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TEKKEN 7 |OT| How I killed your mother


Finished uploading a 1 hour deathmatch i had with my bryan vs Jin


To me, this was the most fun i ever had on ranked. Same rank, good connection, exchanging wins left and right. This is ideal Tekken 7 online :)

you can also view this as me choking on my promotion chance nonstop lol


Finished uploading a 1 hour deathmatch i had with my bryan vs Jin


To me, this was the most fun i ever had on ranked. Same rank, good connection, exchanging wins left and right. This is ideal Tekken 7 online :)

you can also view this as me choking on my promotion chance nonstop lol

The sudden "you gotta be kidding me" surprised the heck out of me, lol. Was not expecting voice.
I fought three different Dragonuvs in a row yesterday. Such a boring character.

I really didn't see that much variety. Just Jins, Devil Jins, Dragonuvs, Bryans and Jack.


Unconfirmed Member
New patch dropped today for PS4. Added Tekken Bowl to the main menu.

Also, in the online waiting room, it no longer shows the player's name. Only connection bars, and disconnection rate in all caps. I guess this way you can't duck people anymore, but you can't avoid lag switch/bad lag anymore, either. Speaking of which, some of the four bars actually were four bars in match today! Instead of 4our bars turning out to be 3 bars, which is a secret 2 bar...

I only played Player Match today, don't know if it's the same for ranked.


New patch dropped today for PS4. Added Tekken Bowl to the main menu.

Also, in the online waiting room, it no longer shows the player's name. Only connection bars, and disconnection rate in all caps. I guess this way you can't duck people anymore, but you can't avoid lag switch/bad lag anymore, either. Speaking of which, some of the four bars actually were four bars in match today! Instead of 4our bars turning out to be 3 bars, which is a secret 2 bar...

I only played Player Match today, don't know if it's the same for ranked.

New patch dropped today for PS4. Added Tekken Bowl to the main menu.

Also, in the online waiting room, it no longer shows the player's name. Only connection bars, and disconnection rate in all caps. I guess this way you can't duck people anymore, but you can't avoid lag switch/bad lag anymore, either. Speaking of which, some of the four bars actually were four bars in match today! Instead of 4our bars turning out to be 3 bars, which is a secret 2 bar...

I only played Player Match today, don't know if it's the same for ranked.

That's...discouraging. Ppl will just manually disconnect now.


New patch dropped today for PS4. Added Tekken Bowl to the main menu.

Also, in the online waiting room, it no longer shows the player's name. Only connection bars, and disconnection rate in all caps. I guess this way you can't duck people anymore, but you can't avoid lag switch/bad lag anymore, either. Speaking of which, some of the four bars actually were four bars in match today! Instead of 4our bars turning out to be 3 bars, which is a secret 2 bar...

I only played Player Match today, don't know if it's the same for ranked.
I've had a 5 bar turn out to be a 1 bar. Also I'm a little annoyed that I can't duck tea baggers anymore.


I got absolutely wrecked by some anime trash this evening omg. That fucking thing was throwing reppukens, dive kicks, and shoryukens like mad. I won like twice out of ten matches.


I've had a 5 bar turn out to be a 1 bar. Also I'm a little annoyed that I can't duck tea baggers anymore.
That's a thing that annoys people? There's an item you can equip that prevents people from moving after a K.O.

Too bad man. That makes arranging player matches with infinite rematches impossible again. Deathmatches in ranked aren't so easy anymore either.


Tekken 7 matchmaking still having massive issues. I kept having connection errors with one particular player. Im positive i never played him before so he has no reason to duck me. Game kept matchmaking me to him over and over and it failed every single time. Even when i started to refuse the match, it kept trying to match me up with him.

Reentered the matchmaking practice screen and IT STILL kept trying to match up with him.

When this new patch hits PC and it still has this problem of it just refusing to match up two specific players, i won't be able to know it's happening cuz they wont show the names anymore :\


That's a thing that annoys people? There's an item you can equip that prevents people from moving after a K.O.

Too bad man. That makes arranging player matches with infinite rematches impossible again. Deathmatches in ranked aren't so easy anymore either.

Good idea, completely forgot about the mirror item. Yeah it annoys me sometimes, more often than not.
ATTENTION: In TEKKEN 7 version 1.05 you no longer see the name of your found online opponents.


Wait a minute, how do you even download the DLC if you have the season pass? When I selected Tekken Bowl on the menu it brings me to the store and tells me that "the item is not available at this time".
Got my Kat up to Usurper, huzzah~!

Was denied the first promotion by a filthy ragequitting Jack (he was on demotion too) =/

Then had another chance against a bad Hwo on the worst wifi connection imaginable. Oof. Luckily managed to take that one even if i dropped every single combo.


Got my Kat up to Usurper, huzzah~!

Was denied the first promotion by a filthy ragequitting Jack (he was on demotion too) =/

Then had another chance against a bad Hwo on the worst wifi connection imaginable. Oof. Luckily managed to take that one even if i dropped every single combo.
It wasn't me!

Anyway, congrats!~
If it weren't for the recent change we could have been able to do a deathmatch. Too bad.


If someone declines a rematch now it takes at least twice as long to show you the message. Sometimes over 20 seconds. Awesome change.



If you're gonna sell something as DLC that was previously included with the game, at the very least make it online.

Who really wants to pay for a mode that is singleplayer only and for a fighting game no less.

This first batch of DLC is gonna be awful.


If someone declines a rematch now it takes at least twice as long to show you the message. Sometimes over 20 seconds. Awesome change.

Both of these are insanely stupid.
The first one will encourage people to never hit the rematch-button. If they do and their opponent leaves, they're stuck for over 20 seconds.
The second one is even worse though. How can you implement a system that encourages people to plug? 😂

I hope they'll fix this soon. And add replays while they're at it.


I don't know how feel about removing names when finding an opponent online. I get why it's there now, but on the flip side if I don't wanna play someone due to a shitty connection, it's a crapshoot now.


Tekken Bowl gameplay.

From watching on yt it seems the bowling has been dumbed down a little. In Tag1 if you hit max power and straight into first pin you wouldn't get a strike. You had to carefully balance power and hit or spin the bowling ball to hit between first and second pins. Now it seems you only need max power hit straight and it's a strike every time. I don't see the option to spin the ball after throwing. That's wrong right? It's gotta be there.

Cyborg visors are in so that's great.


Some dude is really frustrated.


Not like you can blame him. I'm so glad I didn't buy the super expensive versions with season passes.

Does Tekken Bowl have achievements? I don't see any, I assumed it would have some.

It doesn't have trophies/achievements? Wtf.

Cool shot Dereck.


Dam you can make some serious bank in Striker mode. You can net at least 600k first time through it. Not sure if its like that for every match tho cause that seems like an absurd amount


I microwave steaks.
Dam you can make some serious bank in Striker mode. You can net at least 600k first time through it. Not sure if its like that for every match tho cause that seems like an absurd amount
you can consistently make a good amount, I prefer it over normal bowling now, that and the pace is faster.

the amount of costumes they added is also great value, glad I bought the season pass.
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