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12-pin Power Connector: It's Real and Coming with NVIDIA Ampere GPUs


12 pins wont be a issue, they will just give you a connector that combines 2 smaller ones like 2x 6 or something and call it a day. most powersupply's support sli anyway so just use both of the connectors from both outputs and done.


Gold Member
I bought a 700W PSU when I built my system and I was like, "well this is overkill."

Feel pretty good about it right now though





Can’t Git Gud
600w ?! for gpu alone ?!
Well, I would never get anything more than XX60 or XX70. series 80/90/ti are all overpriced too hell and age most
I have 600w evga g2... what do I get now... to be ready for this... Wait, I know the answer - ps5
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Nvidias marketing machine will be unleashing the kraken for this turkey. Expect every dirty trick under the sun.

1)Most powerful gpu
2)Most VRAM on a card
3)Raytracing for the half dozen games that exist after 2 years.

But to get there they're making a dinner plate sized die -And the retard sized heatsink and 12pin is telling us all we need to know.

It won't yield well, so there'll barely be any GPU's at launch, probably a few thousand. And they'll be grotesquely expensive. So they may as well not exist for for most people.
Nvidias marketing machine will be unleashing the kraken for this turkey. Expect every dirty trick under the sun.

1)Most powerful gpu
2)Most VRAM on a card
3)Raytracing for the half dozen games that exist after 2 years.

But to get there they're making a dinner plate sized die -And the retard sized heatsink and 12pin is telling us all we need to know.

It won't yield well, so there'll barely be any GPU's at launch, probably a few thousand. And they'll be grotesquely expensive. So they may as well not exist for for most people.

Pretty much this.
Nvidia has insane mindshare. People will line up to get absolutely pumped by Jensen Huang.
I guess all those years of astroturfing in the past has paid off for them.

If the PS4 and Xbox One, and later Ryzen hadn't come to rescue AMD, we would be staring down the barrel of a total GPU monopoly by now.


Oh damn.... for some reason I thought I had an 850 watt PSU - but it’s only 700 watts.

So I’ve no chance for a 3090???
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°Temp. member
Oh damn.... for some reason I thought I had an 850 watt PSU - but it’s only 700 watts.

So I’ve no chance for a 3090???
We'll have to wait and see what is officially announced on Sept 1st. There's no telling if that rating is only suggested for that one cable or if they were overestimating to be on the safe side or if it really is that power hungry. I have a 750w unit myself so I'm in the same boat...


Gold Member
Oh damn.... for some reason I thought I had an 850 watt PSU - but it’s only 700 watts.

So I’ve no chance for a 3090???

Some rumours say max power draw is about 400W. A 2080Ti has like 300W? So yeah, take the recommended wattage for a 2080Ti system and add 100W to it. Which is to say: It will run in your system, but it won't be optimal. To have a sensible amount of headroom, I suspect we'll need 850W for this.


I'm more nervous about having to buy new parts than the actual GPU itself. All these different rumors along with which cards actually exist is getting confusing. We're just a few days away!


So I’ve no chance for a 3090???
Quality 700W should be able to handle it, in my opinion.
Card power consumption would probably be at around 300w, shortly peaking +100w.
If you are on AMD plat, your CPU is below 100w anyhow.

On a side note: beware of techpowerup power consumption tests, they do it at 1080p.

Nvidia has insane mindshare.
True, but so had Intel.

Lisa is already sharpening her RTG axe.

And to be clear here: I do not want AMD to get to 90% market share, 50/50 is the ideal scenario which is best for consumers.
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Gold Member
A Seasonic 850W GX Gold PSU goes for about $140-$150 when on sale, on Amazon (last I checked on r/buildapcsales).

