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Game of the Year goes to ELDEN RING


Gold Member
If blood borne and dark souls was too hard for you should you stay away from this?
Maybe not, this is an open world with a lot to discover, you can get as strong as you want before fighting bosses.

It still isn't an easy game in any shape or form but it gives you more way to fight adversities.

Combat is kinda slower than bloodborne and less technical than sekiro.


Gold Member
well, wait a sec. open world sekiro = good, but open world demon's souls = not good? what's that all about?...
I think the difference is that you can't level up and destroy everything in sekiro if you are shit at the core combat system.

But people on elden ring on release day were able to fuck the game up with OP stuff like the ice stomp or the bleed, and there is probably a lot of op stuff still in the game.

So even if you have the freedom of an open world, you hardly are gonna have shitty balancement in a sekiro game because if you can't parry, no amount of levelling up is gonna help you because enemies are just gonna destroy you.
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This year's GOTY Awards had to be rigged.
GOW Ragnarök has:
Better Graphics
Better Story
Better Combat
Better Music/Audio
Better Performance
Innovation in Accessibility
Little to no bugs
List goes on.
I still can't get over the 'innovation in accessibility' thing. What does that even mean? The game solves all the puzzles for you? How is GOW any more accessible than Elden Ring?
A job well fucking done for FromSoftware!

The magnitude of this achievement is even more inspiring when you consider how Souls games got their start. Demon's Souls was considered a failure internally before Miyazaki took the reigns. Sony even declined to publish the game in west because Shuhei Yoshida thought the game was "unbelievably bad".

Fast forward more than a decade and multiple hits later... FromSoftware manages topple the best studios SIE has to offer, going toe-to-toe with Santa Monica Studios and Guerrilla Games. The only thing that could have made this victory even more impressive was if you had thrown Naughty Dog into the mix.


Was a tight race. GoW ended up winning more rewards overall. But this one holds more weight. At least there was some competition.

I can't give Elden Ring a win here because of how poorly it was released. It was so bad on PC I had to buy it on PS5 just to play it. To be honest, I think a lot of people forget that. It was a broken game on release.
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I can't give Elden Ring a win here because of how poorly it was released. It was so bad on PC I had to buy it on PS5 just to play it. To be honest, I think a lot of people forget that. It was a broken game on release.
Did you try it or did you just read about it?
I played it on release through Steam, or maybe a couple days later don’t remember. It ran at 60fps 99% of the time in Ultra 1080p on my old PC which was a nothing special 3800x + 3070Ti with Windows 10 on a 2GB/s SSD. The last 1% were severe halts down to 0fps for 1-2 seconds though. But we’re talking about a couple times per hour max.
I mostly spent the early hours in Limgrave though, might’ve already been patched when I beat Margit and Godrick and went further out in the world. All in all it was no big issue for me.


Did you try it or did you just read about it?
I played it on release through Steam, or maybe a couple days later don’t remember. It ran at 60fps 99% of the time in Ultra 1080p on my old PC which was a nothing special 3800x + 3070Ti with Windows 10 on a 2GB/s SSD. The last 1% were severe halts down to 0fps for 1-2 seconds though. But we’re talking about a couple times per hour max.
I mostly spent the early hours in Limgrave though, might’ve already been patched when I beat Margit and Godrick and went further out in the world. All in all it was no big issue for me.
I played it day 1 on PC and it was atrocious. Constant lag spikes, terrible fps, was borderline unplayable. I have a 3080Ti. I ended up buying it on PS5 and it was more stable.


I played it day 1 on PC and it was atrocious. Constant lag spikes, terrible fps, was borderline unplayable. I have a 3080Ti. I ended up buying it on PS5 and it was more stable.
Weird, I experienced nothing that bad besides that 1% complete halts I mentioned. But I don’t remember if I was there day 1, probably not.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Elden Ring is the GOAT this year.

