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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]


This game is being released this month, and still no gameplay footage?

Most likely not.

There are five difficulty levels in The Last Of Us. To unlock the Survivor difficulty, you must beat the game once on any difficulty. To unlock the Grounded difficulty, you must beat the game once on Survivor difficulty.

Easy: For beginners. More ammo, crafting supplies, melee weapons, and healing items are spawned in the world. Also, the enemies are quite easy to kill.

Normal: Supplies spawn at a normal rate. Enemies are strong, but not as strong as in Hard. Sharp melee weapons spawn later in the game.

Hard: Supplies are rare to come by, and non-infected enemies are more aggressive and use cover very often. Melee weapons, such as the Pipe and Hatchet, are very rarely seen.

Survivor: For players that want a considerable challenge. Supplies are extremely rare to find. Game hints, prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do double damage.

Grounded: For the toughest of the hardcore. Supplies are next to non-existent. Game hints,prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Enemy AI is extremely sharp, more so than survivor.


Neo Member
Remastered does not include dlc weapons, hats, and skills. Only those who previously bought them or the season pass will have them. If you have purchased neither, they will need to be purchased separately.

Aye, true enough, but that's not what I would call a 'substantial' difference, espcially for those who have been waiting for the holy day when all the maps would be gathered into even one playlist so the online community would get to see them all and not be carved up.. never expecting that that moment would come as a full relaunch on the next gen.

There is never a better time to experience the MP, honestly I envy anyone who's never even looked at it. All the maps in one circulation, so things will roll and roll and never get old - a year of bug fixes and requests and polishing all ready to go - and even some cosmetic dlc lined up for you should you want to pretty up as a samurai or biker or suchlike..






There is never a better time to experience the MP, honestly I envy anyone who's never even looked at it. All the maps in one circulation, so things will roll and roll and never get old - a year of bug fixes and requests and polishing all ready to go - and even some cosmetic dlc lined up for you should you want to pretty up as a samurai or biker or suchlike..

I'm just glad I'll have a few more noobs to own if only for a few weeks until they surpasses me.

Any idea if unlocks will carry over? I don't fancy having to grind for my skull mask again.


What the hell happened in this thread? lol.

Why would SP be 30fps but MP be 60?

Not that I believed that talk but it's not unprecedented to have different framerate between SP and MP. Killzone SF has 30fps SP and ~60fps MP.


Not that I believed that talk but it's not unprecedented to have different framerate between SP and MP. Killzone SF has 30fps SP and ~60fps MP.

Yeah, but ND's engine allows for both so the implication that one mode wouldn't be 60fps for some reason is baffling.

Cyborg what are you doing


Neo Member
I'm just glad I'll have a few more noobs to own if only for a few weeks until they surpasses me.

Any idea if unlocks will carry over? I don't fancy having to grind for my skull mask again.

I honestly think any vets this time should take a more engaging approach. As we've all learnt this game is brutal, and a day's teabagging can be the last time a player ever boots TLOU MP. And what does that do, get you a little xp quicker, and shrink the community so matchmaking slows and lag increases (as it searches wider for players). I look upon any new players this time around as a very valuable resource. I want to get them playing, competent, loving the flow, before I bring the pain. That way the population thrives, and this is the last time we'll have a shot a that. It's already going to be smaller than PS3..

As for unlocks, no, nothing, all from scratch, which I'm delighted about actually. Enjoyed getting it so much the first time.
I honestly think any vets this time should take a more engaging approach. As we've all learnt this game is brutal, and a day's teabagging can be the last time a player ever boots TLOU MP. And what does that do, get you a little xp quicker, and shrink the community so matchmaking slows and lag increases (as it searches wider for players). I look upon any new players this time around as a very valuable resource. I want to get them playing, competent, loving the flow, before I bring the pain. That way the population thrives, and this is the last time we'll have a shot a that. It's already going to be smaller than PS3..

As for unlocks, no, nothing, all from scratch, which I'm delighted about actually. Enjoyed getting it so much the first time.

