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The Sims 4 |OT| Behold its true form and despair!

Aaron D.

Has this been posted? http://imgur.com/a/rfpBW

That person got Jerry's flat spot on!


So is this layout available in the in-game Marketplace or whatever it's called? Looking at the extra pics there seems to also be Kramer's apartment and a pretty good approximation of the cast of characters as well.

I'd nab that in a second if it was made public.


After playing a bit more, I can say I'm hooked.
Other than the issue I talked about, time need to pass by faster when you're at work with nobody else on your lot.
Otherwise, tons of skill is really great too. Self publied a book super early and at first I was getting $8 per day, about a week after it's $11. If you get those royalties for ever (turned aging off) that's a bit too much x)

EDIT : just saw that sometime the time goes super fast like sleeping while at work, dunno why it didn't do that at first.


When I double click the icon for Sims 4 on the desktop or click play via Origin, the computer seems to be thinking for a few seconds and then nothing.
No error message just no response, checked task manager and back applications and it's not there.


Windows 7
Intel Pentium Processor E6700
AMD Radeon HD 6450 512mb
500 GB HDD
4 GB DDR3 Memory

Nothing special but it runs The Sims 3 fine.

Try to install : vcredist_x64 and vcredist_x86
It worked for me.


ok fine ea ill buy your stupid game

Tried Mexico thing, it got stuck on the "Your order is being processed, please don't refresh" page. Fortunately it doesn't seem they took my money (paid with paypal) as I don't have the game in my library.

Did I do something wrong? I went to the store site, changed into mexican, put the game in my cart and went to checkout. At log in screen, turned VPN off. Page was still spanish. Logged in, went to pay (still spanish), logged into paypal and confirmed purchase (this was English), got to "Order is being processed" page and nothing happened :(.

edit: nevermind, second time it worked. viva la mexico!!


LMFAO Lirik just died from over-exhaustion again after having sex 3 times in a row.

If you have to go out...

Sandfox said:
I'm about to make a new file and I can't decide whether I want to become a chef or just work from home lol.

Chef pays crap, but then you make awesome food.

BTW, there are two cooking skills now: Cooking and Gourmet Cooking. Gourmet has some serious dishes, like Butternut Squash Ravioli.

You'll also need Mixology up to at least 4 before picking the Master Chef path.


Liriks Sims 4 stream is glorious. I am even thinking about buying the game myself. Watching it the last days and it's too Damn funny
After playing the game for a few hours, Im really satisfied with my purchase. While the game is missing a number of features from the Sims 3, the game has managed to make some great changes to the fundamental gameplay. The game runs really well without the many technical foibles that plagued The Sims 3 and a lot of the new gameplay tweaks ie the revamped mood settings, the more dynamic interactions multitasking etc really help make the experience more enjoyable. While the lack of features do detract somewhat, most of them will find their way into the game through the inevitable expansions and the overall package is worth the mexican internet price.


There already is one and has been since the game launched.

Right click The Sims 4 game in your Origin library, select 'Game Properties' then in the command line box type ––no_tutorial and click apply. :)

Yeah, but you shouldn't have to type in commands before the game starts to remove it.
Yeah, but you shouldn't have to type in commands before the game starts to remove it.

Agreed. I don't mind the tutorials since it is my first Sims game. Though starting the game and shutting it off is very fast, I won't mind doing the console thing on my second house. It's not completely annoying like modifying some weird hidden file in an encrypted archive.
I just saw a dude get into a bar and motherfreaking Death was at the counter drinking. He started chatting with mighty mother Death, bought her a couple of drinks and they're buddies. What...

I think I need to get this game, it's cheap enough through our Mexico buddies.


How much do Sims expansion packs usually cost when they are first released in the US? If they cost $30 would they be half priced or less if you order them from the Mexican Origins storefront?


Just looking at the community in the game, some of these sim makers are just too good. Some celebrity likenesses are scarily close.


Mexico price was too good, bought it. From the LGR review it seems nice enough, and I liked 2 more than 3 so I think I'll have fun.


I had low hopes for this game, but after getting it cheaply, it's not too bad.

