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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


side note but it really pisses me off how normalized this shit is

reading this thread almost every other post is basically like, "ehh, just shrug it off that's just how it is"

makes me sad

Well the thing is, if it bothers you enough to really do something about it? What, as a company, can you feasibly do to stop it?

Spam and swear text filters have been screwing up common conversation since online gaming started, how do you expect them to do the same thing to voice chat? If you make some kind of super good player-assisted report system, how do you curb the potential for it to be abused?

From that kind of standpoint, in the end it just comes down to, either you have a somewhat competent report system that catches the super toxic players and weeds them out, or you don't even bother with voice chat, and limit the capacity for players to send messages to one another. (The Nintendo method.)

They both have their ups and downs. But the biggest down of not going the way of Nintendo is that, on occasion, something inconsequential will happen, and someone will call you a "nigger/jew/mudslime faggot". Sometimes without even really being angry. That's the tradeoff :/


Eh It is not something new, actually, it has always happened, in any competitive environment throughout history
Games just remove worry over personal image from the equation

I got pretty desinsitized to this sort of stuff by now
Its the same as saying "you are bad" to me nowadays


Go into options and turn on quick chat only. Suddenly Rocket League is much more manageable online.

Online multiplayer chat is an absolute shithole in nearly every game that has it, and it'll never change because the community just shrugs it off as normal. Even on GAF, as the replies here show.

It shouldn't be normal, it shouldn't be accepted. People should call them out for being assholes and reporting systems need to be much harsher to put off these morons.

That or just take the Nintendo route and don't have chat.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
One of the big reasons why I avoid competitive MPs. I mean, in coop MPs you can get jerks too, of course, but people in competitive MPs are wayy more emotionally strung.
I'm actually surprised how relatively little toxicity I've seen in Rocket League after a few hundred hours of play. I miss easy saves that I should get all the time and usually people just say "Okay." Maybe I'm not doing enough solo standard or something...
Idk bro today in overwatch told me "bro just that controller that you can't fucking use and choke your self with it like the cock you had last night", and what this kid didn't know was I had all the gold medals besides healing ;)

They can get preety specificic ;)
It's really unfortunate that games bring out the worse in people. Exspecially overwatch trolls are the worse.


Hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal the same type of people engaging in it?



Rcket League has turned into a cesspit lately, whenever i play you ever get people typing shit in chat about the rest of the team, when they're bottom, or you get spammed with fucking PSN invites from people wanting to trade.


I mean really?? What the hell?

And by the way, this is the third time IN A WEEK I've been told to kill myself while playing this game.

I love Rocket League. It's my favorite MP game, and has been for a year and a half. But you know what's not my favorite? Being told repeatedly to commit suicide!

I may be sheltered, as I don't play many MP games, but is this a common thing in MP titles? I mean are there folks demanding you 'end yourself' in Destiny matches if you miss that one bad guy in the corner? Overwatch? The Division?

The folks playing Rocket League sure are salty as fuck. And by the way, this was my TEAM MATE. And I had a higher score / goal total than him! STILL I should end my life!

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.

Yes, this is something that happens to everyone and it happens in every game there is voice chat in. Best thing to do, report them, mute everyone else, and keep playing. They'll get banned, you can continue to have fun.
Hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal the same type of people engaging in it?


Alternative hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal really just the same groups of people who don't see what you can do other than report/mute/move on since they have been playing online games ever since the beginning of Internet?




Except this isn't true, because it's extremely obvious that people have no problems being a shitcock when their real names are attached to their words.

If tomorrow, all online gaming forced everyone to see your real name and address, people would still act the same exact way.

The normalization of the bullying is kinda gross here, wish these game companies took it a bit more seriously tbh

It is, literally, impossible to curb this stuff.

Which is why Blizzard saying they want to encourage overwatch team chat is laughable.


People are really shitty. Not everyone, mind you. Have played with lots of gaffers and randoms that were great. But enough are awful.

