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Starfield in the polish/optimization stage of development


No, i've already said this. The majority of maryland are not needed for engine upgrades. This is what preproduction is for. Same thing they did when moving from Fallout 3 to Skyrim.
When do you think, the production of playable state for Starfield started?

Because in 2018, Tod himself clearly stated, that they had playable version.
Fiddeling those knobs to get it running on XSS...
God damn ems memory


What do you think a playable version means?

First playable[edit]​

The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets,[154] this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements.[155] It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production.[156] Alpha and first playable are sometimes used to refer to a single milestone, however large projects require first playable before feature complete alpha.[155] First playable occurs 12 to 18 months before code release. It is sometimes referred to as the "Pre-Alpha" stage.[158]


See also: Alpha release
Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[158] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[159] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[158] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[159] Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[157]


First playable[edit]​

The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets,[154] this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements.[155] It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production.[156] Alpha and first playable are sometimes used to refer to a single milestone, however large projects require first playable before feature complete alpha.[155] First playable occurs 12 to 18 months before code release. It is sometimes referred to as the "Pre-Alpha" stage.[158]


See also: Alpha release
Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[158] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[159] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[158] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[159] Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[157]

I wasn't asking for a wiki link i was asking you, but we'll go with that

Do you think it makes sense for most of maryland to have worked on Starfield since 2015 and only have a prototype with representitive gameplay three years later?
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Cyberpunk entered polishing phase in 2018. It was said you could play it from start to finish.
Cyberpunk had a playable state from as far back as 2013. Playable state means nothing in terms of actual polish especially in the case of Bethesda.

People should put their expectations in check in terms of how polished the game would be. I don’t trust Bethesda at all in that sense but I trust the modders to do the work.

Bethesda fans like me buy their games knowing it will be littered with bugs and it should be no different if you even remotely plan to buy their games in the future. It’s a feature.


And you think it makes sense for most of maryland to have worked on Starfield since 2015 and only have a prototype with representitive gameplay three years later?
New IP isnt just using past assets. You work on ideas, art. That process alone takes 6 months-2 years, before starting the code. Then you have the code for the playable version.

After fallout 4, bethesda maryland worked on Skyrim special edition. Started the creation engine 2, had the work for starfield, and fallout 76, with Battlecry( Bethesda Austin). That was 3 years between the fallout 4 release date and fallout 76
part of me hopes that MS is forcing them to have it launch in a better quality but then part of me is like Bethesda gon Bethesda.

if the game launches in a buggy mess i dont think MS will be happy about it but who knows... it'll be interesting.
Think they'll care about how good it is overall, pretty much every bethesda RPG game has been buggy but are still GoTY contenders so i doubt they'll care either way tbh.


Most of the vitriol directed at Cyberpunk was because it wouldn't run on 2013 Jaguar CPU consoles.
I wouldn’t say it wouldn’t run as it clearly did. I even finished the game on these 2013 Jaguar CPUs.

I would say that the bugs it had clearly had more impact to the general gameplay than say Skyrim did. Cyberpunk bugs were very frequent and obvious at the beginning while Skyrim bugs for me were sometimes just as worse but it became more apparent the longer you play the game but very subtle in the beginning. Both had gamebreaking bugs that I personally experienced like save game bloat which both had.

One thing I always experienced in Bethesda games at launch is that their games are 10/10 the first 20-30 hours of the game. I encounter a huge bug that puts me off the game. Then I just stop playing and wait for their patches so I can continue that 10/10 experience.

Cyberpunk on the other hand, for me, was a good experience but I probably got a hundred glitches and bugs on average in my first 30 hours. The problem was those bugs were very obvious.


Same here. i expect higher geometric detail, and some other refined visual effects, likely more light sources, object density.
I expect the game to play like fallout 4 but with space craft.

It gives me vibes of what pre warp earth was like in star trek first contact.


