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TEKKEN 7 |OT| How I killed your mother



Damn lol


Had a friend over last night to run some long sets. Spent about an hour and a half putting my Paul against his King and then another hour facing his Miguel with my Gigas. Crazy fun... bless this game. Laughed our asses off the entire time as we kept adapting to each other and continually raised the bar by digging deeper into our bag of (ridiculously unsafe) tricks. Never did land a diet flash kick, though. :(

Question: how do you break King's running knee? I was getting wrecked by it on wakeup.
Had a friend over last night to run some long sets. Spent about an hour and a half putting my Paul against his King and then another hour facing his Miguel with my Gigas. Crazy fun... bless this game. Laughed our asses off the entire time as we kept adapting to each other and continually raised the bar by digging deeper into our bag of (ridiculously unsafe) tricks. Never did land a diet flash kick, though. :(

Question: how do you break King's running knee? I was getting wrecked by it on wakeup.



Today was strange.

Whole afternoon T7 online was breaking every few minutes then it stopped working completely. "You're not connected to the network" Wut? After few hours it started working again and I noticed something: A lot more successful connection but the down side is most of them run pretty slow even on 4 bars. Was there a server maintenance or something?

Another thing. Today I only played Miguel in his Tag2 costume and I noticed something wrong. When I played in practice on a Dragon's Nest stage in full rain the game run noticeably slower, it was clear as day to see when I did ff+2,1 repeatedly.

I play T7 since day one and I never noticed anything like it before on that stage. I don't know if Miguel in this particular costume causes this or did this started to happen only after latest update, or is my PS4 dying. I also played only Miguel online today maybe the slowdown wasn't the network.

I must test this tomorrow, this is worrying.



Korea definitely came for revenge, most of the top 16 is Koreans


Like their power level just went up the roof.

Today was strange.

Whole afternoon T7 online was breaking every few minutes then it stopped working completely. "You're not connected to the network" Wut? After few hours it started working again and I noticed something: A lot more successful connection but the down side is most of them run pretty slow even on 4 bars. Was there a server maintenance or something?

Another thing. Today I only played Miguel in his Tag2 costume and I noticed something wrong. When I played in practice on a Dragon's Nest stage in full rain the game run noticeably slower, it was clear as day to see when I did ff+2,1 repeatedly.

I play T7 since day one and I never noticed anything like it before on that stage. I don't know if Miguel in this particular costume causes this or did this started to happen only after latest update, or is my PS4 dying. I also played only Miguel online today maybe the slowdown wasn't the network.

I must test this tomorrow, this is worrying.

That does seem strange. Very strange.


It's random, sometimes you get the rainy version.

I see. Did you notice any slowdown?

I do recall that in one combo video where there was similar slowdown on rainy stage but I panned it onto bad recording.

I was having problems too yesterday with slwodown on all stages. I reset my system and it cleared it.

My guess is if you are on Beta firmware.


If I am on Beta firmware I don't know how and when.

Does PS4 have a clear cache option or something?

Edit: Scratch that, I read only powering off does the trick. Huh.


according to reddit if you enter Customization the game goes to a graphic settings to 'Ultra High which Ps4 cant really handle causing slowdown. Restarting fixes it


Online is just so toxic right now. Ran up again a guy 3 times who was playing King. He was at Brawler with 30ish wins. He owns my 202win Grandmaster Leo the first time. The second time I beat him and he disconnects when I beat him. Then I go back to warm up mode and he comes back as a 0% disconnect. Again I beat him again, barely. Then he disconnects before the match ends.
Online really didn't change much. I mean, sure, I will quit a match with a person and end up getting them next every now and then, but I'm not running into a bunch of clowns. Besides, with plug pullers I still get my win.

Can someone tell me what the command is for when Kaz punches Raven and she teleport into a counter?


Also, would you happen to know a hit string (I think it's three) where Raven ends with a double-fisted sweep looking move? Someone did it against me once in a mirror match and I don't know what it is.

Wild Dog from Time Crisis would make a pretty awesome guest character. Tweet Harada.

All his moves could be different gun arms.

