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God of War Sequel and Gran Turismo 7 are Cross Generation Titles


I wonder if Sony is simply getting “the bad news out there” early so they don’t waste time dealing with the fallout when they have their E3 type conference

thoughts @SlimySnake ?

makes sense to me
Sounds likely. Better put it out there in advance and leave people time to process it, than risk creating a shitstorm during you yearly spotlight event.

They might want to show something of GoW and more of GT soon, so either announcing this at the same time as the new footage drops, or letting it linger for more months and refusing to say anything either way, would probably sour the mood even more than just dropping the news during a random interview.
Sounds likely. Better put it out there in advance and leave people time to process it, than risk creating a shitstorm during you yearly spotlight event.

They might want to show something of GoW and more of GT soon, so either announcing this at the same time as the new footage drops, or letting it linger for more months and refusing to say anything either way, would probably sour the mood even more than just dropping the news during a random interview.
Hopefully they will announce whatever they've got planned soon, I remember The Future of Gaming was announced 1 week earlier so they might do something similar this year.


Gold Member
I miss him. The type of leadership SIE needs right now instead of this corporate money guy.

So that Shawn Layden presentation was E3 2014?

At that time they had some big sellers like GOW on PS3, Uncharted and LoU on PS3, but they werent giant sellers like during the PS4 era games.

At that time, Sony took more risks shotgunning all kinds of games. Look at all the types of games and franchises they tried back then. But as the PS4 era carried on, they shifted to fewer games, more SP focus, but it got gigantic sales, thus the tons of sequels and now cross gen to keep sales up.

Their focus now is AAA SP blockbusters, some second tier games like Returnal and Sackboy, and the rest comes from third parties.

During the PS3 days (which Layden in E3 2014 was just coming out of), they had tons of JRPGs, shooters (including even those PC-ish MMO ones), Evolution arcade racers, that all star fighting game, and 3 LBP games.
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Gold Member

Very few people in here seem to understand how a business works. :messenger_unamused: However, it seems the average age in here is about 13 so that makes sense. (Or maybe that's the average IQ, the jury is still out on that)
I think the main issue most people are having is the fact that Sony wasn’t straightforward with their information and Microsoft was heavily criticized for still focusing on last generation.

While it’s true that it’s a business and yeah I can definitely understand the disappointment for many, but if it’s all about profits they might as well put GOW and GT7 on PC, XBOX and Switch as well.


Gold Member
The craziest thing about this thread is that people are still arguing over who’s worse: Microsoft of Sony.

They’re exactly the same. The consoles are virtually identical. And they have virtually identical attitudes towards this new generation of hardware. What small differences exist are so small they barely warrant a mention.

...and all of you who are excusing the way Sony have acted ‘because it’s the way business works’. What are you, Sony employees? They were quite happy to let people think these games would be Ps5 exclusives before the console’s release. It’s underhand bullshit, and no amount of corporate defending makes it anything other than that.
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Gold Member
Meh no problem,

Sounds like they are keeping options open to the huge user base out there and respecting their current fans who weren't able to get a PS5 due to scalping or perhaps money contraints in the lockdown etc.

Its a smart and consumer friendly approach from Sony and I applaud it.
In the future a GT8 or GOW 3 will likely be native or the new IPs from those studios will be taking advantage of the tech.

Hope everyone with a PS4 enjoys these, especially my friends who have kids etc and aren't upgrading until a nice bonus or tax rebate.


Honestly i can understand that GoW is crossgen but why GT7.. Doesnt make sense. So we have to wait for next 4 years to play proper GT made for PS5 in mind.


"We believe in generationS$S!"

That includes the PS4. Is this the first cross gen period for some people? Is it bad to continue supporting the previous hardware?

Best case scenario the new gen versions will still look awesome.


I'm a bit constipated today so your timing is beyond perfect, thanks.

The only thing you really get from it is that they were clearly feeding him a lost of questions that was prepared to address all of the "controversial" things about Playstation that have been discussed lately. It shows they are hearing the "fans." They however are going to do what they think is best for the business regardless of reaction. As it should be, honestly. In the end the better Playstation performs in the market the better positioned they are to make more games and pursue more acquisitions.