I generally don’t jive with open world games , but ER has the best one in gaming IMO. The second best one is Red Dead 2.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen another game win tons of other accolades like Ragnarok did but didn’t end up being the overall best game. Like yes of course GoW had a better story and visuals, but that doesn’t mean ER is somehow a lesser experience. The overall journey , combat, world, design, etc come together to create a next level package.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This year's GOTY Awards had to be rigged.
GOW Ragnarök has:
Better Graphics
Better Story
Better Combat
Better Music/Audio
Better Performance
Innovation in Accessibility
Little to no bugs
List goes on.

foil hat tinfoil kevin GIF by The Tick


If blood borne and dark souls was too hard for you should you stay away from this?
Eh, ER is much more accessible. I know plenty of people IRL who always bounced off Souls yet beat ER. Some of them are even the typical COD/NBA2K crowd that don't even play these kinds of games. ER made them die hards.

I think ER being more accessible is what gave it such mainstream appeal and sales this time.


Eh, ER is much more accessible. I know plenty of people IRL who always bounced off Souls yet beat ER. Some of them are even the typical COD/NBA2K crowd that don't even play these kinds of games. ER made them die hards.

I think ER being more accessible is what gave it such mainstream appeal and sales this time.
Yeah its way more accessible because its a lot more fun, you dont only slam your head against a brick wall for hours, there are other awesome things to do when you are frustrated with that until you can come back again and try later.
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Give me a break, games that have as many issues as you had by the majority don't have great user reviews on Steam. It would be more like Callisto Protocol's reviews. I played it day 1 on PC and it was fine on my 1660ti. You are the one in the minority. Broken my ass.
Go look up early reviews and impressions. It was all over the place and was not a secret. The game released in a terrible state. That's simply a fact, regardless of your "Opinion."


I am enjoying God of War: R more than Elden Ring.

Both are fine games but for me, I am enjoying the combat more in GOW. BOTW beats Elden Ring overall in the style of game ER is trying to be and they basically took that concept and applied it to Souls. I would have loved Elden Ring more if the combat was closer to GOW's.
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Congrats to Fromsoftware, even though I want GOW to win. Elden ring is the masterpiece no doubt, but personally I enjoy GOW more.


Go look up early reviews and impressions. It was all over the place and was not a secret. The game released in a terrible state. That's simply a fact, regardless of your "Opinion."
I went and looked up a DF article and there were people in the comments saying it wasn’t as bad as you described. Looked in launch day threads too, same thing there. And console people complained that it ran in the 40s. So idk, seems like it could be bad for everyone on launch day, or not bad enough that it hurt the overall experience depending on hardware, settings, drivers, Windows, if you play online or offline, how you play and how often it needs to load new stuff, how sensitive you are, etc etc.

I went back and looked at my own earliest posts, February 26
It has been what seems like locked 60fps 99% of the time around Limgrave with preset max settings at 1080p.
The 1% that isn’t 60fps consist of a few severe fps spikes, maybe 5 in 2 hours, for 1-2 seconds. Besides that. Smoothness.
Only problem for me is that the 1% fps spikes are severe enough to essentially halt the system. But they’re very very rare, so far. Happened first time I fought the gray giant and also when fighting the golden horse knight. Not ideal. Next try everything was fine. (I still died though…)

Ah I nearly get nostalgic seeing me talk about ”the golden horse knight” lol

One of the best games ever made imo


I went and looked up a DF article and there were people in the comments saying it wasn’t as bad as you described. Looked in launch day threads too, same thing there. And console people complained that it ran in the 40s. So idk, seems like it could be bad for everyone on launch day, or not bad enough that it hurt the overall experience depending on hardware, settings, drivers, Windows, if you play online or offline, how you play and how often it needs to load new stuff, how sensitive you are, etc etc.

I went back and looked at my own earliest posts, February 26

Ah I nearly get nostalgic seeing me talk about ”the golden horse knight” lol

One of the best games ever made imo
its definitely hyperbole. i also played the game on launch on a slow Zen+ CPU. most of the time I was getting locked 60 FPS. the first patch improved things immensely. i have 150 hrs on clock and i dont remember being "unsettled" with stutters aside from the first 5 hours. quite likely, most of the shaders were compiled by that time
I guess I am not surprised at Elden Ring winning Game of the Year as in the third-party stakes it did not really have much in the way of competition in my opinion. That said, I am not a massive fan of the game. It's okay, technically wonky (but, hey, what FromSoftware game isn't?) but plays way too much like an open-world Dark Souls game so did not grab me as much as, say, Demon's Souls Remake (which I had not played before and is arguably the best FromSoftware game to date in terms of gameplay, visuals and technical proficiency), Bloodborne or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I see why people enjoyed it but not my Game of the Year, not by a long shot.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Elden Ring won GOTY because it is multi platform. God of War is restricted only on PlayStation. I didn’t play God of War, so my vote goes to Elden Ring, a game I did play. When you restrict your games you restrict your reach.
The last of us 2 won 2020
God of war won 2018.

