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Zelda has slipped to 2006


This is sad… Zelda was going to be the first Gemcube game I bought this year… and my last.
0 Gamecube games in 2005… wow

I might consider Pokemon:XD, but it depends on if NoE adds Mew or Deoxys as a special unlock.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
jenov4 said:
Gotta love how people are trying to spin this for Nintendo. Better game? Man, Gamecube is going to get owned this holiday season. I don't think another price drop can even save them. It didn't the last one.

...yeah, better game. How is that spin? You don't think we'll get a better game with 5 or 6 months more development?

You did group that statement together with sales talk though. So maybe you meant spinning it that people who are talking about the game being better think that'll help sales. I dunno, it's a big thread so some people might have been saying that, but it seemed to me people were either talking about how it'll sell worst now and the GC is fucked this holiday, or how they're happy that the game will be better, but know it'll hurt sales.

Oh, and I shouldn't forget the conspiracy theorists. They're here too.

EDIT: See!



Queen of Denmark
You can put me in the "disappointed but understanding" category. I sure as hell don't want another Wind Waker.

And anyone who is now not going to play the game at all is just being fucking retarded.


human5892 said:
You can put me in the "disappointed but understanding" category. I sure as hell don't want another Wind Waker.

And anyone who is now not going to play the game at all is just being fucking retarded.

I'll rent it. If I'm still playing it at the end of the rental period, I'll buy it - used at Gamecrazy.

Looks like King Kong for me this holiday (and Chibi-Robo, if that actually comes to the US this year).

I don't buy that it's moving to Revolution, but this definitely at least closes the door on GC's coffin, even if it hasn't quite been nailed shut yet.


hyperbolically metafictive
if they move it to the revolution -- which i doubt they will -- nintendo can get bent. i'll be that much less inclined to buy their poxy new console if they steal from gamecube's meager library to stock it.


drohne said:
if they move it to the revolution -- which i doubt they will -- nintendo can get bent. i'll be that much less inclined to buy their poxy new console if they steal from gamecube's meager library to stock it.
They don't need to move anything on Gamecube to Rev since it is backwards compatible.
Hell, it could even be a launch title if they delay it some more :p


It sucks, but I´m agree that only can mean a better and more complete game. I will always respect any company that impose the final quality of a title over the potential sales of christmas quarter.
Nintendo is expected to reveal more info on Revolution pretty damn soon, so i guess if it's heading to Rev we'll find out then.

but i doubt it will be.


I would bang a hot farmer!
JC10001 said:
Well I guess that seals the deal. RE4 = your 2005 GOTY folks.

As far as pushing GC sales this holiday is concerned.... I smell a price cut. Its been 2 years since the last one and if you ask me all of these bundles are a clear sign that one is coming. If they drop the price down to $79.99 (AND bundle SSBM or WW for the holidays) the system will fly of the shelves. People forget that last year during the holidays the GC did pretty well. It ended up selling a lot better than anyone thought it would.

I'm thinking a price cut this September/October will help them get them through the 4th quarter and partially through the 1st quarter of 2006 and then they will try to sustain any kind of momentum they may have built with Zelda.

This goes back to what Iwata said at E3. I think they are seriously going to try to keep the GC around for a while still. They want to make it a budget console like the PSOne. This delay will help them do that.
A special gold Zelda-edition GCN (with a Triforce on the top) along with TWW and a playable TP demo would be great this Christmas.


Interesting news to wake up to...

I guess this guarantees that Revolution will come Fall 2006 at the earliest, but probably sometime in 2007.

The later release date also means that the game won't make as abig an impact rewardswise (going up against 2nd gen Xbox 360 titles and first gen PS3 titles, instead of just first gen X360 titles).

I'm thinking they should release this on Revolution too at this point, with added features/graphics, so that the game can make the biggest splash possible.