I guess if the requirements are true - on that Seasonic retail packaging box - now is the time to buy as there will be even more demand in less than a month's time for higher watt PSU's.
I guess if the requirements are true - on that Seasonic retail packaging box - now is the time to buy as there will be even more demand in less than a month's time for higher watt PSU's.
Both Nvidia (because they want to play it safe) and PSU manufacturers (because they want to sell more expensive PSUs) like to greatly exaggerate hardware power requirements. Even if you got the best hardware available today, chances are your system would top out at around 450W at 100% load, which you can only really reach using synthetic benchmarks. A 3090 will certainly add to that, but there's no way it will actually require an 850W PSU. I know people who run dual 2080 Tis on those with zero issues.
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And here I thought my 750w platinum PSU was a safe bet for a single card system for several gens......... :messenger_face_screaming:
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Gold Member
Guys, do you think that my xfx 550w bronze psu is holding down my 2070super\8600k both stock in any way??

I heard different opinions about it...

I have to change my psu for the 3000 series but if i can get some gain by changing this thing now with my current gpu it would be nice.
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Reason I stopped PC gaming when ps4 released.

Prices kept going up and up, while features got worse (overclocking ability).

My last cpu were Q6600 that I got for free and overclocked it, before that max I paid for CPU were 100€, mostly under it + just overclocked.

GPUs I had from 80€ to 200€, then prices started to go up so that high end were not at 300-600€ anymore, to the +1400€ these days. So the cheap end card is kind of shittier vs what cheaper cards used to be, related to best ones.

And now they want to add some nuclear powerplant-PSUs in the equation.

If 600-700€ total cant buy me a cpu+ram+gpu+mobo+ssd+psu at 70-80% of high end perf, then I stay console gamer. Which wont happen anytime soon if ever again as NVIDIA just spams overpriced stuff and people are buying them.

Kind of silly that PC world still rely on brute force mostly, as their performance is so much higher than consoles, yet what they can usually output in games just arent that impressive with that amount of raw power
Prices kept going up and up, while features got worse (overclocking ability).
Nonsense, overclocking is still as viable as always.

Kind of silly that PC world still rely on brute force mostly, as their performance is so much higher than consoles, yet what they can usually output in games just arent that impressive with that amount of raw power
You do realize, that what the consoles are touting as "next gen" now has been standard on PC for quite a while already.......
"not impressive"...jesus, you have lost touch with what`s realistic I guess.


Both Nvidia (because they want to play it safe) and PSU manufacturers (because they want to sell more expensive PSUs) like to greatly exaggerate hardware power requirements. Even if you got the best hardware available today, chances are your system would top out at around 450W at 100% load, which you can only really reach using synthetic benchmarks. A 3090 will certainly add to that, but there's no way it will actually require an 850W PSU. I know people who run dual 2080 Tis on those with zero issues.
I thought the point of going with a large power supply is to be able to stay in the 50% utilisation range, where the PSU is most efficient and likely to last longest.


Reason I stopped PC gaming when ps4 released.

Prices kept going up and up, while features got worse (overclocking ability).

My last cpu were Q6600 that I got for free and overclocked it, before that max I paid for CPU were 100€, mostly under it + just overclocked.

GPUs I had from 80€ to 200€, then prices started to go up so that high end were not at 300-600€ anymore, to the +1400€ these days. So the cheap end card is kind of shittier vs what cheaper cards used to be, related to best ones.

And now they want to add some nuclear powerplant-PSUs in the equation.

If 600-700€ total cant buy me a cpu+ram+gpu+mobo+ssd+psu at 70-80% of high end perf, then I stay console gamer. Which wont happen anytime soon if ever again as NVIDIA just spams overpriced stuff and people are buying them.

Kind of silly that PC world still rely on brute force mostly, as their performance is so much higher than consoles, yet what they can usually output in games just arent that impressive with that amount of raw power

Cool story bro.


Nonsense, overclocking is still as viable as always.

You do realize, that what the consoles are touting as "next gen" now has been standard on PC for quite a while already.......
"not impressive"...jesus, you have lost touch with what`s realistic I guess.

PC gaming is console gaming with some sliders moved to the right. It looks nicer for sure, but hardly rock anyone's world, especially given the expenses involved for a high end PC.

There's only so much you can do with the same assets.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
And here I thought my 750w platinum PSU was a safe bet for a single card system for several gens......... :messenger_face_screaming:

Im willing to bet my bottom nut 750W is still enough.
An 80+ Platinum is 90% efficient between 50 - 100% load......your system wont be hitting 100% load so youll be in its efficiency sweet spot.

