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Pope had secret meeting with Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk

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1 step foward, 3 steps back. God damnit Pope.

Giving a crazy lady a hug is 3 steps back? Dude made an impassioned plea for the environment, an end to capital punishment, and for caring of the vulnerable and impoverish, but him hugging some lady invalidates all of that 3 times over?

We, as Liberals, are so fucking weird and extremist sometimes.


This is not even 1/10th as bad as the comments he made on euthanasia calling it a sin against God around the time there was a big story in the news about a terminally ill woman making the choice to end her life.

I guess people here forget about all the terrible stuff he says.

The Catholic Church has always opposed euthanasia for the same reasons they oppose the death penalty and abortion. And they have theological reasons for all three that are a coherent argument beyond "this is what the Bible says".
Also, now see if anyone ever secretly meets with her ever again, or even publicly. She's clearly just going to blab it all out anyway

Cat Party

The spin is real.

Do you guys really think that the vatican didn't know what was going on with Kim Davis?

And do you not see the difference between poor and isolated dictatorships full of normal people on the one hand, and a woman who is literally not known for anything else but her bigotry regarding gay people? There is no other reason to visit an otherwise free and normal person, who is receiving a lot of support and money in her own community of bigots, other than to show that you support her "efforts" in the one thing she is known for?
I don't believe that the vatican, on a mission to improve the church's image in the US, would intentionally set up a secret meeting with a controversial figure in order to show support. I don't believe the meeting went down the way Davis says.
The article says they didn't want the meeting to be the highlight of the trip.

Yea I know. Pope doesn't want people to remember what he actually stands for. Tough shit. Either meet and own it or don't meet.

Doing it in secret is just shady to me. Especially for someone like her.
Who cares what some leader of a religious group wants or believes. He doesn't support gay marriage and the Vatican probably never will. I think it's a non story.

What Kim Davis does at work is a whole different story and I think she should be out.

Dai Kaiju

Except she's not a Catholic? What bridge would he be burning?

Never mind. Reading comprehension mother fucker. I don't have it :p

Edit: wait, yes I do. He doesn't want to burn bridges with people who actually are Catholic so he has to remind them that Catholics are still assholes who don't support gay marriage.


Yea I know. Pope doesn't want people to remember what he actually stands for. Tough shit. Either meet and own it or don't meet.

Doing it in secret is just shady to me. Especially for someone like her.

I understand that, but I don't really think he's kept any of his opinions secret. He's already come out against gay marriage and has been pretty transparent about his other positions. I'm not sure how much you can condemn the man when we don't know how much time they met for and exactly what they talked about.

Edit: I know you just called him shady, but I'm using this as a bases to address some of the more hyperbolic reactions in the thread.


Giving a crazy lady a hug is 3 steps back? Dude made an impassioned plea for the environment, an end to capital punishment, and for caring of the vulnerable and impoverish, but him hugging some lady invalidates all of that 3 times over?

We, as Liberals, are so fucking weird and extremist sometimes.
His stance on the sexual abuse scandal certainly is. Okay, well more like no steps anywhere since it's the same as the past popes.


The Catholic Church has always opposed euthanasia for the same reasons they oppose the death penalty and abortion. And they have theological reasons for all three that are a coherent argument beyond "this is what the Bible says".

Not really. In those cases, they don't want someone's life to be taken away from them. In the case of euthanasia for terminally ill people, their life is already going to be taken away. People against euthansia including the pope would just like them to suffer before they die. Anyone against euthanasia for terminally ill is a terrible human being.
Do you guys really think that the vatican didn't know what was going on with Kim Davis?

I think referring to 'the vatican' as if it is a single hive mind bespeaks an ignorance of how the Catholic Church, or large organisations in general, work.

But to answer your question: It's not beyond the realm of possibility that some people in the Papal entourage knew what Kim Davis was in the news for. My point was that this minuscule encounter is being deliberately exaggerated by people who have a vested interest in it being a 'major' story. Which is why I compared it to the reporting you see in publications like, for example, The Federalist or National Review, when the Pope says something that is insufficiently aligned with whatever zetigeist is dominating the American Right.