Wild Dog - While the games have some contributing unplayable or non-playable characters and serves as primary or secondary antagonists in addition to/for the aforementioned chief antagonists, all Time Crisis antagonists have employed and/or conspired with a mercenary named Wild Dog – and was the only character to appear in all of the main Time Crisis video games series. At the end of every battle, after the player has defeated him, he will be caught within an explosion (often self-induced) and appear to die, only to return in the next game. Wild Dog lost his left arm in an explosion following his defeat at the hands of Richard Miller. In Time Crisis: Project Titan and Time Crisis 2, Wild Dog outfitted it with a Gatling gun arm (the "gun arm"), which would later receive flamethrower upgrade, a rocket launcher in Time Crisis 3, and a grappling hook and a tractor beam in Time Crisis 4. In Time Crisis 5, Wild Dog has a new robotic arm with an in-built tractor beam device. The character is inspired by Mad Dog, Philip Kwok's difficult to kill gunfighter from the film Hard Boiled. Wild Dog was the main antagonist in Time Crisis: Project Titan, Time Crisis: Strike and Time Crisis: 2nd Strike, and serves as an antagonist in the first 3 stages of Time Crisis 5. He serves as the boss in the first three stages, piloting a giant spider-shaped tank in the first, a missile carrier in the second, and a transport vehicle in the third; attacking the pursuing agents with gunfire and stationary objects.

The Real Fucking Deal Philip Kwok- LINK



This patch (1.06) is good.

They fixed long wait for rematch, the slowdowns and even online feels little better - lots of connections showed up as 5 bar, which is unusual for me. It runs very solid know.

I did come across a bad glitch where game didn't stop syncing pre fight, it just never stopped, had to quit the game to dash. Only happened once though, so maybe just my bad luck.

Wonder if they shaved off bit of input lag again. Feels itsy bitsy more responsive.


This patch (1.06) is good.

They fixed long wait for rematch, the slowdowns and even online feels little better - lots of connections showed up as 5 bar, which is unusual for me. It runs very solid know.

I did come across a bad glitch where game didn't stop syncing pre fight, it just never stopped, had to quit the game to dash. Only happened once though, so maybe just my bad luck.

Wonder if they shaved off bit of input lag again. Feels itsy bitsy more responsive.

This has happened to me before the patch. In fact, it happened during a 2 player lobby session lol. How could the game matchup the same two players perfectly for 20 straight matches but suddenly can't do it on the 21st?


Nice report. I had that sync issue this weekend under 1.05, so it's not new to the recent patch.

This has happened to me before the patch. In fact, it happened during a 2 player lobby session lol. How could the game matchup the same two players perfectly for 20 straight matches but suddenly can't do it on the 21st?

For me the sync error came up if it synced too long. This time I waited 15 minutes and it stayed. First time like that for me, but good to know it was like that before.

Tag2 online wasn't perfect but man matchmaking in that game never got me "connection lost" messages, it connected to 99% of dudes it found. On T7 I have 30-60% chance I get a connection.


Dragunov is pretty fun to play as. Never really liked his overall aesthetic and personality as a character but he has the functions that I really like. He seems to be way safer in his movesets than Eliza.
Block punishment has never been a strong point for Raven. The character is designed to be tricky, using movement, crushes and evasive attacks to bait whiffs and counter. A blocking Raven is a bad Raven.

I agree with you that she is tricky. When I HAZ, most people just stand there and watch, and I get a free low or unlockable. LAB though, 99% of folks will try to interrupt you out of it. Esp after 4,1 or b+4,4 (4). I have not tried d/f+2 LAB d+3 in over 100 matches because of how thirsty people are to anticipate ducking under d/f+2,3.

qcf+4 looks great for intentionally whiffing but so help you if you if they step forward and block it.

D+4 is the fastest way to get out of LAB to my knowledge, but that's a good way 2 Telegraph that you want to be low parried.

I've managed to get to Vanguard with her, but that's because I'm racking up wins against people who are unfamiliar with the character and I can do stuff like d/b+4 three times in a row before they duck.

qcf+2, 4,1, 3~4 requires setting up since folks can see the crouchdash. Yeah there's a mix up with qcf+2~1. But I don't think that it's safe on block.

Raven also lacks a hop kick.


