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Zelda : a big surprise for Nintendo gamers ?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Upgraded Revolution graphics. They've already talked about how they're working on Super Mario Bros, and it will "look different" on Revolution, so they might aswell throw in a visual upgrade for Zelda :D Makes sense, would be a wonderful bonus.
dog$ said:
Auto-Jumping is among the main reasons why I haven't bothered owning any post SFC Zelda title, and why any interest I would have had in TP has flatlined.

I'll gladly wait until Nintendo realizes the folly of this mechanic and eliminates it.

That is the STUPIDEST reason for not buying a series I have ever seen. Really, I mean; read what you just said and think for a minute. Now just stop playing games altogether.

Zelda is not a platformer.


intangibles, motherfucker
Yeah, not buying the game because it has auto jumping is just stupid. Thats right there with whining because in RE4 you couldnt move while shooting. I swear people just have to find somthing to bullshit about all the time.

I never thought "damn, i really wish i could jump there" WTF?
I'll be happy with this delay if the ending is a cliffhanger, only to be concluded in a Zelda launch title for Revolution....

and then I woke up.


Hang out with Steve.
I suppose they could have used that extra, unused button for jumping instead of having auto jump.

Oh, wait -- THERE ISN'T ONE.
AssMan said:
I don't see why Zelda shouldn't have manual jumping. I mean, they could add platforming.

Sure, it COULD have it, you're right about that. But NOT buying the game BECAUSE it doesn't have it just god damn retarded.


hyperbolically metafictive
i think z-targeting is a more offensive archaism than auto-jumping. but they could both stand to go. i was really impressed with the e3 demo of twilight princess, but there were certainly ways in which it needed to improve. the on-foot combat was janky.

i really hope this delay isn't for the purpose of some half-assed revolution upgrade. i wouldn't appreciate having one of the few excellent gamecube titles snatched out of my hands. i certainly wouldn't drink any more of nintendo's kool-aid.


drohne said:
i think z-targeting is a more offensive archaism than auto-jumping. but they could both stand to go. i was really impressed with the e3 demo of twilight princess, but there were certainly ways in which it needed to improve. the on-foot combat was janky.

What would be your combat system preference, just out of curiosity. Something akin to DMC or God of War?

i really hope this delay isn't for the purpose of some half-assed revolution upgrade.

I concur.


Dot Hacked
Jumping would be a great feature to include along with a combat system that doesn't suck. DMC isn't a platformer and yet look what jumping adds to its combat!


hyperbolically metafictive
zelda could definitely learn from dmc or ninja gaiden. but tp's combat wasn't even good zelda combat -- between those wind waker "dramatic pauses" and what aonuma described as a greater sense of weight in link's attacks, it just feels really...janky. i wouldn't expect a radical overhaul...nor would i expect nintendo to be influenced by other peoples' games. but the fighting needs tuning, at least to bring it to the standard of the last couple zelda games.

the horseback fighting was great, though.


drohne said:
zelda could definitely learn from dmc or ninja gaiden. but tp's combat wasn't even good zelda combat -- between those wind waker "dramatic pauses" and what aonuma described as a greater sense of weight in link's attacks, it just feels really...janky. i wouldn't expect a radical overhaul...nor would i expect nintendo to be influenced by other peoples' games. but the fighting needs tuning, at least to bring it to the standard of the last couple zelda games.

the horseback fighting was great, though.

zelda is about using a few well-timed, tactical moves to take out an enemy. ninja gaiden is all about getting in your enemy's face and mashing together combos.

while i respect ninja gaiden's gameplay, for zelda i would MUCH rather have the system that is currently in place. and without the manual jump. seeing link run around and jump like a maniac would probably kill the experience for me.


In Front and Drawing Away


Gold Member
drohne said:
zelda could definitely learn from dmc or ninja gaiden. but tp's combat wasn't even good zelda combat -- between those wind waker "dramatic pauses" and what aonuma described as a greater sense of weight in link's attacks, it just feels really...janky. i wouldn't expect a radical overhaul...nor would i expect nintendo to be influenced by other peoples' games. but the fighting needs tuning, at least to bring it to the standard of the last couple zelda games.

the horseback fighting was great, though.

I just hope the game wont be easy, I can't believe you complained on the difficulty in the dungeons (in your aounuma i-view). A dungeon should be difficult.


It's got something to do with the Revolution, methinks. Maybe it's got Revolution assets when played on that system.

Ranger X

Well, i would take a manual double jump ANYTIME against an automatic simple jump. And it could have soooo many nice gameplay possibilities...


hyperbolically metafictive
SantaCruZer said:
I just hope the game wont be easy, I can't believe you complained on the difficulty in the dungeons (in your aounuma i-view). A dungeon should be difficult.

that was kind of an unfortunate digression...i didn't mean to complain about the difficulty of the dungeon. i just wanted to know if they were deliberately making the dungeons more complex. but he said some interesting stuff in response, and i thought that interview went pretty well given how unprepared i was. :lol


Wyzdom said:
Well, i would take a manual double jump ANYTIME against an automatic simple jump. And it could have soooo many nice gameplay possibilities...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What kind of gameplay possibilities will it open? Jump around circularly placed platforms to climb to the top of a cylindrical canyon or pit?

No, no, no, no, no -- that kind of logic is what ruins a lot of 3D games.


Gold Member
drohne said:
that was kind of an unfortunate digression...i didn't mean to complain about the difficulty of the dungeon. i just wanted to know if they were deliberately making the dungeons more complex. but he said some interesting stuff in response, and i thought that interview went pretty well given how unprepared i was. :lol

It was a good interview overall. You certainly asked better questions than most others so I am not bashing you :)


GDGF said:
It's got something to do with the Revolution, methinks. Maybe it's got Revolution assets when played on that system.

Hopefully. Including an extra Revolution preview disc (with game clips and hardware details) wouldn't be a bad idea.


TheDiave said:
Well, if it's not a surprise pertaining to TP itself, I'm still pissed about the delay. After all, they said it was to add "exciting new features" or some happy horse-shit to that effect. Packaging any remake or port of older Zelda games doesn't constitute new features.

You did it, you found the amazing new feature!

As for jumping. If you added manual jumping, you'd be going around wondering 'can I jump up there?' all the time. With auto jumping its much simpler and lets you concentrate on the ADVENTURE at hand.


Tch, just be thankfully jumping is even IN the game. It's fine, and auto-jumping can be quite cool in sequence. Its not like games like PSO, KOTOR and whatnot that infuriate me with the complete lack of aerial anything, as if the characters all wear iron boots.

Ugh fuck, iron boots. Please dont let them come back in TP.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
mrklaw said:
You did it, you found the amazing new feature!

As for jumping. If you added manual jumping, you'd be going around wondering 'can I jump up there?' all the time. With auto jumping its much simpler and lets you concentrate on the ADVENTURE at hand.

well.. according to cnn money.. "the delay came at the request of the development team, which wanted to add new levels and more polish to the game."


it could be that it somehow accidentally translated to 'amazing new features!!!' or something. who knows.
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