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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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S 150
X 299
Lockhart 349 (399 max)
Series X 499.

I think Lockhart outright replaces One X. It’s there to remove the CPU bottleneck of that system, run next gen games at lower resolution or frame rate than Series X and facilitate Microsoft removing the requirement that next gen games run on the old hardware in 2021 or whenever they plan to do that. That also plays into why they’d wait a year to launch such a system.


I think Lockhart outright replaces One X. It’s there to remove the CPU bottleneck of that system, run next gen games at lower resolution or frame rate than Series X and facilitate Microsoft removing the requirement that next gen games run on the old hardware in 2021 or whenever they plan to do that. That also plays into why they’d wait a year to launch such a system.

This is a good comment. I like this one and I would be surprised if this isn't the route Microsoft is planning


Just a thought what if AMD is making there own PC? Much like intel with its NUC line. They have the tech there for making something much more substantial than Intel's NUC. A fully decked out small form factor PC with an APU derived from consoles.


Just a thought what if AMD is making there own PC? Much like intel with its NUC line. They have the tech there for making something much more substantial than Intel's NUC. A fully decked out small form factor PC with an APU derived from consoles.
Won't be surprised if they do this, small factor PCs are the future the way tech is shrinking.
Pretty sure the accepted insider* view was that the Sony's decision to change from 2019 to 2020 was made in 2017. I.e. in very good time.

Matt and Klee from the other site.
iirc the narrative from Klee was the [alleged] delay was due to getting back.compat. to work .. though how he would know - thought his source was just a game dev. probably just rumour mill.

Interesting, but don't know how plausible that is. Why would PS4 or Pro compatibility testing need 2GHz clocking?

The only other idea I can entertain in that light is, Oberon is some kind of bad/failed chip AMD made that Sony figure would be good enough for a dual chiplet design as the PS4 and Pro (and probably other PS emulation via software) chip without needing to deactivate CUs on the main GPU chip of the design that way the system can offer backwards compatibility without forcing users to disable PS5 functionality or features to play old PS games.

That way it's not an either/or choice where CUs have to be disabled on the main GPU, and suspend/resume/other PS5-centric features can be provided for PS4 and older games too. The late 2GHz testing could be last-ditch efforts to see if Oberon can be salvaged for functionality and stability to boost PS5 performance safely, hence the high clocks. But if it can't obtain that for long-term stable performance (if it's a bad chip), then just clock it down for PS4 and Pro compatibility and run emulators for the older PS systems on that.

Side benefit would be that they'd get the Oberon chip pretty cheap, but the late testing at high clocks could be to see if they can pull off some miracle and get it stable. That would give them at least 2x 36CU (active) chips to play with at relatively good clocks.

But that's me being super-generous; unless Ariel and Oberon are separate chips (doesn't seem like they are), then that means the other GPU chip would be something that either hasn't turned up through any database datamining or (more likely) it simply doesn't exist. IF it does, hopefully some benchmarks can be datamined for it soon.


Dealer's new video about the ssd for both consoles calles Neogaf a trash forum cuz here people claim or insiders claim ps5 has a faster ssd.

So if you say anything positive about ps5 you will be called trash on a trash forum.

Dealer, you mini penis wanker, you are the trash and the xbox group is ashamed of you.
Yeah I saw that vid earlier, I think Dealer needs to calm down. I thought he was referring to ResetERA tho (maybe that was me hoping he was haha).

I appreciate that he posted that other report near the end in the video but he simply could made the vid about that other report and not run off at the mouth. Would've been better that way.


Dealer's new video about the ssd for both consoles calles Neogaf a trash forum cuz here people claim or insiders claim ps5 has a faster ssd.

So if you say anything positive about ps5 you will be called trash on a trash forum.

Dealer, you mini penis wanker, you are the trash and the xbox group is ashamed of you.
Sadly many Xbox users and Microsoft themselves aren't ashamed of him since they see him and RDX as some sort of light in Xbox community. The guy is a sad individual though and it's more shocking how Microsoft associate themselves with him and his crew.
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Sadly many Xbox users and Microsoft themselves aren't ashamed of him since they see him and RDX as some sort of light in Xbox community. The guy is a sad individual though and it's more shocking how Microsoft associate themselves with him and his crew.
I dont know why they do either, he has some rather despicable shit over the years. The worst one is that xboxmilgrau guy, like to use derogatory terms for japanese people and thinks the Hiroshima bombing is funny and even attempted to make merch with him in a plane with a xbox logo dropping a bomb on japan...