You do realize that you just made a borg easter-egg to be found on some distant planet yer :messenger_heart:
Dude, I don't get what argument you're trying to make. It entered full production in 2018 as repeatedly stated and the article confirms

Todd Howard confirmed that Starfield began development immediately after Fallout 4 in a much more recent interview. I'm not disagreeing with you, but full production just represents a different phase of development, but actual development began immediately after Fallout 4 according to Howard.
Also folks, do not doubt the size of this game. Todd Howard is confidently saying it's far larger than Skyrim and Fallout 76 apparently. Seems unthinkable, I know, but I really do believe we are looking at a far more ambitious and more massive game than we are all expecting. Todd Howard has described it as Skyrim in space verbatim, and he has gone on record about the raw size of the game.

I suspect they're taking aspects of this game a lot further than many of us are thinking. I know it's really cliche to say this, but this really and truly could end up being their biggest and most ambitious game ever.


Also folks, do not doubt the size of this game. Todd Howard is confidently saying it's far larger than Skyrim and Fallout 76 apparently. Seems unthinkable, I know, but I really do believe we are looking at a far more ambitious and more massive game than we are all expecting. Todd Howard has described it as Skyrim in space verbatim, and he has gone on record about the raw size of the game.

I suspect they're taking aspects of this game a lot further than many of us are thinking. I know it's really cliche to say this, but this really and truly could end up being their biggest and most ambitious game ever.
Skyrim was grounded. Starfield isn't. You have tons of planets to discover, which means the game is much bigger.

With mods, the game would be massive.

The thing that held skyrim was the lore. Starfield is on alien planets. Modders aren't constrained by the starfield world, compared to skyrim.
I thought Fallout 4 and Skyrim had an acceptable level of bugs. What they really need to improve on is thier NPC AI systems. It's Bethesda game studios though, and I will be there on day one regardless.
I remember Cyberpunk had a 92 on Metacritic a week after launch, on PC. Immense backlash eventually pushed that down to 86, but the fact is you're obviously cherry picking a busted port to make a point.
Using Metacritic is pointless for Cyberpunk. The fact that the game even got an 86 on PC is fucking laughable for how broken it was.
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People keep forgetting how sony tried to moneyhat starfield to be a PS5 exclusive. It's coming later this year. Didn't they announce a date of November already?
Not a fan of Bethesda but this is why I am excited for Starfield as Sony saw something with this.
I'm not the one that brought up metacritic scores, though.

I also thought Cyberpunk on PC was a very good game, so...
But you tried to discredit his argument by using Metacritic lmao. If you liked the game that is your personal opinion but let's not play pretend fantasy land. CP looked and ran better on PC but it still had the same buggy code on launch and had all of the same core issues. Everyone who gave thier opinion on CP who played it on PC still said it was a buggy mess of a game on launch.
I gotta love this whole gang who so love to project themselves on others. They are literally on a thread about a game in a platform they don't care about, calling others trolls. And I guess lick each others wounds.
Lame bait & shit post.
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I wasn't asking for a wiki link i was asking you, but we'll go with that

Do you think it makes sense for most of maryland to have worked on Starfield since 2015 and only have a prototype with representitive gameplay three years later?
It’s a new IP and universe, they’ve been working on it far longer than that. Todd said they had worked a few years on it once they trademarked the name Starfield in 2013, prototyping and paper work I would guess, small core team. It’s a big studio, people has moved in and out and later the team grew as people has been freed up from other projects. Starfield has been in active development at Maryland since after Fallout 4 in 2015 which is when I assume they had a clear vision of what they should do so a bigger part of the studio jumps in on it. FO76 was there too as a collaboration project with former Battlecry and people has also been working on The Elder Scrolls VI as well in Maryland, possibly the bigger part of the studio right now if Starfield is in the polishing state.


Ubisoft manages to crank out big games with not even half as many bugs as Bethesda's. They're overloaded with fetch quests and collectibles, which is easy, but not sure why it takes Bethesda so much longer. Scattering collectibles and scattering junk to pick up off tables don't seem very different. Bethesda's worlds show more care in design, but that can't be what doubles or triples production time.. So Bethesda's engine makes a flawed product and is more difficult and time-consuming to work with? Great management. I guess they think a transition is just too risky? Frostbite bombed for a few of the EA teams who tried to use it..

