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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I can't believe we went an entire extended generation without Versus or TLG

but hey, that 8GB of RAM should mean plenty of space for HD towns! FF7 remake incoming
Not really all that excited for this upcoming generation, really. Nothing shown interested me at all aside from Watch Dogs, and that's still coming out on current gen consoles, as far as I know.
When SE came back for more I was on the edge of my seat...and then I was disappointed.

I wasn't expecting anything but Agni's Philosophy, but when Shinji Hashimoto came out I was like "Oh? They are showing that?" but he was like "nah ma'fuckas E3 peace"

And I was like "Oh okay." and immediately stopped watching the conference.
Schala, I have to know: is it a big deal that Sony had no women on stage tonight? What's your take? I'm adopting the stance of decent presenters being the priority over meeting some sort of perceived quota, but male guilt means I have to ask.


I was wholly unimpressed by everything.

Maybe I'm getting jaded.

I've lost my taste for trailers and heavily scripted "gameplay" demos, and that's all they had. Watch_Dogs has some interesting ideas, but it remains to be seen if they'll actually pan out and we already knew about the game anyway. Same goes for The Witness. Everything else came off as too familiar (Square's song and dance routine, warmed over PS3 IPs), too vague (Knack, Capcom's game), or was a tech demo (Media Molecule Teaches Sculpting). Meh.

The hardware's solid and I can imagine people putting the OS-level features to good use, but software still sells hardware. Out of that whole wall o' developers, was there really nothing genuinely exciting available to show?


I think 8GB of GDDR5 points to a hefty price tag.

That shit is not cheap folks.

I wonder what kind of black magic they pulled off for that. Pricing it as $599 again would be suicide, regardless of the feature set.

Schala, I have to know: is it a big deal that Sony had no women on stage tonight? What's your take? I'm adopting the stance of decent presenters being the priority over meeting some sort of perceived quota, but male guilt means I have to ask.

Honestly? If no one had pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed. They had the top people who are used to that kind of public presence speaking in behalf of their companies, it wasn't some conscious decision to not have any women talk at the event.
I loved the fact that dark ominous music started up when Capcom took the stage.

It's like they know how much damage they've done to one of our beloved franchises and are happy about it.


I wanted to see the box!

The thing that amuses me is the third party support for PS4 so far. It's incredible. That logo screen was massive. Compare to the Wii U...

Obviously the "wait and see" tactic they are employing with the Wii U is total bullshit. They don't want to support it for three possible reasons:

1. It's Nintendo
2. The graphics are shit
3. They don't want to make something compatible with that controller

E3 is going to be very interesting. Sales wise, I don't really know what Nintendo could do to compete with Sony and MS. Is Mario Kart and 3D Mario enough? No way Smash Bros is ready for the end of this year. Versus next gen COD, next gen Madden/sports games, next gen FPS', Watch Dogs, which will basically be sold as a next gen Assassin's Creed...

It's looking bleak for Nintendo. They need a price drop ASAP. 3DS strategy, son. Price drop + Mario + Kart.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Schala, I have to know: is it a big deal that Sony had no women on stage tonight? What's your take? I'm adopting the stance of decent presenters being the priority over meeting some sort of perceived quota, but male guilt means I have to ask.
This is my stance. Not to mention that there are fewer female developers in general (though perhaps Media Molecule could have included some females in their presentation if needed, but it wasn't crucial). People involved in the presentation were prominent game developers who just happened to be male. This isn't necessarily a presentation problem, but a problem of the industry where it's lacking in women. Alas, this is an entirely different conversation altogether.

I don't think the lack of female presenters during the conference was something I even thought of while I watched it. If Kotaku never pointed it out, I wouldn't have even given it a thought because I was interested in the presentation content, not the people.

tl;dr: Don't ask, "Why aren't there female presenters?" Ask: "why aren't there a lot of women developing games in the industry or taking STEM programs / getting into a position where they can develop and talk about the game that they're working on in the first place?"


I wanted to see the box!

The thing that amuses me is the third party support for PS4 so far. It's incredible. That logo screen was massive. Compare to the Wii U...

Obviously the "wait and see" tactic they are employing with the Wii U is total bullshit. They don't want to support it for three possible reasons:

1. It's Nintendo
2. The graphics are shit
3. They don't want to make something compatible with that controller

E3 is going to be very interesting. Sales wise, I don't really know what Nintendo could do to compete with Sony and MS. Is Mario Kart and 3D Mario enough? No way Smash Bros is ready for the end of this year. Versus next gen COD, next gen Madden/sports games, next gen FPS', Watch Dogs, which will basically be sold as a next gen Assassin's Creed...

It's looking bleak for Nintendo. They need a price drop ASAP. 3DS strategy, son. Price drop + Mario + Kart.

Until we see the full hands of MS and Sony, I think it's still too early to decide Ninty's fate, IMO.
This is my stance. Not to mention that there are fewer female developers in general (though perhaps Media Molecule could have included some females in their presentation if needed, but it wasn't crucial). People involved in the presentation were prominent game developers who just happened to be male. This isn't necessarily a presentation problem, but a problem of the industry where it's lacking in women. Alas, this is an entirely different conversation altogether.

