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God of War Sequel and Gran Turismo 7 are Cross Generation Titles


Its not about business decisions. Its about the decision to not being honest.

There has been false advertising, manipulation of words. An attempt to capitalize on "both camps".

I can never be ok with this, no matter the subject.

Sony/Playstation really hurt their brand today, at least to me.


I think they made the right move, they don't have enough chips to fill demand for PS5, if big budget games are launching this year they need to be cross gen or they are burning money.

Nobody is going to pay £70 for a next gen game that came out 6 months ago.


Garbage fanboy take.

The big difference between the two is that Sony have actually released first party games in the first year of their new console.

The fact that SOME of their first party titles are cross-gen doesn't mean that their strategy was dishonest.

“We believe in generations” =/= “all our first party games are next gen only”. That statement came in response to someone like Matt Booty suggesting that Xbox games would be cross-gen for the first two years. Who’d have thought that included a first year with no first party games at all. 🤷‍♂️

Yeah sure thing it's only SOME of their first party titles, it's only the next Horizon, the next God of War, the next Spider-Man, the next Gran Turismo, pretty much most of their biggest IPs.


I think they made the right move, they don't have enough chips to fill demand for PS5, if big budget games are launching this year they need to be cross gen or they are burning money.

Nobody is going to pay £70 for a next gen game that came out 6 months ago.

False advertising, and manipulation of words is the right move?

This has nothing to do with business decisions or chip shortages (they have sold more PS5`s than they sold PS4`s btw).

Its about honesty.
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False advertising, and manipulation of words is the right move?

This has nothing to do with business decisions or chip shortages (they have sold more PS5`s than they sold PS4`s btw).

Its about honesty.

Is this the "we believe in generations" stuff, or did they say God of war was a PS5 exclusive then backpedal?

If they are focusing more on PC releases then they are probably developing these games with scalability in mind now, so why not crank those settings right down and have a PS4 version if possible.

Unless they ditch PC support you're never getting software that is built around the fixed PS5 spec.
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As long as PS5 is the focus of development that makes sense. Make the game for the PS5 and pare it back to work with PS4. Works for PC.
That’s not how game development works. When a game is being developed with last gen in mind, everything - down to the very fundamental design of the game - is being created to run on the less capable hardware. Every aspect of the game design is being tailored for the limitations of the PS4. The Saddest part of this is the fact that we won’t get a proper current gen GoW or Horizon for half a decade, give or take.


Now let's talk about their honesty as series S became a 1080p console from 1440p, no other major graphic sacrifices, series X infinite power who should destroy the ps5 hardware and the perfect SDK tools ready to launch without any possible issue and more.
Aren’t Sony advertising the PS5 as an 8k capable, 4k @ 120fps machine? :messenger_tears_of_joy: Isn’t it slap dab on the front of the box? As TBiddy TBiddy said though, pure whataboutism because you have to defend a corporation.


I skipped the Pro and went from base PS4 to PS5 because of the all “We believe in generations” talk.

I understand that. However, I have been playing games for over 40 years and I can easily see through simple propaganda and lies. Take a look. In the old days, a good game for ZX Spectrum could be made in 9 months, with a few guys and a little money. Today or tomorrow, the development of AAA or AAA + games will cost more than 500+ mega euros. This fact, not the power of the HW, defines everything and you have to think about it all the time. SONY needs that money and will do everything to survive and especially to grow. "We believe in generations" is a classic trading trick. Jim is a drunken, unscrupulous Irish pig. And I know how he thinks. Take it as a life-giving lesson.
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Is this the "we believe in generations" stuff, or did they say God of war was a PS5 exclusive then backpedal?

If they are focusing more on PC releases then they are probably developing these games with scalability in mind now, so why not crank those settings right down and have a PS4 version if possible.

Unless they ditch PC support you're never getting software that is built around the fixed PS5 spec.
From the official Playstation youtube channel:




Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Fuck a console war and I dont even have a PS5 yet but this is disappointing.

If it was Battlefield or COD or NBA 2K or something its not a big deal but these are supposed to be the flagship franchises.

I am sure the games will be great, dont get me wrong, but always nice to push the tech.
Yes, it’s hugely disappointing we’re gonna see same stale gameplay conventions for GoW and HZ but I can live with that. At the same time, as a big big GT fan, this is downright disaster. D I S A S T E R. It’s gonna be graphically upgraded GT Sport and that’s it as that trailer hinted. Knowing PD development cycles, next GT we won’t see ‘till 2030.

Yup, you can burn the studio down for all I care, maybe it’s long overdue.


Sony causing their own cross gen civil war! They shoud've been honest from the get go!

So ps 5 exclusive games can be cross gen but ps 5 FF 7 Remake dlc can't???

Sony stop making your supporters look foolish!


Good God some of you are really losing your marbles. I guess every game ever made for the PC was garbage because it had to take 8 year old rigs into account. 🙄


Fuck a console war and I dont even have a PS5 yet but this is disappointing.

