It has nothing to do with “lazy” and more to do with wanting to make profit.
Agreed, was just about to say this.
Lazy simply has nothing to do with such big companies, maybe a small business by 1 person can be called this lol, a massive company....such a concept is not really applicable. They spend big money, to make big risk to move massive units on many, many platforms. I'd argue of all the companies here, its Nintendo playing it a bit more safe as those titles are coming out on 1 system, not some shit like 7 lol So massive risk is involved with such massive AAA titles.
Business wise, if I had to pick the safest route if we can even call such a concept "lazy" it would always be Nintendo. Put out a remake or remaster at full price on 1 system? That sounds like winner to me folks lol No radical new systems causing bugs, no 7 systems to worry about optimization lol
Maybe greediest is better. They have the funds and resources to make amazing games but decide for the minimum recently
Its really hard to say. The only greed i really see to where not much risk exist would be what Rockstar did, I can't even say what EA or Activision put out was a 100% safe, lazy, greed type of thing as putting out those games on so many systems, BF and COD with many modes, BF with such a massive player count and largest maps in BF history on top of Portal mode, a thing we've just never seen before in a MP title like this which would have bugs within itself, I can't really, really say they played it safe for greed.
Ubisoft easily played it the most safe out of the big 3rd party, Rockstar could have done a simply port, took some risk doing a more remake like approach, but the greed clearly kicks in with them greenlighting a release of a single player game which they clearly see has tons of issues. They just wanted that fall release. So I'd say there is levels to to this. Its hard to say with EA and Activision what the right approach can be to such massive titles in terms of budgets, modes, scale, complexity etc as we don't have much comparison as even Halo by a giant like MS is releasing in parts, missing tons of features etc
Maybe at massive AAA levels with many modes, features, scale online, its just not a cake walk and you are bound to have tons of fuck ups on 7 platforms lol Notice the more platforms and the more different the game then the last, the more issues.
Maybe that is why Sony and Nintendo can make it look like a fucking breeze. Who knows.