I don't think the lack of female presenters during the conference was something I even thought of while I watched it. If Kotaku never pointed it out, I wouldn't have even given it a thought because I was interested in the presentation content, not the people.

tl;dr: Don't ask, "Why aren't there female presenters?" Ask: "why aren't there a lot of women developing games in the industry or taking STEM programs / getting into a position where they can develop and talk about the game that they're working on in the first place?"

Exactly, it's a bigger problem than Twitterers who are trying to throw Sony under the moral bus are making it out to be. Women aren't in the position to present: concentrate on why that is, and also don't do it immediately after a massive conference, it makes you look clickbaity and not interesting in deep, ongoing discussion (the Gawker way, basically).

Most of the presenters were legacy guys, anyway. Even if more women were in good positions in the industry today, they'd still be rolling Mark Cerny and Andrew House on stage because they're fucking vets. The old guard. You can't account for your heavy hitters coming from a far more male-dominated background.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
That article was genuine clickbait. If they were going to have minorities for the sake of having minorities, I'd be more offended about that. Find the source of the problem, Kotaku, don't necessarily highlight this of all things. If they had a brain, they would write an article about the lack of women in STEM programs or in the game industry in a programming aspect/game director position and go from there.

Even if the game industry has been male-dominated for decades, at least it's somewhat changing now. Even then, the people who were working on the titles they showed were guys. I wouldn't just shove a token minority in there just because someone told me I had to have them in there, give them a script to follow, and watch them dispassionately deliver their lines. That's not how these presentations work, and it makes the product look less enticing because if the presenter doesn't seem to care, I probably won't care.

Anyway, I'm surprised they got Mark Cerny in there. "Come to the US to work on Sonic 2, Naka. I promise it'll be awesome~"
One thing I kind of like is that spectator thing they mentioned.

It would be cool to watch some of your friends play a game poorly and make fun of them for sucking.

Oh you thought I was going to say "try to help them"? No, of course not, that's no fun.


That's already what people do to me when I stream, only now I can avoid buying extra hardware to do it. Thanks Sony!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
One thing I kind of like is that spectator thing they mentioned.

It would be cool to watch some of your friends play a game poorly and make fun of them for sucking.

Oh you thought I was going to say "try to help them"? No, of course not, that's no fun.
I'd help you.

$30 to get the platinum trophy for you.


That's why no one should ever have hopes or expectations of Squeenix.

Always be skeptical and cynical until they prove they don't deserve it.

Squeenix surprised me by not being the most disappointing part of the show. Blizzard took that *handily* with a Diablo III port announcement.


I dunno, 4 player local co-op on D3 sounded a lot more "fun"/interesting than watching Agni's philosophy again and being told to wait for E3.

(I don't care about D3.)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I can't believe we went an entire extended generation without Versus or TLG

but hey, that 8GB of RAM should mean plenty of space for HD towns! FF7 remake incoming

I wish they both just had fall releases on current hardware :(

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
You know what would be wonderful? If they put PSO2 on PS4. But this is just because I... I just want PSO2.

I'll laugh if SE's FF announcement is "Final Fantasy XIV ARR: for PS3 and PS4! Ohohohohohoho! I got you, didn't I?"

Console D3 is a win for Activision's shareholders and absolutely no one else, let's put it that way.
The question is whether people will still purchase it considering a lot of people weren't fans of the PC version anyway.

SC2, I can understand. D3? Eh.


The question is whether people will still purchase it considering a lot of people weren't fans of the PC version anyway.

SC2, I can understand. D3? Eh.
It'll probably still do alright just because consoles aren't loaded with ARPGs and the feel of combat is the one thing the game really does right, which gives off a good first impression.

Zero longevity, though. The more you play it, the more you realize the design of every single system in the game that doesn't directly involve maiming a demon is flat out broken. That and the story might actually eclipse Sonic '06 with regards to how unbelievably awful it is.
That conference was okay and pretty much as expected to my expectations, the hardware side of things sounded good anyway to my not so knowledgeable about hardware ears (it also sounds like the potential to be pricy but well we shall see), the games shown not so much but there's obviously far more in the pipeline to be revealed at later dates so i'm hardly going to kick up a fuss.
My disappointment when Ono took the stage only to announce more generic looking medieval fantasy, bah, what the hell Capcom?! I want the OLD Capcom!

Not blocking used games is as it should be.
I thought the same about Deep Down until it had the knight quaking in his boots. I liked that. Kinda disappointed no-one has picked up on that aspect much.
Well now i'm going to have to rewatch that trailer to see what you're on about! My stream was horrid during its trailer.
Knack was totally the best game by the way, it was colourful and stuff and that's my reasoning.
Aside from ZOMG GRAFFIX I wasn't particularly wowed by KZ gameplay - gameplay didn't look that amazing to me. I'll have to see more of DD to make my verdict, but it looks pretty. As for the other games, I'd much rather wait to see what actually comes through - looks only go so far for me.

I flipped my lid at 8GB GDDR5, but chances are it's gonna be like 4-6 for games to use - the OS itself, with the sharing features, suspend/resume, and so on aren't gonna be cheap RAM-wise, I bet.

If the console is 500+, I'm not going in on the first day though. Maybe 400.
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