I'm engaged to Nicki Minaj, but she's cheating on me with a girl so I don't think it's going to work out.


Anyone know if there's a way to reverse aging
Like go from an Elder back to an Adult?

First you have to enable cheats by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C, then entering (enter a space before true):
testingcheats true
, next type in the following code (which will enable all CAS abilities):
, then press and hold SHIFT while clicking on any Sim in your houselold and click Modify in CAS and change their age. Finally for your Sims won't age again shut off aging for your Sims in the options menu.
First you have to enable cheats by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C, then entering (enter a space before true):
testingcheats true
, next type in the following code (which will enable all CAS abilities):
, then press and hold SHIFT while clicking on any Sim in your houselold and click Modify in CAS and change their age. Finally for your Sims won't age again shut off aging for your Sims in the options menu.

Thank you so much :)

The Foul

I was pretty hyped for this game coming out, even after getting shit on by Maxis EA with Sim city (and to a lesser extent spore). I'm a closet Sims fan who plays them as games unlocking all the shit and maxing out all the journals while ignoring most of the dollhouse social/love simulator stuff. 15hrs into one Sims 4 family, here's my opinions adding to whats already been covered by others in the thread, hope they help ppl on the fence about this game.

- No open world is actually better for the game. I barely leave the house anyway, having your sim step off the lot and be immediately at work is ideal for gameplay, maybe less so from a simulation point but I don't care about that. Having solid fps/simulation performance in one lot (Sims 4) beats having all lots available but running like shit (Sims 3). Don't really miss cars, burglars or toddlers (definitely miss pools and basements tho)

- Plenty of stuff to do, lots of brand new skills, unlocks, aspirations etc. I don't care much for object options as I typically save up to buy the best fridge etc and stick with that over style. In Sims 4 this changes a bit as some of the objects unlock with career/skill/aspiration milestones, and while they might not be the "best" object of their type they can offer mood benefits that stack. Sims 4 creates this interesting decoration metagame where I found different rooms filled with assorted character building mood boosting objects, as opposed to my typical empty Sims 3 rooms with only "the best" essential items (& environ boost paintings that never get seen with the walls down). Painting is a better skill now.

- Its fun and enjoyable. I like playing it and look forward to playing more. Hard to quantify, but I'll buy the inevitable gameplay expansions that shit out every three months or so because I want more. Part of the problem sure but I wouldn't do it for a shit game like Sim City. One can hope for more varied and integrated expansions this time with the new engine (like Future and World Adventures), but this is EA so we'll probably get universities and pets and nightclubs again in random order until legit innovation occurs. For a base sims game, there's plenty enough content for the money asking so hopefully the expansions follow suit.

- Tutorial and lessons are probably the worst they've been in a sims game. And you can't turn them off, bad move. In the past you'd stumble upon something (say gardening) and there would be a pop up in the top corner inviting you to learn more if you chose to, perfect. In Sims 4 there are these blue pop up boxes randomly somewhere on the screen that interrupt whatever you're trying to do and don't really offer anything interesting that couldn't be figured out. I just learned to click them away without reading after while. There are lessons still in the game, an option to turn off the random blue boxes or just link without pause to the lesson ala Sims 3 would be ideal.

- Needs bars could be better integrated, pressing "o" key to bring the bars up gets a bit old (I should probably rebind it). Why can't I look at the details of a Sim while they're at work/school? Not a problem really, Its not like I can't do it while he's sitting down to "pee like a champion". There's a 4000 point aspiration bonus that negates sleep entirely, which breaks the game slightly going forward. I mean, Not really, but your house won't need many bedrooms if your Sims never sleep (and a whole house can tag team share the same flirting enhanced shagging bed, moral problem free, hashtag weird stories bro). Perhaps they should be more like the aspiration bonus' that severely reduce the need to eat, wash etc, which at least give you a reason to keep your heavily upgraded shower. Some slight design incongruities like these are all over Sims 4 but don't really get in the way of enjoyment.

