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What are your thoughts on Sony's PC ports now running vastly better than their games do on PS5?

Where will you play Sony games?

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The bear of bad news
The difference will only become more pronounced as the gen moves forward.

This was obviously inevitable but tbh I'm miffed that I dropped money on a PS5 when I can play Sony's best better on PC.

I'm a Sony fan for life and will play their industry best games wherever they play best and while this might be a good move for Sony's business, the value proposition of owning one of their consoles has unmistakably diminished.

This is an example of what I'm talking about.



Cretinously credulous
These days PS5 games look very very good to me anyway, especially if you aren't comparing them side by side or something. And I am starved for good single player games. So I will get them wherever they release first.

I don't mind these games releasing on PC at all either. Choices are great and it's a win win. Rock on wherever you want, I personally will get these on PS5 first.


The difference will only become more pronounced as the gen moves forward.

This was obviously inevitable but tbh I'm miffed that I dropped money on a PS5 when I can play Sony's best better on PC.

I'm a Sony fan for life and will play their industry best games wherever they play best and while this might be a good move for Sony's business, the value proposition of owning one of their consoles has unmistakably diminished.

This is an example of what I'm talking about.

Does the better ray tracing reflections justify waiting years for you?

I would still play the game on PS5, maybe double dipping in the future on PC.


The difference will only become more pronounced as the gen moves forward.

This was obviously inevitable but tbh I'm miffed that I dropped money on a PS5 when I can play Sony's best better on PC.

I'm a Sony fan for life and will play their industry best games wherever they play best and while this might be a good move for Sony's business, the value proposition of owning one of their consoles has unmistakably diminished.

This is an example of what I'm talking about.

It’s a launch game port of ps4 game. Ps5 games will also look much better


Does the better ray tracing reflections justify waiting years for you?
Why do people have a problem with waiting? It's not like Sony makes lots of multiplayer games where players could lose pace with or where the community could be dead. I don't mind if i have to wait for a game. It's even better, because it's finally patched and already has addons. Also pretty sure it won't be years in the near future.
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Who cares, PC and console users are different. I don't get the big fuss a lot of the PSX better titles came out on the PC and looked vastly different and I never cared as a Saturn and DC fan when SEGA looked to bring its games to PC.


Why do people have a problem with waiting? It's not like Sony makes lots of multiplayer games where players could lose pace with or where the community could be dead. I don't mind if i have to wait for a game. It's even better, because it's finally patched and already has addons.
What is the problem with waiting? Are you kidding me?!
I want to play the game when it’s new, relevant, hype, best looking and not spoiled.
The pc ports are not worth waiting for barely any improvements. There are some disadvantages too.


Im tempted to trade my ps5 in, as can easily wait a yr or two to play a better version of the game, plus the noise the fan in my ps5 makes is so fck annoying, my pc is miles less annoying with its 5 fans compared to the ps5 one, i was always a sony fanboy and buying everything on playstation, now if its multiplatform i buy on pc or xbox and only buy exclusive games on playstation


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Its no suprice it would run BETTER on pc.

500USD console vs 5000USD Beefy PC.

GoW Ragnaroc Im getting on PS5 cause its not on PC... YET.
And I dont want to get spoiled during the year or years its going to take for it to come on pc.
There were plenty of people here saying ps5 games would never run on pc because of the PS5s I/O system, so there were people in shock over ps games suddenly dropping on pc


What is the problem with waiting? Are you kidding me?!
I want to play the game when it’s new, relevant, hype, best looking and not spoiled.
The pc ports are not worth waiting for barely any improvements. There are some disadvantages too.
Relevant? Lmao, those are singleplayer games, they are always relevant and except maybe TLOU2 there are usually no critical spoilers you couldn't avoid.


To be fair, the value and performance you get on PS5 for 500$ is still super appealing on top of being a super easy plug and play experience.

I’m on PC so that's where I’ll get these games. To me, the console crowd and the PC crowd are two separate entity that don’t really compete against each other and the amount of people who will skip the console because of PC ports is marginal at best and won’t impact the console numbers.

Also, this thread:
alligator attacking GIF


Lol, "waiting" for PC ports will only exacerbate the issue of good console games selling low amounts of copies. Just saying. Games are not a commodity that can sit on a shelf for a long time, and if it does, the publisher will take that as non-interest.

If you wanna play a game and like the franchise, buy it quickly, cause if too many people think like OP and "wait" it's all negative in the end.