Gold Member
Good decision. Great for both Sony, developers, publishers and gamers with only PS4. WIN WIN situation

...except for people who bought a Ps5, thinking a majority of the games they'd be playing on it would only be available on that specific console.

No issues with Sony's business plan - makes perfect sense - it's the lack of transaprency and outright bullshit that sticks in my gullet.


...except for people who bought a Ps5, thinking a majority of the games they'd be playing on it would only be available on that specific console.

No issues with Sony's business plan - makes perfect sense - it's the lack of transaprency and outright bullshit that sticks in my gullet.
You can still play on PS5 and enjoy the higher graphics and framerate options. Also graphics aren't everything. Games will still look great.


You can still play on PS5 and enjoy the higher graphics and framerate options. Also graphics aren't everything. Games will still look great.
You should not ..

Extremely powerfull PS5 SSD IOP, a much more powerful CPU and GPU, can fundamentally and dramatically change the core gameplay, which has been stagnant at the same level for 20 years. I am absolutely not interested in some gfx/fps hot fix for PS5 version of PS4 games alias new HZD, GT, GoW.


Gold Member
You can still play on PS5 and enjoy the higher graphics and framerate options. Also graphics aren't everything. Games will still look great.

Where do I say I’m talking about graphics? They don’t matter to me much, but game innovation with fresh gameplay mechanics do, and now there’s no chance of that happening with these games. No core gameplay changes are going to occur.
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Gold Member
I have warned people for months while I talked about GoW that it was going to be delayed.

Honestly not trying to be too much of a downer we may be lucky to get it next year

It’s pretty obvious now that the game is a PS4 game, so I don’t see any reason why it would take any longer to get done. Four years should be plenty for a game that reuses the previous game’s assets and engine.
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Honestly, the difference at cross gen titles is so minimal, besides the Framerate and Resolution, look at Dirt 5,Spiderman etc, It's dissapointing for me, and I think in the next 1 to two years is besides from very few titles the playstation 5 worthless for me
Is this the "Mental Gymnastics Event" of the week? Seems like it. And I hope all the people that started the "Moving Goal Posts" part of the event warmed up beforehand. Don't want anybody getting hurt.

It's hard to take some of you with your exaggerated reactions (sell PS5, stop playing forever or all the fuck jim/hermen) to these news serious. I sometimes wonder if there are more puny little warriors on GAF than gamers that actually enjoy gaming.


Gold Member
Honestly, the difference at cross gen titles is so minimal, besides the Framerate and Resolution, look at Dirt 5,Spiderman etc, It's dissapointing for me, and I think in the next 1 to two years is besides from very few titles the playstation 5 worthless for me

It's going to be HUGE fun to play the hidden loading screen segments in God Of War on Ps5, because it's the same game that has to run on a Ps4.
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I own the PS5 since day 1 and it’s such a good piece of hardware that I would never be able back to PS4, no way in hell.
So this news changes absolutely nothing to me.
If they said that those two games are PS4 only and never released on PS5 that would be the issue.
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Honestly i can understand that GoW is crossgen but why GT7.. Doesnt make sense. So we have to wait for next 4 years to play proper GT made for PS5 in mind.
I feel like driving games are way more scaleable than a next gen 3rd person action adventure title. You can clearly see in the original god of war that the environments are split into sections and constantly gated with doors or walls to squeeze between. I’m pretty disappointed by this new tbh I still think gow will be great based on the original though and in fairness they probably started production with ps4 in mind.


How you people expect games with 4 to 5 years development cycles to take full advantage of new hardware is beyond me. There's no way GOW and Horizon FW started development when they already had PS5 dev kits. No fucking way. And you have no proof their vision will be held back by the older hardware, none.

Both games will be great and will play best on PS5.


Remember when the PS4 generation started and people were happy for better looking and faster loading games? Now everyone is demanding each and every new game reinvent the genre. How about enjoying games instead of griping about them? If you really wanted a transformational experience you would be playing VR. 🙄



Garbage fanboy take.