Junior, please.
"Thank you for your courage", he says.

Dude, she's a crazy lady. Leave her alone. There's no courage in her, just anger and delusion. This is going to make all the loonies feel validated. Ugh.


I have a feeling that this story is filled with BS. I don't think the Pope met with her. It was probably a Bishop or something.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I think referring to 'the vatican' as if it is a single hive mind bespeaks an ignorance of how the Catholic Church, or large organisations in general, work.

Right. Because using an organization's name to refer to official activities of that organization, like a state visit, clearly means that one is referring to it as a single hive mind.

And apparently you think it is warranted to assume that an organization like a Vatican is likely to be so incompetent in planning a state visit of their head of state and one of the most famous persons on earth that they do neither know nor care who this person is meeting during the visit. The Pope's meetings have no schedule, no security requirements, etc. He is just randomly meeting people for no real reason. Clearly, you know how "large organizations in general" work...
I think it's funny he praised her for having courage - in a secret meeting because they were afraid word might get out.


What a joke. Get lost Francis. And take Kim back to Rome with you.

You can both be courageous together there.
Never mind. Reading comprehension mother fucker. I don't have it :p

Edit: wait, yes I do. He doesn't want to burn bridges with people who actually are Catholic so he has to remind them that Catholics are still assholes who don't support gay marriage.

Yeah, you should go back to the poor reading comprehension part.

The only people that care about this are:

1)Kim Davis and her supporters
2)Evangelical/protestant Christians
3)People who are really into US politics.

I mean, if you've been watching along, hes not radically more progressive than any other Pope. Hes regurgitating what's in the New Testament, same if not similar to the last 5 Popes before him. People are propping him up to be a bigger idol than what he is. He's primairly a Catholic figurehead.

In other words, call me when he changes a Canonical Law that shows he is progressive(which if you know Vatican politics even a little bit, it won't happen soon).


The church publicly supports a convicted criminal who refused to do her job? No surprise since the church also covered up years of sexual abuse

Which he moved to clean up. *rolls eyes*

No surprise, people like you are getting outraged and can only see someone as absolutely evil when they cross you instead of giving credit when earned and deserved.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Maybe this will help temper the largely unfounded Pope Francis fandom.


And yet he lauded and emphasized with the bishops this past weekend over their handling of the issue... As they engage in protracted legal battles against the actual victims

That was long after he already kicked them in the teeth and forced them to reform. He's being polite now instead of dogmatic.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like when you guys get upset when the Pope does things that are consistent with current Catholic doctrine.
This doesn't detract from the seismic shift, in other areas, he has initiated in the Catholic Church, but seeing Kim Davis reprents a huge blind spot on his and the church's part.

What they fail to see is that Gay Marriage doesn't detract from the "sanctity of traditional marriage", as one has no direct effect on the other. A straight couple isn't going to not get married, just because gay couples are doing so. But what about the children? Again, it can have zero effect on children raised in a hetrosexual marriage or even a positive effect, if they learn, from an unbiased source about homosexuality and marriage, as any of their children could be gay, heaven forbid ;).

With his scientific background, the Pope must surely accept that sexual orientation is pre-determined at birth, and yet, by choosing to highlight homosexuality as a grave sin, when it is no more part of human nature than say adultry, seems highly hypocritical and divisive. If he does acknowledge this fact, and yet believes homosexuals should just suppress their sexuality and go through life without completely loving someone, just seems cruel.

Would Jesus really condemn the gay couple, let alone one that gives a loving home to a child? I'm not religious, but the Jesus I choose to recognize would accept them with open arms.


No surprise here. He is also on record this week of calling the Mayor of Rome a "pretend Catholic", and it was reported that one of the reasons for this was due to his vocal support for gay marriage.

Don't deify heads of major fucked up religions, and this won't be a surprise to anyone.
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