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Zelda has slipped to 2006


segarr said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


The Experiment said:
Nintendo probably wanted a final killer app for GC since we probably won't get Mario Kart GP for the Cube.
Speaking of which, any release date for the arcade version?
And what's the release date for the new Kirby game?
Maybe Nintendo will "make up" for the delay by a surprise release of one of them.
I'm also looking forward to some kind of demo/preorder bonus this holiday season to remind the consumers of Zelda... but I hope it won't be some kind of GT4 deal, where you have to pay to get a light version of a game you buy anyway.
So what's everyone getting now instead once they get a refund on their Zelda pre-orders? I'm just happy as shit I don't have to get this in November now, so I can fully enjoy my brand spankin' new 360 without any interruptions :)


SolidSnakex said:
With this gen you still had blurry textures, mediocre animation, blocky models, bad framerates ect. Till we get to there we aren't really at the point where alot of games in a generation can hold up well when the next gen comes around.
With the increase in resolution due to HDTV, I guess we'll have to deal with them for another generation...

@the whole "delaying a game means it will come out great/bad" discussion:
With Super Mario 64 and Daikatana, there's an an argument that can't be won by any side. :D
But at least there's enough room to throw in some DNF jokes and Drinky Crow quotes (believe :().

BTW, let me quickly trademark these two phrases:
Thank you.


Oblivion said:
Good god, this makes me a sad panda.

that was a funny episode. :)

for us it sucks cuz we have to wait longer.

for nintendo it really sucks because they will prob not get game of the year any more for it or nearly as many sales due to not being in the Holiday season any more.


SolidSnakex said:
Some games from this gen will hold up just like from last gen. But if the next gen games are done corrently, then no matter how great some games looked they aren't going to hold up well compared to next gen games. There were still alot of problems with this gen, like there were last gen. With this gen you still had blurry textures, mediocre animation, blocky models, bad framerates ect. Till we get to there we aren't really at the point where alot of games in a generation can hold up well when the next gen comes around.

I don't want to get into a major debate on this because obviously it will be a matter of opinion and what matters to you... but the big difference is... This gen, what you see looks like what it's supposed to look like... it's not just a few blocks put together to resemble something. if they put a refrigerator in a game, it looks like a refrigerator. You don't have to squint your eyes and wonder what they were trying to represent. That aspect alone is a giant hurdle and that is why people are being disapointed in some next gen games. Once you reach the level where you don't have to use vast stores of imagination just to understand whats going on, everything after that is going to be more incremental.


Gold Member
damn Matt C if he has a finger in this, and his constant bitching about about the lack of voice acting in zelda :(


What's everyone being so negative? I can wait a little longer, I don't even have Cube yet. At least they're not afraid of delaying. This means that... Aounuma, Miyamoto and everyone on the team is doing their absolute best. Which means that this game is not going to be awesome, but fucking amazing. Please, please, please surpass Ocarina of Time. :D I'm much more confident now!!!!

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
idiots, thwy shouuld just scrap it and ahve it be a revolution launch title. Here I was getting used to nintendo releasing games on time. Silly me.
yeah, it really won't be surprising to learn its been delayed indefinately to become a revolution launch title. of course, nintendo wouldnt just come out and say that at this point..

and actually, that would be smart.


Hmm, I can't say i'm dissappointed by this. I felt that new Zelda was rushed. By that, I mean that they announced it out of nowhere last year and it it's coming out this year.. that seemed to sudden for a game of Zelda's calibur. I want this game to rock hard so extra time is welcomed. My only complaint is, what the fuck am i going to do with my gamecube for the rest of the year? The only game I bought this year was Resident Evil 4 in January and I had nothing else that I wanted besides Zelda. Ah well, I'd rather they just put this off for the Revolution, the Gamecube is all but dead.

P.S I'm surprised Nintendo told us the truth. I was expecting something to the extent of "There are too many games to buy this year for the Gamecube so we pushed Zelda to next year to let people buy more of our blockbuster hits like Geist".


Acrylamid said:
woops, yeah that was Mario Party 7, not 6, but I just realized I forgot one, Wars on GCN...

that makes the lineup for this fall:

Mario Baseball
Mario Strikers
Mario DDR
Mario Party 7
Fire Emblem
Pokemon XD
Battalion Wars

there is always the 1% chance that Baseball game will make it out, though my guess is Nintendo is waiting for the new season to release one sometime in 2006 to help fill out the Gamecube lineup then...


What they need to do now is give away the E3 demo or something at least similar as a Nintendo giveaway thing on their website.

