that one console has taken a lot of work away from the CPU

2. Fixed vs variable clocks equally doesn’t imply any particular performance difference
This is almost the same argument one side tried to make against 1080p in 2013. Even going so far to claim the human eye couldn’t see 1080p.
Again, looking up stats, which are a bit harder to find for 2013, the vast majority had at least HD Ready 720p sets, with over half in the US and UK owning Full HD 1080p sets.

So no, people saying that back then were wrong, and it's not really a comparable situation.


I used the OG PS4 the entire gen. I will use the OG PS5 for those exclusives as well.

I have a PC for that power envelope, I don’t need a weaker PC to go along with it.

Seriously, buying a console because it's the most powerful and not because of the games, is just stupid. If power is the n1 thing, then you can just wait two years and build an average specced PC that will perform better than any console.

But I know the people buying a XSX for being the most powerful, are the same ones who bought a X1 because it had the better.... yea.
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There is no difference in resolution yet between ps5 and XSX.

Destiny both 4k60, Valhalla both 4k30

You forgot about orphan.


Sometimes you need to add qualifiers to show you are not creating the thread as console war bait. I agree that particular sentence doesn't make much sense but i genuinely wanted to discuss this what if scenario.

If Cerny had failed ps5 would sell cheap and they would of announced it already, and it would of had poor showings on the game play shown. Sony would of announced price already and took orders.

However, looking at all the 4K games with Ray tracing on ps5 already, and stuff like miles morales 4k60 it looks like ps5 is very efficient at what it does, and Sony holding out for best price and see how much they can get.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Resolution mattered back in 2013 when the PS4 was doing native 1080 and the Xbox wasn‘t. Now it doesn’t matter. Funny how the narrative has flipped.
It didn't really matter once we started seeing the comparisons and differences will be even less pronounced next generation


That would be bad for Sony, but ir wouldn't change my purchase. As it has been for years and years, MS exclusives do not interest me at all, while Sony games feels like are tailored toward my taste haha

About multiplatforms, PS5 would still be more than enough to run well those games.

But this is just an exercice of imagination since the difference won't be that big. Seems like it will be negligibe.


However, looking at all the 4K games with Ray tracing on ps5 already, and stuff like miles morales 4k60 it looks like ps5 is very efficient at what it does, and Sony holding out for best price and see how much they can get.

But what if it's only the first parties with their sole concentration on PS5 that can manage to get the best out of it?


But what if it's only the first parties with their sole concentration on PS5 that can manage to get the best out of it?

Valhalla and Destiny are same, we await for others.

I asssume ps5 Geometry engine has some custom quirks to get that efficiency in rendering power, I really do.

But XSX also has its quirks, split memory SPEED pools....

And in my opinion Velocity architecture is a work in progress - why ? Slow loading of state decay and resume games, and dev comments on b3d only a month ago (yesterday in dev terms). Why no demo from mS showing fast loading ?

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My PC will still play the xbox "exclusives" and any 3rd party games better than the XSX and I can`t get Sony`s first party games anywhere but on the PS5....so this situation wouldn`t change a thing for me personally.
I´d still go for PC-PS5 for the forseeable future.
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It still matters, otherwise Digital Foundry wouldn't exist.

It matters for forum dwellers. Digital Foundry has less than a million subscribers. Their top 10 most viewed videos are from 6 years ago. Out of the top 10 the most they get is a million views and once you're out of their top 15 the views start declining steadily.

They don't just make H2H videos btw, you should check their channel.

Xbox One X has been three years on the market with the moniker of "worlds most powerful" console, winning every H2H, and it didn't make a dent. It's kind of impressive how irrelevant that SKU actually is.

The only thing it does is hurt the pride of those who can't handle that their favorite toy isn't the most powerful one in the playground. The vast, VAST majority of people will decide based on games and previous consoles.
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Jim Ryan also said:
"I think the best way that we can address this is by providing the best possible value proposition that we can. I don't necessarily mean lowest price. Value is a combination of many things. In our area it means games, it means number of games, depth of games, breadth of games, quality of games, price of games... all of these things and how they avail themselves of the feature set of the platform."

Yes because the XSS is cheaper. That's just assuming that your assuming that Sony knows Microsofts plans.

But as for me I'm guessing he's saying that to cover himself incase the worse happens.

"I don't necessarily mean lowest price."

The wording does make it seem like that's the case. Also you have to take into account that back then the two SKUs were not revealed. Now Sony has two pricing levels with the PS5 instead of one.


My PC will still play the xbox "exclusives" and any 3rd party games better than the XSX and I can`t get Sony`s first party games anywhere but on the PS5....so this situation wouldn`t change a thing for me personally.
I´d still go for PC-PS5 for the forseeable future.
Your pc has rdna 2 tech?


mod edit: bait poll removed. If you're incapable of being over dramatic then we'll just remove the poll

Let's assume for a minute that the rumors are true, and the PS5 runs games at 1440p and the XSX native 4k. a 2x difference in pixels. It could also mean 1440p 30 fps vs 1440p 60 fps as well.

We are all sick of this nonsense. Constant fud spreading about lack of hardware RT, PS5 being RDNA 1.0, no VRS, 9.2 tflops, has been exhausting and while everything except for maybe VRS has been proven to be false, these rumors continue to persist.