I agree with you that she is tricky. When I HAZ, most people just stand there and watch, and I get a free low or unlockable. LAB though, 99% of folks will try to interrupt you out of it. Esp after 4,1 or b+4,4 (4). I have not tried d/f+2 LAB d+3 in over 100 matches because of how thirsty people are to anticipate ducking under d/f+2,3.

qcf+4 looks great for intentionally whiffing but so help you if you if they step forward and block it.

D+4 is the fastest way to get out of LAB to my knowledge, but that's a good way 2 Telegraph that you want to be low parried.

I've managed to get to Vanguard with her, but that's because I'm racking up wins against people who are unfamiliar with the character and I can do stuff like d/b+4 three times in a row before they duck.

qcf+2, 4,1, 3~4 requires setting up since folks can see the crouchdash. Yeah there's a mix up with qcf+2~1. But I don't think that it's safe on block.

Raven also lacks a hop kick.

Raven is considered top 10 in the game by a majority of top players. She has huge combo damage, 14 ws launcher, safe high crushing ch mid launcher, great conversions from magic 4, great whiff punishing, great BT mixups, and super good at playing at range 2+

I swear almost all your posts are complaining about whoever you're playing at the time.
Raven is considered top 10 in the game by a majority of top players. She has huge combo damage, 14 ws launcher, safe high crushing ch mid launcher, great conversions from magic 4, great whiff punishing, great BT mixups, and super good at playing at range 2+

I swear almost all your posts are complaining about whoever you're playing at the time.

Seems like every character I talk about is "top 10." I take it what I said about her poor punishment is valid. I dissect characters based upon their weaknesses. Nobody ever talks about that part.

I don't know any safe high crushing CH mid you're talking about.

Also, I did not complain about Asuka. I feel like she's the most complete character I've played thus far. d+4 gives +frames on block or hit. Safe mid 1+2 launcher. Instant knockdown 3~4 that can combo. Mixups after throws or counters like CH b+2. Several command throws. Tons of options for getting that last hit to end the round like 1,3 or db+1,2 which looks a lot like 3,1 or ws+1,4. Bait with b+3 and chase runners with ff+3. Great tracking with f+4. What I did say was that her d+3+4 is overrated.

Win small locals brehs

Grats. What character did you play?
I take it what I said about her poor punishment is valid.

Not really. Her standing 10f punishment is trash (Edit: lol, forgot about 2,4 for a second. That's okay for a 10f. ) and her 12f is only okay, and then she can't launch until 16f. Yup, that part sucks.

But once you get to launch punishable stuff she usually can still launch it, and she does well above average damage then. And obscenely more so with walls.

Her WS punishment is basically top 5 since she can launch at 14f and not a weak launch either.

On top of that, her whiff punishment is amazing and damaging.

So on the whole Raven's punishment isn't weak so much as weird. Some things she has abnormally weak punishes for, but other things abnormally strong ones. Overall she's generally considered good not great on that front.

But this isn't even the thing she's best at. Overall a very powerful character, but one that has to be played quite differently from others so it takes a lot of dedication to become a strong Raven player. I feel like her neutral and mixups take a lot of practice to get really good at.


One of those days where I do terribly and brain is just out of the experience.

Whenever I don't want to go to zen stance with Jin I do anyway out of bad habit. Fingers just do what brain wants to deny. Makes me wish for bare bones ultra Raw T6 Jin sometimes. When I practiced Jin in T6 months before T7, he made me forget all the stupid zen stuff and I played him properly(because there was no other way), now in T7 all my stupid zen habits came back and I play like an ass again.


T6 Jinster pities me.

There's an update coming to arcades that affects the balance, says Wonkey's Twitter. Wonder how long it'll take before it hits consoles or if we'll even get it before Tekken's version of the season "ends". I don't know how their tournament structure works.

Nerf Jack into the ground I don't wanna see that dude no more.


There's an update coming to arcades that affects the balance, says Wonkey's Twitter. Wonder how long it'll take before it hits consoles or if we'll even get it before Tekken's version of the season "ends". I don't know how their tournament structure works.

Nerf Jack into the ground I don't wanna see that dude no more.

Give Kaz his moves back.

Nerf deathfist so pseudo Paul players run and hide.
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