They did it with Metroid Prime 2 (BARF), they can MOST CERTAINLY fucking do it with this.
Krowley said:
That aspect alone is a giant hurdle and that is why people are being disapointed in some next gen games. Once you reach the level where you don't have to use vast stores of imagination just to understand whats going on, everything after that is going to be more incremental.

It's a giant hurdle, but consider that last gen we went from sprites where they barely represented their art to models which might not be as detailed but looked more like their art, that was a big hurdle too. This gen we got closer to that. But there are still many problems. Alot of people consider RE4 to be the best looking game this gen, but if you look at it and then look at RE4's high res pics, RE4 looks bad. You see all the flaws it has, the bad texturing (which looks amazingly bad when viewed alongside RE4), Leons model not being so good ect. That's not really a knock on RE4 though, because that's what next gen should do because this gen was still very flawed, but in different ways from last gen.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
koam said:
I felt that new Zelda was rushed. By that, I mean that they announced it out of nowhere last year and it it's coming out this year.. that seemed to sudden for a game of Zelda's calibur.

Rushed? It would have been in development 3 years even if it had made it this year, it could well be 3 1/2 now. Majora's Mask was made in 1 1/2 years, Wind Waker was made in 2 3/4 years and...well, I'm not sure how long OoT was in development as it wasn't right after a predecessor, but it was first shown in VERY early form...


3 years before it was released, so Twilight Princess has been in development for PLENTY of time for a Zelda title (or any title).

Zelda's calibur.

Damn you to hell, Soul Calibur!


Seems like another nail in the coffin for Nintendo to me on the home console front. They now have no major release for the holiday and nothing to compete with Sony and Microsoft this christmas. Their already dwindling mindshare will become almost nonexistant after the launch of the 360. I guess this is what happens when you try to develop for and support 4 systems at once. At least the game will be better for it if anyone cares in the spring of 06.


Havent read the rest of the thread but I have this to say:

Thank God.

Thank you miyamoto or whoever it is that's pushing the release back on this. I felt as well that December 2005 would be to early to release something as precious as Zelda. If you need to take until December 2006 so be it -- but just get it into our hands before 2007 and I'll be one happy consumer.

You can't rush perfection. =/

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm going to slap the next person to say they thought 3 years would have been rushed. Slap them with a knife.
I've recently been suspicious that this would actually come out November... There was no pre-order incentive yet. Like OoT's gold cartridge, Wind Waker's OoT Master Quest disk, and I think Majora Mask had a holographic cartridge. It seemed odd that Nintendo didn't have anything for TP.

We previously haven't seen very much of a variety of environments even though the game was said to be so huge. I'm glad this new batch of screens shows snow and underwater environments.
While business wise, it may not be the smartest decision, if it makes it a better game I'm for it. I'll get it no matter when it comes out. But the delay is a bit disapointing.


One other thing I'd like to put forward is, does this not worrying shake the foundations of belief in the Revolution?

With the Revolution currently set to have less 3rd party support than ever before, Nintendo 1st Party titles will be crucial. So here we have Nintendo's main console game offensive, which is the focus of their best development team with essentially the 2 creative 'heads' behind it, and here it gets delayed back by about half a year, missing a christmas sales deadline and leaving the release charts void of any killer app.

Taking this into account, the Revolution launch titles are in severe question due to Nintendo returning to their delaying ways. I believe the console will now be delayed to Autumn 2006 at the earliest, if Nintendo is utilising Zelda to keep the Gamecube on life support until Spring.


AAAAAAARGH.................. i must break something


ok yes, it incredibly sucks that we won't be getting Zelda until 2006.

However, I would take 2 or 3 more extra dungeons over the lackluster dungeon total of Wind Waker ANY DAY. So this is good news.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Azelover said:
I don't think any of what you said makes sense really. They've delayed Majora's Mask to go against the launch of the PS2, OoT launched against DC in Japan and so on. I don't think the delay has anything to do with business, but rather how high profile they wanted the game to be.

Honestly the development of TP appeared to be rather smooth and there is no sign of problems with development, so I think it's probably only going to go up from there.

That's where I disagree.

Nintendo, no matter any way you wanna slice it, is a company.

A business company.

Every decision they make is with this in mind, to maximize profit, minimize loss.
They are a tight, tight bottom line company.
They've only had ONE quarter in the red in their entire existance.

Iwata himself is a numbers man, a cruncher.

This was done with profit in mind, in some level.
Not for 'creativity' or 'innovation'

Someone, somewhere, at Nintendo thought this was the best move to make the most money.

And we can sit here and debate it till our eyes turn blue (which I'm sure we will, haha) but that, really, is their main motivation.


