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Worst E3 In Recent Memory?


The problem is that some of these companies aren't big enough to warrant a show on their own.

Capcom, EA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, etc. should just stop and show their games with one of the big three. Thank God Microsoft bought Zenimax because I don't think I could've stomached another one of their horrible presentations on their own.
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E3 doesn't make any sense in 2021. Why fight for people/media's attention in 2-3 days of madness when you can broadcast your own event online anytime? The problem is with companies that insist on supporting this event and make false promises to their fans.

Sony won this E3 by not taking part in it.




Gold Member
It hasn't really felt like an "E3" at all to me, but more like just a few separate game presentation streams that happened to take place around the same time.

I hope it's back in full force next year, it's just much more fun with the showfloor stuff and proper press conferences in front of real audiences.

Nintendo's Treehouse showfloor streams have been my favorite thing in recent years (the one with BotW was legendary). I guess they're doing one this year too, for a few hours, so I'll look forward to that at least.
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What is E3 anymore? I don't even know when it actually starts no thanks to publishers releasing their own "E3" presentation at different date and time.

It used to be E3 had a specific time and date where we all can watch together and be dazzled by the new game reveals all at the same time.


The problem is that some of these companies aren't big enough to warrant a show on their own.

Capcom, EA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, etc. should just stop and show their games with one of the big three. Thank God Microsoft bought Zenimax because I don't think I could've stomached another one of their horrible presentations on their own.

The problem is Sony no longer seems to make big conferences often, Nintendo is limited by their hardware so there's a ton of third party games they don't get, and MS try to focus their conferences on Gamepass now and seem to want to keep non gamapass games to a minimum,

Maybe some of these Japanese devs should just try and band together and make some sort of "games from Japan show" or something. With Capcom, Square, Bandai Namco and Sega.


The problem is Sony no longer seems to make big conferences often, Nintendo is limited by their hardware so there's a ton of third party games they don't get, and MS try to focus their conferences on Gamepass now and seem to want to keep non gamapass games to a minimum,

Maybe some of these Japanese devs should just try and band together and make some sort of "games from Japan show" or something. With Capcom, Square, Bandai Namco and Sega.
They do Tokyo Game Show.
2021 E3, and it could go even worse. It's not done yet!

On the plus side, I'll save a lot of money next year... for Apple products! M1X at the end of the year or M2 next year? Mac mini M1X or M2? Or a full Mac Pro? And people were laughing at Apple: you have no games! That was before E3 2021! I know, it sucks. 🤡 I know I'm trolling but that what the big devs have been doing this year. You know it's like when you're on grinder, the guy looks great and then you meet him... and, yep, he's a master at photoshop... 🤡

Let's have fun, it's E3 babies! We need ultra big boobs and muscled dudes!
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Neo Member
Because of COVID, we can’t have a real E3. Meanwhile a lot of games got delayed because of its impact. So it’s understandable why we don’t get as many news as normal E3.


I think it's the worst E3 I remember. Ok the announcement/MGS tease from Kojima, Battlefield, Elder Ring gameplay, Guardians of the Galaxy from Square and great Horizon 5 gameplay. Other than that, regarding game announcements we 3 or 4 CGs/'in-engine' videos from MS, a few pixel art games looking good (Demon Throttle, Replaced, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising) and the rest was crap at Square, nothing at Capcom and a Rabbids XCOM sequel that will sell because it has a Switch game with an Italian plumber on the cover.

Any AAA next-gen only game announced?
I cannot think of any, maybe avatar?
Avatar was already announced years ago, this time just we got a cg/'in-engine' video to let us know they didn't can the game.
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Linux User
E3 lost it's purpose a long time ago, shows like this were indended to get retailers to order the hottest new games when they were on physical media in time for the holidays. Now it just exists to make money for the organizers and (Supposedly) for each of the publishers to measure dick length. People that go on the business side like myself know this and just went for the company paid jolly where you expense your company as much food and drink as possible while finding creative ways to expense strippers and hookers.

At least CES has new hardware and tech every year and is in Vegas. E3 can be done at any time with a well produced show reel released when it's not competing with every other publisher for attention in the same week.

Back when I started gaming what you saw at E3 was something you would get to play next year. That's what made it exciting for me. It was like one of those giant toy catalogues. A lot of the games back then were even playable in the floor booths.

Nowadays games get announced at E3 that nobody knows will come out in what year let alone month.


They do Tokyo Game Show.

But TGS is usually aimed at the Japanese market and audience, and it's mostly just a bunch of small presentations or Devs dropping a new trailer. And it's, in general, just not too relevant. You rarely see a big Japanese dev making a big game announcement at TGS

I'm talking more like a 40-90 minutes E3 conference aimed at the western market where they have announcements and new trailers/updates.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I though MS's showing was pretty solid. It got me excited for a few games. STALKER 2 looked way better than expected.

Nintendo is gonna let a lot of people down. It's not going to be the games they are expecting or asking for.

But I can't give a final score until we see what Sony has.


E3 should just setup a Youtube channel. If they can get 10 million subscribers, that might be worth more than they used to make on the traditional show lol


Gold Member
Back when I started gaming what you saw at E3 was something you would get to play next year. That's what made it exciting for me. It was like one of those giant toy catalogues. A lot of the games back then were even playable in the floor booths.