If it was Battlefield or COD or NBA 2K or something its not a big deal but these are supposed to be the flagship franchises.

I am sure the games will be great, dont get me wrong, but always nice to push the tech.
Exactly! It's the job of the first party studios to bring customers to the platform, offering them unique experiences and then it's the job of the peripherals and the shop make the profit on the third party games and MTs. Exclusive next gen launch games have always been seen as something that is not going to make a ton of profit due to to the small userbase but what it does do is make the next gen machines more desirable to move on to as customers see these shiny new experiences only possible on the new hardware. You normally get one or two cross-gen games that should have been late previous gen only games that have slipped their release schedule and get pushed cross-gen with some reworking for the new machines. But, what is happening with some of Playstations biggest IP is just pure greed on the part of Sony, they want to have their cake and eat it by making the PS5 look like it will have the unique experiences but then pull the carpet out from under it and make bank from the large userbase of the PS4 as well. This was deceitful no matter which way you slice it yet this thread is full of people willing to make excuses for it.


My goodness! Lol. Some of you guys are drama queens or are acting like little children. You'll be fine. Nothing is being taken away from you! Ree-laax!

You mean Microsoft announced it at the 'right' time giving customers an informed choice about next gen Xbox. While Sony waited until a few million passionate and excited customers boght PS5's before announcing this?.
Maybe from a business standpoint Sony announced at a better time, but for gamers?, nah.
Is this your first console generation?

Sony has always supported their previous gen console alongside their new console. It really is nothing new.

Before last generation started, there were people who wanted or expected Sony to delay the original Last of Us game to release on the PS4 instead but Sony didn't do that. And people who are quick to say that Sony said this or Sony said that, well, they are doing exactly what they said. They have released games that are current gen only, while there are also going to be some that are cross gen which will support next gen features.

I can see why console warriors will ignore things that don't suit their agenda though. That is never surprising!
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Exactly! It's the job of the first party studios to bring customers to the platform, offering them unique experiences and then it's the job of the peripherals and the shop make the profit on the third party games and MTs. Exclusive next gen launch games have always been seen as something that is not going to make a ton of profit due to to the small userbase but what it does do is make the next gen machines more desirable to move on to as customers see these shiny new experiences only possible on the new hardware. You normally get one or two cross-gen games that should have been late previous gen only games that have slipped their release schedule and get pushed cross-gen with some reworking for the new machines. But, what is happening with some of Playstations biggest IP is just pure greed on the part of Sony, they want to have their cake and eat it by making the PS5 look like it will have the unique experiences but then pull the carpet out from under it and make bank from the large userbase of the PS4 as well. This was deceitful no matter which way you slice it yet this thread is full of people willing to make excuses for it.

Lol I wouldnt call it pure greed or deceit but the fact is that they wont sell as many titles due to PS5 shortages, so I can understand the position. But still disappointing.


Lol I wouldnt call it pure greed or deceit but the fact is that they wont sell as many titles due to PS5 shortages, so I can understand the position. But still disappointing.

They had these games in development for PS4 but chose to make it appear like they weren't chip shortages or not. It's certainly something if not greed or deceit...
Console warring using PR statements from people whose job it is to take your money for stuff you don't need sure is a great way of looking stupid in the future. I do enjoy a bit of schadenfreude and Twitter really makes for fun reading now.

Sony will have known from the start that these were cross gen as you don't suddenly make that decision this far into development when the CPU and I/O are such a huge jump over the PS4.

I ignored all the marketing behind Cyberpunk 2077 as you could tell it was all nonsense and I was perfectly happy with the game I got - no-where near what was promised but I never expected it to be.

At the end of the day though the majority of people won't know or care about this.


Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Jim Ryan said "we believe in generations" in response to Microsoft saying they will support X1 for some time after Series consoles release. Sony have released a few next gen only titles and that's great, the problem is they are now saying PS4 will continue to be supported. 3 of their biggest games are confirmed cross generation and its looking like all 3 are releasing beyond 2021.

Phil Spencer is on record saying their developers have the decision of wether to go full next generation or cross generation. So we now have a situation where Microsoft could potentially have more next generation only games in development than Sony! After Ryan said and I quote "we believe in generations". You are blindly supporting Jim "lying" Ryan for some reason and I can't see why?

That's the thing. Within that same quote Jim Ryan said they were going to support the PS4 for years. He never said "we believe in generations" to mean we won't make PS4 games anymore. People don't know how to read. I think one of the biggest issues is that Jim Ryan does a poor job explaining the things that he says.

He'll do one interview and then disappear for 4 months. It's stupid. I love and respect Phil Spencer for talking to gamers constantly. And if something is being taken out of context Phil does correct the record within the week or so. Jim is too stupid to do the same thing. Honestly he should have defended his "we believe in generations" quote for what it truly means. Not what some gamers "THINKS" it means.


