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Redfall Developer Says They Were Mocked By Other Developers


I don't think someone saying "they deserved this" is mocking them. I think it is a statement of truth (their PoV, obviously), and it is something I agree with. I am more amazed that someone is coming out to complain rather than apologize from that studio.

And on that note, it boggles my mind that so many people are giving Arkane a pass and blaming MS or Bethesda. Arkane made that game, sure they probably can't force a delay and had to release it as is, but this is what they have to show after 4-5 years in development?

And despite my never bothering with Arkane's games, I actually want to try Redfall, though I will wait for a while and a serious discount if ever.


Honestly, I'm not symphatetic either.

Those are devs who were proudly drinking a wine to commemorate this broken game. For a 70$ price tag no less. They make their fans and those looking foward this game look like a bunch clowns.
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Rushed? Six fucking years.... It that wouldn't be Microsoft or even if MS would be in different situation (they already have problems due to past cancelations) that game would be canceled and studio closed no matter how good their previous games were.

Five years, not six. That extra year could’ve helped.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the colleagues who are mocking them are within Arkane Lyon. I can’t really explain it but I always got the feeling from various interviews from the Lyon team during their project development that they didn’t really care for the Austin team.
Plus, the Lyon team is in France, and we know how the French can be when it comes to snooty snobbery. I've seen some very compelling cartoons documenting such behavior.


The game looked like shit day 1. On top of it they charged customers 70 bucks, for a broken incomplete mess. If you don’t want to get mocked, don’t put out out shit. It’s not like they got mocked for volunteer work, they are mocked for putting out shit and charging people for it.


Regardless of feelings, if you knowingly put out a shit product at a high price point, you probably deserve to be lambasted.


Kinda savage if other devs actually mocked them. But as a consumer, i have no sympathy for devs that deliver a broken product. It might not even be they fault like the Cyberpunk devs that was pushed to release the game earlier than they wished, but the CEO came out to take the blame. If u was celebrating the game release in that state, then u deserve to be mocked, just get some thick skin, eat up the feedback and do better next time.


Reverse groomer.
Delighting in someone else's failure is always a dick thing to do, especially when it's a studio such as arkane which have not much reason to be hated like that. It's reprehensible and the people who do so have 0 form of empathy. It isn't criticism it's just douchebaggery.

Crticizing someone else's product is one thing, saying you hope their reputation goes down the drain for it is another. I agree they should do better but you don't get someone to do better by kicking them while they're down.


Gold Member
You know, I worked on a beloved franchise entry that was fucking shit and we all knew it. At the same time I was working on a very popular franchise in parallel. When that shit game came out and was roasted, I didn't care I got paid to make it and wasn't tied to a metacritic score to get a bonus. She got paid, shut the fuck up 2D artist.


Gold Member
Delighting in someone else's failure is always a dick thing to do, especially when it's a studio such as arkane which have not much reason to be hated like that. It's reprehensible and the people who do so have 0 form of empathy. It isn't criticism it's just douchebaggery.

Crticizing someone else's product is one thing, saying you hope their reputation goes down the drain for it is another. I agree they should do better but you don't get someone to do better by kicking them while they're down.
I gave up moonshots when I played Baseball and you know drove me year in and year out to improve?

Remembering what fans and other players said to me when I would come out of a game

Kicking me while I was down is exactly what drove me to be better


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?


I mean, at a 56 MC, you're coming in a tier or two below turds like Saints Row and Gotham Shite. They deserve to be mocked, I'd be curious how many AAA games have scored worse over the past few years.


Five years, not six. That extra year could’ve helped.
No it couldn't. Whole base idea of that game is wrong. It never should be green lighted and no matter how much they would work on it it would not get better. Only way to make coop immersive sim related game would be to make something like immersive sim version of It Takes Two, but that not only would be niche inside of niche in market, but also amount of communication between players required to make it work would overwhelm 99,9% of them.
If Bethesda really needed GaaS game (and that's what Redfall was planed to be) then Id Software was they best bet. GaaS Quake would be one of few games that have a chance to stand against Destiny. With its dimensional travel through slipgates and rich multiplayer traditions it was perfect candidate to turn into GaaS game. Ironically that's one of two Bethesda studios that weren't pushed to making GaaS games around 2017.


Look she says colleagues and friends are mockering her. Maybe she wrote the ai then I'd say its totally justified.


Marlboro: Other M
Phil's Spencer admitted openly that inside Xbox they mock reviews of their games all the time. Why they would think they are immune?

hemo memo

Gold Member
Have a thick skin and just move on. AAA games have many devs working on it and outsourcing etc. I’m not gonna blame myself for a product that other 150+ people participated in. Even if I did amazing doing my part if the rest of it bad it will receive a bad review.


So yeah, make fun of the game and criticize the pitiful state it was released in, but don't fucking harass the developers. Especially if they're chicks that show boobs on twitter.

Man, if only!
I had to scroll thru her twitter, god damn she got some Tigole Bitties.


Gold Member
Has it been proven other industry peers gloated against Arkane? Or is this a sad attempt at pity points hoping another game studio feels sorry and offers her a job?

