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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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It's gonna be a challenge, but I don't think its LOL worthy like a few in the thread imply. Isn't the difference something like 300-400k units?

Give MS a few years and if they crank out some quality products, they could bounce back in the US. Got to come strong with the games though. But I think GAF over values casual folks stance against MS policies. I think for the most part, give them a good price and good games, that should be enough. But we should definitely see better competition and not a blowout compared to worldwide.


I don't see how any one can just flat out say no way. I think if Halo 5 and GOW 4 come out this holiday and PS4 still beats them. Then yeah there's no way they will ever catch them. But until we'll have to wait and see.


Unconfirmed Member
It's gonna be a challenge, but I don't think its LOL worthy like a few in the thread imply. Isn't the difference something like 300-400k units?

Give MS a few years and if they crank out some quality products, they could bounce back in the US. Got to come strong with the games though. But I think GAF over values casual folks stance against MS policies. I think for the most part, give them a good price and good games, that should be enough. But we should definitely see better competition and now a blowout compared to worldwide.

It's still going to be a blowout worldwide.


still has to fight their public perception and momentum Sony currently has. being at price parity isn't going to automatically change anything
still has to fight their public perception and momentum Sony currently has. being at price parity isn't going to automatically change anything

They are already getting there. Phil is just about being considered savior of Xbox, and he probably doesn't even deserve most of the credit for this. But public perception is giving it to him. Just got to get rid of the rest of these suits like Yusif, and continue to appeal to gamers like Phil does.
It's gonna be a challenge, but I don't think its LOL worthy like a few in the thread imply. Isn't the difference something like 300-400k units?

Give MS a few years and if they crank out some quality products, they could bounce back in the US. Got to come strong with the games though. But I think GAF over values casual folks stance against MS policies. I think for the most part, give them a good price and good games, that should be enough. But we should definitely see better competition and not a blowout compared to worldwide.
You're underestimating the casual consumer/gamer. Jimmy Fallon....Jimmy Fallon, mentioned the PS4 as "that one that allows used games" on his own show. Most people still have not heard of the DRM reversals or internet stuff (mainly b/c MS never mentions it in advertising). Lots of posts on Facebook and Youtube still joke of it as the spybox and DRM machine....

The system has a very serious image problem in terms of letting consumers know where it actually stands now. It's making the changes, but only the hardcore/core seem to actually know about them.
Although the PS4 still has the edge in terms of power, and has the better subscription service, now more than ever it comes down to what games are shown at E3.


Given the small difference in NA even with the price disparity, I can see X1 overtaking the PS4 but not worldwide.
nah I doubt it. Some people still think the bone can't pay used games. All the titan fall g hype is gone. Weak indie support. No vr. Maybe if it was positioned as a budget console like the original wii it could overtake.


They are already getting there. Phil is just about being considered savior of Xbox, and he probably doesn't even deserve most of the credit for this. But public perception is giving it to him. Just got to get rid of the rest of these suits like Yusif, and continue to appeal to gamers like Phil does.

they haven't gotten anywhere yet


It's gonna be a challenge, but I don't think its LOL worthy like a few in the thread imply. Isn't the difference something like 300-400k units?

Give MS a few years and if they crank out some quality products, they could bounce back in the US. Got to come strong with the games though. But I think GAF over values casual folks stance against MS policies. I think for the most part, give them a good price and good games, that should be enough. But we should definitely see better competition and not a blowout compared to worldwide.

Most of those sales are from the holidays. While Microsoft managed to compete with Sony the month that Titanfall released, they've been trailing considerably otherwise. January in particular the PS4 sold over double what the Xbox One sold. Microsoft can't release Titanfall every month. All recent indications show that the PS4 is still selling strong, while the Xbox One sells strong situationally. I really doubt that the Xbox One will compete with the PS4, even in North America, going forward.


They are already getting there. Phil is just about being considered savior of Xbox, and he probably doesn't even deserve most of the credit for this. But public perception is giving it to him. Just got to get rid of the rest of these suits like Yusif, and continue to appeal to gamers like Phil does.

Phil is being considered the savior of Xbox, which is interesting after all the hate thrown at him following 2013's E3. Don Mattrick got more of it, but Phil got his share as well. He was doing everything he could to talk about why the DRM policies were great last year, and now he's all for the gamers. I know he's just doing his job, but the idea of him as a savior makes no sense. He's not exactly innocent of Xbox One's past.
It was already competitive. The bulk of the PS4's advantage has come from outside the Anglosphere.

It will be that much more competitive an offering at $399, so I think it's certainly possible. They acted early enough so that the PS4's lead didn't snowball into self-fulfillment.
They have a larger network of last-gen users to potentially transfer over and have strong association with the still reigning sales-king in Call of Duty.

I think they'll basically draw even.
PS4 and Xbone are on $30 different at retail here in Aus, anecdotally at least, I don't know anyone interested in Xbone. Know about 12 PS4 owners excluding me.