Nowadays games get announced at E3 that nobody knows will come out in what year let alone month.

It was good when it was just trade, you'd get good swag as well. Then they let in anyone with a gaming blog or youtube channel in as "Press" then opened it up to the public. It went to shit then. Banning booth babes was a crime!


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
There has been next to nothing to really be excited about. Take 2's conference is the crowning turd on this shit cake.
I can’t think of an E3 that’s had so little decent games Square-Enix brought us chaos, TakeTwo brought a podcast about Diversity seriously what is going on? Is it just me or is this the worst E3 in recent memory.

Hopefully Nintendo brings the pain tomorrow I could do with seeing some actual games this week, and also small shout out to Microsoft FairPlay to them tbh they’ve had the best showing so far.
This is definitely the most boring one I've ever seen. No question there.


Though technically not an E3, this is still better than last year.

Otherwise yeah, seems like Microsoft is the only one that came to play. For everyone else it's hard to wonder why they even bothered with presentations.

Hopefully Nintendo has some nice stuff to show.


My hopes were not high to begin with, yet I'm still disappointed. No Fable, Blue Protocol, Granblue Fantasy Relink, or FFXVI. Babylon's Fall might have some hope, but that trailer was so horrendous. And what the hell was that Team Ninja monstrosity? It looked like a dollar store DMC.

E3 is over. Tomorrow we'll see some botw2, and that's it. Oh well, hopefully Sony holds a conference soon and embarrasses all these fools.


Gold Member
It's been a good E3. Now if only Sony would show up, it would be better. Here's some dreadful E3s.

1. The E3 a few years ago with the Sony flute guy

2. The Wii E3 (10 years ago?) with the retarded looking drummer guy on drugs

3. Some reason it sticks out so I'll go with it. The E3 (maybe 2013 or 2014) where UBI announced The Division for the first time and they did one of their usual fake MP chat with actors reading scripted segments
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3. Some reason it sticks out so I'll go with it. The E3 (maybe 2013 or 2014) where UBI announced The Division for the first time and they did one of their usual fake MP chat with actors reading scripted segments
Seemed like there was a little while there where everybody was doing presentations with fake ass scripted multiplayer chat that was uber-cringe. Man it was uncomfortable
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Most of the companies have been doing smaller shows all year so E3 is somewhat not as exciting I mean you can't expect companies to be cutting trailers every 3 months.


This year was a big caca. honestly, these two years have been. I had more joy in the toilet with the runs with a broken ac than watching e3.
The worst is how fucking corporate gaming gotten.

The cringe is not even the same anymore because it's just cringe with no laughs to be had this year.

At least last year we had Craig to laugh over the pain of how B-tier last year was overall.

This year was just a bunch of people filming at their homes and delivering their lines like a wet blanket with zero games to show for.

The best games being showcased that I can think of are indie games.

Think about that.
The problem is games take too long to develop and e3 is a yearly thing. A company could tease a game 5 years out but people expect to see something about it next year and the year after.

With longer developments cycles you are going to have e3's that fucking suck. Its just your going to see more of them.


Maybe I'm old and this is what the younger generation wants (I've never heard a zoomer get excited about Avatar though, lol) but yeah, this has been the worst E3 I can remember.

Zoomers don't follow gaming news or media, they just play Fortnite or whatever singular F2P Live Service game they invest their ever waking moment into with an OCD like tunnel vision focus. So yeah, no E3 actually is what the younger generation wants and the companies pulling out are a reaction to that. Zoomer's gaming news is whatever has the most influencers playing it on Twitch.
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Gosh I hope it comes back someday. Everyone dropping bombs on one day was awesome. I mean the same games are coming out and the trailers are more of a consistent trickle so there's that. Still prefer e3 of old.


The old live shows were also pretty terrible/inconsistent, but at least there was enough good stuff sprinkled in to get excited about. E3 used to feel a bit like gamer Christmas. Not every present is gonna be a winner but damn it was fun opening them. So much fun and energy around the event. Now it's like a sad clown show at an unpopular kid's birthday party.

It's devolved into a horrible 3 day exercise in cringy marketing mishaps. Gamers who want to see the next big thing are forced to suffer though a bunch of prerecorded videos of sad pandering Nickelodeon style hosts who are in-turn surrounded by an even worse layer of self important streamer jack asses masquerading as professional commentators. It's really too much for me.

The E3 days of old are gone and I'm no longer the target demographic of this show. Next year I'll wait until it's all done and catch a highlight real, something that lets me more quickly skim through the ashes.

Also hey Nintendo- could you please come in tomorrow and show these clowns how it's done with some AAA Metroid and Zelda action.


Missed E3 Colliseum... Geoff did a Summer Game Crapfest instead :/ (but he tried I can tell)
E3 had no clue at all how to make the show good, Microsoft surprisingly did a FANTASTIC conference after 10 years + missing it. Still every other one was a disaster... liked the format of Future Show and the hosts of course...
But today will be remembered as the worst ever for E3. This day 3 had nothing to do with gaming, verizon talking 5G... diversity by T2 and... CAPCOM had games, just a recap of everything we knew... I mean... what?
Stop making this for the stock holders!!
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E3 has been pretty lackluster after the traditional experience we all knew died, but even saying that, this E3 has been one of the most underwhelming that I can recall.
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