Why do people have a problem with waiting? It's not like Sony makes lots of multiplayer games where players could lose pace with or where the community could be dead. I don't mind if i have to wait for a game. It's even better, because it's finally patched and already has addons. Also pretty sure it won't be years in the near future.
I don't have a problem with waiting, but waiting extra years to play I game I really want to play? Nah

God of War Ragnarok is eventually coming to PC. But I can't wait to play it in November. Should I wait at least a year, if not longer, for better graphics?


On the contrary I have no interest of playing the game that I have already finished multiple times again on PC

Although I still buy them (its just a stupid habit of mine), but after around 10 minute of messing around with the PC setting I got bored (which is another stupid habit of mine), its the same game and same experience, frame rate and resolution difference does not warrant another playthrough, my time is important.

And consider new game still release on PS5 first, I think the console is still pretty relevant to me.

My total play time of God of War on PC is less than 20 minute, its the same fucking game I played in 2018. Yes I just bought Spider-Man remastered on Steam, and yes I will buy Uncharted Collection on steam too later, that doesn't mean I'm going to play them again.
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I don't have a problem with waiting, but waiting extra years to play I game I really want to play? Nah

God of War Ragnarok is eventually coming to PC. But I can't wait to play it in November. Should I wait at least a year, if not longer, for better graphics?
Better graphics, better input devices, mods, finished games, released addons. I really don't mind waiting. I mean i could play it right now, but not spending 60 Euro on this. I'll wait even longer for 10-20 bucks. Maybe i'm not that passionate for gaming anymore, but there are very very rarely games i need to play on release.


On the contrary I have no interest of playing the game that I have already finished multiple times again on PC

Although I still buy them (its just a stupid habit of mine), buy after around 10 minute of messing around with the PC setting I got bored (which is another stupid habit of mine), its the same game and same experience, frame rate and resolution difference does not warrant another playthrough, my time is important.

And consider new game still release on PS5 first, I think the console is still pretty relevant to me.

My total play time of God of War on PC is less than 20 minute, its the same fucking game I played in 2018. Yes I just bought Spider-Man remastered on Steam, and yes I will buy Uncharted Collection on steam too later, that doesn't mean I'm going to play them again.
If you can’t help yourself buying Sony’s game with no intend to play them, feel free to gift them to me. ❤️

The Sandlot Kiss GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


of course PC is going to look and run better.... that's kinda the whole point of PC. you build one if you want the best graphics and performance. it's an enthusiast platform.

and this is just the start! new GPUs coming soon which make current gen consoles look pathetic. PS5 is 10TF and XSX is 12TF. These cards look like they could go as high as 92TF! Also, wait until DirectStorage and PCIE 5.0 SSDs become more common. A PS5 SSD can max out at 7.1GB/s. PC will be loading games significantly faster with up to 14.2GB/s speeds :messenger_sunglasses:

so far none of the sony games on PC interest me so i can't really say how good the ports are. i do hope Sony isn't holding back to make PS5 look good. PC versions should be able to run at any resolution (5k/8k), any fps (120, 144, 165, 175, 240, 360hz), and should have "full fat" ray tracing and other effects.


Better graphics, better input devices, mods, finished games, released addons. I really don't mind waiting. I mean i could play it right now, but not spending 60 Euro on this. I'll wait even longer for 10-20 bucks. Maybe i'm not that passionate for gaming anymore, but there are very very rarely games i need to play on release.
Spending 70 on a port of few years old games… while you could spend the same on release on console and play day one.

Better input devices? There is no better input device for this games than dualsense and it’s haptics require wired connection on pc lol.
But if you want to wait few years to play God of war with keyboard and mouse? Sure nobody stops you.
But console is only 400 and you can play everything day 1 with basically the same graphics.
Why make your life harder


Better graphics, better input devices, mods, finished games, released addons. I really don't mind waiting. I mean i could play it right now, but not spending 60 Euro on this. I'll wait even longer for 10-20 bucks. Maybe i'm not that passionate for gaming anymore, but there are very very rarely games i need to play on release.
I understand where you came from, but for me waiting a year or two could mean unintentional spoiler that ruin my enjoyment, I can't remember how many time I have been spoiled of my fun because of some random information that I have no intention of viewing but forced onto me without me realizing before its too late.

I like to play a game super blind, to me spoiler is not only about story but also about gameplay, no amount of framerate, resolution or mods could compensate the ruining of my blind playthrough.