Well this sucks. =\

For the rest of 2005 I'm only looking forward to Shadow Of The Colossus now. More time for my back log I guess.

I just hope that maybe nintendo's weak fall will push them into revealing more (or any...) revolution info.


Damn. I was really looking forward to Zelda. However, if it only makes the game better, then I can wait. :|

demi said:
What they need to do now is give away the E3 demo or something at least similar as a Nintendo giveaway thing on their website.

They did it with Metroid Prime 2 (BARF), they can MOST CERTAINLY fucking do it with this.
Capcom did it with RE4 too. I like this idea very much.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Luckett_X said:
So here we have Nintendo's main console game offensive, which is the focus of their best development team with essentially the 2 creative 'heads' behind it

Aonuma is the creative "head"...of Zelda. Only Zelda. And Miyamoto is behind every EAD game. The idea that they've brought in the "heads" and still can't get the game ready in time doesn't hold, Aonuma is there for every Zelda game, Miyamoto is there for every EAD game.

Taking this into account, the Revolution launch titles are in severe question due to Nintendo returning to their delaying ways.

Didn't you just claim the delay might be due to them working on Revolution software?!

I believe the console will now be delayed to Autumn 2006 at the earliest, if Nintendo is utilising Zelda to keep the Gamecube on life support until Spring.

You can't delay a console without a release date.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
John Harker said:
That's where I disagree.

Nintendo, no matter any way you wanna slice it, is a company.

A business company.

Every decision they make is with this in mind, to maximize profit, minimize loss.
They are a tight, tight bottom line company.
They've only had ONE quarter in the red in their entire existance.

Iwata himself is a numbers man, a cruncher.

This was done with profit in mind, in some level.
Not for 'creativity' or 'innovation'

Someone, somewhere, at Nintendo thought this was the best move to make the most money.

And we can sit here and debate it till our eyes turn blue (which I'm sure we will, haha) but that, really, is their main motivation.

That's very cynical. I don't for a second believe every decision Nintendo has ever made is to maximise profit.
I can't imagine the console market without Nintendo like these couple months,
just feel so boring, PS3+XB360 just give us powerful machines to create beautiful scenes,
but it just like that, nothing more.

Now here comes another bad news(maybe good for Zelda, no more less stages like WW),
I really need some Rev news to milk my mind....


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Again, I don't think this decision is very business oriented. Honestly.

They're actually sacrificing a lot business wise to make this move, from a business perspective it's an awful choice but they're doing it for the credibility of the franchise. Believe me, they would make a lot more money if they just went through with the original plan.


Can we actually talk about the pictures? The pic with the town full of people is amazing. This is a first in a Zelda with that many people populating a town like that. I especially love the lighting, too.
AssMan said:
Can we actually talk about the pictures? The pic with the town full of people is amazing. This is a first in a Zelda with that many people populating a town like that. I especially love the lighting, too.

That it is, all the screens are. It looks to me that Nintendo is aiming to make Twilight Princess even more epic feeling that OoT and I think they're going to pull it off.


They knew 360 is coming out, they made the right desicion. I was going to miss out on TP due to all my money going towards 360 games and accesories. I'll now be able to buy it when its released in 2006

Edit: Oh shit now its going to be released near PS3 launch. Oh dear, no buy


Gold Member
Musashi Wins! said:
So it's coming out around the PS3?

Goodbye my GameCube, the DS has supplanted you in my home.

Maybe even coming around Revolution launch...There is absolutley nothing for the GC for me right now as I have played japanese fire emblem also :(

my DS will get love though.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You guys...you guys do realise you can still buy games after they're released right? I mean...ermm....you don't have to buy them when they first come out if there's a lot of other stuff.
Mama Smurf said:
You guys...you guys do realise you can still buy games after they're released right? I mean...ermm....you don't have to buy them when they first come out if there's a lot of other stuff.
Also realize that games will be overlooked for all the 360baby hype for the fall/winter, and the PS3 in 2006. Sure Zelda's a huge franchise but a new system coming out just crushes a portion of sales for these games



I'm very very sad. ):


Granted if it were to turn into FFXII in terms of delays, I'd be worried, but come on now, chill out.

You know they must have ideas to implement/things to fix if they're going to delay it past Christmas.

Still some nice games coming out like Fire Emblem, Mario Strikers, Odama, Mario Baseball, and Batallion Wars. So whatever.


segarr said:

:lol :lol :lol Best Photoshop evar.

Gotta love how people are trying to spin this for Nintendo. Better game? Man, Gamecube is going to get owned this holiday season. I don't think another price drop can even save them. It didn't the last one.
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