Fuck a console war and I dont even have a PS5 yet but this is disappointing.

If it was Battlefield or COD or NBA 2K or something its not a big deal but these are supposed to be the flagship franchises.

I am sure the games will be great, dont get me wrong, but always nice to push the tech.

I would argue they are pushing it with Games like Ratchet. Got to understand you can't control when development started and when you actually started sending out/receiving final devkits. I'll be surprised of the PS4 experience compared to the PS5.


Not Banned from OT
I don't buy the PS5 shortage narrative at all. By this standard, there was also a PS4 shortage, yet the first party games were all PS4 exclusive.

The reason for cross generation doesn't matter it is hiding the ps4 versions to decieve the public into those games being next-gen only. Crossgen for a year or 2 as a bridge makes sense but it is the deception to take advantage of the backlash Microsoft was getting for being honest about cross generation plans. Then sitting back and letting the gaming media destroy your competitor for doing what your doing but hiding it.

Astral Dog

my PS4 is pleased with this news👍 there will be plenty of PS5 only games for fanboys to jerk over like that giant space rat who travels through portals


I got a PS4 too and I can't wait to drop it just for the noise levels if anything else.
I have a ps4 slim and got lucky. I have never noticed mine getting excessively loud. If they are ever able to manufacture a ps5 slim in a few years, I will jump in. I do wonder if Sony will face the same difficulties in reducing cost to produce that MS is anticipating. We will see.


I think they made the right move, they don't have enough chips to fill demand for PS5, if big budget games are launching this year they need to be cross gen or they are burning money.

Nobody is going to pay £70 for a next gen game that came out 6 months ago.
but its not launching this year


remember when people laughed at Halo being cross gen, a few will have to eat humble pie at some of their statements on that

Weren't people laughing more at WHAT Halo looked liked? It wasn't mainly about it being cross gen. Now maybe it being cross-gen made it look that bad, but many of us thought it could have looked better even as a cross-gen game if it was being made by a better studio.


Weren't people laughing more at WHAT Halo looked liked? It wasn't mainly about it being cross gen. Now maybe it being cross-gen made it look that bad, but many of us thought it could have looked better even as a cross-gen game if it was being made by a better studio.

no that was before that and they were saying cross gen games won't look good. now its happening on the sony side its for reasons such as 100 mill ps4s shouldn't miss our and it won't hurt ps5 versions

well what about talk of games on ps5 only possible because of SSD and games will be designed different because of it


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Cross gen is NOT normal stop trying to normalize it

I like Colin, but truthfully... he's a fucking idiot about stuff like this.

The reasons why cross-gen makes sense now, and not in the past, is down to one simple reason:

PS4/PS5 executables are compatible at a hardware level. Both x64 with AMD Gpu's.

This is new, and obviously a total game-changer in terms of dev practice.

The rest of it, like sheer cost of development in all dimensions, relative market-penetration across the 2 SKU's, COVID delays, Xbox strategy, that PS4 was already powerful enough to implement virtually anything on it already also contribute, but are second-tier elements.


no that was before that and they were saying cross gen games won't look good. now its happening on the sony side its for reasons such as 100 mill ps4s shouldn't miss our and it won't hurt ps5 versions

well what about talk of games on ps5 only possible because of SSD and games will be designed different because of it

The bolded is still true. There's many PS5 owners that are mad and disappointed by this news. The SSD will take games to a new level never seen before, but we'll just have to wait for those games. Right now we'll get small benefits from the SSD in the form of 2 second load times. And that's cool. And 60 fps for the new God of War game. Again cool, but not as great as it could have been.

What would be worse is if we see these games and they don't look and feel great at all. If it looks like the equivalent of Halo Infinite, then you'll see PlayStation fans screaming all over the world!


I like Colin, but truthfully... he's a fucking idiot about stuff like this.

The reasons why cross-gen makes sense now, and not in the past, is down to one simple reason:

PS4/PS5 executables are compatible at a hardware level. Both x64 with AMD Gpu's.

This is new, and obviously a total game-changer in terms of dev practice.

The rest of it, like sheer cost of development in all dimensions, relative market-penetration across the 2 SKU's, COVID delays, Xbox strategy, that PS4 was already powerful enough to implement virtually anything on it already also contribute, but are second-tier elements.

Basically. PS3 and PS4 development were totally incompatible.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Because they said ALL their games will be cross-gen games for 1 to 2 years.

Except Spencer debunked that. Just like with the Bethesda stuff, people are deliberately ignoring more recent statements.

If a creator comes to us and says I have this vision for reaching these customers across different platforms and different generations we're completely supportive of that.

It is really about our creators having choice and allowing them to build the games that they want to build to reach the audience that they're looking for and not things that we're mandating to our creators in terms of what they have to go do.

It's not our rules for our platform it's more about creators creating the games that they want to go build looking ahead.
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