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It boggles my mind how PC gamers justify spending over $1000 on a graphics card (A Hideo Kojima Rant)


Paying that much for a GPU is sheer stupidity as far as I am concerned. Unfortunately GPU prices are inflated because gamers are willing to pay whatever to get the highest performance. Furthermore, there are significant diminishing returns. Paying more doesn't necessarily scale linearly with performance.

I don't have any real financial commitments so typically save a hefty amount of my monthly paycheck - I could afford multiple 1000 dollar cards. But out of principle, I would never pay more than 500 for one. At the of the day, it's just fucking video games man. Unless you're a professional gamer, none of this shit has any positive impact on your life.
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I like being able to lock my framerate at 60 regardless of what I'm playing, and I want to play games at their best possible. I probably spend more than I need to on my PC, but even at it's peak PC gaming is a pretty cheap hobby. Compared to what I'll spend fixing up my '52 Chevy 1300 just to make it not a complete deathtrap, or what I spend on model kits, PCs are a bargain.



I'm somewhere in between these two.
I'm thinking of buying the same curtains as Cavil. Does that count?


Well, my friends and I have a policy of buying the best at the time.

They run their PC's into the ground, as do I.

I was rocking a sandy bridge 2600k for 9 years. I brought the OG Titan and got about 5 years usefulness till I upgraded to 4k. The specter patches killed it's performance

Prior I had gtx 570s x3. I had a 2k monitor for both.

I did receive a free gtx980 but got a gtx1080 used for 200$ from a friend.

Buying high end, the natural useful life celling is higher, even if I can't run ultra, I could do high.

When I had my mid range cards, i hated running mid spec

Since the cards just go up in price as AMD, just can't seem to put out something competive, in the high end, it sucks. And I hear about drivers. If AMD would just apply the Ryzen logic to Radeon, the prices from Nvidia should drop.


Well OP, what should I say, you don't have to spend that much, I wouldn't either, but I have no problem spending 500 € for a graphics card I use everyday for the next 3-4 years.


Neo Member
For me it's simple....
When consoles will offer full mouse and keyboard support and 60 fps+ on all the games, ill stop buying PC parts - it's that simple...
Now, i have PC for multiplats and consoles for exclusive games.


Gold Member
People spend almost $200 for a plastic baby in a jar in the Death Stranding Collector's Edition.

They are also spending hundreds, and in some cases thousands, in ultimate team and diamond dynasty modes, on players they lose the following year.
I'm a PC gamer but also a console gamer. Spending x amount on a PC is a matter of trying to future proof your machine as much possible for later games. It's a constant thing. Whether it'd be buying a graphics card and or other components every 3-4 years or 5-6 years. Imo of course.

Not only that, a PC is a machine that does a shit ton of other tasks and not just gaming and streaming apps. I use my PC for gaming, photo editing, browsing, etc there's more to it but you get it.
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30 fps on a capable TV in a third person adventure game is perfectly capable.

I get the fps argument when it's a first person game, or when it's fast paced. But I won't believe anyone who tells me stuff like Uncharted 4, God of War or Death Stranding are not capable experiences on the base ps4. They are.
Clearly the words of someone who has never experienced a game at 144 fps on a 144 hz monitor . Oh and i play all my single player story driven games in 4k 60+ fps and it is magical. Youre just not as passionate about the tech side of the hobby as us pc folk and thats ok . But dont act as if its a negligible difference if you haven’t experienced it. #justsaying


I do a lot more on my PC than just play video games. But I have 3x Acer Predator monitors and they need a lot of juice to be powered. It would be hard to do without a 2080Ti. I also run all games at 1440p/144mhz which would be impossible on console with max settings.

That being said, you should complain about Macs having $500 worth of hardware but costing $2,700.
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It depends on how many games will offer mod support, if more games are offering mod support, rtx3090 easily worth the money that will last me for about 6 years. Also I enjoy playing many PC focused games and exclusives far more than any console games, so it's totally worth it for me. Say bethesda will release 3 massive open world games with new engine and just as moddable like their past fallout and elder scrolls games, that's at least 1200 hours of game time for me with massive amount of mods installed, the best graphics card will already be well worth the money, if rockstar and cdpr decide to support mods again, that's even better.

To me consoles are the ones that aren't worth it since there are so few games that I wanna play there. I often buy it just to play 2 or 3 games max for the whole generation, mostly Japanese offerings, totalling about 150 hours for the whole gen, if they come to the PC, I will gladly not buy any consoles.
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I think this takes another point of view...why do people buy really expensive cars with limited utility outside of going fast and style? Oh but wait, there's an entire community of people into buying cars that can off road and use them for that purpose. To a hobbyist, you probably own a capable PC and you console game too. The people into hot rods probably own more than one, or take pleasure in building one out of quality parts. People invest in things that give them pleasure or make them feel good in some way -- you're the person on the block with the souped up bleeding edge PC. I think the point of owning a toy is for the sheer enjoyment of it, practicality be damned.