Are people expecting system draw while gaming to be above 90% load of a 750W PSU?
PC gaming is console gaming with some sliders moved to the right. It looks nicer for sure, but hardly rock anyone's world, especially given the expenses involved for a high end PC.

There's only so much you can do with the same assets.
If going from 1080p/30fps @ low-medium details to 2160p/60fps @ ultra details + better lightning models + higher res textures + features like RT etc is "just some sliders" for you.....
The difference between console and high-end PC on some games, where the developers actually cared, is mind boggling.
Games like Control, BFV, Metro etc are almost different games on a PC.....
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
PC gaming is console gaming with some sliders moved to the right. It looks nicer for sure, but hardly rock anyone's world, especially given the expenses involved for a high end PC.

There's only so much you can do with the same assets.

100fps alone is world changing getting as high as 144+ is absolutely going to rock anyones world.

Nicer graphics are a plus for sure and in games like Metro and Control it completely changes things, but being able to tailor the experience is something consoles just cant meet up to.
Freestyle, ReShade and the like let you have the game look the way you want it to look.

Mod/CE support, mate.....mods might be the best part of PC gaming.
IF a game has a problem but the community can see theres a gem in there it just needs to be let out.....theres a mod for that.
Dont like the main characters costume.....theres a mod for that.


lol i'm gonna just hold onto my RTX 2080. these new cards seem ridiculously power hungry. i have a 750W which does my 2080/9900K just fine but i don't wanna push it any harder especially with it being almost 6 years old now.

i'll hold out for RTX 4000 and maybe by that time DDR5 RAM and PCIE 5.0 will be out. I'll just do a whole new PC build.


PC gaming is console gaming with some sliders moved to the right. It looks nicer for sure, but hardly rock anyone's world, especially given the expenses involved for a high end PC.

There's only so much you can do with the same assets.

Oh my sorry.
For a second I thought I was on REEE with the amount of denial in your post.


100fps alone is world changing getting as high as 144+ is absolutely going to rock anyones world.

Nicer graphics are a plus for sure and in games like Metro and Control it completely changes things, but being able to tailor the experience is something consoles just cant meet up to.
Freestyle, ReShade and the like let you have the game look the way you want it to look.

Mod/CE support, mate.....mods might be the best part of PC gaming.
IF a game has a problem but the community can see theres a gem in there it just needs to be let out.....theres a mod for that.
Dont like the main characters costume.....theres a mod for that.

A higher framerate or resolution doesn't fundamentally change the visual experience. It's still the same thing, just in higher quality. Shadows being a little better or clouds looking a little fluffier while the screen refreshes faster does nothing to offer a next gen experience. It's just nice, but it's not a significant enough upgrade since the basic visual elements aren't changed.

Very high framerates I'm sure feel a bit nicer but it's hardly a game changer or anything most people will appreciate, not to mention the hardware required to display them. You pay a premium for a very niche feature that people can't even spot at times.

Control and Metro are exceptions as RTX hardware already existed, 99% of the games during the generation weren't doing anything visually that couldn't be done on consoles, albeit at a lower quality.

In any case, consoles dictate the baseline of visual quality, as assets and effects are made to run on them.


Oh look, another PC specific thread overrun by console crybabies. News flash: no one cares about your preferences and opinions. Enjoy whatever it is that you like and let other people enjoy their PCs. Jesus.

A person mentioned how next gen consoles offer nothing that PC wasn't already offering. That is patently false, so I wanted to debate it. Nobody is saying that your sli RTX 2080 Ti isn't sweet, but a lot of that extra horsepower is wasted on extra resolution, framerate and making some clouds a bit fluffier.


Gold Member
Jesus what a monster, lol.

At this point I'm gonna hold out as long as I possibly can, and then most likely just buy a whole new rig all together when the time comes. I still have some time to enjoy my current rig a bit more.


A higher framerate or resolution doesn't fundamentally change the visual experience. It's still the same thing, just in higher quality. Shadows being a little better or clouds looking a little fluffier while the screen refreshes faster does nothing to offer a next gen experience. It's just nice, but it's not a significant enough upgrade since the basic visual elements aren't changed.

