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When are we gonna stop pretending that females can be just as effective in combat as males?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
We have literally devs saying their games have a political agenda based on the likes of Anita Sarkeesian, yet there's always someone claiming we are "imagining" things.

I'm not saying the problem doesn't exist, I'm saying the problem isn't nearly as big or bad as people like you make it out to be, and it isn't the reason why you can hit men with a big stick in Horizon or choke a guy with a bow in Tomb Raider. They're simply female protagonists doing things that are equally as totally unrealistic as their male hero counterparts. That isn't feminist indoctrination and if you believe that you've got a terribly fragile ego.

There's a reason I can search this site for posts containing "agenda" written by Jon Neu and come back with 8 pages of results. The fight against SJWism has poisoned your brain to the point where you're no different from those you criticise, you're just on the other end of the horseshoe. It's dull.


Gold Member
Beyond video games, it is ridiculous that it's has become controversial in some circles to acknowledge that men are physically stronger than women.

I’m a huge advocate for following and trusting in science. It’s something our society fails to do.

Biology dictates that the male physique is stronger than the female. No amount of social justice warrioring will change that.

However, it’s perfectly possible for a woman to be stronger than a man. It’s equally fucking stupid to claim otherwise.

As for video games, they’re all high fantasy. Complaining that it’s not believable for a female games protagonist to be as powerful as a male one is pointless.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

Steroids from Guatemala

Jon Neu

I'm not saying the problem doesn't exist, I'm saying the problem isn't nearly as big or bad as people like you make it out to be

Again, is the same principle; you claim I'm making it bigger than it is and I say you are making it far more smaller than it is. Making it smaller than it is in the hope of not allowing any criticism of it or else you will come and criticize the people doing the criticism. Like you and the people holding the same stance as you are doing in this thread right now.

That isn't feminist indoctrination and if you believe that you've got a terribly fragile ego.

And again, the same fucking principle; the creator of The Last Of Us 2 literally says he has an agenda based on Anita Sarkeesian politics, yet there has been months and months of feminist allies such as yourself claiming that I had a fragile ego for believing that the game has such agenda.

I don't know, man (if being called that doesn't offend you) seems to me that the people literally defying reality are the ones with an egotistical problem.

And that's the problem with the people like you: you only accept that SJW indoctrination exists in theory, but it never ever exists in practice. It's always fragile ego misogynists seeing things that aren't there, coincidences and stuff.

It's basically damage control.

There's a reason I can search this site for posts containing "agenda" written by Jon Neu and come back with 8 pages of results.

Only 8?

I'm dissapointed.
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True, honestly this has been a refreshing experience because I dislike one place for being an extreme only to come to another place and get the opposite extreme. MSNBC v. Fox News both suck because they are two extremes. I'm glad to see so many people seeing OP for what it is. But again I don't want to push any angendas because I think for myself, regardless of what the group thinks. I have been mostly responding negatively. I made some poor assumptions about Neogaf. So I'mma fall back from certain commentary for a while.

that said, I think the argument from “realism“ here isnt necessarily misogynistic in a straightforward way. I think some people are like the WWE guy yelling “it’s real to me dammit” because they want to believe ninja masters could exist. the misogynistic assumptions follow on from thinking physical strength is enough of a difference maker to allow people to be total bad asses for real.

some other people want games to be psychologically realistic so much so that they imagine characters in silly genre fiction like Nathan Drake are mass murderers because “realism”
My concern is criticizing an obvious politically charged design decision when I see it. Yours is criticize anybody who criticizes the essjaydubya agenda.
Politically charged design. LMAOO. You have pinhole views just like the OP.

Game designers have the creative freedom to do whatever they want. There’s nothing more realistic about Nathan Drake than what Lara Croft does. Once they add huge tits on a female character, thats when your suspension of disbelief can kick in.

This is what lara should look like.


The habitual white knights are going to claim that you hate/fear womyn if you aren't onboard with third wave feminism and it's application on videogames.

It's the level of discourse they are habituated to. They just strawman a little bit till they finally go batshit crazy and start calling people misogynists, racists, nazis and what not.

The bad thing for them is that this is not ERA, we can call them on their bullshit here without being dogpiled and banned.

