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Liam Neeson wants to appear in a Star Wars spinoff film as Qui-Gon Jinn

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I love liam neeson but it seems like he says yes to anything.

He was up for playing Ra's again, and he will probably do Taken as long as the studios want him to.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Qui-Gon was supposed to be 60-ish in TPM anyway, it could work.

Any Star Wars movie can work if it's not directed by George Lucas.
Spinoff? They should remake the first 3 movies. Then they can do the spinoffs. They should do it while most of the actors look about the same.


Let him do it. And on the subject of Taken, make it a Fett spinoff
My head hurts from all these posts. Boba Fett wasn't even born yet when Qui-Gon died.....

Spinoff? They should remake the first 3 movies. Then they can do the spinoffs. They should do it while most of the actors look about the same.
Too late. First spinoff is out next year. And episode 8 in 2017 followed by second spinoff in 2018 and then episode 9 in 2019.
Every time I think about Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan from the prequels I'm reminded of the Plinkett Reviews, specifically about how their roles should be reversed. In the movie the older Qui-Gonn, who is a Master Jedi, is a rebellious risk-taker who constantly goes against the Council's wishes. While Obi-Wan, the younger apprentice, is actually the cautious rule abiding Jedi. It really makes no sense.

It actually makes sense to me, though not in execution. Dooku trained him, and Dooku was not exactly a staunch believer in how the Jedi worked.


wonder how the star wars story would have played out if Qui Gon was the master of anakin. he'd at least been fine with anakin getting laid.

Let's face it... obiwan was a pretty shitty mentor imo.


wonder how the star wars story would have played out if Qui Gon was the master of anakin. he'd at least been fine with anakin getting laid.

Let's face it... obiwan was a pretty shitty mentor imo.

well yeah, that's the story. A large part of the blame for Anakin's fall is on Obi-Wan.
wonder how the star wars story would have played out if Qui Gon was the master of anakin. he'd at least been fine with anakin getting laid.

Let's face it... obiwan was a pretty shitty mentor imo.

Jedi are supposedly fine with getting laid, they just can't form attachments. Basically, Jedi are pro prostitution. "Pay with Repbublic credits, and no attachments needed"


Darth Maul got chopped in half and kicked down a mile high pipe and he came back, Qui Gon just got stabbed, he could hella still be alive


QuiGon was a super peaceful bro.

But then we learn that in his youth he had a little dance with the Dark Side.

queue Taken x Starwars killing spree

They could do a Christopher Lee head on other guys body. Worked well in Tron and that movie is old tech now.


Couldn't care less about the Qui-Gon Jin character. If it's handled by someone other than George than maybe it will be alright. I don't know.


Here is the pitch Qui-Gon Gin creates a overly complicated plan to get a padawan that includes dice rolling, racing and lottery


What? Those characters are all alive so the can appear in a movie set 30 years later. It makes sense they aged.

Liam Neeson can't play Qui-Gon in a flashback. He has aged nearly 20 years since the character died. He can't play a young version of himself without the CGI de-aging stuff which I doubt anyone wants.

... I'm sorry, what?

Neeson doesn't look that much older than he did then. Just have the hair and the beard and he'd sell the rest on acting.
Qui-gon Jin's padawans were TAKEN by the evil stormtroopers. Watch Qui-gon Jin get payback by storming the stormtrooper hideout base.

I'd totally watch that.


He could be a force ghost for the inevitable Obi-Wan/Jedi spinoff movies. Other than that he'd have to be a wookie unless Star Wars goes clone crazy again


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Real talk - I'd be 100% okay with an Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan movie set between Episodes 3 and 4

I'd be okay with Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan ANYTHING.
Liam Neeson Qui-Gon and Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan pre-prequel, kicking ass and takin' names?
I fully believe Qui-Gon's character should've been Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan's Anakin.


I preferred the assessment that "Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi should have been combined into one new character...called Obi Wan Kenobi"

Yup, I always get a kick each time I get to that part in the review because it is absolutely goddamn right.

It kinda makes sense, Obi Wan is around 20 in Episode 1, and has spent most of his live learning about the rules and ways of the Jedi. he is still learning the ways of the galaxy and doesn't dare go against that which he knows. But you can tell in the later films that he has become more of a risk taker.

Except that just doesn't make sense realistically and/or psychologically. You see young people, for a whole host of reasons, are the ones that are usually risk takers and defiant. Older people, on the other hand, tend to become engrained in their ways after gaining years of experience and wisdom, accordingly they are usually resistant to change and generally more cautious. So for Obi-Wan to be this super cautious rule follower and Qui-Gonn to be this rebel with radical ideas is just odd.
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