Very high framerates I'm sure feel a bit nicer but it's hardly a game changer or anything most people will appreciate, not to mention the hardware required to display them. You pay a premium for a very niche feature that people can't even spot at times.

Control and Metro are exceptions as RTX hardware already existed, 99% of the games during the generation weren't doing anything visually that couldn't be done on consoles, albeit at a lower quality.

In any case, consoles dictate the baseline of visual quality, as assets and effects are made to run on them.

As someone who switched from a 60Hz monitor to a 165Hz monitor a few months back, I can absolutely say it is a next-gen experience. It literally feels like I'm living in the future because practically everyone around me still has a 60Hz monitor and they think that's great. It was great but once you see 165Hz you cannot unsee it.


As someone who switched from a 60Hz monitor to a 165Hz monitor a few months back, I can absolutely say it is a next-gen experience. It literally feels like I'm living in the future because practically everyone around me still has a 60Hz monitor and they think that's great. It was great but once you see 165Hz you cannot unsee it.

I'm sorry, it's not. It's a nice feature, it's cool and I'm sure I'd enjoy it, but it doesn't change anything about the fundamental visual quality of the experience, it just refreshes a bit faster, assuming you can even perceive it.
A higher framerate or resolution doesn't fundamentally change the visual experience
Try playing a shooter @100+ fps on a 120+hz panel and then try going back to a 30fps console experience....... and that is before even talking about asset quality, resolution, textures or lightning.....let alone the modding possibilities (rdr2 with reshade and rt enabled is incredible)

I'm sorry, it's not. It's a nice feature, it's cool and I'm sure I'd enjoy it, but it doesn't change anything about the fundamental visual quality of the experience,
anyone who can`t see the massive difference between 30, 60 and 100fps during faster movements + is either lying or seriously needs to go see his eye doctor.
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I'm sorry, it's not. It's a nice feature, it's cool and I'm sure I'd enjoy it, but it doesn't change anything about the fundamental visual quality of the experience, it just refreshes a bit faster, assuming you can even perceive it.

No need to apologise but you're either lying or simply haven't experienced 165Hz.

I'll agree that going beyond 60 Hz is hard to notice unless you go to 120 Hz or more. I can say this because my monitor has a range of refresh rate settings up to 165 Hz.


PC gaming is console gaming with some sliders moved to the right. It looks nicer for sure, but hardly rock anyone's world, especially given the expenses involved for a high end PC.

There's only so much you can do with the same assets.
Lol man these posts are a riot keep them coming. This what you can do with some sliders in pc gaming. Graphic options can make huge differences. Same with resolution and filtering differences.

A higher framerate or resolution doesn't fundamentally change the visual experience. It's still the same thing, just in higher quality. Shadows being a little better or clouds looking a little fluffier while the screen refreshes faster does nothing to offer a next gen experience. It's just nice, but it's not a significant enough upgrade since the basic visual elements aren't changed.

Very high framerates I'm sure feel a bit nicer but it's hardly a game changer or anything most people will appreciate, not to mention the hardware required to display them. You pay a premium for a very niche feature that people can't even spot at times.

Control and Metro are exceptions as RTX hardware already existed, 99% of the games during the generation weren't doing anything visually that couldn't be done on consoles, albeit at a lower quality.

In any case, consoles dictate the baseline of visual quality, as assets and effects are made to run on them.
You have some serious PC envy. Like wow.

if frame rate isn’t a game changer why does the ps4 pro have a performance mode? Why do reviews criticize inconsistent or low frames? Why have we had a million 60fps console threads?

Pretty much every game I play on PC can’t be played on consoles at thefidelity I have set it too. If it can’t be done on consoles at the same quality then it can’t be done. That’s literally the point. Better shadows, better lighting, better texture filtering, frame sync, less lag from dedicated servers, ray tracing, and tons of other stuff add to the experience.

your whole argument boils down to yeah pc gaming is great but consoles do the same thing just uglier! Ok cool we know that. A lot of pc gamers also own consoles. That should tell you enough about why people pc game in the first place.
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Lol man these posts are a riot keep them coming. This what you can do with some sliders in pc gaming. Graphic options can make huge differences. Same with resolution and filtering differences.