It's true, if you aren't are screaming 'women are perfect' from the rooftops then you aren't allowed to say anything about women at all lest you will be accused of misogyny.
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Jon Neu

And I saw anti-SJW extremists on here crying because you could play as Kassandra. Both sides are equally annoying. Don't become what you hate.

Literally workers at Ubisoft are mad because instead of just playing as Kassandra, you could chose to play as Alexios instead.

I mean, this is not rocket science; a lot of people in the industry have SJW ideologies and they try so hard to infuse the videogames with those agendas. Pretending that this is somehow a conspiracy theory means that you haven't seen how any big project works in real life.
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Even women with some muscle don't have the natural bone density to keep up with males, they can train every day but once a women gets hit flush in the face they'll auto crumple to the floor. I was classmates in college with a girl on the soccer team and she tried to play safety in high school she played one game and ended up getting half her body broken on a vicious hit, she quit right after that.
That's factually untrue.


Again, men perform way better than women.
Speed climbing is just one discipline among many, and compared to others it disproportionately relies on explosive strength rather than technique or flexibility. Also, note that I specifically said that even in those other disciplines, women only have an advantage in younger age groups.

I don't really see much of a point in singling out climbing sections as being particularly unrealistic when it comes to female characters in video games. They generally tend to be either so over-the-top that nobody, regardless of gender, would be able to complete them in real life (i.e. Nathan Drake or Lara Croft clambering along collapsing cliff walls while being shot at from multiple directions), or so mundane that nobody with climbing experience would have an issue with them.
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As a Male gamer, who primarily plays as males in games when given a choice...I have no problem playing as a female if that is the only option. In fact, sometimes I will pick a female over a male. I don't understand why people trip about this. If you are that insecure and sexist, you have much bigger issues than video games anyway.


They are videogames, works of fiction ........ who gives a fuck about the reality of things?

If you dont want to play as a woman, dont play the game.

Shit aint that hard ffs.

Or contact game publishers and tell them there isn't enough cock in your games ......... you are thirsty for more cock.


I'm pretty sure at this point OP already get the idea. But at risk of being repititive, how can some try find realistic logic about games where the character tanks bullet shots?

Do people of this generation are that mentally ill to think is pretty normal for a human to go running, taking shots and act as if nothing happened? Twitter, Resetera, cancel culture, this generation is totally lost, really...
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you should suspend your disbelief and shut off all logic when playing a game or watching a movie, that way you can enjoy it for what it is, entertainment.


I'm pretty sure at this point OP already get the idea. But at risk of being repititive, how can some try find realistic logic about games where the character tanks bullet shots?

Do people of generation are that mentally ill to think is pretty normal for a human to go running, taking shots and act as if nothing happened? Twitter, Resetera, cancel culture, this generation is totally lost, really...

OP is probably insecure, afraid of women and only gets his dick wet in the shower.

OP (and others who have this mindset) doesn't really understand the problem very well. Is Nathan Drake killing hundreds of trained mercs in combat by himself more realistic than Lara Croft doing the same? Sure, but the gap of believability between them is tiny compared to the gap of believability between either Nate/Lara VS ANY man or woman in real life doing the same. Nate>Lara>>>>>>>>>>Normal human being.

Actual problem is a game like TLOU2 trying to pass it off as realistic, when really it is a fantasy like any other. It is... dishonest in a way. But so too, aren't macho action heroes? Most normal men, even body builders, don't necessarily have the ability to hear through walls and take on hoards of killer zombies... So really, the best thing for OP to do, for his agenda driven foes as well, is to stop looking for representation. These characters don't represent you. They are fictional freaks of nature, one offs with no equal. It's nice for girls to imagine they're Lara or guys to imagine they're Nate, but at end of day, Lara is not all of women and Nate is not all of men.


you should suspend your disbelief and shut off all logic when playing a game or watching a movie, that way you can enjoy it for what it is, entertainment.

Don't you hate it when people complain about a lack of realism while the movie is playing?

Jon Neu

Or contact game publishers and tell them there isn't enough cock in your games ......... you are thirsty for more cock.

Implying this new beautiful representations of the female population don't have a cock already? What a transphobic argument.



Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Literally workers at Ubisoft are mad because instead of just playing as Kassandra, you could chose to play as Alexios instead.