Sorry this happened to you OP.
i disabled chat in rocket league

its too fucking toxic

the other day i was playing against a shittalker who ended up inviting me to his party chat presumably to talk shit over mic.. i joined cuz whatever i was bored.. was a group of 15-16 year olds talking about killing all jews and stuff.. just really hateful and angry.. made me feel bad about the future generations


"Grow a thicker skin"
"It's just banter" (AKA, the 'locker room' talk defense)
"Ignore and move on"

Really disappointed with these responses and expected more thoughtful replies from GAF. It's long overdue that we held these companies to the fire for allowing toxic behavior to flourish unchecked.

Dude just got elected who said sexual assault was locker room talk. This shit ain't going anywhere soon I predict.

There's a better chance gamers stand up and reject it together which is still a long shot . Old socom games and stuff we're best for voting out asshats . Surprisingly effective


Go into options and turn on quick chat only. Suddenly Rocket League is much more manageable online.

Online multiplayer chat is an absolute shithole in nearly every game that has it, and it'll never change because the community just shrugs it off as normal. Even on GAF, as the replies here show.

It shouldn't be normal, it shouldn't be accepted. People should call them out for being assholes and reporting systems need to be much harsher to put off these morons.

That or just take the Nintendo route and don't have chat.

Splatoon is amazing.

I don't know if its possible to really solve the internet f-wad problem of voice chat though.

People would have to get banned by the truck load, to such a degree it would hurt business I would think, so it behooves companies to keep all these a-holes buying and playing their stuff, at the cost of decency.

Seems its all or nothing.

Its pretty great to not have one single negative experience with some idiot on Splatoon.

Even with stuff like Miiverse which is moderated and stuff gets flagged and removed, you can find all kinds of terrible stuff, just fire up the Miiverse stage on Smash Brothers and it only takes so long to see posts, that really have no place there.
Hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal the same type of people engaging in it?

I doubt it, just everyone who games online has seen it a ton. I also think people have this mis impression that people are allowed to just shit talk online with zero consequences. Thats not true at all, thats what the entire reporting system in games is for.

However, it has thresholds for triggers, human reviews, and no "notifications" are sent out telling you "Hey, that guy you reported 2 weeks ago finally got a 3 week ban for racist language, thought you'd like to know!" but I've seen more than enough posts on reddit/etc of people complaining about getting banned and Sony/Microsoft/Blizzard/etc admins pointing out exactly why they got banned.


Disappointed to see that some are suggesting that this is somehow about "toughness" in one form or another.

But at some level, it has to be about your level of toughness.

All of the big games have some kind of report/filter system to deter people from being toxic, but short of sticking so many countermeasures into the social systems that it breaks them, there's no point banking on having it moderated out. Ultimately, you can't control the fact that you're going to come across assholes. But you can control how effective you allow their trolling to be.

It's pointless to pretend like complaining about this is going to result in a moderation system being implemented that will actually stop you from encountering it (without so much censorship that you might as well not even allow free social interaction). So in the meantime you might as well accept enough of it to not allow it to control your emotions so much.


Online mp chat is a festering shitheap. That's just how it is. Also, people seem to love telling people to kill themselves on the internet. It's the equivalent of a "delete your life account."

I never opt in to chat if I don't have to unless it's with people I know (or people they know.)

That said, you really scored a self goal, didn't you? Just kidding.
"I'm sorry you're upset" is the best response to rile these types of people up. Works every time. They usually get laughed out of the game when I do this.


I was told to "Fuck a Sword" once.

Laughed for a while at that one. Can't ever take that sort of thing seriously, OP.


Strap on your hooker ...
The normalization of the bullying is kinda gross here, wish these game companies took it a bit more seriously tbh
It sucks, but it's been normal for years. If anything, it's not nearly as bad as it was 10 years ago. Any popular XBL game had a constant deluge of foul-mouthed idiots, now hardly anyone seems to use their mic at all.