As a first time player of TLoU, this will be my biggest worry for the MP, the old PS3 players will know all the best spots, tactics, etc whilst the 'noobs' like me will most likely get stomped out of the park before we even have time to learn the maps. Whilst it probably won't stop me playing it could very well put a lot of people off the MP altogether.

I've heard so many good things about the MP so i'm desperate to play, just hope I and other newbies aren't too put off at first :)


Nope. No changes like this.

They specifically wanted to avoid the George Lucas effect and were looking to port it over so it was as close to identical as one can get to the PS3 version.

Uhm, that's a pity in my opinion. Having enemies and Ellie looking for stuff in drawers wasn't going to ruin anything, same for some animations.
Hello. Anyone able to help me with a little TLOU soundtrack matter. What's the name of the piece used in the announce trailer for Remastered? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmTnhXu9dqc

Forgive me if it should be obvious, but it's sadly not obvious for me. Anyways, any help would be much appreciated.

Edit: damn it, wrong trailer. I don't know what track that is, but it's definitely from the game's soundtrack

Something In The Way - At Sea (Nirvana Cover)


Rainy Dog

As a first time player of TLoU, this will be my biggest worry for the MP, the old PS3 players will know all the best spots, tactics, etc whilst the 'noobs' like me will most likely get stomped out of the park before we even have time to learn the maps. Whilst it probably won't stop me playing it could very well put a lot of people off the MP altogether.

I've heard so many good things about the MP so i'm desperate to play, just hope I and other newbies aren't too put off at first :)

My feelings exactly as well

I really fancy giving the MP a shot on this as I've read so much about it that sounds right up my alley. But hopefully the PS3 'vets' don't make it too difficult for us new un's to get into.
As a first time player of TLoU, this will be my biggest worry for the MP, the old PS3 players will know all the best spots, tactics, etc whilst the 'noobs' like me will most likely get stomped out of the park before we even have time to learn the maps. Whilst it probably won't stop me playing it could very well put a lot of people off the MP altogether.

I've heard so many good things about the MP so i'm desperate to play, just hope I and other newbies aren't too put off at first :)

Don't worry about it. I came to the multiplayer very late and I still manage to hold my own. Secondly, there are only a very few maps that are very simple to memorize, add to the fact that that the players will simply show you where they "hot" spots are because it is a team oriented game. If you worry about this being another Uncharted MP, you'd be far off the mark. It's a tactical, methodical game that rewards more on item management and well planned ambushes. You can easily shift the tide of the battle with one mistake or exploit a flank.

The only reason I stopped because there were so many other games to play but now that the remastered is featuring 60fps, I feel this is a game changer because that game NEEDED twitch controls.


Most likely not.

Damn, I don't think I'll like Grounded. Still going for it because the increased difficulty and lack of HUD should be interesting, but I think they should try to make the game more difficult while keeping the Hard supplies.


Neo Member
My feelings exactly as well

I really fancy giving the MP a shot on this as I've read so much about it that sounds right up my alley. But hopefully the PS3 'vets' don't make it too difficult for us new un's to get into.

Guys, I didn't buy TLOU at release. There were months in the pipe before I joined up, and it was only vets left. I got crushed right and left. I didn't know how they could always predict my movements, how I was getting downed so quickly face to face.. but as long as you take satisfaction in being overcome by skill as I did, and had the patience to learn to master it.. to take the power back was AMAZING. To rub those same faces in the dirt in a game that is satisfying on so many levels. When I landed my first accurate molotov and the guy that had been hounding me the whole match turned to a crisp. When I unlocked the bow and got slaughtered before I could even draw it such that I thought it was unusable, but persevered and it became my weapon of choice. Silent, deadly, one shot to execute downed players (critical!). Couple that with map experience, learning routes, and learning when you have to go quiet.. what I'm saying is this game will hurt and challenge you.. and if you get past that, you'll find a love like no other.

