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Red Dead Redemption 2 is, quite simply, the greatest achievement in gaming, and possibly the best game ever made

It's the best "Sony style" playable cinematic experience ever made. Absolutely amazing achievement. Not the best video game but any means but it can make a grown man cry. So yeah, it's good.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Nah. Admirable though it is to throw an army of developers at a thing and create something grandiose and impressive, it shouldn't be considered the pinnacle of creativity.

There is no singular "greatest achievement" because there are too many ways that a game can exceed all expectations, depending on what the player values most.


The story worked so sell for me. That and the world easily propelled my first playthrough. I can't go back to enjoy it as much as I'd like to, because it really is a chore to control and the mission design is weak.


Yeah RDR2 is one of the best games this gen.
It has its floors though and I believe the tedious start of the game turned many people off.
Input lag isn't that bad, what people are actually experiencing is a Soulsborne like swing/attack animation for movement...Playing in first person alleviates this because of the way your character controls on first person. In 3rd your body can be pointing in one direction while you look in the opposite...


Input lag isn't that bad, what people are actually experiencing are absolutely awful shooting and cover mechanics


And input lag wise it is bad, when games like Uncharted or TLoU managed to get the balance beetween the natural and "weighty" look of equally good animations, and the gamey responsiveness of something like Spider-Man or Ghost of Tsushima.
RDR2 input lag is like twice as bad as Lost Legacy, which was already a downgrade compared to U4.


Looting things is also a chore to say the least in RDR2. I love the realistic animations of looting, but it really feels like shit.

Horse controls though, i absolutely love them and i think the feeling you get is the best out of all games.
I wanted to like this game so much, but I just found it to be incredibly boring. Everything just felt so scripted, and I absolutely hated your dumbass buddies whose brainless plots you were forced to follow.

For me, the highlight of the game was the hillbilly swamp guy. I conned a couple of my friends into "meeting" him by telling them you'd get some rare gun.


It is an amazing game but dreadfully dull and uninspiring.
I keep having to find excuses to play it.
My newest excuse? The new consoles.


And input lag wise it is bad, when games like Uncharted or TLoU managed to get the balance beetween the natural and "weighty" look of equally good animations, and the gamey responsiveness of something like Spider-Man or Ghost of Tsushima.
RDR2 input lag is like twice as bad as Lost Legacy, which was already a downgrade compared to U4.


Looting things is also a chore to say the least in RDR2. I love the realistic animations of looting, but it really feels like shit.

Horse controls though, i absolutely love them and i think the feeling you get is the best out of all games.

That's interesting. Didn't bother me once I got used to the timing, but I've always preferred realistic animations in these types of games though. It's basically an immersive sim, not an arcadey shooter.

The need to click again in order to manually reload single shot rifles was annoying as shit though.


For me it was "a really good game" at best.

Too much realism, character movement had that rockstar jank. Story sucked, it started off great and I loved Arthur but then it all went south. Bad plot and was too depressing for absolutely no reason. Seemed like they were trying way too hard with the plot.

It's nowhere close to the red dead redemption in terms of being memorable.
I think people were mostly impressed with RDR2 in general but most people were put off by the pacing. The current generation of players want something fast paced, more like GTA.

For older gamers like myself, I wouldn't say RDR2 is the greatest achievement and possibly the best game ever made. Its certainly up there for me personally as one of the greatest games ever made and I didn't mind the pacing. Maybe that has to do more with allowing yourself to just completely, whole heartedly buy into the story and I feel like a lot of current generation of players don't have the longest attention span.

I'll admit there are times I want to just blitz and play something fast, so I'll hop into PSVR, Beat Saber, Vader Immortal something like that. I enjoyed RDR2 so much though I just got the, "Notorious" lvl 50 online trophy with no help from friends, no pay to win type fuckery, just working my way through as a bounty hunter and a moonshiner and admittedly, it wasn't as great as the story in single player but I loved that it breathed new life into a game I already finished it was fun enough that I will keep playing between games here and there.

There is something special about this game, its not the greatest ever but its one of the best if you don't mind the pacing.


Nice you enjoyed it, I felt it long and boring way more than it should be. RDR1 controls better and I never actually fell asleep while playing that.


bit of a slow burn and gameplay can be real clunky sometimes, still a top game though, wouldnt say its the best ever

rockstar need to step it up, games are feeling a little samey
I'm really tempted to risk this as the reviews make it look so good but some comments on here, man, it's concerning.

Who do I believe, the majority that think the gameplay sucks or the minority that absolutely loved the game?

I've been watching a lot of good lord bird and really fancy an open world cowboy adventure and this looks to be perfect. However, I don't want to spend my hour play time a day watching cut scenes.

I could try it out on steam but I don't think the 2 hour return window will be long enough.

I can't decide. It's currently between this, HZD and Assassin's Creed Odessey. Maybe I should make a poll.


