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Liam Neeson wants to appear in a Star Wars spinoff film as Qui-Gon Jinn

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What? Those characters are all alive so the can appear in a movie set 30 years later. It makes sense they aged.

Liam Neeson can't play Qui-Gon in a flashback. He has aged nearly 20 years since the character died. He can't play a young version of himself without the CGI de-aging stuff which I doubt anyone wants.

I think you're overstating the amount of work it would take to de-age Neeson to his 20 years younger self.




Then why did they make the cartoon official canon? While they made literally everything else obsolete?

Because you don't promote your own TV series by prefacing it with "This show actually doesn't matter!"

Cheebo said:
The Clone Wars is not just some "cartoon". This is a statement put out by Lucasfilm a few months back explicitly stating The Clone Wars is at the same level as the 6 films since it came directly from George Lucas himself and thus is part of the base of Star Wars that all future stories MUST adhere to:

I know what they said. What I'm saying is that no one at that studio is going to realistically say, "Well, having Liam Neeson in a new movie would be cool, but unfortunately we can't do it because Clone Wars already said he's just a voice."

If the movies themselves can be retconned, then there's not going to be anything "immovable" about a tangential cartoon series either.
I don't think there's any canon at this point that firmly establishes he just hermits on Tatooine the entire time between the trilogies. They could totally write in a spin-off adventure where Obi-Wan does something either on Tatooine or somewhere else in the outer-rim. Maybe Obi-Wan has some kind of mini-adventure that involves protecting Luke and thus explains why Uncle Owen in Ep. 4 doesn't like Obi-Wan?

I would be pissed off too if I had to raise Luke for 20 years, kid is an ungrateful brat. Didn't even want to work one more harvest, that Biggs corrupting him.

I think it is too dangerous for him to go off on adventures. yoda is one of the most powerful jedi ever and he just has to go into hiding. For me, an Obi Wan story line would feel kinda force.


Because you don't promote your own TV series by prefacing it with "This show actually doesn't matter!"

The show had ended by that point. It was full steam ahead on the Rebels series already.

Not to mention they had books and comics coming out to promote but they said those were non-canon anyway. It had nothing to do with that. It was about what was determined to be canon. Which was they decided to scrap everything unless it directly came from George Lucas and use that as their base going forward.


I would be pissed off too if I had to raise Luke for 20 years, kid is an ungrateful brat. Didn't even want to work one more harvest, that Biggs corrupting him.

I think it is too dangerous for him to go off on adventures. yoda is one of the most powerful jedi ever and he just has to go into hiding. For me, an Obi Wan story line would feel kinda force.


I think I'd be okay with it. I kind of like the idea that there could have been one or two attempts to either kill Luke or expose him to the Empire in-between the trilogies that the Skywalkers never knew about because Obi-Wan kept them safe.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16


Episode I prequel starring Liam Neeson and Christopher Lee thank you

Christopher Lee playing a younger Dooku? His first appearance (in a movie filmed 15 years ago) took place 10 years after Qui-Gon died. Lee (who is no spring chicken) would in theory have to play himself 25 years younger minimum than he is today in that scenario.

2003 Clone Wars is better.

I loved it but that has been wiped away pretty blatantly. They even took the dvds of it out of print years ago.


This all talk of Jedi made me realise that the only logical sane Jedi was obi van. Even tough he went out like nothing
Im really fed up with these news stories, they are always portrayed as ‘So and so specifically asks for this certain role’ when it 99% of the time is the reporter asking the question and them saying “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing that I suppose”.


He was the best thing of the prequels but I don't see the reason why he needs to be in the new movies. It's kind of shoe horning him in there needlessly unless he takes on the whole Obi Wan role and even then it seems forced. (HA!)

Still the man needs to do other movies besides the Taken roles he's been getting.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I don't know who you are.
But I will find you
and I will count your medichlorians.
Episode I prequel starring Liam Neeson and Christopher Lee thank you

I would like that, could see Dooku being converted to the dark side.

I would hope any Qui Gon jin film would end with him being summoned to the council to take on his new apprentice.


I think I'd be okay with it. I kind of like the idea that there could have been one or two attempts to either kill Luke or expose him to the Empire in-between the trilogies that the Skywalkers never knew about because Obi-Wan kept them safe.

I just can't see anything that would be interesting or make sense even in that scenario. Nobody knows that Luke is of any relevance, and Obi Wan killing anyone would most likely just draw more people to the area.


Yeah, and Jabba kidnaps his daughter sells her into sex trade and he goes and rescues her, while killing many in his way.


Non-corporeal "force ghosts" seem nonsensical anyway when manipulation of the force requires very corporal microbes like midichlorians for it to occur.
They're not going to do this. There's basically not enough time. They've already got 2 spinoff movies in some form of production or another, plus the actual sequel trilogy. It's pretty obvious one of these movies is NOT going to be a Qui-Gon spinoff, otherwise the quotes in this interview wouldn't have come out of his mouth. So that means if it were to come, it would have to come somewhere after 2018/2019 at the earliest.