I feel that people grappling with a this-or-that, binary gaming future are missing the point -- you can game on whatever hardware suits your personal tastes, style, and ecosystem. Console Wars are old guard stuff and I think it makes no sense to consider one platform is better than the others as gaming becomes more accessible, cheaper, and available than ever.


PC Gaming is better than console gaming. Also, Death Stranding is pure trash. Please pray for me.
I'm triggered so hard (not really, this is great lol).
I think it takes being a PC gamer for years in order to properly hate on it and love it at the same time.
This place is great lol. Poor MiyazakiHatesKojima MiyazakiHatesKojima :D
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I have an i7 8700k and a 1080 ti. I can play most games on max settings smoothly. With rare exceptions like microsof flight simulator 2020 or shitty ports like horizon zero dawn.

Even though i'm satisfied with how my PC performs i can't wait to upgrade it next year. Mayde switch to ryzen, maybe add more 16gb ram. An RTX GPU would be nice. There's always room for improvement.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
The depreciation on new graphics cards is even worse than on new cars.

Do new cars not lose much value?

Because a current gen GPU will fetch very close to what you paid for it at launch.
A generation old pre RTX 1070 will still get you ~300+ dollars.....they came out at 380.

So GPUs actually hold their value very well.....mining crashes cause the prices to fluctuate but realistically, when its upgrade time selling your old card for ~50 - 100 dollars less than you bought it for is actually totally feasible and eats into the initial cost of buying a GPU.
Gonna sell a GTX 1070 for the RTX 3070 and ill make the hit a lot less painful assuming that 600 price tag is true.


Gold Member
I have an i7 8700k and a 1080 ti. I can play most games on max settings smoothly. With rare exceptions like microsof flight simulator 2020 or shitty ports like horizon zero dawn.

I will never understand how so many GAF users make statements like these. Absolutely devoid of context. In this case: Resolution. At what res are you playing "smoothly"? 1080p? 1440p? 1600p? 2160p? 2880p?

Patrick S.

This thread is gold! Did I mention that my PC has been collecting dust for half a year already because I don't have a GPU? Join the alliance!
MiyazakiHatesKojima MiyazakiHatesKojima

As it currently stands the most popular GPU is the 1060 at around 11.21% which is from the last gen.

The most popular current gen GPU is the 2060 at 2.47%

Barely anyone has the 2080 or it's variants with 2080 at 0.96% 2080ti at 0.88% and 2080 Super at 0.68%

Perhaps you should put those numbers in context. Steam has like, what, 200 million accounts ? That 0.96%, 0.88% and 0.68% are actually several MILLION people who own them. Several more million own 2070 super and 2070. You know who are the people buying the games that utilize these gpus ? Those several million people who own them. So, yea, a shitload of people actually have them. And a shitload more are on standby for 3xxx series


Well, it's really a matter of perspective. The amount of money someone has definitely distorts their perception of the value of money. For someone making 500k a year, what a GPU costs is nothing. For someone making 60K a year it does sound like something expensive.

High end GPU's are luxury items. Nobody truly "needs" 60 FPS with volumetric clouds, the best AA filtering, etc. It's just something some people like to have and enjoy. Same happens with expensive smartphones, tablets, cars, clothes, etc.

Personally I don't have kids so I can spend most of my income on stuff that brings me ephemeral joy. I don't see it as wasting money at all.


Perhaps you should put those numbers in context.

They're percentages, they are in context of the Steam Hardware survey. The OP mistakenly was under the assumption that everyone's spending through the roof on GPU's whereas in reality, it's only a small percentage of PC gamers that are rocking the high-end cards. However I'm fairly sure that MiyazakiHatesKojima MiyazakiHatesKojima knows that there are well over 100 million+ active Steam users (There are in fact 1 Billion registered accounts though it's fair to say a lot are likely spam accounts) The number of cards is irrelevant though, the percentage of distribution who own what is what's notable. I'm not even sure why you're quoting my post in the first place. No ones challenging that a lot of high ends cards get sold. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Yep, mods are amazing and 1 reason I will always game on PC. Some awesome Indy early access games are another big reason. I've gotten another hundred hours out of Dark Souls 3 because of the Cinders mod. Also having more outfits in Resident Evil 3 Remake is a nice middle finger to Capcom for only releasing multiplayer outfits.
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