I mean, this is not rocket science; a lot of people in the industry have SJW ideologies and they try so hard to infuse the videogames with those agendas. Pretending that this is somehow a conspiracy theory means that you haven't seen how any big project works in real life.

The infiltration of SJWs pushing their IdPol propaganda into gaming and every other facet of life is a horrible problem. The outrage mobs and cancel culture permeating twatter and other social media is an even worse problem, but women being as unrealistically overpowered as men in fantasy video games is NOT a problem. People getting upset and outraged about it come off as absurd as the REEtards at the asylum.


Well OP you do have a point, when they look like Lara - im like yeahh no. But when they look like Abbie, shits debatable - her biceps are huge.

But ideally, i still remember its a video game - its not meant to be taken seriously. It's made up to let you as a player enjoy the experience (or frustrate, depends on the game). Ultimately i dont overthink so, like alot of ppl do. If every game was to be 100% accurate, they wouldnt be video games, that'd be life.


Damn what an OP. To think in your head let me make a thread and type this down and press post.

OP if you work with people in your job you should tell your coworker you made a thread today on a gaming forum discussing you don't think it's realistic women characters can beat male characters in videogames. See if your coworker gives you a weird look or fully agrees with you.

Some of y'all in this forum I'm glad I don't know you guys in real life cause damn.


In any piece of fiction, anything should be allowed to be possible.

Usually unrealistic things are the details in game design that make the game fun to play anyway. To say a male character should be able to do unrealistic things better than a female character probably tells you are overthinking and overreacting to whatever gender problems you think the world has.


Politically charged design. LMAOO. You have pinhole views just like the OP.

Game designers have the creative freedom to do whatever they want. There’s nothing more realistic about Nathan Drake than what Lara Croft does. Once they add huge tits on a female character, thats when your suspension of disbelief can kick in.

This is what lara should look like.

She should audition for the next Gears.

Should fit right in.
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It's a silly argument of course, female game protagonists can be just as strong as men. But when a male like myself plays an rpg where I want to be immersed in the characters story and world, it does kind of lose its luster. It doesn't bother me in linear story though because the story was designed for that female character to thrive in, for example HZD, Tomb Raider.

Jon Neu

but women being as unrealistically overpowered as men in fantasy video games is NOT a problem.

It wasn't a problem back there, when the strength of a woman wasn't a political weapon, neither it's gender.

Of course nobody cared back then playing as Chun-Li, Samus, Tifa or any other female character how capable they were, I mean, Tifa was the expert in close combat; have you ever heard someone complain about it? And thats because their capabilities weren't a political stance, like they are now in some games with some female characters.

I mean, nobody cares what virtual strenght some pixels representing a woman in the screen have, the point is how that representation of a gender and it's strength is sometimes used to further a political message.
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Gold Member
Imagine being a girl and just minding your own business in the gym getting your muscles bigger because you find it beautiful just as many men find making their muscles big beautiful as well.

The next thing you know everybody labels you ugly and a monster.

Shits crazy here.


I dont mind at all to be honest. I don't think I've ever seen a male or female protagonist win in a pure test of strength against a significantly larger opponent (ie pushing a knife against their chest while they are holding it back). Whenever a physically weaker protagonist wins a fight against their opponent it's usually always by using superior weaponry, tactics, techniques, or sheer luck.
Gender is irrelevant. Experience, training, equipment...these are the things that make for an effective combatant.

...she's probably like, 200% better in fight than the majority of the folks on this forum. Conservatively.

Cassandra, Ellie and Aloy don't look like this at all. Abby is the only realistic female game character ever - and I prefer looking at the others.

but then again, Cloud never needed muscles nor a square jawline


why do games need to be ultra realistic. In horizon you cant fucking put all your gear in the little pockets you cary. Thats not realistic. Death Stranding made a realstic version of that where you see how much boxes you actually need to cary everything and you all fucking hated it. So games dont need to be ultra realistic.
Imagine being a girl and just minding your own business in the gym getting your muscles bigger because you find it beautiful just as many men find making their muscles big beautiful as well.

The next thing you know everybody labels you ugly and a monster.

Shits crazy here.
I’m sorry but females should be feminine and males should be masculine. Guess I’m just bigoted like that 🤷🏻‍♂️
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