Driv3er anyone? I don't know about you guys but I for one don't wanna see the most promising Zelda title since OoT get slaughtered the same way because of a far too optimistic release date. This is a good thing if you like the Zelda games, Twilight Princess is already a great game judging by the previews and now the developer can make the game even better. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait if N is confident enough to put it up against the PS3.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Rindain said:
I guess this guarantees that Revolution will come Fall 2006 at the earliest, but probably sometime in 2007.

Probably? Jesus.

Look, looking at the idea that it might have been delayed to fill a gap as Revolution is coming later than planned is reasonable. But Zelda being delayed to some time post-March 2006 somehow meaning Revolution will probably launch sometime in 2007 is ridiculous.
Well shit. I am all for delaying a game to make sure it is as polished as possible, but this just makes me sad. No Zelda for Christmas this year then.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Add me to the list of people who wouldn't mind seeing this game moved to Revolution (provided they can significantly adjust the graphics so that we don't end up with another Eternal Darkness type of situation).

Mario 128, SSB3, and Zelda on Revolution in 2006 would be A-OK with me.


How long would it take to move a game like Zelda from GCN to a next-gen console like Revolution? Even if all the content is done don't they have to re-program everything to take advantage of whatever revolution offers?
Every decision they make is with this in mind, to maximize profit, minimize loss.

Every decision? I sincerely doubt that.

Iwata himself is a numbers man, a cruncher.

Uh, he used to design games at HAL, and as of late, he had more than a hand in the making of Another Code DS, if I'm not mistaken...

Someone, somewhere, at Nintendo thought this was the best move to make the most money.

And we can sit here and debate it till our eyes turn blue (which I'm sure we will, haha) but that, really, is their main motivation.

Yes, I'd agree that that seems likely, however, missing out on the holiday season doesn't seem like a move to win more money. But of course, that's highly subjective.

And you have to admit, most publishers get their devs to push out their games ASAP.

I think Nintendo is merely giving it a good bit more than a spit polish to provide the best game they can make, and have it not turn out fairly inadequate in parts as Wind Waker did.

As someone else already mentioned: +1 Quality, -1 Money.

Although disappointed at not getting it this year, if it means a better game, I'm all for it...


Gold Member
Chrono said:
How long would it take to move a game like Zelda from GCN to a next-gen console like Revolution? Even if all the content is done don't they have to re-program everything to take advantage fo whatever revolution offers?

with move it's probably just close at Revolution launch...it will be playable on 2 systems.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:

marketshare-age indeed
Well, I'd rather have a better game as well...but you can't deny that delays are disappointing.
why would the delay affect Revolution's launch? don't get me wrong, it's an important title, but i don't think Nintendo is planning it's console schedule around one Gamecube game.

infact, releasing the game closer to Rev's launch only gives people more incentive to pick up the new console. i think Zelda can affect Revolution sales more than it can Gamecube sales, since the GC is kind of a lost cause.


hyperbolically metafictive
if nintendo's most valuable asset as a vendor of games and hardware is a reputation for games of exceptional quality -- a reputation now in need of confirmation -- then a flawed twilight princess would do them more harm than a late twilight princess. the profit motive and the creative motive may in this case agree.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
JC10001 said:
Add me to the list of people who wouldn't mind seeing this game moved to Revolution (provided they can significantly adjust the graphics so that we don't end up with another Eternal Darkness type of situation).

Mario 128, SSB3, and Zelda on Revolution in 2006 would be A-OK with me.

I'm going to ignore that ED comment as if you're suggesting it looked like an N64 game or not good enough for a GC game...no, I said I'd ignore it.

I also wouldn't mind, though I'd prefer it to just come out on the GC.

I'm not sure moving Zelda over to the Revolution would allow it to be ready for 2006 anyway. Eternal Darkness took like a year and a half to move from the N64 to the GC, and SFA was even worse.

I don't see much point in trying to make 2006 anyway. Mario, SSB and Metroid are likely to be ready next year, along with whatever else Nintendo have cooking, let them bring Zelda out with the second wave, whether it be a new game or the GC port.

Can't see it happening though.