I think XBone needs more than a price drop to change perceptions it is a worse gaming console.
No but it's not going to be the route that was going to happen before the price drop was announced. With the price drop and a teardown of part of the paywall, the XB1 has just become a viable secondary console. However third party software sales will still skew towards the PS4.


you can't put a price on sparks
I think it will outsell it next month (June) because of all the holdouts waiting for a price drop that weren't switching to a ps4 regardless, but I think it will level off about 15% less than ps4 for the rest of the year.

Ms eill enjoy larger bumps every now and then, so it won't seem like Sony is "clear and far away ahead" but it'll be more consistently worse selling in the end compared to ps4


A year ago you couldn't even give me a xbone. Now I'm considering buying one once the games I want come. A Forza Horizon 2 and a well received/reviewed Sunset Overdrive might just do the trick.


Neo Member
It was already competitive. The bulk of the PS4's advantage has come from outside the Anglosphere.

It will be that much more competitive an offering at $399, so I think it's certainly possible. They acted early enough so that the PS4's lead didn't snowball into self-fulfillment.
They have a larger network of last-gen users to potentially transfer over and have strong association with the still reigning sales-king in Call of Duty.

I think they'll basically draw even.

Came to post similar thoughts. With price parity Microsoft has a solid chance to pull ahead in the Anglosphere, though it's certainly not given that they will.
Fuck to the Heh to the NO. The Red Ring of Death is gonna fucking haunt their asses this gen. Most of my friends refuse to buy the Xbone for that simple fact. Not even the PS2 Dre was this bad.



Yaaaaaaaaaas. If anything, the price isn't low enough. You could argue the Kinect is why Xbone, a weaker system than PS4, costs more. Now that Kinect is gone, that lowered price is clearly not low enough. It makes it stand out even more as lacking.


while I'm not sure if they will ever catch up, theres a lot of people that haven't bought into a the new generation yet.

xbox live and psn are big parts of a decision in what to buy. now theres one less reason not to buy a xb1 for the current 360 fan
Well I bought my Xbox One at launch simply because I couldn't find a PS4. I finally managed to get a PS4 last month and it has since become my dominate household console. The difference is too substantial for a Xbox comeback but I do think competition is healthy for the industry so I hope it does decent, and it does make a good backup console.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
The gap isn't wide right now with 500$ Xbox One. So I think yes.

They had TF in the box with Kinect and $449 price most of March and still got beat. LEt's see if the $399 SKU even breaks the Amazon top 20, I have my doubts. IS there any pent up demand, is anyone really waiting after the $449 bundles?
I think it will outsell it next month (June) because of all the holdouts waiting for a price drop that weren't switching to a ps4 regardless, but I think it will level off about 15% less than ps4 for the rest of the year.

Ms eill enjoy larger bumps every now and then, so it won't seem like Sony is "clear and far away ahead" but it'll be more consistently worse selling in the end compared to ps4

April and May could very well allow PS4’s Overall lead to double in the US.
They had TF in the box with Kinect and $449 price most of March and still got beat. LEt's see if the $399 SKU even breaks the Amazon top 20, I have my doubts. IS there any pent up demand, is anyone really waiting after the $449 bundles?

Well, some people will be happy not to be forced to buy a Kinect. I'm sure some people were holding out for a Kinectless SKU for that reason. I just don't see parity - Kinect being much good for them. At $350 when there are at least a handful of exclusive's I'm interested in, they'll have me.

But at $400 with no exclusives I'm interested in... I'm not buying one. Why would I? My PS4 will play every game I'm interested in better.

The number of users on live on 360 doesn't seem to be doing anything for them. If backwards compatibility was a thing, it would matter, but right now, if someone is looking at which next gen console their friends already have...

Right now that's more likely to be a PS4, and that's going to be a bigger factor. This won't change that... so yep. Price remains the biggest problem.
The Xbox One had much better deals in March, which included TitanFall and Kinect, than the current price drop, and it still got outsold by a decent margin.

This price drop isn't going to take over Sony's position in North America at all; at best, it staves off a substantial decline and allows them to at least remain competitive.

PS4 still has the hardware advantage + mindshare, and for the next few months will have the superior release schedule. Destiny in particular is going to move a lot of PS4's, I reckon.
I doubt it, but looking forward to both trying to outdo each other, should end up great for us as consumers.

This is the most interesting thing, I can honestly imagine Sony trying to plan something BIG or even BIGGER than they already had planned for E3 now. Xbox One has garnered a bit of hype today, its a shame the price drop couldn't somehow be sooner, I'm afraid some of the price drop hype will die down with almost a month to wait to buy the system at the new price.

However, E3 should be a classic, the gloves are off. Microsoft and Sony need to show people why they should want the system. Everyone knows what the systems can do, that isn't a secret. But the games, oh the games. I cannot wait for E3.


Depends on what we mean by MS overtaking Sony.