Dude go down with dignity instead of being salty.


not tag worthy
Well deserved. Good shit From. Never would I have thought this game would sell nearly 14 million copies. COT DAMN. At least DLC is on the table officially as the translator said "we still have more to do with Elden Ring".

maybe they meant to add climbing an easy mode plus port it to the switch

I bet it’s that.
i'm happy it won and think it deserves it but at the same time feel like i'm missing something. i played it right to the end and enjoyed my time with it but i wish it was a bit better. the open world disappointed me and the game was far too easy.

if we get a big DLC then i'll need to change how i play it on my next playthrough. i'll definitely not be wasting so much time exploring the map and i'll not be relying on spirits summons too much either. will also slowly level up because i felt i got too OP quickly.


It's the nature of hyping up games that are fucking the same. If you play ds1, ds2, bloodborne, ds3 and ER <<<< ALL OF THEM is the same. Same items with different names etc. What FS do best is games that controls really good that's all, but their games are fucking the same, beside Sekiro.

BTW my favorite FS games is DS1 and Sekiro > masterpieces.

Just as gow 2022 is the same as gow 2018, so why double standards?


absolutely deserved. games with as much ambition and genre-defining aspirations as elden ring are very, very rare. i'm talking once every 10 years or so. gonna take something quite unbelievable to beat it this decade.


Well deserved and it’s good that From Software gets more recognition in the industry.
I thought that Dark Souls was their breakthrough moment but somehow they’ve managed to reach an even wider audience this time.
They’ve improved and expanded upon the foundation from Demon’s Souls til we finally got this monster of a game.

It makes me excited to see how Armored Core VI will turn out. I wanna see them do the same with something entirely different and Armored Core is pretty much that.


Congratz FROM. Well deserved. Best game this year for sure.

I’m kinda surprised GOWR didn’t take this one not for the right reason ofcourse 😅


I'll have to take another look at this game. I passed it up because I've never liked the Souls formula -- the frustrating combat and the grimdark atmosphere. But the fact that it won GOTY, sold so many copies, and seems to appeal even to non-Souls players makes me wonder if I dismissed it too quickly. I still may decide it's not for me, but I'll give it a second look.


I played on a 3080Ti and I've seen the game run on a PS5. This reads like a fanfiction from the Sony fanclub.
Overall it played better on PC, yes, but I didn't have that stutter on PS5. Which to me was better than the constant dropped frames.

I still give Elden Ring 10/10. I have hundreds of hours in it.


Easy choice this year.

Neither Ragnarok nor Horizon were up to snuff. Especially Horizon.

Unlike the shit controls and gameplay of RDR2 (that didn't sink into people's minds as being as bad as it was until month's after the honeymoon period was over), Elden Ring actually PLAYS really good, and never ended up with a post-release correction of mindshare.

So Ragnarok had no chance to pull off the upset this year like 2018 did with RDR2. Especially when it was hamstrung by being the first ever cross-gen God of War--which somehow ended up with even smaller scale moments than it's predecessor did (Not a single fight in Ragnarok was as bombastic as the first Baldur fight).
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I'll have to take another look at this game. I passed it up because I've never liked the Souls formula -- the frustrating combat and the grimdark atmosphere. But the fact that it won GOTY, sold so many copies, and seems to appeal even to non-Souls players makes me wonder if I dismissed it too quickly. I still may decide it's not for me, but I'll give it a second look.
Do it. I’m not the typical Souls player and set out right from the start that I would never finish it because of the usual difficulty in these games, I just thought I would try to enjoy what I could at least.

~350 hours later I have finished it a couple times. It honestly reminds me more about BOTW and The Elder Scrolls than Demon’s Souls in how you progress and explore the world. The weighty and strategic Souls combat is still there and has evolved but there is so much more to discover and so many more ways to tackle the obstacles now. I love it.
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