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It boggles my mind how PC gamers justify spending over $1000 on a graphics card (A Hideo Kojima Rant)


Yes, while not willing to pay for complete, single player $60 games because they are "overpriced", really love bulk buying on Steam sales - never played them btw, brags about emulation and just blatant piracy supporters.

But $1000 graphic cards, sure.
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I'd pay anything to not feel the need to bitch about my or the others guys console being shit.

People paying that sort of money have it, then decide to spend it that way. I can pay for new cards but I don't want to and probably never will.
Look, if you have the money to spend on something that expensive, then more power to you.

With that being said, spending over $1000 on a graphics card alone when a perfectly capable console that costs 2/3rd's less (~$449) does more than the sum of its parts is insane to me, personally.

I understand it's state of the art technology, but can someone honestly tell me which developer is producing games that take full advantage of such an expensive graphics card?

Crysis 2 was maybe the last PC game that justified such a purchase, but nowadays, consoles have reached mid-ranged PC rigs beautifully with the added caveat of the SSD.

So GAF, who's ready to post in this thread and give me the ultimate reality check as to why PC gaming is the ultimate form of gaming, insane pricing for an individual piece of dependable hardware aside?

Its called being an enthusiast. People who want best of the best.

I for example am one of those types of people would would still spend over 1000 for a GPU while still purchasing a PS5, Xbox Series X and whatever Nintendo makes next year (assuming they even make anything or an upgraded version of switch.)

And yes while it may sound stupid to have a top of the line PC and GPU and still buy a Xbox Series X its just simply a preference and a psychology feeling of having it all.


Wrong. We all know pc gamers look like this


Back in reality it's closer to this lol


The only problem with this is that nvidia is gonna ramp up prices because people buy their overpriced gpus, but i have nothing against the concept of buying pricey gpus, if you have the money, go for it.

I will gladly pay 1000+ euros for a ps5 with a 3090 inside.


I spent a total of around $400 on my PC, can play some games at max settings, I don’t have a 4K PC, it’s still 1080p. I don’t game heavy enough to want to spend 1000 on a PC. I only play halo 3 on it. Everything else is either on the PS4/switch. I prefer to play games with friends.


I feel like you could pose this type of question towards any type of hobby and make a case that certain things may or may not be worth it. But these types of decisions are made on a personal level. Gaming is my main hobby, I have a nice house,I drive an old car,wife has a new one, but I don't buy expensive clothing, me and my wife don't go out to eat except for the rarest of occasions, we also have no kids. Wr also both have really good jobs.

Spending over $1,000 on a GPU alone isn't some life altering decision for me or my wife because of the reasons I mentioned above. I'd still buy that over than a PS5 or XSX. I spent 4 hours yesterday modding Witcher 3. It's my favorite game of all time,I've beaten it 3 times on consoles. Once all the mods I installed were loaded it felt like a whole new experience that actually made me want to play through it all over again.

I've had this experience with a few games since moving to PC last fall. Ones that I've had more than enough time with on console but the improved graphics,options,performance,and mods available on PC provide a much better experience over console. With all that said I don't look down on those buying consoles,again it's a personal a decision.

Just as much as you think its insane for people to spend $1,000+ on a GPU I think its insane e that most games on a next gen console will still run at 30fps. But if you're cool with that, then go right ahead.


I think it's about that wild goose chase for future proofing your system.

I bought 2080 Ti early 2019 so that I can play games at 4K with decent quality, now two years later 3000 series is soon here, probably it's more like 2021 before you can actually get one, so I got two full years of "peak performance" at terrible price like $600/year so in that sense it's bad deal.

But when it comes to that future proofing, if specs for next gen consoles are right I think I can ride next generation with my current GPU, albeit lowering quality/resolution when needed. People still have their 1080 Tis and they are just fine, it's kind of amazing how long you can run your hardware if you are not looking for the best performance.
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If is for work, not a gaming card but for GPU rendering in octane I can understand.