As far as map advantage goes, it's another great thing about this game. Teams tend to rush out in well-tried and familiar formations, but after the first couple of hasty interactions, things really go freeform, and play out very differently each time. You don't know whether you'll be rounding out the closing minutes with an armoured up duo waiting to BBQ you with charging flamethrowers, whether you'll have a shiv knife showdown in the urinals, or have to pick your way up the length of the map, knowing your dead team are spectating, to a lone sniper nested in the roof of a derelict building, who has set traps for you every step of the way..

Can't say how much pleasure I got failing to unlock the skull mask after a twelve week (which is more like a couple of weeks playtime) cycle, until the moment came, and it was deserved. This game seems to judge reward so sweetly, unlike a battlefield or suchlike where gifts just keep pouring steadily at you. I always found myself agreeing with the game when I earned it, and too when I wasn't up to scratch.

In terms of the firey baptism that awaits you newcomers.. I would just say this, reward the good and punish the bad. You'll get players who will live to headshot you from afar, to machete you without warning and tbag your corpse. Them, you hunt, you get even. You'll also get players who choose to play healer, or gift giver (yes you can give parcels to each other in the match) - use your animations (and voice!) to thank them, throw them a salute, and some gratitude, and then learn to play like them.

Sermon endeth.


As a first time player of TLoU, this will be my biggest worry for the MP, the old PS3 players will know all the best spots, tactics, etc whilst the 'noobs' like me will most likely get stomped out of the park before we even have time to learn the maps. Whilst it probably won't stop me playing it could very well put a lot of people off the MP altogether.

I've heard so many good things about the MP so i'm desperate to play, just hope I and other newbies aren't too put off at first :)

Honestly mate I was only part serious. The MP is very easy to master, as long as you approach it with the right attitude you'll do great. My view is that trying to survive and assist in the MP is more important than getting kills. If you follow that advice you'll have a lot of fun.

Generally the community are fantastic with newer players and if you meet up with some like minded players you'll absolutely love it. Also try not to pay too much attention to your clan numbers (your in game survivors you need to feed by winning points) as worrying about getting high scores can ruin your experience.

Start out using crafter 3 which gives you tons of points and is great in helping your squad win matches.

IMO the best part is that the MP is so heavily team based that it make it vital for a squad to helps each other out. So just don't run-and-gun, stick together and if possible use a mic.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Radar and LM is what basically spoils the MP for me... and why a 3v1 in TLoU will never be as fun as the same situation in Socom.

The MP can be fun playing with friends but otherwise, no thanks. Huge disappointment for me.


I honestly think any vets this time should take a more engaging approach. As we've all learnt this game is brutal, and a day's teabagging can be the last time a player ever boots TLOU MP. And what does that do, get you a little xp quicker, and shrink the community so matchmaking slows and lag increases (as it searches wider for players). I look upon any new players this time around as a very valuable resource. I want to get them playing, competent, loving the flow, before I bring the pain. That way the population thrives, and this is the last time we'll have a shot a that. It's already going to be smaller than PS3..

As for unlocks, no, nothing, all from scratch, which I'm delighted about actually. Enjoyed getting it so much the first time.

Thanks dude.

In a strange way I'm looking forward to the remastered MP more than the single player. I can't wait to meet a new batch of players and welcome them to what is, IMHO one of the best multi-players ever devised. I just love how it rewards tactial, team-based play and punishes those who run about like Rambo.

Guess the skull mask gives me something to aim for again. Took me ages last time.


It doesn't really matter in this type of MP game if PS3 veterans know all the best spots and have all the upgrades. Well, correction, the upgrades do matter and will make a difference but the best guarantee to winning a match in MP is playing with a group of well coordinated players! This is one of the best team-oriented MP games around. Team work, map control, communication are key!


Dreams in Digital
Old title is old.

When this thread was made they were targeting but now they have made it.

before it was confirmed they were targeting. it has now been confirmed they've achieved 60fps in both SP & MP

Perhaps a mod should change it? I've seen people STILL questioning whether it's 60fps and perhaps it's because they're reading the thread title and not the thread comments/posts.


less than 30 days away and no footage? What gives?