Are you joking? Crysis wasn't designed as a console game first, however the great majority of productions are.

Of course a few exceptions will exist, but having a bit further draw distance, higher resolution, higher framerates and such, while very nice, do not make any of the existing console games on PC next gen, because the underlying assets and implemented visual effects are mostly the same ones as in the console versions.

Am I saying PC gaming is bad or anything silly like that? No, I'm only disputing this silly idea that just some framerate and resolution differences make something next gen. Just because someone spent 2000 dollars in a gaming PC doesn't change the fact the game assets were made with consoles in mind.

Now that PS5 and Xbox Series X are coming, the baseline will increase a lot and those graphics cards will do much more interesting visuals rather than just higher res, framerate, fluffier clouds and some extra trees.


Are you joking? Crysis wasn't designed as a console game first, however the great majority of productions are.

Of course a few exceptions will exist, but having a bit further draw distance, higher resolution, higher framerates and such, while very nice, do not make any of the existing console games on PC next gen, because the underlying assets and implemented visual effects are mostly the same ones as in the console versions.

Am I saying PC gaming is bad or anything silly like that? No, I'm only disputing this silly idea that just some framerate and resolution differences make something next gen. Just because someone spent 2000 dollars in a gaming PC doesn't change the fact the game assets were made with consoles in mind.

Now that PS5 and Xbox Series X are coming, the baseline will increase a lot and those graphics cards will do much more interesting visuals rather than just higher res, framerate, fluffier clouds and some extra trees.
the video is to show what can be done by “moving some sliders to the right” crysis is on consoles. I don’t think you understand that a game made for consoles first and a game made for PC first can end up being literally the same on PC😂 I guess I should have posted a BF5 video?

Yes new consoles will increase the baseline but they will still be THE BASELINE. PC will always do more because that’s the platform. People who want extra frames will still like PC, people who like ray tracing will still like PC, people who like dedicated servers and FOV options will still like pc. PC just has options. That’s the facts.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I'm sorry, it's not. It's a nice feature, it's cool and I'm sure I'd enjoy it, but it doesn't change anything about the fundamental visual quality of the experience, it just refreshes a bit faster, assuming you can even perceive it.

Now I know you just chatting shit.

Play any shooter at 60 then at 144 or more....it fundamentally changes how you see the game. Hell it changes how you play, the level of visual feedback you are getting def changes your aim, the amount of trailing you do changes because you are seeing a more accurate representation of where the character you are shooting at actually is moment to moment.

"assuming you can even perceive it?"
Is this another eyes can even see beyond 1080p meme or something

If you havent experienced it just say so.
We wont hold it against you, being a console apologist isnt a crime.....yet.
What in the actual fuck?? Is that for a 3090 or even 3070\3080 are on the same range of consumtion?

The logic is this - Seasonic recommends an 850W PSU minimum to use the 12-pin connector. And the 3090 has been spotted with a 12-pin socket. So it looks like 850W is minimum for one hell of a power hungry and hot card. The size of the 3090 PCB is huge, so it also rules out ITX cases/boards.


Now I know you just chatting shit.

Play any shooter at 60 then at 144 or more....it fundamentally changes how you see the game. Hell it changes how you play, the level of visual feedback you are getting def changes your aim, the amount of trailing you do changes because you are seeing a more accurate representation of where the character you are shooting at actually is moment to moment.

"assuming you can even perceive it?"
Is this another eyes can even see beyond 1080p meme or something

If you havent experienced it just say so.
We wont hold it against you, being a console apologist isnt a crime.....yet.

I don't play first person shooters, but we are talking about visual fidelity. I don't think next gen visual features are restricted to a single game genre.

It's a fact some people can't differentiate between 30 and 60, while the difference between 60 and 144 is much more subtle.

I mean, yes, you have smoother screen refresh in Counterstrike. That's nice, I'm sure it's cool but it's hardly earth shattering.
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