Dealer's new video about the ssd for both consoles calles Neogaf a trash forum cuz here people claim or insiders claim ps5 has a faster ssd.
Ugh I just can listen to 1 min of that channel.. But .. I've been saying this too - we don't yet know PS5 SSD is actually faster - just 'cos Cerny made it a key feature of the Wired interview, and some patent doesn't make it so.

I'm not betting against it, but facts is facts and we don't have any yet..


I honestly think MS will have the slower SSD solution, there is just something in the way Phil has talked about it. However, a lot of YT people are blowing that out of proportion, IMO.

Even if Sony is twice as fast, what that means for MS is determined by how fast Sony's SSD is working. Say Sony has virtually eliminating load times to 1/2 sec, that puts MS at 1 second. LOL Now if Sony is still taking 20 seconds to load, that doesn't put MS in a good position at 40 seconds.

The cries about Xbox not being able to run games with a slower SSD is insane. Sony first party isn't building games for MS anyway, and third-party will still be trying to hit PC as well (and SSDs as fast as Sony's is reported to be will not be standard as a game install drive on PC for quite some time).


Ugh I just can listen to 1 min of that channel.. But .. I've been saying this too - we don't yet know PS5 SSD is actually faster - just 'cos Cerny made it a key feature of the Wired interview, and some patent doesn't make it so.

I'm not betting against it, but facts is facts and we don't have any yet..
As mentioned by me soooo many times its all about delivery .
Nobody knows anything yet. We all just speculate.
Until full reveal we can talk about it and debate but what him and other fanboys do on both sides is IQ fighting.
Its one thing to diss the other camp but calling a whole community trash cuz he aint like the comments there?
Fuck him.
What ever money he gets from supporters he can keep it and spend it on cancer.

Neo Blaster

I think Lockhart outright replaces One X. It’s there to remove the CPU bottleneck of that system, run next gen games at lower resolution or frame rate than Series X and facilitate Microsoft removing the requirement that next gen games run on the old hardware in 2021 or whenever they plan to do that. That also plays into why they’d wait a year to launch such a system.
I have this theory that Lockart is either (1) a One X revision and will replace the old one when XSX launches or (2) an entire new machine to be released after the no-XSX-exclusive period, thus replacing One S and One X.
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Dealer's new video about the ssd for both consoles calles Neogaf a trash forum cuz here people claim or insiders claim ps5 has a faster ssd.

So if you say anything positive about ps5 you will be called trash on a trash forum.

Dealer, you mini penis wanker, you are the trash and the xbox group is ashamed of you.
Actually if you don’t think GitHub is reliable you are trash.
That is the mentality of good part of GAF and others forum user base... including that dude from the video.
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What I love about Sony is that they are not trying to appease social media nerds . They are revealing PS5 on their own schedule which conspires confidence.
Video games industry is full of games that has been altered from their original vision just to avoid social media backlash, fucking Kudos to Sony.

We know PS5 is coming, It will be revealed on the right time. Sony must have been laughing their ass off reading this overreactions, rumors, specs fake leaks and having a field day with it .
LMAOOOOO you are telling the most inpatient forum of next gaming news that we will have to wait? Noooooo 🤣🤣😜


I don't think reliability is the point here, the problem is information out of context.
The information is used depending of your bias... if it support your bias the it is good else it is trash.

GitHub is the info that support the PS5 being underpowered and so Dealer will only believe in that info saying everything else is trash.

He even believes PS5 has no RT support die the GitHub even when Cerny confirmed not one but twice that the chip has hardware RT support.

But hey there is a lot of Dealers, crapgamer, Timdog, etc here in GAF too.

It is part of the fun.


More PS5 “rumors”. Remember, do not shoot the messenger. 😎

Every time a rumor out GT7 as a leak I start to fall to the fake side.

