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Official: Halo Infinite MP is Free-to-Play and will support 120FPS


I'm assuming 1080p/120fps with lowered assets.
I don't see why it couldn't be 1440p at 120hz on Xbox Series X and on PC, especially with smaller maps and without ray tracing. I have a PC with a monster 1440p card (Sapphire Nitro+ RX 5700 XT) and yes, the image is a little soft on a 4k TV, but the trade offs are worth it. My PC is hooked up to a 4K 65 inch Samsung Q70R right now and it's capable of running games at 1440p at a full 120 hz. At that resolution my TV will be perfect for 120 hz games. Series X fans will be in for a treat playing multiplayer with that fast of a framerate and some of last year's TV's are already capable of it at lower than 4K resolution so there's no need to break the bank if you already own one of those TV's.
Well thats not the case is it.... Fable, Avowed, Medium, Scorn...

Besides 1st person story driven games is not the be-all and end-all of gaming, why everyone wants MS to copy Sony in this this category is beyond me. If thats what you want then get a PS, thats what i did. And i got a Xbox for my MP itch too.

I wouldn’t want Microsoft to be a Sony clone honestly. I think what people miss is Microsoft seemingly had more of a balance with their older consoles and games. They of course had good multiplayer games, but there was also admirable single player focus as well that they seemed more serious about.
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120 FPS and now I started to understand exactly what’s up with the graphics... they were never aiming for it to be mind blowing, they were aiming for it to be accessible. I can’t think of many console game that run at 120 fps


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Going by that list even the ones I liked I feel like they are worse game due to being GaaS. Some game even if they start being good games end up ruined by this model.

I miss the days you paid for the game and played, that's it, you played it because it was good not because it was ever chaning, not because of unlocks and new content.

I don't hate multiplayer games, seems like I'm the one that likes them, since I don't need constant updates, cosmetics, xp, coins and all this bullshit to play them. I hope ND is able to avoid the traps of the GaaS model since the core gameplay is already so good.

At least I don't like Halo, so good luck.

Once factions drops TLOU2 becomes a GaaS game.
The update of more content is a service....thus TLOU2 is a GaaS game as well.
If you think they will release the Factions update and never update it......well.

Please tell me more about the good old days of games not getting content drops.
Still have my Frozen Throne box somewhere around here.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
This is a good strategy on behalf of a Microsoft. Their product can’t compete the same way against free to play games of AAA quality.

What bothers me is that this doesn’t do anything to improve my experience. I’d take news of the ray tracing patch coming sooner or the game being delayed to add polish over these “free for everybody” news any day.
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This is definitely cool - but I'd rather just pay $60 for a game that looks great and really fun, than get a mediocre one for free which will be loaded with mtx now I'm sure. We'll see what multiplayer gameplay looks like.
Lol, parody right. If it's a parody troll and I fell for it please ignore the following message:

Are you bat shit insane? People on PC are always tweaking or lowering graphics, and disabling vsync to get that extra bit of framerate they need, mostly on multiplayer games, so they can gain a competitive advantage. There's nothing worse than a slow running/lag induced game with hitches to ruin the freedom of movement in competitive multiplayer. The same can be applied for Series X owners and it's about time console owners get to experience this first hand.

Edit-As far as micro transactions go it's probably cosmetic and optional. The Halo community would be up in arms if MS turned around and created a play to win mtx scheme in lieu of a $60 game.
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Free to play is great. That just means I don't have to pay MS anything for it right? And 120fps is also cool but I don't have anything capable of running a framerate that high so, eh?

That being said, I don't know if this is as HUGE as people are making out? The F2P shooter market is really damn competitive, and unless it brings something new to the table, I don't really see it being some second-coming of Halo.

There are no other shooters like Halo in the F2P market. If it was another Battle Royal game, I’d agree.


Gold Member
I wouldn’t want Microsoft to be a Sony clone honestly. I think what people miss is Microsoft seemingly had more of a balance with their older consoles and games. They of course had good multiplayer games, but there was also admirable single player focus as well.
I guess we can safely assume everything multiplayer wise is going to eventually go F2P. The allure of a consistent income from season passes, skins, etc is hard to pass up by these companies. Yeah, you will guarantee a larger playerbase, but at what cost?