- Even though the social options and talking as a group/during actions have improved, its still a chore to maintain groups of friends for all your sims. Friendship decays too fast and improves too slowly, especially if they don't knock and hangout to hear the same jokes every-single-day while your sim does their thing. Which they bloody do. I do need to test max charisma and comedy interactions to see if there's a quicker way to build/keep sims friends but from what I can tell, its easier just to pick a favourite or two and ignore the rest. Kind of like real life. Was kind of hoping the Sims would auto-txt each other on the toilet or watching tv etc and get a bigger social benefit from it, tbh I don't think txting does anything worthwhile in game atm.

So yeah, with that said, its back for more.


How do I let my Sim stream the games he plays, and earning money like that? Iv'e kept playing games but I don't see the option to stream.


Here are some nice list of cheats I got from Hellbiter88 over at the official Sims forum:

Hellbiter88 said:
Official Cheats
“testingcheats true”--Super important, this one will need to be activated for just about every other cheat. Useful in conjunction with other commands, and enables the SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on sims, mailboxes, and objects.
“motherlode”--50,000 simoleons
“rosebud”--1,000 simoleons
“freerealestate”--As the name implies, all houses are free
“Death.toggle”--Turn off death
“resetSim [FirstName] [LastName]”--Resets the named Sim to a neutral state
“testingcheats true” FOLLOWED BY “CAS.fulleditmode”--Allows the SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on sim “Modify in CAS” to enable the modification of traits, physical features, genetics, etc. Do NOT modify more than one sim at a time or your game will crash.

Unofficial Cheats (Virtually all of these will require “testingcheats true” to be activated)
“Sims.remove_all_buffs”--Removes all moodlets/emotions
“Sims.add_buff [buff, low/high]”--Adds a particular buff to the sim (spelling is very important)

sims.add_buff confidenthigh
sims.add_buff e_buff_confident (This enables the cowplant essence effect, powerful and longer lasting)

Energized: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Inspired: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Focused: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Playful: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Sad: SadLow or SadHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful (these all stack)
Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy (these two stack)
Uncomfortable: e_buff_uncomfortable
Embarrassed: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself (these two stack)
***NOTE: e_buff is the same mood effect granted by cowplant essence, strong and lasts 12 hours
“Careers.promote [NameOfCareer]”--Promotes Sim in current career
“Careers.demote [NameOfCareer]”--Demotes Sim in current career
“Careers.add_career [NameOfCareer]”--Adds a career
“Careers.remove_career [NameOfCareer]”--Removes a career
“Money ###”--Set’s funds to exact number
“Sims.modify_funds +/-###” --Adds or subtracts value from current funds
Example: “Sims.modify_funds +500”
“Sims.Spawn”--Spawns sim and adds them to your household.
“Sims.spawnsimple”--Spawns sim on lot as visitor without adding to household.
“Aspirations.complete_current_milestone”--Completes current aspiration challenge and awards points (This one owns)
“traits.remove_trait [traitnameNoSpaces]”--Removes a trait
“traits.clear_traits”--Removes all traits from sim
“traits.equip_trait [traitnameNoSpaces]”--Equips a particular trait for your sim
Example: “traits.equip_trait SteelBladder”
“Modifyrelationship YourSim(first name) YourSim(last name) TargetSim(first name) TargetSim(last name) (-)50 Track_type” --Modifies relationship between two sims
Types of relationships (friends and romance): “Friendship_Main and Romance_Main”
Examples: “Modifyrelationship Beatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado -50 Friendship_Main” [For negative friendship] and “Modifyrelationship Beatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado 50 Romance_Main” [For positive romance]
“Setage”--Set’s your sim to adult age
“Stats.set_skill_level <skilltype> 1-10” --Adjusts a sim’s skill level
VALUES: Major_Fishing
Major_Bartending (Mixology)

Note: Skilltypes are in two varieties. AdultMajor and Skill. Leaving the Adult off should still allow the command to execute.
EXAMPLES: “stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Skillname 10” or “stats.set_skill_level Major_Skillname 10”
Handyman: Enables an NPC to come to the lot and fix broken objects
Maid: Enables an NPC to come to the lot and clean
Party: Causes a ton of sims to show up for a party on your lot. They leave after a few sim hours have passed.

