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What's the last game that was anticipated as much as Starfield?

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Oh yeah, it was truly special. The game blew me away. The only disappointing thing was the simplified RPG mechanics but I was able to look past that. I've yet to be immersed in a game world like I was with Skyrim.
I don't know man. I respect Skyrim for what it was and did for the gaming industry, but every time I tried playing it I would just get bored. I don't know what it is, but something is off for me with the way Elder Scrolls is. The only Bethesda game I've ever finished was Fallout 3. However, this was a very very long time ago and back then I didn't really have much patience, Elder Scrolls is a very slow paced and the combat for me also felt slow. However, now that I am older I think I may have the patience now for more slow paced titles.

I am excited to play Starfield though cause it's something completely fresh and new.

Kings Field

Elden Ring for me and it’s not even close. I’m looking forward to playing Starfield but keeping expectations in check.


Resident Crybaby
Nope, @StueyDuck is actually right.

This whole "hype" feels... incredibly manufactured friend, we can argue all we want about the opposite but...

Mind you, I'm not excluding exclusives from other platforms, like, say, like GOW Ragnarok etc, hype is hype and the targeted demographic will - obviously - be interested and anticipating said title, having said that...I just can't shake the feeling that the "hype " around Starfield is A) manufactured, B) due to a real thirst for a AAA "exclusive" especially after the 3 year MS no-show shitshow and C) both.

Bethesda RPGs, are a known quantity and many of their titles have been (almost) cultural phenomenons (especially Skyrim), to laud this game though - or any other game for that matter - as the 2nd coming of Christ is just pure, unadulterated hyperbole - especially after FO4 and FO76.

Regarding now the "console warring mentality" that you mentioned...people need to stop seeing ghosts or "enemies" all the time, this constant persecution complex and the fact that users in here can't see eye to eye due to their liege towards their plastic fucking box of choice had gotten long in the tooth, people ARE allowed to both disagree with another's opinion and express their thoughts/opinions without the other party getting their knickers in a twist.


You make some agreeable points here, particularly the last paragraph, but the idea that no one is actually excited about this game and that it's all just "manufactured" hype is silly.

It's just as you said. Bethesda RPGs have historically been cultural phenomenons. And really, it's an inarguable truth that BGS is pushing far outside of their comfort zone with Starfield and attempting many, many things that they've never attempted before. It's clearly their most ambitious game to date. Does that mean everything is going to pan out? Who knows. But they're clearly putting all their chips forward with this one. It's not an FO4 or FO76 situation.

Maybe you're not feeling that particular level of excitement, but that doesn't mean that others' anticipation isn't genuine. No need to try to throw a wet blanket over other people's excitement.
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Gold Member
You can always find hype if you look for it. I’ve been just as hyped for loads of games this year. In fact, my hype for GT7 VR was more so.


There's plenty not anticipating Starfield like those on Xbox exclusively. This is the Xbox big game that is going to make/break it for some (so they claim). This is why you're seeing as much as you are about it. You have hardcore Xbox people that will claim it's the best game they've ever played. You have the hardcore PS people that will say it flopped even if it's a solid game. You have hardcore Nintendo people that are awaiting Super Mario Wonder and have no idea what a Starfield is.

On top of that, this is the big Bethesda RPG regardless of a system. People have fond memories of Skyrim and Fallout 3 so they have trust in Todd to deliver after the meh Fallout 4 and atrocious 76.

Because 2023 has been such a great gaming year, I'm hoping this is great just for gamer's sake. But that's why you're seeing so much about it. But I am not anticipating like most. I have had a solid year and way bigger games come out this year. Like Super Mario Wonder.


By replying to it? Makes sense.


Moderated wildly
Nope, @StueyDuck is actually right.

This whole "hype" feels... incredibly manufactured friend, we can argue all we want about the opposite but...

Mind you, I'm not excluding exclusives from other platforms, like, say, like GOW Ragnarok etc, hype is hype and the targeted demographic will - obviously - be interested and anticipating said title, having said that...I just can't shake the feeling that the "hype " around Starfield is A) manufactured, B) due to a real thirst for a AAA "exclusive" especially after the 3 year MS no-show shitshow and C) both.