GT7 already exists... Kaz call GTS as GT7... the codename in GranTurismo.com for GTS is GT7.

It is GTS2 or GT8.


I have this theory that Lockart is either (1) a One X revision and will replace the old one when XSX launches or (2) an entire new machine to be released after the no-XSX-exclusive period, thus replacing One S and One X.
I have the theory that Lockart never existed and that they will only release that Xbox Series X that they announced. And then around 3 years after release, they will release a more powerful Xbox Series X Pro/X version.

I think that Lockart may be one of these bullshit rumors invented out of some 'insider' ass
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Thanks for sharing that leak. Sadly the person who made it put zero effort into it, because you can tell in the first sentence that it is BS.
And then it goes on with so many information that you have to genuinely question if there actually is a single person on earth who would know all these things. Probably not even Mark Cerny and Jim Ryan know that much about all the games.
There is no event on Feb 5th and they are not going for 2TB SSD. There is no Gran Turismo 7 because GT Sport is GT7.
100% fake leak.

All those thirsty fanboys always trying to hard. Those fools need to add disappointment to make it sound legit


Any leak candidate that contains lineup games is a lie. It's the kind of thing that very few people would know in the Playstation division, maybe not even 10 people in the world have this complete information.
What would make a leak more acceptable would be a leaked document from a devkit manual, a photo of a game in development, or a naughty dev willing to lose his job by opening the game on some point covered by an NDA agreement.
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What if......Sony drops an ad about the reveal for February 5th during THE SUPER BOWL?!?

Honestly that leak is more of a collage of what's been leaked and not really a real leak.

Yes! I said this same exact thing to my wife when we were discussing where to watch the Superbowl.

I wonder how much a lengthy Superbowl commercial would cost them vs an event like e3 though.


Pretty sure that leaked already dropped recently... lots of the wording is similar if not straight up identical.

Yeah I had that feeling too. It feels like the leak where the leaker at the end says "More at E3" and then Sony 1 -2 days later officially announced they are not going to E3 this year. So we instantly knew that leak was BS 110%.
More PS5 “rumors”. Remember, do not shoot the messenger. 😎

Then don't post shit. Don't shoot the messenger but the messenger goes ahead to dump BS information in this thread.

Also another Feb 5th reveal. That is just over a week from now so Sony has about a week to get out invites to a PS5 reveal event.

Price of PS5 and also the whole launch lineup revealed and backwards compatibility to ALL playstation platforms?

Can you stop posting that nonsense rumour? Thank you.


Just a heads up while I was in NYC for the NY Game Awards I did stop by that Sony location. There wont be an event there. Sorry on my phone don't know how to add pics but, here is my Tweet.

For reference my back is against the entrance, stations are on both sides of me, that's it.
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Fun Fanboy

The information is used depending of your bias... if it support your bias the it is good else it is trash.

GitHub is the info that support the PS5 being underpowered and so Dealer will only believe in that info saying everything else is trash.

He even believes PS5 has no RT support die the GitHub even when Cerny confirmed not one but twice that the chip has hardware RT support.

But hey there is a lot of Dealers, crapgamer, Timdog, etc here in GAF too.

It is part of the fun.
Crap Gamer is a PlayStation fanboy now. And he's taken his bad luck with him.
Any leak candidate that contains lineup games is a lie. It's the kind of thing that very few people would know in the Playstation division, maybe not even 10 people in the world have this complete information.
What would make a leak more acceptable would be a leaked document from a devkit manual, a photo of a game in development, or a naughty dev willing to lose his job by opening the game on some point covered by an NDA agreement.
Not just the whole launch lineup but the fucking price as well AND the crowning bulletpoint:

'Backwards compatibility to all playstation platforms'

I had to LOL. But yeah lets stink up the thread with these kinds of pie in the sky rumours from shit tier sources.

Neo Blaster

Yes! I said this same exact thing to my wife when we were discussing where to watch the Superbowl.

I wonder how much a lengthy Superbowl commercial would cost them vs an event like e3 though.
Sony isn't exactly on a spending spree regarding events/announcements lately, better save it for the event itself. Damn, I'm beginning to think they'll do a Nintendo and use a State of Play.
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