Regardless, considering how bad the game is getting grilled, maybe they should take a few jabs to the face as a lesson learned for making such a low quality game. It's not like it's a $20 indie game, which every gamer will bend more. If youre releasing a full budget game at a full budget price, it's only fair gamers get a decent game.
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This is on Phil for not giving the devs more time.

Gotta rush that game for gamepass.

When Phil delayed the game for a year, ”Mismanagement! the game should have been released in 2022!!”

Game got released in a bad state? “Phil should have canceled it”

Now he’s a villain for not tying the studio down for yet another year!


thats humanity for you. Its also what pushed us out of caves into houses and on the moon.
The world aint that hard its just that ur pretty soft. You shoudnt have given a single fuck about those stupid ass mofos in the first place.
Do your own thing. Surround yourself with the few people you find along the way that are supportive.
Dont give a single damn shit about people that try to tear you down.

If your just a little bit stronger, you dont have to be strong anymore since thats enough to just wash that shit away.
Then you can truly enjoy life. I hope everyone gets to that point.


Hard to Kill
This plea for sympathy theme coming from MS and Arkane is just pathetic.

Please tell me in what industry i can completely fuck up my work, act as if i did a great job then move on to the next task with no repercussion?

Ever heard of a plumber coming in after anothers cob job and say "well they tried and did thier best" ? Me either.

If it bothers them that thier work is being critiqued by thier peers maybe they should try harder....
I won't dwell too much on it but I feel like this is something that totally works in politics too.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Everyone defending this tweet is part of the reason why we have broken games at launch.

When devs can’t even be called out for releasing broken turd than this is what we’ll get… broken turd.

Its all on the publisher.

Blaming devs for decisions made to release titles incomplete or bug-ridden is not going to change a damn thing, because its not up to them.

Publishing is the one accepting builds and making milestone payments, they are the ones in control. If there are problems they will be aware well in advance of release, and its them who'll make the determination to shove it out the door as-is.

It drives me crazy when publishers and platform-holders act all surprised when a release comes out in bad shape! They know exactly what they are doing, and what they are releasing. They just make the calculation that not delaying and recouping their investment sooner is better for them than delaying and avoiding the reputational damage.

It suits them for devs to take the hit, because as the devs are reliant on them for present and future funding, they aren't going to say dick about it.


4 pages in and nobody has a tweet or comment to authenticate her story?

Which devs mocked her and where? Let's point them out or at the very least see if they exist.


Devs mocking a game. News flash to all video game devs. All your games are trash. Games from 20+ years ago blow away games made now. It's 2023 a maybe one solid game releases a year. Most PC gamers are playing counter strike or Rust or some game thats been around for 10 years. The reason is games are terrible. Nothing good or new ever releases.


Hard to Kill
4 pages in and nobody has a tweet or comment to authenticate her story?

Which devs mocked her and where? Let's point them out or at the very least see if they exist.
Maybe it went like this.
Hey I heard the game was not reviewing well, suck for you.

her :
Cry Crying GIF


Gold Member
This plea for sympathy theme coming from MS and Arkane is just pathetic.

Please tell me in what industry i can completely fuck up my work, act as if i did a great job then move on to the next task with no repercussion?

Ever heard of a plumber coming in after anothers cob job and say "well they tried and did thier best" ? Me either.

If it bothers them that thier work is being critiqued by thier peers maybe they should try harder....
Again with my sports analogies but

Reminds me of my son playing youth league baseball and his team was damn good and we traveled all over putting our kids in tournies

We traveled about 8 hours once for a round robin type of tourney where every team played every other team over the course of 2 days on 10 fields and trophy ceremony on the closing evening.

Our kids lost one game, their last game when we all saw heading into the final game we had wrapped up the best record so we played our B team

Trophy ceremony consisted of every single kid getting the same trophy just showing the name and date of the tourney, no winners no losers

I remember the parents of the worst team there taking pics and hugging their kids telling them its ok you did great

I hate participation trophies


Gold Member
Really, game development is kind of like a scam. There is nothing holding them accountable for their actions. There are numerous cases of empty promises.

It is one of the really irritating things about the entertainment industry.

It is like, when you make a work of art, you are allowed to screw up and get away with it.


I don't know if it's true or not but I do know one thing. Your everyday dev working on the game is rarely the issue, it's typically management/upper-management/publisher and time.

Redfall seems like even if it were a bug free experience, the game itself is not doing anything to move the genre forward. It's quite behind actually, this goes to who ever came up with the vision in pre-production.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
As an artist, you have to have thick skin. I am an artist, people have criticized my work before. It only makes me better. And I only release my art if its at a certain standard. If its below that, no one will ever see it.

And if its out of my control, and people have to see it, I wont be out here celebrating it like its good work.

I have zero sympathy. These devs know the quality of work they produced and are out here championing it selling for $70. Kick rocks.

Do better work. And use this feedback to never let it happen again.
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In my opinion, the World could use a bit more bullying. Bunch of fucking crybabies.

If you release shit, you get shit on. Even if its not your fault directly. The shit you are getting isnt directly targeted at you its targeting all of you. That includes mgmt
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I am sorry but when you produce a game that even DF says looks worse than 360 games than you deserve to be mocked and shamed.

Be better next time and take pride in what you do. Phoning in 2005 era graphics is no longer acceptable on next Gen hardware. It’s not like they are being held back by hardware like Nintendo devs.
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