Bethesda RPGs, are a known quantity and many of their titles have been (almost) cultural phenomenons (especially Skyrim), to laud this game though - or any other game for that matter - as the 2nd coming of Christ is just pure, unadulterated hyperbole - especially after FO4 and FO76.

Regarding now the "console warring mentality" that you mentioned...people need to stop seeing ghosts or "enemies" all the time, the constant persecution complex and the fact that many users in here can't see eye to eye due to their liege towards their plastic fucking box of choice has gotten long in the tooth, people ARE allowed to both disagree with another's opinion and express their thoughts/opinions without the other party getting their knickers in a twist.


All hype is manufactured...its called marketing.

The new Bethesda game is not "fake" hype at all...Its Bethesdas next game after Skyrim....Something plenty of people have been trying to say but we got threads of "theres no hype" and "where's the marketing"

Plenty of people said, hang fire and wait. Now the hypes going astronomical and people are saying its "fake" "Manufactured hype". Think about that.


Resident Crybaby
There's plenty not anticipating Starfield like those on Xbox exclusively. This is the Xbox big game that is going to make/break it for some (so they claim). This is why you're seeing as much as you are about it. You have hardcore Xbox people that will claim it's the best game they've ever played. You have the hardcore PS people that will say it flopped even if it's a solid game. You have hardcore Nintendo people that are awaiting Super Mario Wonder and have no idea what a Starfield is.

On top of that, this is the big Bethesda RPG regardless of a system. People have fond memories of Skyrim and Fallout 3 so they have trust in Todd to deliver after the meh Fallout 4 and atrocious 76.

Because 2023 has been such a great gaming year, I'm hoping this is great just for gamer's sake. But that's why you're seeing so much about it. But I am not anticipating like most. I have had a solid year and way bigger games come out this year. Like Super Mario Wonder.

Super Mario Wonder has to be my 2nd most anticipated game for the year after Starfield. Can't freaking wait for that one.


Been thinking about this and for me there is nothing that surpass it.

But The Last Ninja 3 comes close, loved the previous games and System 3 was like Naughty Dog for the young Commodore fanboy I was.

The Zelda BOTW release was special too since it came with a new console, while waiting I made my own version of the cover art that hangs on the wall in the kitchen now.
You make some agreeable points here, particularly the last paragraph, but the idea that no one is actually excited about this game and that it's all just "manufactured" hype is silly.

Maybe you're you're not feeling that particular level of excitement, but that doesn't mean that others' anticipation isn't genuine. No need to try to throw a wet blanket over other people's excitement.

Thanks for being a normal human being and responding in a normal, polite way brother 😉

See ? people can disagree without being assholes to each other !

As for the hype Analog, the last Bethesda game I enjoyed was FO3 on the X360, I had over 250 hours in it and it's one of the nicest Beth games I've ever played.
Skyrim (X360)...I dropped it after the 20 hour mark, I just couldn't do it anymore due to the copy-pasted dungeons, idiotic A.I and general repetition.
FO4...bought it 3 years ago on PS4 and...fuck man, dropped it after not even 10 hours - the buggy-ness, (again) idiotic AI, dumbed down dialogue choices , terribad animations etc etc were just too much for me.

I'm not "hating" bro, all I am saying is that no game deserves this kind of hype IMO, the push this specific title is also receiving...yes, I do find it to be weird.



every other hyped game before it.
Diablo 4, Zelda, CP2077, Horizon, RDR2, TLoU2 etc etc.

Several every year but especially this year which seems to have gotten GOTY contenders every few weeks. Hype comes and goes in an intensity dependent on your subjective bubble and interests.


Gold Member
Extremely subjective.

If we only consider this year:

For bethesda fans, no other game was close in hype most probably, maybe bg3 was the closest thing.

For everyone else i think it can battle with all the big titles we had this year, hell i was more hyped for rem2 than starfield because i don't particularly like bethesda titles.
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Jim Carrey What GIF

Where is all this hype? I've seen much more people talking about BG 3 pre release than I'm seeing about Starfield

What I really see are 4-5 users creating threads for anything Starfield related for reasons unknown. It got tiresome 10 threads ago.