He's saying it'd be nice to be Qui-Gon in a movie again. It probably would be. But by the time a slot opens up for such a thing to happen, he'll be almost 70 - playing a version of the character YOUNGER than the one he played in 1998/1999.


This all talk of Jedi made me realise that the only logical sane Jedi was obi van. Even tough he went out like nothing

Every time I think about Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan from the prequels I'm reminded of the Plinkett Reviews, specifically about how their roles should be reversed. In the movie the older Qui-Gonn, who is a Master Jedi, is a rebellious risk-taker who constantly goes against the Council's wishes. While Obi-Wan, the younger apprentice, is actually the cautious rule abiding Jedi. It really makes no sense.


They're not going to do this. There's basically not enough time. They've already got 2 spinoff movies in some form of production or another, plus the actual sequel trilogy. It's pretty obvious one of these movies is NOT going to be a Qui-Gon spinoff, otherwise the quotes in this interview wouldn't have come out of his mouth. So that means if it were to come, it would have to come somewhere after 2018/2019 at the earliest.

He's saying it'd be nice to be Qui-Gon in a movie again. It probably would be. But by the time a slot opens up for such a thing to happen, he'll be almost 70 - playing a version of the character YOUNGER than the one he played in 1998/1999.
This logic won't work on this thread sadly, you have multiple people theorizing on Christopher Lee playing a pre-Episode I Dooku!
Eh, by the time anything could come of this, he will be well-past being able to appear younger than he did in Ep I.
Christopher Lee playing a younger Dooku? His first appearance (in a movie filmed 15 years ago) took place 10 years after Qui-Gon died. Lee (who is no spring chicken) would in theory have to play himself 25 years younger minimum than he is today in that scenario.
I mean, the dude is 92. With a little makeup, I could believe he's a 67 year old Jedi.


Drunky McMurder
Every time I think about Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan from the prequels I'm reminded of the Plinkett Reviews, specifically about how their roles should be reversed. In the movie the older Qui-Gonn, who is a Master Jedi, is a rebellious risk-taker who constantly goes against the Council's wishes. While Obi-Wan, the younger apprentice, is actually the cautious rule abiding Jedi. It really makes no sense.

I preferred the assessment that "Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi should have been combined into one new character...called Obi Wan Kenobi"

The only thing that Qui Gon provided was motivation for training Anakin, and that wasn't earned on screen. We just had to trust that Obi Wan believed in his vision so much that he'd go along with a plan he hated while the guy was alive. It would have been a much better story if Obi Wan was the one who believed in Anakin, actually giving some bit of emotion later when they fight. But there are a thousand dominos that would have to fall into place to allow that last movie to have anything resembling emotion so it's not worth wondering what would happen if you fixed one of the many problems these movies had.


Eh, by the time anything could come of this, he will be well-past being able to appear younger than he did in Ep I.

I mean, the dude is 92. With a little makeup, I could believe he's a 67 year old Jedi.

He is very very frail, there is no way he can play someone in his mid-60's.

Christopher Lee at 92:

Christopher at 67 (the age he'd have to play for a film set at the time of Episode I. Assuming they filmed it right now not even a few years down the line):


Oh I know. I was being funny, but I do think with some makeup it wouldn't be too hard to visually sell audiences on him being a 67 year old version of himself.

At BEST he'd look like he did in Attack of the Clones ala Hobbit to Lord of the Rings though. Any film would be set over a decade before that if it had Qui-Gon, Episode II was 10 years after Episode I.
Every time I think about Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan from the prequels I'm reminded of the Plinkett Reviews, specifically about how their roles should be reversed. In the movie the older Qui-Gonn, who is a Master Jedi, is a rebellious risk-taker who constantly goes against the Council's wishes. While Obi-Wan, the younger apprentice, is actually the cautious rule abiding Jedi. It really makes no sense.

It kinda makes sense, Obi Wan is around 20 in Episode 1, and has spent most of his live learning about the rules and ways of the Jedi. he is still learning the ways of the galaxy and doesn't dare go against that which he knows. But you can tell in the later films that he has become more of a risk taker.
Simple, Dooku was already 92 when Palp first turned him. Palp then used the mediclorins to experiment on Dooku to stop Dooku ageing.
Dooku is actually in his hundreds in attack of the clone.

Where do i sign to start work on the script?


I would like this if they could find a way to make it work. Say what you want about The Phantom Menace but Qui Gon and Obi Wan did the best they could do with the script they were given.

Even an Obi Wan movie after the events of episode three would be nice imp.


Simple, Dooku was already 92 when Palp first turned him. Palp then used the mediclorins to experiment on Dooku to stop Dooku ageing.
Dooku is actually in his hundreds in attack of the clone.

Where do i sign to start work on the script?

Did he give him the gift of being able to walk as well? Lee can't walk anymore...
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