Make your sim act like a maid!
They'll behave normally, do everything you tell them to as soon as you tell them, and do whatever they want when you aren't directing them. The difference? The second there's a puddle, a dirty plate, or trash to be taken out, they'll stop their own actions and go fix it.

Turn Maid Behavior on:

sims.add_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid

Turn Maid Behavior off:
sims.remove_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid
Game is updating for me right now.
No patch notes though.

Gold medal dates are hard

Patch note
"It has been brought to our attention that some of our cute and adorable babies have had difficulty expressing themselves without… well… distorting. There was an issue with some integrated chipsets causing the poor little ones to appear in their own “unique” way. We have corrected the problem and pulled everyone back together. Thank you for helping us identify, and track down this issue."

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Can other AI controlled sims invite you to their houses/parties or to go out? Hasn't happened to me yet.

Also is there a list of all the death types?


No basements? or did I miss something ;(

Now I must switch careers. How can I be a james bond villain or a criminal mastermind without an underground vault containing all my money/treasures!


After playing a bit more, I can say I'm hooked.
Other than the issue I talked about, time need to pass by faster when you're at work with nobody else on your lot.
Otherwise, tons of skill is really great too. Self publied a book super early and at first I was getting $8 per day, about a week after it's $11. If you get those royalties for ever (turned aging off) that's a bit too much x)

EDIT : just saw that sometime the time goes super fast like sleeping while at work, dunno why it didn't do that at first.
Books royalties are not forever. Apps and games are, but I published a shit ton of books and just let them sit and after awhile they started dropping off. So now I just have him crank out like 6 or so every other day and sit on them. I'm clearing 5k a day just off books.
Good God! The price for this on Origin in the UK! £49.99! £49.99 for fuck sake! Nearly £14 more than Amazon which is still a bit too much at £36.49 (£29.99 would be better). I mean Christ Almighty. EA must think we're fucking insane to buy a digital copy at that fucking price! They really don't give a fuck do they.

I really like what I've seen of the game. Once the price drops I'll get it but fuck me, anyone who's bought the game digitally (in the UK at least) is a fucking moron.


Good God! The price for this on Origin in the UK! £49.99! £49.99 for fuck sake! Nearly £14 more than Amazon which is still a bit too much at £36.49 (£29.99 would be better). I mean Christ Almighty. EA must think we're fucking insane to buy a digital copy at that fucking price! They really don't give a fuck do they.

I really like what I've seen of the game. Once the price drops I'll get it but fuck me, anyone who's bought the game digitally (in the UK at least) is a fucking moron.

£21 if you take a quick jaunt over to the sunny shores of Mexican internet to buy it.


Good God! The price for this on Origin in the UK! £49.99! £49.99 for fuck sake! Nearly £14 more than Amazon which is still a bit too much at £36.49 (£29.99 would be better). I mean Christ Almighty. EA must think we're fucking insane to buy a digital copy at that fucking price! They really don't give a fuck do they.

I really like what I've seen of the game. Once the price drops I'll get it but fuck me, anyone who's bought the game digitally (in the UK at least) is a fucking moron.

Most people here have bought it from El Origin. EA has it at $35 for the standard edition and $45 for deluxe.

Edit: beaten.


Good God! The price for this on Origin in the UK! £49.99! £49.99 for fuck sake! Nearly £14 more than Amazon which is still a bit too much at £36.49 (£29.99 would be better). I mean Christ Almighty. EA must think we're fucking insane to buy a digital copy at that fucking price! They really don't give a fuck do they.

I really like what I've seen of the game. Once the price drops I'll get it but fuck me, anyone who's bought the game digitally (in the UK at least) is a fucking moron.

£24.99 from Simply cdkeys.
Well, time to go shopping I guess!
EDIT: Done and done (from Simply CDKeys). Why the hell are EA selling it at that price on Origin? Are they trying to turn customers away? Or are they hoping to catch a few mugs? Damn they're a woeful, cynical company.


bleh no conical or octogonal roof, had to redo my victorian house plans. Some of the omissions in sims 4 are so weird...
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