"Bethesda is putting Starfield billboards all around the world" was the latest one created just now

Why is this news? Why making a thread for it?


Gold Member
I think it was probably Cyberpunk. I mean CDPR's stock dropped 75% when they completely botched the launch so even non-gamers were highly anticipating that one.


I'd say Diablo 4 was pretty anticipated. Anticipation was so hot that one country lit itself on fire to make the perfect billboard backdrop. Tough to beat that.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Elden Ring, God of War 2018, CyberPunk 2077, Zelda BOTW and TOTK, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us: Part II, Modern Warfare 2019, all come to mind.
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Hm i have zero hype for it and... i spend money in Star Citizen. Something must be wrong with me...


Elden Ring. For a new IP there was lots of buzz on this from its first announcement in 2019, to its release in 2022. Before that I'd say Cyberpunk 2077.
Yea but everyone hates Diablo 4 now
Not before they reeled in millions of sales from people who failed to realize that trusting blizz is always a mistake. I only hope that somehow they managed to fail to recoup production costs and D4 remains a net negative for blizzard.

That being said, my personal hype levels for Starfield aren't that high, because I've never managed to "get into" an Elder Scrolls game (excluding Morrowind), despite giving it a good try.

I am seeing a few semi bs threads on here about it (like this one), and a good number of legit ones as well. So, uh, they are definitely putting in the advertising money to generate hype for it, thats for sure.

edit: also i have recently come to the soul crushing conclusion that I can no longer play long games because other life circumstances have eaten so much of my vidya time, and the growing realization inside of me may have contributed to a kind of internal hype immunization towards starfield.
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Bulders gate
Diablo 4
Elden ring

Just to name what instantly comes to mind and is rather New.


Resident Crybaby
Jim Carrey What GIF

Where is all this hype? I've seen much more people talking about BG 3 pre release than I'm seeing about Starfield

What I really see are 4-5 users creating threads for anything Starfield related for reasons unknown. It got tiresome 10 threads ago.

"Bethesda is putting Starfield billboards all around the world" was the latest one created just now

Why is this news? Why making a thread for it?

There's 9 threads on Starfield on the front page of NeoGAF alone. 7 on Era. Dominating virtually every gaming subreddit on Reddit. Trending on Twitter.

Are those "4-5 users" accounting for the 84k views on the gameplay leak thread here? The 63k on the Starfield hype thread?

If you're claiming you're not seeing any hype for Starfield you're either lying or burying your head in the sand.


Gold Member
When it comes to BG3 the hype is everywhere, even people that barely game bought it and I play with coworkers who don’t otherwise game. Starfield seems more in line with a major niche game so far. It’s like if Medieval 3 Total War was released.

Huge hype but amongst those PC gamers who know the series and those on the fringes. Typically such games build post-launch hype as word of mouth spreads value.

Games this year with more hype are Zelda, BG3, Diablo 4 for sure and maybe Hogwarts Legacy due to the surrounding drama.
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true, im one of them, but it was def hype lol
That one baffled me. Seemed super obvious that it would likely follow a similar path as Diablo III. Launching with abominable monetization and balance issues. Finally great a few years after release.

Lokaum D+

Please explain to me how sharing anticipation about a game release is "childish online console warring".
yeah, this "i need to self-affirmation from everyone that the game i like it ll be great and review well, creating threads all the time about an "antecipation" that isn't high as u are thinking" and then complain about people who don't agree with you is not "childish" at all, it's a very mature personality trait.
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There's 9 threads on Starfield on the front page of NeoGAF alone. 7 on Era. Dominating virtually every gaming subreddit on Reddit. Trending on Twitter.

Are those "4-5 users" accounting for the 84k views on the gameplay leak thread here? The 63k on the Starfield hype thread?

If you're claiming you're not seeing any hype for Starfield you're either lying or burying your head in the sand.
I'm not saying there's no hype at all. But seems much more "niche" than other big releases this year (Zelda or BG 3, for example)

We are one day from release, so naturally, there will be an increase in people's curiosity for it, hence some big numbers. But it's felt only in gaming forums and etc., nothing like Skyrim was at the time, for example.

Dont think I'm alone with my opinion, looking from this thread's replies

I'll be playing it on day zero, btw
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