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Game of the Year goes to ELDEN RING



Thank you Santa Monica Studio, #4theplayers
I think he was talking about colour blind modes and whatever but that's pretty funny
Do it. I’m not the typical Souls player and set out right from the start that I would never finish it because of the usual difficulty in these games, I just thought I would try to enjoy what I could at least.

~350 hours later I have finished it a couple times. It honestly reminds me more about BOTW and The Elder Scrolls than Demon’s Souls in how you progress and explore the world. The weighty and strategic Souls combat is still there and has evolved but there is so much more to discover and so many more ways to tackle the obstacles now. I love it.
The open world nature of the game is both really great but it also hurts one thing these games used to be so good at and that is enemy encounters and difficulty balance. There used to be a perfect upwards difficulty curve where the game had a nice steady challenge, now you tend to be overpowered most of the time and occaisionally under leveled. Also, the open world parts are mostly trash mobs in Elden Ring.

The other games are so much better balanced.


The open world nature of the game is both really great but it also hurts one thing these games used to be so good at and that is enemy encounters and difficulty balance. There used to be a perfect upwards difficulty curve where the game had a nice steady challenge, now you tend to be overpowered most of the time and occaisionally under leveled. Also, the open world parts are mostly trash mobs in Elden Ring.

The other games are so much better balanced.
As a non-Souls fan this is where I think ER is better. I’ve never thought the difficulty balance was good in Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, not at all. I’ve never finished either one. I’ve made several attempts but I always end up getting stomped, even tried the guide route but nope.
The only way to manage to progress is to level up more but doing that in those more linear Souls games means grinding the same small area over and over where I can get easy souls. And then I eventually get bored and quit.

In Elden Ring you can go around difficult areas and explore the world and do smaller dungeons to get runes, so you don’t end up doing boring small area grinding just to level up.
There are still a couple difficult barriers that you need to pass though but as long as you don’t rush through the world they’re usually managable. The final boss absolutely suck though, all I feel is hate, but maybe that’s the point idk.
As a non-Souls fan this is where I think ER is better. I’ve never thought the difficulty balance was good in Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, not at all. I’ve never finished either one. I’ve made several attempts but I always end up getting stomped, even tried the guide route but nope.
The only way to manage to progress is to level up more but doing that in those more linear Souls games means grinding the same small area over and over where I can get easy souls. And then I eventually get bored and quit.

You know you could just get better at the game right? You could like, learn boss patterns and stuff? You never have to grind in any Souls game at all? And doing so is proof that you're a fricking noob?

I wouldn't make fun of you except you implied you can play Elden Ring but not the other games, which is completely insane given how much harder Elden Ring is than those


You know you could just get better at the game right? You could like, learn boss patterns and stuff? You never have to grind in any Souls game at all? And doing so is proof that you're a fricking noob?

I wouldn't make fun of you except you implied you can play Elden Ring but not the other games, which is completely insane given how much harder Elden Ring is than those
Lol yeah I know about the ”git gud” thing. DeS is a fantastic game, no doubt, but imo too difficult and too linear so I always end up getting bored and quit instead of pushing myself to ”git gud”. Not a fan of having to replay big levels at death either, I feel the frustration building up just talking about it. Haven’t given up completely though but right now I’m taking a break.

Elden Ring is easier imo. Spirit ashes alone kinda feels like cheating and there is always a spawn point nearby. But sure certain builds are worse than others, did my first playthrough with sword and shield and that was certainly more challenging than magic.
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Elden Ring was excellent. My only gripe was I don't think the open world was really needed. I think the game shined the most in the Legacy Dungeons which were very well crafted. Some awesome locations in the game. I thought Crumbling Farum Azula especially was awesome. Tough, but the visuals were incredible. Volcano Manor, I loved as well. I had a fantastic time with the game and it was a fun journey from start to finish.
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