Might as well claim GTA V and RDR 2 must have had terrible engines since they couldn’t make them in the same 2 years Ubisoft uses for Assassins creed games.
Also, Elden Ring took 5 years to make. You gonna claim it’s terrible management too and a ‘bad engine’, since they couldn’t do it in Ubisoft’s 2 year cadence ?


Ubisoft manages to crank out big games with not even half as many bugs as Bethesda's. They're overloaded with fetch quests and collectibles, which is easy, but not sure why it takes Bethesda so much longer. Scattering collectibles and scattering junk to pick up off tables don't seem very different. Bethesda's worlds show more care in design, but that can't be what doubles or triples production time.. So Bethesda's engine makes a flawed product and is more difficult and time-consuming to work with? Great management. I guess they think a transition is just too risky? Frostbite bombed for a few of the EA teams who tried to use it..
There’s barely any interaction with the world in recent Ubi games though, barely any AI scripting or NPC behavior. Just spend 5 mins in a village in AC Odyssey or Valhalla and you’ll see even Oblivion has a more believable and living open world than Ubi games (NPCs following a schedule, reacting to you, etc.).
The main Bethesda studio headed by Todd Howard is currently the biggest it has ever been in its history, and the number of platforms this game is releasing on is the smallest since Daggerfall back in 1996 when their games were PC exclusive.

More man-power and less platforms = more curated and polished final product.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Its not about "joking". Im not even looking forward to this. These are the same people who kept downplaying the acquisition.
No, they are not and you should stop generalising.

You started riling people up, you are good at that I grant you that, because you felt you are the thread police on the lookout for infidels and on top of that you just admitted you are not even looking forward to this game which is telling too.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I gotta love this whole gang who so love to project themselves on others. They are literally on a thread about a game in a platform they don't care about, calling others trolls. And I guess lick each others wounds.

The game is on Xbox and PC, they may care about the game and not the platform and the main derail was started by Concern who just said he does not care about this game.

All because quality control comments were made about a game by a company with a history of …how to say it… jank and glitches too? This is not what has changed, what has changed is people being overprotective, circling their wagon, about one of their own (perceived) as if only the inner circle could criticise it not the invaders you are on the lookout for apparently. This kind of baiting console warriors and always being aggressive against someone not in the inner circle is really not conductive to any worthwhile chat no matter how you want to feel about it. So unwelcoming.
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Todd Howard confirmed that Starfield began development immediately after Fallout 4 in a much more recent interview. I'm not disagreeing with you, but full production just represents a different phase of development, but actual development began immediately after Fallout 4 according to Howard.

I know. I've said the game was in pre-production since 2015 at least. That doesn't mean 76 was an Austin-led project though. Most of Maryland was on it and pretty much all the leads in the credits are from Maryland.


Still absolutely crazy to me they haven't showed a single snippet of gameplay yet. It's 10 months out and in development for years. Don't they care about getting people hyped or jumping on Xbox? A good gameplay demo is enough to sway people over, even 10 months out.
in term of mods, bethesda are number 1. They basically gave the modders access to their engine. Creation engine 2 would be available for modders. Since Bethesda allows modders to use their engine.

Tes6 is using the same engine as starfield.
Yup. That's what I said. In addiition to that Creation Engine provides that unmatchable feature where each and every object is tracked and kept in the world so when you drop something you can later return and the object will be still there.


Still absolutely crazy to me they haven't showed a single snippet of gameplay yet. It's 10 months out and in development for years. Don't they care about getting people hyped or jumping on Xbox? A good gameplay demo is enough to sway people over, even 10 months out.
That is how Todd works.

First he shows a teaser/trailer. Then talks about the game on the e3 of the release year.


I'm hoping this will be a good game, but I don't get how so many are so confident without any extensive gameplay footage? I really need a good RPG!
Go play skyrim.

People want exploration game like skyrim om space, and that is what starfield is.

Exploration is what bethesda is good at. Marrowind, oblivion and skyrim.
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