Gold Member
It was extremely good, with one of the best realised characters in recent fiction as a whole. The story was fabulous.

And I’ll never play the fucking thing again because of how irritating some of its ‘realistic’ mechanics were. Janky ass annoying shit throughout that could have been easily streamlined for a more enjoyable experience.

That’s not the hallmarks of the greatest game ever made.


This is a pure marmite game. Some people state it is the greatest game ever (my son for example). Some state it is boring and flat.

I am in the latter. I personally found this game to be the most boring drawl.

Yes - the graphics are amazing (especially the environments and the detail such as animal skin etc.). The soundtrack is fantastic. The acting is really top drawer and the production values are through the roof.

BUT - it is ridiculously slow. The story goes on repeat (nearly every chapter is Dutch stating they need one more big score - I am aware of the story reasons for this but my god it ruins the pace). The controls are awful. By awful I mean - they choose not to work at critical times and even after 80 hours, there are still times you get hijacked on the road and by the time you have gotten off your horse you are dead (because the horse slows down to enter the cinematic and refuses to just run away even if you were on full gallop down the road).

There are so many poor design choices and button configurations and most of the extra content is just fluffy filler. You don't need to do anything other than the main story. Hunting is pointless. Building up your camp is pointless and gives little to no benefit. The morality meter can effect your ending but the differences are negligible and the mission structure! My god the mission structure. The 'ride to point a', then 'ride to point b with someone talking the whole way,' then, 'arrive and scope the scene,' before 'kill everyone/take someone hostage.'

Honestly, after chapter 3 I was ready to end it and managed to push my way through the boredom. I loved Arthur as a character and felt he was really well done. His growth was phenomenal and really well written but as a game? It is a boring game with ancient controls. As an experience, I can understand why people are sucked in but it wasn't for me at all.
I was firmly in the camp of hating this game and had the opinion BOTW is the shining example of how good open world can be and this being an example of AAA gone too far. With poor gameplay and an on the rails feeling.

HOWEVER - I just recently replayed the game on PC (did PS4 pro first time around). And wow - playing in 4k with 60+ fps and Gsync REALLY changes thing for me. I could actually use free aim with a controller and it feel okay, so that made the gameplay more interesting and actually allowed me to soak up the atmosphere and story. I still prefer BOTW I think. But the atmosphere, writing and acting really are fantastic. I think Arthur might be my favourite protagonist of all time.

On PS4 at launch - I think horse riding was broken (never hit the tree in my pc playthrough) and it just felt SO bad that all the game ended up being was me rushing to the next cutscene, which made everything feel a chore. This time around I had a lot of fun.

So any haters out there who used console originally and have a good pc. I strongly recommend giving it another shot.
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It's definitely one of the top games of this gen for me along with Witcher 3, God of War, Last of Us , and Bloodborne. But best of all time that's a tough one.


Best overall game this generation. Good story, great characters, incredible visuals and audio especially considering its size, most ambitious game I’ve seen in years. Gameplay is fine if you don’t go in expecting it be something like a fast twitch shooter. Can’t wait to see how cyberpunk 2077 compares with its overall package.


It would be better if they fixed and updated the blur effect the PS4 Pro version has. I would love to dive in again at native 4K on my PS5.
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I don't understand how a game made by hundreds if not thousands of people and costing hundreds of millions of dollars can feel like such a personal project.


i am playing it right now for the first time, i am simply in - fucking - awe
the characters, the graphics, the VA, the open world, the story (so far) how the fuck did they manage to craft this for current gen consoles i'll never wrap my head around it
this could change the more i play, but right now, this is already in my top 5 games of all time, might even go for the platinum trophy for this one
Greater than The Witcher 3?


The game is beautiful, the Story is solid when combined with the first game.

But that game play and horse.....ruined a great experience for me.

Glad i beat it, but i will never play it again.


I think the first RDR was better than the 2nd one. better pacing, better wild west atmosphere and no tedious animations that take forever. undead nightmare was also a blast to play.


I started my 3rd playthrough a little while back and I was planning on completing it before Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, but I had to put it down a handful of missions into the first big camp. Played through both TLoU games instead. Perhaps I wasn't quite in the mood for it as I thought I was. Just didn't have the energy to spend hours collecting all the skins for the numerous clothing items I previously had. Crafted a ton of them in my last playthrough. Of course nobody is forcing me to do this again but it sucks that they didn't let you bring them across save files. That would've been nice. Oh and the combat is just clunky as fuck after playing TLoU2 which also didn't help my drive to continue playing. I actually didn't mind this aspect of the game when it was new even though the aiming was always awkward, but it seems to have aged like milk.


i remember when they released the first trailer and i thought the game will be massively downgraded ...................when i finally got the game i cud not believe what i was playing............... the RAGE engine that rockstar uses is truly amazing


I absolutely adore RDR2 for it's story and rich world building, especially if you dig through the side missions and Easter Eggs. But it's far from the most engaging gameplay experience.
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