I do prefer PC version when it comes to third party games without the needing to wait, but I had always and will be purchasing day one for the games that I cared about, if its timed exclusive for PS5, Series X or Nintendo Switch
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I just don't like having this stupid dilemma now where I'm like, should I play this now on PS5 or wait for the superior PC port?
From my experience: if a game is so good I'm interested in, I just play it where it comes first (unless it's like a month or two apart). I have double dipped so many times and never finished a game on PC that I finished before on PS4/PS5. Even with all the blows and whistles it's often not worth going through again, except for it's an exceptionally good game. But even that, depending on the game's nature it might not be well-suited for another playthrough, and I rather play something new with my limited time instead.

even RDR2, God of War, etc. which I loved I didn't manage to play again on PC for more than a few hours. Some games I stopped buying then for PC.

So you must decide whether the game itself is interesting enough for you, not the performance and visuals. If it's the latter you're interested in, you can easily wait. If it's a really great game and you want it now, you'll enjoy it thoroughly despite having slightly worse visuals and performance than it could have on PC in 2 or 3 years time.

Also, that's just personally though, I love the DualSense and the complete haptics package it delivers in supporting games. Unfortunately many, while having a PC version of a game, doesn't support it there.

so my scheme is as follows:
AA(A) title at least 40fps mode and full DualSense support: PS5 version.
AA(A) that looks and runs vastly better on PC and doesn't use the DualSense's new features: PC version.
(smaller) Indie titles: PC version so I could always play them on the Deck.

There are exceptions: some games doesn't support all DualSense features, but run better console because incompetent developers can't figure out DX12/UE stutter on PC. That's the PS5 version then for me as well, regardless of PC graphics. I can't enjoy a game that stutters all the time so I couldn't care less about visuals or overall FPS.

So if in doubt, I'll try the PC version first, refund if I'm not satisfied, look for videos on the console version and go for that one.

If there's no PC version at all: PS5 version.

Once done once or twice it's really easy and not that big of a dilemma.


Gold Member
I don't have a high-end gaming PC and have no plans to get one at the moment, so I'll play on what I have. These games still look very good on the $400-500 PS5, just not quite as good as on a $3000 PC.
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You are wrong. There is no reason to wait and not play with all the hype
What hype? How does it affect my gaming experience? How does it help me? If i see a game i like, i put it on my list and play it at some point. But that's rarely on release anyways and that has a lot of advantages. I get it for multiplayer games, but not singleplayer games. But i think there is no right or wrong. Some people can wait and some don't, but i think more people can wait. For example this game. Sold lots of copies, but i bet most of them not even in the release year.


What hype? How does it affect my gaming experience? How does it help me? If i see a game i like, i put it on my list and play it at some point. But that's rarely on release anyways and that has a lot of advantages. I get it for multiplayer games, but not singleplayer games. But i think there is no right or wrong. Some people can wait and some don't, but i think more people can wait. For example this game. Sold lots of copies, but i bet most of them not even in the release year.
This is very weird rare behaviour.
Are you sure you are even a gamer? This is your side hobby.
It is my fav interest and waiting is pain


I'm a PC owner and I don't go along with the premise here. I don't just buy a console for first party games . There's more reasons to own a physical console than just to play the "best version" of first party games on PC. Certain companies make lousy ports on PC, and compatibility issues and bugs come up all the time as games get older. Example...Capcom released Bionic Commando Reloaded on PS3 and PC. Guess what? The game is still available on Steam, but won't work for most people without a lot of hassle and work arounds, but you can go back and play it on the PS3 version without issue. The main reason to own a console for me is to collect physical games for it. Another reason is I like certain Japanese physical and digital games that are exclusive to the Switch, PS4, and PS5. The M2 ShotTriggers games on PS4 and Arcade Archives are only available on console(not counting the Neo Geo AA). Those games are important enough to me not to be a PC only gamer.
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This is very weird rare behaviour.
Are you sure you are even a gamer? This is your side hobby.
It is my fav interest and waiting is pain
Yeah, i play very much. Even a bit too much lately and the WOTLK release won't help :messenger_grinning_smiling:
Spending 70 on a port of few years old games… while you could spend the same on release on console and play day one.

Better input devices? There is no better input device for this games than dualsense and it’s haptics require wired connection on pc lol.
But if you want to wait few years to play God of war with keyboard and mouse? Sure nobody stops you.
But console is only 400 and you can play everything day 1 with basically the same graphics.
Why make your life harder
I'm done with consoles anyways.


Spending 70 on a port of few years old games… while you could spend the same on release on console and play day one.

Better input devices? There is no better input device for this games than dualsense and it’s haptics require wired connection on pc lol.
But if you want to wait few years to play God of war with keyboard and mouse? Sure nobody stops you.
But console is only 400 and you can play everything day 1 with basically the same graphics.
Why make your life harder
Sell me your 3080 at a discount price already. Come on!
Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
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