The big difference between the two is that Sony have actually released first party games in the first year of their new console.

The fact that SOME of their first party titles are cross-gen doesn't mean that their strategy was dishonest.

“We believe in generations” =/= “all our first party games are next gen only”. That statement came in response to someone like Matt Booty suggesting that Xbox games would be cross-gen for the first two years. Who’d have thought that included a first year with no first party games at all. 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
Remember when the PS4 generation started and people were happy for better looking and faster loading games? Now everyone is demanding each and every new game reinvent the genre. How about enjoying games instead of griping about them? If you really wanted a transformational experience you would be playing VR. 🙄

VR really is feeling more and more like the actual next generation of gaming, with an actual leap forward in terms of the experience - instead of incremental, tiny hops of the flat gaming companies, caused by always chasing the bottom line, instead of trying to make new, creatively strong games.

And - I hate fucking saying this with every fibre of my being - Facebook's customer & hardware support with Oculus has been fantastic.
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The funny thing is only Halo and Forza Horizon 5 look to be cross gen for Xbox.

Avowed, Everwild, Forza Motorsport 8, Perfect Dark, Fable, Hellblade 2 are all next gen only and even Starfield if rumoured to be next gen only.

It’s not that funny really. Cross-gen become less relevant over time. Most of the games you list are 2022 titles at best, quite a few will be 2023.

How many Series X|S titles have been released so far by XBox Studios? How many are going to be released by the first anniversary of the console launch? If you don’t release anything in the console launch window then cross-gen becomes a moot point.

Assuming Horizon II gets in before the 1 year anniversary then I make it 11 PS5 titles released by PlayStation Studios (Astrobot, Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Spider-Man Remastered, Sackboy, Returnal, Destruction All Stars, MLB '21, Ratchet & Clank, Nioh Collection, Horizon II Forbidden West)

Assuming Halo makes it year 1 then that looks like 2 titles making it from Xbox Studios (Halo and Flight Sim).


VR really is feeling more and more like the actual next generation of gaming, with an actual leap forward in terms of the experience - instead of incremental, tiny hops of the flat gaming companies, caused by always chasing the bottom line, instead of trying to make new, creatively strong games.

And - I hate fucking saying this with every fibre of my being - Facebook's customer & hardware support with Oculus has been fantastic.

I'll quit gaming before giving Facebook a dime.

The thing about VR that is transformational isn't the feeling of "presence" as much as the monumentally better interface. Looking by actually moving your eyes, head, and body as well as aiming with your actual hands with stereoscopic vision is so much more satisfying, natural and enjoyable the two can't even be compared.


Cross gen gow is a let down. I figured it would require the higher loading speeds, 3d audio, things only a beefed up system could handle, and the new controller. Gow always pushes the envelope this is kind of a bummer


Cross gen gow is a let down. I figured it would require the higher loading speeds, 3d audio, things only a beefed up system could handle, and the new controller. Gow always pushes the envelope this is kind of a bummer

It will still have super fast loading speeds and 3d tempest audio. You can relax.
What an absolute and typical disappointment for Sony these days.

Everything except the engineers located in Japan now only make bad choices.


Colin Moriarity called them out on it immediately today. He runs the biggest Sony fan podcast. Imran Khan made fun of the i believe in generations thing as well.

This entire forum has been on fire all day because Sony fans have revolted instead of sitting down and making excuses. You will find one or two blind fanboys baghdad bobbing this but the overwhelming majority of Sony fans are absolutely sickened by this. On here, on twitter, on era, and even on Sony's own blog.
Good to hear. Seems it’s all defense force here.
I love much of what Sony does, so I’m anxious to call them out on the aspects I think they need to approve. They finance and develop a lot of games I enjoy. I don’t want them to go anywhere, but I am starting to think they need new leadership.
The official number was 116.5 at the last update I believe, could be at 120 now. But many of the consoles sold at the start of the generation may no longer be used, some may be broken or in storage etc.
By 2022, there won't be more than 40 million unique users on PS4 and these people are likely not the type of people who play GOW
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