Quality content might be a negative, also do people enjoy being nicked and dimmed for every peice of content the F2P model provides?
F2P is good.
However, if that gameplay is anything to go off of the multiplayer is going to look like absolute trash or run at like 1080p.


At least I don't like Halo, so good luck.

Holy shit then why are you in here? I don't like Mario, I don't go to Mario threads and say I don't like thing. Listen to me guis, I don't like dis gaem. You're like an Xbox fanboy going into TLOU2 threads just to make fun of the story even when you have no intention of playing it.

F2P is good.
However, if that gameplay is anything to go off of the multiplayer is going to look like absolute trash or run at like 1080p.

Or it will look the same but with baked lighting, no open world, no A.I. etc. How does it look worse than other F2P games? It will actually look better than the others at 120fps.
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Going by that list even the ones I liked I feel like they are worse game due to being GaaS. Some game even if they start being good games end up ruined by this model.

I miss the days you paid for the game and played, that's it, you played it because it was good not because it was ever chaning, not because of unlocks and new content.

I don't hate multiplayer games, seems like I'm the one that likes them, since I don't need constant updates, cosmetics, xp, coins and all this bullshit to play them. I hope ND is able to avoid the traps of the GaaS model since the core gameplay is already so good.

At least I don't like Halo, so good luck.



Gold Member
The pot calling the kettle black

the funny thing f2p was always free on psn ,si its funny to see people like you saying that XD
That's another good point, F2P games on Plus/Nintendo are already free with no paywall. Live is the service that's behind the times in this particular instance. I imagine when the paywall is finally removed from F2P games, Phil and Aaron will need a third arm for all the patting themselves on back for being "pro consumers" now.

I think I will remove myself from the topic at hand, before the hardcore Xguys start complaining to mods about this topic not being a complete echo chamber.


Another proof the team leaders don't have basic understanding of the market. I guess it'll be a great news for those 10 people with 120hz 4K TV sets.

The rest of us will deal with the sacrifice they made to achieve that at lower frame rate with toned down graphics.
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Gold Member
As far as micro transactions go it's probably cosmetic and optional. The Halo community would be up in arms if MS turned around and created a play to win mtx scheme in lieu of a $60 game.
Cosmetic microtransactions are still microtransactions and they suuuuck. I'm tired of being nickle and dined for things that just came with the game not long ago.


Seems like a potentially good idea to go F2P if they can get the monetisation aspect right. Cosmetics only, no unfair 'super gun for £20' shenanigans. Follow Fortnite's lead and they could make a killing.


I've been pretty harsh against Xbox in the past I will admit, but its so funny watching these Sony shills growl at any sort of remotely positive Xbox news. Especially when some of them have admitted to not even liking Halo to begin with. So this should be a nonissue.
Another proof the team leaders don't have basic understanding of the market. I guess it'll be a great news for those 10 people with 120hz 4K TV sets.

The rest of us will deal with the sacrifice they made to achieve that at lower frame rate with toned down graphics.

Remember that Halo Infinite is going to be on PC via Gamepass & Steam as well. There are far more people with PC's than either console (obviously).


That's another good point, F2P games on Plus/Nintendo are already free with no paywall. Live is the service that's behind the times in this particular instance. I imagine when the paywall is finally removed from F2P games, Phil and Aaron will need a third arm for all the patting themselves on back for being "pro consumers" now.

I think I will remove myself from the topic at hand, before the hardcore Xguys start complaining to mods about this topic not being a complete echo chamber.
nah,its funny to see them cheering for a thing that was a given on other systems years ago


Freeman Freeman There’s a thread you should pull up a chair in - you’ll be right at home.

You'll have to do without me there, I'm not interested in console wars. If my habit of stating facts and not treating MS with kids gloves bothers you, please do us both a favor and use the ignore function. I've said my piece about Halo and MS, let time be the judge of who was right.