If you mean on a per-month basis for individual NPD wins, then I could see MS snagging a few when a big hit comes by. Granted, you can point at the discounted Titanfall bundles, but you have to admit it's a different story when the base price of the system is lower to begin with, rather than relying on individual retailers' sales. Not to mention a sequel to an IP with an established fanbase will probably generate more sales than TF, though this is all just speculation from my butt of course.

If you mean Xbone overtaking PS4 in total sales in NA... Haha, yeah no. Not for a long while anyway, if ever. PS4 still has a big mindshare advantage, and I don't see MS getting any NPD wins for the next few months even with the price cut. If they play their cards right, they could start snagging some wins and start to get a ball rolling toward an overall sales shift in their favor down the line, but I personally don't see such a scenario actually happening.
They are already getting there. Phil is just about being considered savior of Xbox, and he probably doesn't even deserve most of the credit for this. But public perception is giving it to him. Just got to get rid of the rest of these suits like Yusif, and continue to appeal to gamers like Phil does.

Nah Phil still doesn't have the stardom of Shu.
Hard to say but price wasn't their only issue. The biggest one still is mindshare and well... the PS4 is still more powerful despite price parity. If anything the XB1 should be cheaper.
Yeah this.
Sure, it'll get a light bump in sales thnx to the 100$ savings which can be apent on 2 games now, but still, it ain't enough to win against PS4


Maybe ... the Xbox brand is stronger in 2014 than the PS brand is. That said, too little too late perhaps. Ultimately, you know what sells console hardware? Games. If MS continues to put better software on its console vs Sony, it'll sell.

PS4 is doing great, an announcement means shit. BUT ... it is exactly what MS needed to do and exactly what NOBODY here thought they'd ever do. For that reason alone.. anyone who says MS cannot win the US back is delusional.
Maybe ... the Xbox brand is stronger in 2014 than the PS brand is. That said, too little too late perhaps. Ultimately, you know what sells console hardware? Games. If MS continues to put better software on its console vs Sony, it'll sell.

PS4 is doing great, an announcement means shit. BUT ... it is exactly what MS needed to do and exactly what NOBODY here thought they'd ever do. For that reason alone.. anyone who says MS cannot win the US back is delusional.

Where does this come from, your ass?


Maybe ... the Xbox brand is stronger in 2014 than the PS brand is. That said, too little too late perhaps. Ultimately, you know what sells console hardware? Games. If MS continues to put better software on its console vs Sony, it'll sell.

PS4 is doing great, an announcement means shit. BUT ... it is exactly what MS needed to do and exactly what NOBODY here thought they'd ever do. For that reason alone.. anyone who says MS cannot win the US back is delusional.

Literally stopped reading here due to being logically incorrect. If the Xbox brand were stronger, it would translate to increasing sales and outsell the PS4. It's not.
Doubt it, how did the $99 Gamecube do?

Price isn't everything, the XB1 needs to become a more desirable product, that means price, software, services. Whatever they are doing now clearly isn't enough.
Definitely, maybe.

Kidding aside, I was going to wait til Christmas to get one, but now I'm thinking a couple of months after E3.
Dropping the price and removing Kinect are moves in the right direction, but it won't suffice. They need a lot of awesome exclusive games to compensate having worse multiplatforms.


I doubt it. If push comes to shove I am sure Sony can lower its price and be in prime position again. At the end of the day one console is stronger than the other and that will not change throughout this generation. That in itself might not be considered an issue ... until you realize they are both the same price still. (What if Sony decides to go for a price-cut at E3?)

Also as people have mentioned, didnt they have a deal with Titanfall and Kinect for $450 and it basically didnt result in amazing sales (considering how hyped Titanfall was)? As long as Sony focus is one games this E3, I cant seenMS overtaking anytime soon.

Chitown B

Probably not. PS4 is still a better deal at $399.

how? They play identically. It's all down to which exclusives you like.

Well I bought my Xbox One at launch simply because I couldn't find a PS4. I finally managed to get a PS4 last month and it has since become my dominate household console. The difference is too substantial for a Xbox comeback but I do think competition is healthy for the industry so I hope it does decent, and it does make a good backup console.

What? It's like 6 million X1's to 9 million PS4's. The end numbers for 360/PS3 were in the 80 million range. This hasn't even begun yet.
I hope this gives MS a much needed boost in NA, because I see this is becoming dangerously close to a one horse race. The best MS is the MS fighting a strong Sony, and the best Sony is a Sony on its toes. A close race between those two bring the best out in each other, and in that situation we all win... As long as the ps4 is the lead dev console because I chose that as my main this gen, lol.


People quickly dismiss MS exclusive offering base on first party lineup, but MS can hire any studio to make exclusive for them.
They can fund any studio to make new IP like Ryse, SO, QB, or revive old IP like KI.
MS got the wallet and own lots of valuable IP, I wouldn't under estimate them on exclusive front.

Let's see what Sony have under their sleeves.
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