anyways I can’t say much, my belts cost around 1000us and my Prada shoes that look like simple converse cost around 600 us, but I will definitely not pay the same amount for pc parts. Everybody have they shitty money expenses lols :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Like those people who buy every new camera by Fuji because in low light iso 32000 is less noise ...
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I buy good Graphic's cards like the RTX 2080 super i got last year for about 500 to 600 pounds to play games at higher framerates, better resolution's and higher fidelity than on consoles, and i don't buy them every year, i upgraded from a 980 i bought in 2014, so that's only 100 pounds a year for a better gaming experience, although i agree the TI versions are way overpriced, i'm not paying a grand for a GPU

and i've had ssd's for 7 years now, i've got 4 in my PC, they arn't a new tech breakthrough that i see some console gamers claiming, they load data in quicker, they don't replace the CPU, Memory or especially the GPU in games, my kids have both consoles and the load times are really long compared to what i'm use to, PC gaming is different to console gaming always has been, although it's true most games arejust ports of console games now, i wont play games on consoles, i never owned any in the 80's as a teen. PC gaming is what i enjoy
You can say this about anything with cheaper options. Why spend $50k on a car when you can get a lesser performing one for $20k, $2k on a tv vs $500, $1k on a watch vs $20, ect, ect...


High-end PC gaming is very expensive, but for that you're getting 60+FPS (if not 100fps+), high/ultra graphics settings well in advance of console equivalents, and the ability to tweak settings/mod as you please.

Also bear in mind that the vast majority of PC gamers aren't dropping anywhere near $1000 on a GPU. My 1070ti was £420, and that's the most expensive card I've ever bought. I think the Steam survey shows that most Nvidia owners for example are using 1060s/1660s.


A Sheep
It’s a hobby. Hobbies can be expensive.
And certain people like having the best of the best. If it wasn’t for all the hackers on the PC platform I would probably be that guy.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
If you spend 1200 for a PC + GPU it should last at least 3 to 4 years playing games on high to ultra. Then you can keep all parts and replace the GPU normally for another couple years you are good. So you are looking at 6 to 7 years of playing games at the highest settings for 2K.

Thats basic math but you get my point. Consoles may last 7 years but by the end the performance is severely lacking.


If you spend 1200 for a PC + GPU it should last at least 3 to 4 years playing games on high to ultra. Then you can keep all parts and replace the GPU normally for another couple years you are good. So you are looking at 6 to 7 years of playing games at the highest settings for 2K.

Thats basic math but you get my point. Consoles may last 7 years but by the end the performance is severely lacking.
At 1080p that plan works out. Not at higher resolutions I think.


Look, if you have the money to spend on something that expensive, then more power to you.

With that being said, spending over $1000 on a composite hockey stick alone when a perfectly capable wood stick that costs 2/3rd's less (~$449) does more than the sum of its parts is insane to me, personally.

I understand it's state of the art technology, but can someone honestly tell me which manufacturer is producing sticks that take full advantage of such an expensive material?

Bauer was maybe the last composite stick that justified such a purchase, but nowadays, wood sticks have reached composite sticks beautifully with the added caveat of the replacable blade.

So GAF, who's ready to post in this thread and give me the ultimate reality check as to why composite is the ultimate form of hockey sticks, insane pricing for an individual piece of dependable equipment aside?

Wow, it's almost as if this applies to literally any hobby, should I do it for model airplanes next?
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A very small minority of pc gamers. $1000+ is too rich for for my blood even though I could afford it.

The price inflation has been ridiculous for the current generation.
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High end gpus haven't been worth the price for about 15 years now. The <1% of PC gamers that buy these cards don't care though.
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Venom Snake

This is still a much, much cheaper hobby than smashing your GTR on the racetrack and replacing the brake pads and tires twice a month.
Actually, it is a relatively inexpensive hobby compared to many other based on advanced technologies.
We should not look at everything only from the perspective of consoles or "good enough" mid-ranged PCs.

And whether the top Nvidia cards are worth the price, their target buyers will judge.


The same game played at a much higher resolution, with vastly higher frame-rates, and with enhanced graphic settings enabled, may indeed be the same game - but the experience of playing the game will be vastly different.

I have an LG C9 hooked up to an RTX 2080 TI, and most of the games I play are mind blowing - the combination of a huge OLED screen, with high frame-rates, and max settings enabled, all at 4K, is pure magic.

My computer cost me $4000 (cad) alone, the GPU another $2000, the LG set another $2000. I recently added a Sonos 5.1 soundbar, which cost me another $2500. The joy I get from this setup cannot be exaggerated. I watch movies on this setup, play games, surf the net, and listen to music.

A console just wouldn’t excite me. The difference, for me, is night and day. Is it really for someone else to tell me how I should spend my money? I don’t take vacations and I don’t like fancy cars or dinning out. PC hardware is what truly excites me.

I’ve been this way for decades.