I was right about everything so far, things that you guys said were never going to happen, yet when they inevitably happen you guys act like you wanted it all along.
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the funny thing,its they dont need that,and looking at mp of the last halos i dont know how massive will get,we will see XD
If they dont need that, then why we have so many ps4 players doing their best to downplay halo in all these different threads?

No need to even answer this
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Makes me feel like their show should have been two hours. The second half could have been XSS reveal, Halo news, no more Gold, price. The rumored night of mic drops. Maybe it's still coming but shit be leaking.
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You'll have to do without me there, I'm not interested in console wars. If my habit of stating facts and not treating MS with kids gloves bothers you, please do us both a favor and use the ignore function. I've said my piece about Halo and MS, let time be the judge of who was right.

I was right about everything so far, things that you guys said were never going to happen, yet when they inevitably happen you guys act like you wanted it all along.

This fucking guy.

Says he's not interested in console wars, yet his entire post history is him instigating in Xbox related threads and then playing the victim. Dat SonyGaf tho


If they dont need that, then why we have so many ps4 players doing their best to downplay halo in all these different threads?

No need to even answer this
dont know,i see may xbox ¨embassators¨ doing astroturf in some funny and desperate ways,as i said many times,this gen is gonna be rough for some of you

Kagey K

dont know,i see may xbox ¨embassators¨ doing astroturf in some funny and desperate ways,as i said many times,this gen is gonna be rough for some of you
I couldn’t give a shit about the crap you‘re posting, but I’ve seen you type it a few times now and feel like I should correct it so you are at least using it right.

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You'll have to do without me there, I'm not interested in console wars. If my habit of stating facts and not treating MS with kids gloves bothers you, please do us both a favor and use the ignore function. I've said my piece about Halo and MS, let time be the judge of who was right.

I was right about everything so far, things that you guys said were never going to happen, yet when they inevitably happen you guys act like you wanted it all along.

I’m not sure who you’re referring to when you say “you guys” but I’m almost certain it’s not me.

I’m seeing your name pop up in a lot of Xbox threads though, talking up Sony and having a pop at MS. Rarely anything of value added, yet you have the nerve to act high and mighty, sun shines out of your arse, Mr Untouchable “I’m here to discuss in good faith because I care” golden bollocks.


This fucking guy.

Says he's not interested in console wars, yet his entire post history is him instigating in Xbox related threads and then playing the victim. Dat SonyGaf tho

Since I like too keep things in the open this is an PM you just sent me(and I didn't sent you anything before that and don't even know who you are):
Rygeist PM to Freeman said:
What is your problem? Just wondering why you think I'm a Microsoft Fanboy. Your wild delusions are pretty funny imo.

Do you have Sony stock or something? It's pretty pathetic how hard you shill Sony. Wouldn't expect much from SonyGaf though I suppose.

Grow up man.
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Plenty do and more and more will as the gen progresses. As far as BR, have they even shown or spoken what the multiplayer will be like? Nope.


I'd put good money on this being false. The vast majority of TVs sold are still 60hz panels. Just because a small percentage of people like you and I have invested in 120hz+ displays doesn't mean it's a thing yet and I can't see the major benefit for the majority of having Halo multiplayer support it. I certainly cant see it having a BR running at 120fps.

343 are 2 for 2 in the mismanagement of this series; it's my opinion that they need a lot of other things before they need 120fps in this game.


I’m not sure who you’re referring to when you say “you guys” but I’m almost certain it’s not me.

I’m seeing your name pop up in a lot of Xbox threads though, talking up Sony and having a pop at MS. Rarely anything of value added, yet you have the nerve to act high and mighty, sun shines out of your arse, Mr Untouchable “I’m here to discuss in good faith because I care” golden bollocks.
Are you the judge of what has and what doesn't have value? I just give my honest takes and yes MS looks bad because I don't like most of what they are doing, deal with it.

I posted a single post in this thread and after than only answered to questions and personal attacks. Stop quoting me and you won't see me here anymore.
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from what they showed on July 23, even Free is too much to ask.

Unless they can copy Halo Reach's multiplayer. ... R O F L @ the over "positive" reaction...

still don't realize its 343i making the game...
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