So just for the sake of discussion, what if this was true. What if the XSX was 2x more powerful, and also cheaper by some miracle. Would you be disappointed by power of the console? Would Cerny still have your approval? Questions would need to be asked about how Sony made a console half as powerful and more expensive.

I initially made the poll ask if you would buy the PS5, and realized that no question I would buy it for all the exclusives they showed. But I sure as hell would be disappointed if not straight up pissed about how Cerny and Sony allowed such a colossal fuck up.


Switch is weaker and nobody gives a 💩

What matters is if your console has Zelda and Mario. That's it.
I give a shit, but OP is overeating _ we know that the theoretical computational difference is 18 to 20 percent (on paper) and that PS5 SOC has more hardware support than the XSX (for a fact) that can probably even minimize that power gap, so no _ it is half as powerful. And for the price concern, historically only one console was weaker and more costly than the other that i can remember, and that was the Xbox One so different company lol...
What's up with all this indy devs lately and the console warring? _ it's a all Playstation4, lol where did i heard that several times before? I know it was us dueling in the forums lol
And different kinds of 18% wtf 🙃
You are asking this to mostly an audience of sony fanboys. What answer do you expect to get?
Last ps5 vs xsx poll was what? 95% / 5%?
So we are all Sony fanboys in here ok

hemo memo

That’s fine. I’m buying the console for PS Studios games and I also live in Sony land and my friends and family circle is most likely going Playstation so I kinda don’t have a choice.
I’m just throwing this out there guys but PS3+2 is PS5 😮😲😧😦

Maybe Mark Cerny got a fat head riding the success of PS4 and fucked it up like Ken Kutaragi did in 2005......


The people buying Xbox Series X are the same people that bought Xbox One X..... a small group of hardcore Xbox fans who only care about the brand and will not buy PC (which is the only way to go for real up to date raw power and offers more games)

The same people will have bought 3 to 4 consoles in one generation for a paltry offering of exclusives and third party games that run better on PC.

PlayStation has a lot of GOTY contender exclusives and VR...... the exclusives just keep coming every year and they are not afraid to give their customers the best. PlayStation and Nintendo offer a great combination of devices for me.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Jim Ryan said it best when he said the value will be in the games PS5 will have

So even if the XSX is less expensive, PS5 will still best it as long as the games are there


Gold Member
If they were, who cares? It's a console. For the most part, you're paying attention to its exclusives. I don't understand the whole "THIS ONE IS STRONG THAT THAN ONE" debate. If one is stronger than the other, who cares? What really matters are the exclusives that drop for that console.

If you care about visuals THAT much, just get a PC and throw money at it until everything looks as good as it possibly can be.


I dont know. I was curious about what people might say. Thats why i made the thread.

I understand why you'd like to have the discussion, it would be an interesting situation for Sony to be in. You are just not going to be able to have that discussion on Neogaf in a way that is honest and not overrun with diehard Sony fans.
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Your bigger cousin (this beautiful dolphin) will surely cause problems in the near future, and I'm afraid many people will want to hunt him.

According to the developer it's not a joke. The developer said PS5 can run orphan at 120fps too, but at lower resolution.

I thought you were trying to make fun of the game which is why I thought you were joking. I really haven't seen a visually impressive 120FPs game yet on these consoles.


Being weaker doesn’t matter to me, I think the switch is the best out of the 3 anyways. Now if it’s $100 more expensive that would be wack but I’m still buying day one.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
The weaker doesn't matter as much as the price. $100 difference between the the DE and the XSX would be a decent enough difference that it could sell some boxes for Microsoft but my bet is it'll be $50 difference between XSX and ps5 DE at most.

But everyone has a different theory on price difference between PS5 and PS5 DE. Most think it'll be $100 and I think it'll be $50.
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It doesn't matter how strong the hardware is when your competition doesn't produce games like you do. I mean look at Nintendo for the textbook example.

Pricing might be an issue, it really depends on how big the gap is and if there are any experiences to justify it.

Jon Neu

Xbox One X has been three years on the market with the moniker of "worlds most powerful" console, winning every H2H, and it didn't make a dent. It's kind of impressive how irrelevant that SKU actually is.

This argument is so disingenuous.

The fact that the PS4 was much more powerful than the Xbox One was a huge factor in people abandoning the Xbox ship and returning to the Sony ship. Power matters more than some people want to admitt.

And the Xbox One X is a late attempt that can only play Xbox One games at better resolution/fps, it's power it's wasted by the Xbox One and everybody knows that.

John Wick

I can't believe all the threads that have been made because of Dusk Golem and his bullshit.
Anyone remember Xbox live Gold becoming free? Insiders?


This argument is so disingenuous.

The fact that the PS4 was much more powerful than the Xbox One was a huge factor in people abandoning the Xbox ship and returning to the Sony ship. Power matters more than some people want to admitt.

Absolute hogwash. Speculation of the highest order. All we need is to look at the history of install bases to know not that many people “switched” to PS4.

The year head start of the 360 and the wreck of a launch the PS3 is what pushed people to Xbox. Those people started coming back in the late PS3 stage, because of games, and they moved to the PS4 because of games. That’s the thing nobody wants to talk about, people were already abandoning the 360 in its last two years because of a lack of compelling games.

And this year because the PS4 is ending strong with great games, those people will move to the PS5.

Thinking such a small difference matters is true tunnel vision. Shows an incredible lack of insight into the industry and how it works.
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