Gold Member
the delay is disappointing, I have been pumped for it for such a long time. But if it means a better game, then it's all good.


Luckett_X said:
So... Shadow of the Colossus and Okami are going to launch before Zelda. Maybe Nintendo wanted to see how to really do a wolf-based action title before committing to release, and a game with massive scaleable bosses?


I'd rather they dropped the utterly fucking awful out-of-place wolf sections from Zelda and still launched this year. I just know when I am playing them I will not be able to stop thinking "totally gimped from Okami and not as good". A Zelda without a gimmick! Imagine it.
:lol :lol :lol

No, wait, you're serious.

A question, though (and no, I don't mean to troll): are there any AAA (sales-wise) exclusives on any of the consoles left this year? Assuming KHII slips into 2006, that is.


I wasnt going to buy it this year anyway (I want to pass uni this time!) so I aint too bothered. Sux for the rest of u though :)


I can wait. It'd be great if the game was far enough along to release in 2005, but apparently it isn't. Better to finish the game properly than to rush and add Triforce Treasure Hunt part 2.


Steroid Distributor
maybe they are putting grass into the game. :D

But seriously this is really really sad. If it makes the game better than of course I'm happy they are gonna take the time needed to get the game done the way they want.
But now I wont have to worry about anything getting in the way of the Xbox360.
FoneBone said:
:lol :lol :lol

No, wait, you're serious.

A question, though (and no, I don't mean to troll): are there any AAA (sales-wise) exclusives on any of the consoles left this year? Assuming KHII slips into 2006, that is.

same here, I was hoping KH2 would out this year but considering how square-enix usa works it'll be out by march or april. I guess the only game I'll get this year is Shadow of the Colossus, Sly 3 and 4-5 games on the DS....


Queen of Denmark
drohne said:
if nintendo's most valuable asset as a vendor of games and hardware is a reputation for games of exceptional quality -- a reputation now in need of confirmation -- then a flawed twilight princess would do them more harm than a late twilight princess. the profit motive and the creative motive may in this case agree.
Very true. I don't think anyone could argue that Nintendo's pristine reputation has been called into question this generation...on the GameCube, at least. A nice re-affirming Zelda could be just what the doctor ordered.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Mama Smurf said:
I'm going to ignore that ED comment as if you're suggesting it looked like an N64 game or not good enough for a GC game...no, I said I'd ignore it.

I'm not sure moving Zelda over to the Revolution would allow it to be ready for 2006 anyway. Eternal Darkness took like a year and a half to move from the N64 to the GC, and SFA was even worse.

IMO, ED looked better than an N64 game but it still could have used more time in the oven. The character models definitely could have looked better. There were times where you could tell it used to be an N64 game. Ideally, if they moved Zelda to Rev it would be like SFA. SFA really managed to take advantage of the hardware.

I'm not so sure that delaying it to Rev and updating the graphics would take nearly as long as ED or SFA either. Going from N64->Gamecube was a big change in architecture but according to every piece of info we've been given about the Rev it is basically a Super Gamecube. The tools are the same (or similar) and everything so it might be a relatively easy transition to make. Given those circumstances I think a December 2006 release on Rev isn't completely out of the question if they decided they were going to move it today. That would give them 14-15 months of dev time and a month for testing. But I forgot about Metroid so I agree with you that they should maybe release it in March 2007 if they are indeed planning to switch platforms.


"But Zelda being delayed to some time post-March 2006 somehow meaning Revolution will probably launch sometime in 2007 is ridiculous."

If Revolution releases in 2006, I would expect TP to be a launch title. What would be the reason for Nintendo to put the game out on Gamecube only mere months from the Rev's launch?

My bet: Zelda releases for Cube Summer 2006, and for Rev November 2006 with graphical upgrades.

However, I still think it's almost as likely that Rev releases 1st quarter 2007. In this case, Zelda will probably be just for the Cube--unless of course Nintendo delays it again to make it a Rev exclusive.
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