That's the beauty of PC gaming, you can scale your gaming experience to your financial level, rather than being shackled to one or two tiers of consoles.

If people have money, let them spend it however they want. Whether or not it seems extravagant or not to you is irrelevant if they legally earned it.


I spent just under 600 (Canadian) over the summer. Thats about my limit. The performance per dollar in that range is much more acceptable.

And while I agree with you here.... Id also like to mention I wouldnt waste my money on a 570X on a new PC with a 9700K either ;)


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
So spend $350 on a GPU and have a better experience than you would on a console. Or spend $500 for a subpar experience with a mid-way Pro update for $500, teeing you up for another $500 new console generation release a couple of years later for games that look no different.

Tough choice.


Simps for Amouranth
I'm lucky in that my company buys me the latest Alienware laptop for occasional gamin... ahem, sorry work and even with a state of the art PC, i still prefer to game on my Pro


I have standards. Console doesn’t meet those standards for most of the games I want to play and how I want them to perform. I’ll on average spend 600 on a card only because I have 4 rigs to keep up to date.

I’ll end up with two 3000 Nvidia cards to upgrade and pass around some gpus in the house and to give one to my Nephew.
I can justify spending >$1,000 on a PC because I can do significantly more with it than a console. So the graphics performance of a console -- compared to a PC -- is irrelevant because a videocard can do gaming and a whole host of other shit.

Now the reality is if you want a fast, smooth, reliable/problem-free PC experience, you're gonna have to spend a good chunk of cash. I'm sure you can buy/build a reliable PC for the price of a glazed donut, however, you're going to be making a tradeoff somewhere (e.g. slower ram, lower storage, less capable videocard etc.)

In my case, a gaming laptop is a way easier and way better investment than a gaming desktop. You pay more for the portability factor, you get (relatively) inferior performance, and you do lose the ability -- at least in most gaming laptops -- to upgrade individual parts over time. However, I absolutely hate being tethered to one specific spot when working, so a desktop would be a terrible investment.

As an aside, if you think high-end PC hardware is expensive, lookup the cost of high-end audio production equipment. You can easily drop $9,000 on a microphone, $40,000 on speakers, etc.
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It's a hobby bro. I want the best if I have the money. But in the long term, the PC is way better then a console. Higher graphical fidelity, mods and many many more stuff.
Games are cheaper on PC if you know the right places to buy cd keys and in the long term it really pays off.
It boggles my mind how can someone in this day and age still be a console peasant. Overpriced plastic box, fixed hardware, expensive, proprietary crap, limited store, limited mods etc.
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I think it is little crazy upgrading 1000$ every few years just like mobile phones. I do not think it has to do with games or having better camera. Some people just like to buy latest stuff.


Absolutely agreed! My 2k usd 3700x rtx 2070 PC is great but PC is still a fucking PC and You spend too much time troubleshooting.
And my 200usd PS4 slim is quiet and everything just works great. Death stranding was amazing on it. Especially at the price... Well at least I can play it 4k60 now but it's not an upgrade worth so much money over flawless experience I had on console


Sad thing that even tech demo that looks futuristic are almost non-existant.

I think Nvidia nd AMD should produce more of them to help their customers feel they are playing ( or rather watching) with POWER !

You can't even show off properly.


Gold Member
The pricing is only as insane as you allow it to be. For me, I do what I feel is just in terms of performance and pricing. It's always been that way. Would I love to have an insanely better and more expensive rig? Oh yeah, most definitely. But what I always did was get high to very high parts in pieces. If it's too expensive, I don't bite. What I do is look at how that compares to other parts in terms of performance and pricing. Mix in better pricing and sales from multiple retailers, and boom. Rinse and repeat.

In the end you can end up saving a ton of money, and have a great PC that can last you a LONG time. Not to mention if you put a ton of mileage into it, then it's beyond worth the money. How much does it cost? Well, that ceiling all depends on the person. Some people have fuck it money and go all out, others don't. I wish I did, but I'm beyond happy upgrading components every couple of years. Wouldn't want it any other way.


A console that more often than not puts out 30 fps in games is not "perfectly capable". That said, $1000 is not something I spend on a card. But I would if I could. 240Hz/fps, baby!

30 fps on a capable TV in a third person adventure game is perfectly capable.

I get the fps argument when it's a first person game, or when it's fast paced. But I won't believe anyone who tells me stuff like Uncharted 4, God of War or Death Stranding are not capable experiences on the base ps4. They are.
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