Alternative hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal really just the same groups of people who don't see what you can do other than report/mute/move on since they have been playing online games ever since the beginning of Internet?


Just because it's been around forever does not mean it's ok.
It sucks, but it's been normal for years. If anything, it's not nearly as bad as it was 10 years ago. XBL was awash in foul-mouthed idiots, now hardly anyone seems to use their mic at all.

This is objectively untrue. 10 years ago people were not getting SWAT'ted and in some cases actually murdered, and the vitriol was not as unrelentingly vicious. Shit talking about people's Mom's was more common than death threats, not really the case now.


Agreed. People shrugging their shoulders at this abhorrent behavior is why it's an integral part of gaming online nowadays.

Pretty much this. People wear it like a badge of honor like they think being able to hop into an environment where 13 year old kids call you faggot makes you an adult.


But at some level, it has to be about your level of toughness.

All of the big games have some kind of report/filter system to deter people from being toxic, but short of sticking so many countermeasures into the social systems that it breaks them, there's no point banking on having it moderated out. Ultimately, you can't control the fact that you're going to come across assholes. But you can control how effective you allow their trolling to be.

It's pointless to pretend like complaining about this is going to result in a moderation system being implemented that will actually stop you from encountering it (without so much censorship that you might as well not even allow free social interaction). So in the meantime you might as well accept enough of it to not allow it to control your emotions so much.
Unless you're saying that how acceptable bullying is relates directly to how upset the person is on the receiving end is, what you're saying doesn't relate to anything that I've said.


It's not OK.

That's why we report/mute.

And what else can you do? No? Then move on.

Muting is certainly not going to ever change anything. 2016 has definitively proven that ignoring bullies doesn't work, incase anyone still thought it did. Reporting is a start.
You're overreacting. Welcome to the internet. You got trolled, move on from it.

Well, again, the point of the thread was really to discuss this behavior and what if anything can be done to cut it down. I'm not seeking guidance to rest my soul.

And you spelled Vandelay wrong.



Gold Member
I once had this guy:

Amazing what people come out with.

Tbf that might have been a parody of dunkey on YouTube who mostly used the same words and got banned for it.

I'm not saying it's ok though but if you're copying a parody of something then maybe it's just to make hinself laugh or hoping that you know the same joke. It's pretty bad for someone who doesn't though.


It's not OK.

That's why we report/mute.

And what else can you do? No? Then move on.

You can choose not to make excuses for it like half this thread is doing. You can choose to push developers to crack down harder on it. You can call out your friends when they do it. You can try to be the one that steps up and talks to the trolls doing it in addition to reporting them.

You don't have to do everything, but you can at least not be complacent about it.
Someone messaged me on Xbox last night after a match of Titanfall 2. I'm in the GAF network by the way.

"What does your clan tag stand for. Gay as fuck?"

Someine takes the time out of their day to grief someone like that. I had to laugh. Then reported him.
Alternative hypothesis: Are the type of people in this thread saying vile online behavior is no big deal really just the same groups of people who don't see what you can do other than report/mute/move on since they have been playing online games ever since the beginning of Internet?


You know, if you had told the average American in the 1950s that you could drive the smoking rate way down through effective legislation and education, they would have laughed in your face. Today, less than 1/5 of Americans smoke.

No problem is insurmountable. We just have to decide as a society that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.


The worst I've seen is a very abrupt "uninstall" message to a person's teammate. Kinda sad really. I wouldn't take this shit seriously, it's just some sad teenager or some sad 35 year old.

I just rage quit when I'm really fucked off lol (moved up to the blue star thing.. no idea what it's called.. and I honestly had two fucking terrible team mates in a row that immediately put me back to my previous rank! Argh. But no point telling anyone to kill themselves lol).

Just thank god we have barely no audio chat in RL, that shit was obnoxious 10 years ago with all the "faggot" this, "faggot" that.
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