Look at the insider Cyborgs posts. That is probably why... Also probably the reason Amy left ND is because she knew they would not be able to achieve 60fps with the remaster. She does not associate herself with amateur devs.
Grounded: For the toughest of the hardcore. Supplies are next to non-existent. Game hints,prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Enemy AI is extremely sharp, more so than survivor.

Man Grounded sounds so brutal, I don't think my DS4 will survive all my rage quits :(


I'm very tempted to get this game, again.

I was there, day one Digital Pre-order on the PS3. I've waited until the very first minute to start downloading this game with many great GAFfers in here, the hype was great, great times filled by great memories playing intense multilayer matches and enjoying the story. It was a game I couldn't stop playing on the PS3 and it was amazing to be here, discussing everything about the game with many of you, great people.

Now, I could get the game for only 44-46€ with all those Pre-order goodies, that skin for the PS4 (that I won't use it), 10% Off on my next purchase and a very nice Steelbook. If this was some time ago I wouldn't even think twice. Amazing deal, great price, pre-order incentives are good enough. But times are harsh, the economy in here is killing our wallets as well our motivation. I'm trying my best to keep a positive perspective everyday but it gets harder
*tiny tear*

Nostalgia is an amazing thing, replaying a game lets you remember the first time you played, how you played and what events surrounded you back in those days, at least for me. I might miss a day one purchase and will miss and the pre-orders too so I don't know how I feel about this. What I know is, for those playing for the first time, you are going to have a great time! And for those lucky GAFfers double-dipping, 1080p 60FPS will be glorious...! Have fun. :')


Radar and LM is what basically spoils the MP for me... and why a 3v1 in TLoU will never be as fun as the same situation in Socom.

The MP can be fun playing with friends but otherwise, no thanks. Huge disappointment for me.

I thought so too at first. But equip the booster that makes you invisible in LM, radar is only there if you are making any sound so it is already fair imo.

Such an amazing mp experience. Can't wait to go through both mp "campaigns" again.


Is playing on hard frustrating? I got pretty pissed at some sections of Uncharted 3 on crushing. I also realize that these two games play completely different.


Is playing on hard frustrating? I got pretty pissed at some sections of Uncharted 3 on crushing. I also realize that these two games play completely different.

Not at all. Just explore as much as possible to gather supplies and you'll be fine.

Wasting shivers to open doors is worth it way more often than not, so don't worry about it.


Grounded: For the toughest of the hardcore. Supplies are next to non-existent. Game hints,prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Enemy AI is extremely sharp, more so than survivor.

Man Grounded sounds so brutal, I don't think my DS4 will survive all my rage quits :(

Actually Grounded is fine. I've completed both runs grounded and grounded+ and I honestly find it perfect!

There is 1 part that is brutally hard though, where a simple mistake means game over. You have to play PERFECT in order to progress that particular point.

I am talking of course about the part where you play as Ellie and you are trying to defend your position with David, while infected storm the building. The first part actually is the hardest, until you move from your original position. The reason why it is so hard is because:

1) 1 hit = death
2) David is useless
3) Ammo drop is in part based on luck
4) You have no space to maneuver
5) Infected come running at you

I must have lost like 20 times in that part. Was really really tough

All in all Grounded is amazing. Another thing it changes from the other dificulties is that save checkpoints are different now, meaning there are no middle checkpoints during encounters. For example where before an encounter that had 2 stages of attack would save in between, in grounded mode you have to restart the entire encounter from the beginning.


If I beat Gears of War on Insane with little difficult for all 4 games what difficulty should I start last of us at? I know they are different but people who know gears know how punishing insane is. So how punishing is this game?


If I beat Gears of War on Insane with little difficult for all 4 games what difficulty should I start last of us at? I know they are different but people who know gears no how punishing insane is. So how punishing is this game?
Survivor or Grounded is not unlocked since beginning... so you need to start with Easy, Normal or Hard... Hard is fine.

Edit - So Hard or Survivor is a good start ;)

All difficulties are unlocked from the start in Remastered.
Ohhhhh cool.
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